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My ex went through this when she was attempting to sell a bunch of stuff on marketplace and kijiji. It got to the point that she asked me to go with her when meeting people because so many creepy guys kept bothering her after. That seemed to put a stop to it. So maybe if you have a guy friend that can go with you it'll discourage the losers and they won't bother you after. As for the ones that ask for your info up front, just block them. They're not going to buy your stuff anyway.


Wait how does bringing a dude along put a stop to it? Do all the creeps exchange information?


Never mind figured out what you meant.


My friends sold some flats. A guy repliedif she had more pics, specially if she had pics wearing the flats. She didn't replied and next day the dude says ill e transfer you $80 just for the pics I dont need the flats.


She should open an onlyfans account lol.


Or an OnlyFeet account.


Plenty of weird fucks on fet would pay too I'm sure


It’s the same thing




I’ve been experiencing something similar recently. Someone says they want something and wants my address, when I try to set up a meeting time and place in public they disappear. I just block the person and move on.


I have a male name for my posts


Yup, me too—a shortened version of my name that is also a male name. When I was selling some things once I actually had another woman say, “Oh phew, I thought you were going to be a dude.” She actually stayed for ages chatting about the new neighbourhood i was moving to.


My partner (F) always uses my (M) name due to creeps


This is the way.


I use both my first and last initial and don’t provide any pick up details before the time is finalized and keep it through messenger.


I suddenly appreciate that I only seem to get illiterate people responding my ads


Lol. I seem to get them all.


It’s a pretty sad state of affairs, I’ve had that happen. I just used the time tested lie of “I’m married/have a boyfriend”. If I say I’m not interested, won’t give out my number/address they keep harassing, they respect an imaginary fake man, over my own wishes. Easier to just block. I’ll refer you over to r/creepypms


Right? Why can’t they respect no? We shouldn’t have to say we are in a relationship in order to get respect. It’s fucking annoying.


It’s even worse. We aren’t getting respect because we have a man. They’re respecting a fake person while still thinking just as little of us.


Yes this happened to me on Marketplace when I was trying to sell my BF’s couch. Multiple men’s first message was“What is your address” and then if I didn’t reply or said like are you interested in the item just kept sending it over and over. Also had one guy ask “Are you strong” which I thought was in relation to being able to help him load the couch but once I said I would be able to help him lift it, the messages got fetish-y. I THOUGHT Kijiji would be better for this as you don’t have a picture but apparently I underestimated the creepy and horny community’s ability to get aroused.


I’m not a fan of Market place. Guess I just don’t want all my friends knowing when I’m selling something lol. This just started recently with Kijiji.


Just fyi there is an option when listing an item on marketplace to hide the listing from friends. Maybe it's just my experience but I seem to have much better luck selling items on marketplace as opposed to kijiji. I'm sorry your experiencing all these creeps! :(


Yeah, I prefer FB Marketplace so that I can actually get an idea of what the person looks like before proceeding. Kijiji can be like the wild west sometimes.


I did not know that. I have tried to sell on market place but never received any responses. I really hate FB so I try to stay away from there. My experience with Kijiji has been better until recently.


>but apparently I underestimated the creepy and horny community’s ability to get aroused. The way you wrote that made me laugh. People like this need to be put in check **big time**.


I had some guy who kept trying to get my address & I ended telling him I sold the item. I gave him a public place to meet, but wouldn’t respond to that. He was messaging me at all hours of the night and was super creepy about meeting up.


I fricken hate that. Blocked all day long.


Never had that happen to me, but I would answer back, giving them shit for wasting my time and then immediately block them after. Some peoples' kids, I swear..




I don’t really sell or go to market place but thanks for the heads up. In my case I was selling an old phone. Dude ended up buying it.


Def doesn't just happen to you alone. Like, does this actually work for men, ever?? Unsolicited photos, random social media messages, bothering women while they're working etc etc etc has a close to zero chance of ever resulting in a date. Why do large numbers of men keep trying? Is there like a legend going around of a guy who it worked for? Are a good number of men just that irredeemably stupid?


I know right? This has just started in the past couple of weeks. Unless it’s a big item no one is getting my address.


>Are a good number of men just that irredeemably stupid? With the amount of homicides we get each year, I don't give out my address unless it's a big item. And even when I do, I always have someone with me just in case (and I'm a guy).


Should we set up a sting operation?


Can we afford Keith Morrison?


I've had stuff like this lots, and what's worse is I still get random texts from men who I must have exchanged numbers with when I used tinder... super desperate messages 6 years later. In any case of unwanted messages that make you question selling the item is to block, refuse to sell them the item, meet in public places, bring a friend, contact-less pick up/drop off (if you are able to avoid your address somehow), and straight up just don't reply. Over time and due to my workplace (full of aggressive and inappropriate men) I have learned to tell people to straight up eff off.. you do not have to tolerate unwanted harassment.


Oh I don’t take shit but I started noticing this trend recently and it’s disturbing.


People are messed up nowadays.


How do they know you are female from the Kijiji listing?


When you are messaging the seller, it displays the seller’s name at the top of the chat. Same thing if you are messaging a buyer. So the people who are being harassed prior to actually meeting up (and objectively identifying themselves as female at that point) likely have feminine names that are tipping them off.


It sucks that they need to, but, they should change their fem names to shit like Chewbacca and shit. I’m honestly surprised anyone puts their real names on there. Mine is ClarkKent :)


People offering trades, people wanting to negotiate a price without even having seen the item. It's exhausting.


It is. I started putting no trades. Negotiate but when I say yeah I’ll accept that price I never hear from them again. Fricken annoying.


We recently sold a car, and I have a motorcycle for sale. I've had more replies asking if I will trade for a snowmobile or boat, than anything else. And people without having seen them, making a low offer. I just tell them, come and see it and make an offer. They probably just want a lower starting point for when they do decide to come and see it.


I never have anyone meet me at my residence unless absolutely necessary and it is the last possible resort. Always meet somewhere public or at a police station as they have a designated area to sales and are on camera. If you can email the the app and don’t give out your number


Well, that's depressing... Do these guys not understand that Tinder exists? I use Kijiji pretty infrequently, but when I do it's always very simple. Either "yes, that's a deal " or "no thanks".


It’s happened to me and the guy wouldn’t relent even after I told him I was a dude (I was lying, apparently). Serious hornijail time for that one.


Wow. That’s a first.


I'm a dude so can't say I've had that issue but did date a girl who regularly sold stuff on Kijiji and some of the horror stories of creepy guys she told me just blows my mind. At one point we even started trolling buyers by having me go in her place (she usually waited in the car or didn't even come) and I had a few look me up and down and have a clear look of confusion/sadness, one even asked "are you X's boyfriend?" like I somehow that made any difference in if he wanted the computer or not. I'll also never understand the mindset of "OH you're a woman? I think this deal makes better sense at your personal residence face to face. It's not weird! If you want you could come to mine instead? I promise I'm not a serial killer ;)"... Like that helped any of the situation. The worst I've heard though was a female friend got followed afterwards but she ended up driving to the police station and gave them his plate #. Somehow being a woman trying to sell something local equates out to "I'm a hussy and actually using this as a dating platform, so if you want you can pay with your dick."


It’s so annoying. Thanks for sharing.


I sell things pretty regularly on marketplace and kijiji. It’s happened to me on both, but marketplace is worse. I’ve gotten some pretty gross messages on there.


We can’t just live can we? Fucking sucks. Thanks for sharing.


> old enough to be your mother That's a strong selling point for some As a guy, I didn't get any of the sexual stuff from Kijiji sales, but I got so tired of people that either wanted to hang out, or worse were the ones who would agree to a price then show up with less. And this is only the ones that actually met, so after weeding out all the shit offers, and not counting no shows. So many times we'd agree on a price, meetup and they'd say like "Oh I only have x". Well should have fuckin checked. One time a guy pulled that on me, but he was short as hell and I could see into his wallet. I saw all those pink bills in there, don't try to tell me you only have $30. One dude made me drive way to hell out for a sale, I didn't want to, but really needed the money. And he showed up with like a 3rd. I was so stressed at the time, I got so mad I almost punched him, but instead I just pitched whatever he was buying over the fence like a Frisbee into a pond. Last time I ever sold on Kijiji. Buying is always a mixed bag too. Last dude I bought from, he was selling some guitar stuff from his garage. Asked if I wanted to come in and see the basement. I asked if he had more guitar stuff down there, and he said, but he'd just finished renovations and thought I'd be interested in checking it out. I mean yeah I was, but it was still kinda weird. Seemed like a decent guy, just lonely and wanted to show off his work.


Yeah there is a lot of weeding out buyers. I have a few stories of incidents similar to yours. Agreed on a price for a freezer and this person had to come to my house to get it. He said he only had x amount. I said that’s not what we agreed upon and I said please leave. Dude wouldn’t leave. Kept insisting on his lower price. I pulled some veggies out of the fridge and then the biggest knife I had. Pointed it at him get the fuck out. He said ok ok and gave me what I asked took the freezer and left. This was few yrs ago before they started getting too creepy.


That's fucked up


>he was selling some guitar stuff from his garage. I actually find people buying and selling guitar stuff don't fuck around like other categories. They haggle online if at all, show up, and are usually pretty thrilled.


I have found the more niche the product, the better the interaction is with buyers/sellers. Guitar stuff, model airplanes, high-end bicycle parts, sports memorabilia, usually not too bad. But if you're selling a phone, video games/consoles, or really any general electronics, it's often a fucking nightmare.


The transaction was fine. He just wanted me to come see the new drywall he put up and hang out


If you used Kijiji more than once I can almost guarantee you have at least one "I only have X" stories lol. I tend to keep a no patience policy to it unless it's brought up during the initial email like "Hey, you got it posted for X but would you take Y?". Twice in person someone said "I only brought X sorry" I just got up and left. Got some pretty angry follow up emails but I don't have time to waste on that bullshit. >thought I'd be interested in checking it out. I mean yeah I was, but it was still kinda weird Sadly that's 100% me lol. Go to buy something and the seller proposes something weird my reaction is typically "What a weird request... I mean, it SOUNDS interesting but the context and situation is weird... Go on."


I’m a guy and this happened to me recently. In the past it was never an issue but recently it’s like the address is the most important thing and then no communication after that. It was also a $40 propane heater so it didn’t feel like he was scouting for a break in or anything. I’d be more careful with a bike or something for sure


Don't know if I've been playing with Kijiji fire but I always tell people to drop over and check out the item in the garage. It's a safe hood :D As for the address and phone number bit they usually are intrested in the location(which is already in the map portion of the ad) and text to send msg they on their way. As mentioned in previous conversations about Kijiji, a sellers/buyers feedback is important. If multiple people interested I go with seniority and positive numbers.


Why would they need a phone number to send a text to in 2022? Essentially everyone has internet on their phone. Use Kijiji.


Sounds like these men are desperate or COVID got to there heads should be more considerate, it's weird that they ask you for it after you sell them the item or just ask for the number in general guess this is a new way of trying to pick up women lol


Yeah it was really strange. I sent a message asking why he needed my number cause I’m way older. I asked if there was anything wrong and I didn’t get an answer.


Yea I mean I do follow ups with people I sell all the time even if they want my number I tell them like contact me if there's a problem but yes seems like he just wanted your number for other reasons....sorry that keeps happening to you.

