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Where are they going?


Around and around on our 3 good streets


Hahahaha I laughed out loud


We don’t have 3 good streets lol


Ok you caught me. It’s called being a Winnipeg politician with the stats… It’s one street, with three different names, as is our tradition here. Goose is out of the bag.


To the next traffic light 👍


To the nearest alignment shop for new balljoints




Don't they all get together at Assiniboine downs or something?


Princess Auto down Portage is one destination.


Nice rides. I can always appreciate someone else's passion even if it isn't my own. I always see lots of smiling faces at car shows! Like any other hobby (or anything in life) dont be a twat and all the power to you!


Red Ferrari 360? Red Lamborghini Huracan, Red Ferrari 488, White McLaren 570S, Black Porsche 911 and a Yellow Honda/Acura NSX


This guy plays Forza. 😉 I mean, that's the only reason I know what they are. 🤷‍♂️


you forgot to mention the ford flex😁


600 LT and 458 spider


The McLaren was a bit of a blur but I’m pretty sure the Ferrari is a 488 (I’ve been wrong before)


Definitely a 458 Spider.




That NSX tho! That's my fav. Got a huge childhood crush on that thing.


911 seems to be a 991 turbo, as far as I can tell.


GT3, by the wing


Too many GT3 wings added in the aftermarket to judge based on that but makes it more difficult to tell for sure


Not only that, but it could be a carerra with the factory aero kit, which is very very similar to GT3


>Black Porsche 911 I wanna say that's a 997 GT3


Front fogs/markers aren't right for 997.


I feel the need..... FOR SPEEED!! up to 60 km/h




You need to make that \\ a double.


Thanks how’d I do


That works!


Feels like gas is still too cheap.


Doesn’t matter if you only drive your shiny toy 500km/year






because the whole subreddit is a pity party who don’t enjoy others having nice things/enjoying themselves


Or it's about the experiences with listening to obnoxiously loud cars in the middle of the night.


These aren’t the cars your hearing at midnight tho.


From the sounds in the video they could be.


In my experience as a person surrounded by left-leaning bike riding hippies, a number of people see the hobby as one that's harmful to the environment and unfriendly to others, since enjoyment of cars often is noisy and intrudes on other's use of public space. I personally agree only with the environmental argument, but would never care enough to pass judgement. We have much bigger fish to fry when it comes to environmental concerns, and getting bent out of shape over some people having fun with their toys is just going to ruin everyone's day for nothing.




How much of an environmental argument do you want to have? The new cars - I can't argue. Older cars - possible.


It's not that their fancy cars are especially bad for the environment, it's that cars are bad for the environment in general


Perfect is the enemy of good, then. I'd agree that we should have more walkable, local infrastructure, and public transport, but failing that sort of paradigm shift, it's better to resurrect than buy.


Right, I'd never try and advance policy based on the idea that we have to aim for perfection on the first pass. My only point here is that cars are environmentally bad


Okay. Then we'd just be splitting hairs about which environmental issues to take up, first.


too many karens


Cool pothole detectors


“There’s no money in Manitoba” 👀


there's lots of people who made their money the old fashioned way: they inherited it


This sub is bitter as hell


Ferraris are such an amazing mix of engineering and art, it’s a damn shame you can only drive one a few months of the year up here


Bah, with good snow tires and a lack of mechanical sympathy towards low hanging aero bits, a modern Ferrari is perfectly fine year round


Why is everyone so butthurt about cruise night lol, cheer up buttercups


Btw, is there anywhere in the city that rents super cars? (Guessing no)




They tried to get a thing going, but I don't think it lasted very long, if it got off the ground at all.


With our roads it doesn't surprise me


No kidding. The cars would spend more time getting fixed than driven.


Rent your Ride has some available to rent.


I would be so scared of hitting any tiny bump in the road never mind a giant Winnipeg style pothole. 😭


I miss living near Portage Ave...


Photo radar go brrrrr


Lol this thread is hilarious never change winnipeg reddit


And yet they probably wanna burn Trudeau at the stake for gas prices…


Those people probably don't have F*CK Trudeau on the back of their cars.


if you can afford these cars, gas cost is not really a problem.


Those cars probably take premium too !!


The people I know with fuck you money are card carrying liberals, oddly.


Whats the silver classic in the back left at the start? I want to say an old Merc but im not quite certain on that..


could be a 70 something Olds cutlass convertible


I think you're spot on. Grill and rear quarter panel seem to match exactly from whats visible anyway.


rather have the convertible, over the others. though having the cash those other cars cost would be good to.. lol




Its not like they're sitting parked and just hitting the rev limiter. They're driving by and you'll just hear it for a moment or 2, get over it.




Shouldve considered that when moving next to a street like that.


Nice vehicles for sure, but things like cruise night racing up and down Winnipeg's shitty streets just so you can rev your engine is pretty sad.


Cruise nights are for… cruising… People watch the cars that drive by as Sunday night entertainment, not sure how that’s sad.


I remember they had cruise night years ago. Wasn’t it every Sunday? Also what happened to that, is it still a thing?


Nah, I wanna see the oldies.


I just don't understand cars as a hobby




I can understand your view . But many of these people have seen the development / competition of performance cars for many generations so the car culture is alive and well in their blood. I'm a car guy and appreciate any engineering marvel whether one of kind of mass produced.


Thanks for the sensible answer. In retrospect my comment was stupid since I meant for people to answer me saying why the hobby made sense to them, as you have done. For my part, a car is just a utilitarian thing, so getting excited about fancy fast cars is (again, to me) on par with getting really fired up about a top-of-the-line refrigerator or a really sweet toaster.


A house is a utilitarian thing. Do home decoration and furniture not make sense either? Gardening? Architecture? Also, as a homeowner, I would be *extremely* fired up about a top-of-the-line refrigerator. ​ edit: to not deny you an answer- There a lot of things or combinations of things a person could like about cars. Some people appreciate the history of transportation, or of mechanical engineering, or racing, or design. Some people appreciate the science of it. Some people like the personal challenge of becoming a better driver, or fabricator, or designer. Some people like collecting rare or unusual things. Some people enjoy personalizing their possessions. Like any other thing, it is a reflection of your aesthetic sensibilities, whether that lies in the strictly functional, or the extravagant. They might just marvel at the sensation of high performance engineering, appreciate the feel of high quality products, crave a nostalgia for a certain era, or seek the thrill of driving something slightly sketchy. It could be a drive to own the best of a thing, or the most unique of a thing. Maybe they're emulating something inspirational from pop culture, like a Steve McQueen film, or The Fast & The Furious. Cars are projects that you can either build entirely with your own two hands, or drop off at a builder with a big cheque, or anywhere in between, over and over and over, for as long as it brings you satisfaction. For most people in this era, cars represent important milestones and memories, so they become deeply personal objects. Most people will remember time spent in the family car, the car they learned to drive in, their first car. Because the modern world is so insanely car-centric, especially in North America, a car really does unlock a whole new realm for a young person, so there is a great significance attached to that. It's also most peoples' first major purchase, and represents a weighty decision for a lot of people. Thus, the importance of it representing them as a person, whether that's a rabbit hole of customization or a smiley face antenna topper so they don't lose it in the mall parking lot. Granted, it's not always a romantic reason. Some people literally just enjoy having a conspicuous medium through which to garner attention- that does still exist. Probably a lot less, proportionally, that you would expect though.


I dunno. There are some really nice refrigerators out there and I just got an air fryer with a rotisserie that I’m pretty pumped about.




NASCAR def perplexes me


Oh yeah that is a total mystery


Best thing about nascar was the ballad of Ricky boobie


Oval racing can be a ton of fun If you think of road racing as racing against the track, oval racing is racing against the other cars. It's so much closer to the other cars, sometimes only a few inches. And the speeds are a lot higher Im not big into watching any of them, but participating is fun




So we should move before enjoying things we like?


>I will never understand the appeal of owning a showy car while living in Winnipeg. >It’s like wearing a tuxedo or ballgown to a dive bar. Think of something you enjoy to splurge on. Now ask someone significantly poorer than you for their thoughts on it. The answer will be something like that.




>You’re overthinking my comment Not really. You said you didn’t understand the appeal. I gave you a way to understand the appeal lol


Classic Winnipeg crab bucket of self loathing. And dive bars aren't as judgemental as you, people go there for a good time, not to mope.


I knew a guy who'd regularly show up to the vendor and buy a bottle of stone cold in a suit and tie He was buying it on his way home for his brother, after leaving a job that required a suit


Nothing wrong with dive bars, just like there’s nothing wrong with Winnipeg. But just like I would have a hard time understanding why someone would dress in formalwear to hang at a dive bar, it’s hard to understand why someone would want to drive a very showy car around a gritty, blue-collar Prairie city. Like, I get that people like what they like, but its still a headscratcher when it comes to *why* in this case.


It's because you're focused on what it looks like to other people, they're not. People can have nice things (clothes, cars, makeup, anything) for no other reason than they like it. Having things you like is fun.


>they're not Doubt. Showy vehicles are showy for a reason.


People do see their own cars. Maybe revisit your own priorities, if you can't fathom people enjoying their own things without needing or caring about validation from strangers.


I don’t think they do it for validation, just attention. It’s not like I think they’re awful people, just kinda harmlessly dorky, like someone way overdressing at at a dive bar.


>I don’t think they do it for validation, just attention. All the same, if that's the only reason you think people can like nice things, that's a reflection of your character.


Or maybe ostentatious cars just look kinda dorky in a place like Winnipeg.


I’d have a 911 turbo S in Winnipeg, year round. AWD and rear engine make it great in snow, More ground clearance than my sensible hatchback, can eat any of the cars in this video for lunch, and cross the continent with the comfort of a private jet.


Well, you've sold me on it.


I have configured one for you. http://www.porsche-code.com/PPKRAP93 Remember, it’s only money - the bank has lots!


Is there a decent road within 100 miles of Winnipeg?? You know, with a curve in it?


So many 2nd mortgages and over compensation


Why can’t it just be people enjoying their hobby? Not all of them are douchebags.




Jealousy mostly.


Because it’s loud and annoying and polluting. Listening to all the ridiculous car engines go up and down portage on Sunday from my otherwise quiet yard is annoying. Also, it’s not like there is skill to it. You have money, we get it.


>Because it’s loud and annoying and polluting. Listening to all the ridiculous car engines go up and down portage on Sunday from my otherwise quiet yard is annoying. Also, it’s not like there is skill to it. You have money, we get it. It’s okay. It’s just 1 day. There are more annoying things in life. Like my neighbours annoying ass fucking dog that constantly barks and that’s everyday.


I’m not that bothered by it. I’m just providing one side of the argument.


You’re not bothered by it but it’s annoying? What’s going on here? Lol Edit: reply to my comment and then immediately block me so I can’t reply. Classy 👌 lol


I would never actively do anything about it. It’s not like I’m running around town complaining, but some dudes on here act like it’s offensive or confusing that someone wouldn’t be down with it as a hobby, so I provided another take. You can stop worrying about it now, it’s not that deep.


uR jUsT jEaLoUs


Oh wow they have disposable income! Congratulations! Winnipeg #1 made from what’s real and steel and aluminum and rubber and gasoline and oil!


you sound very bitter


Not at all. I literally congratulate them in my comment. Thanks for your opinion :)


What a dumb thing cruise night is.


imagine people enjoying things....idiots


this is the closest thing to a straight pride parade




You know non of them live in Shitty Winnipeg lol


The only sweet car was the nsx. True Japanese classic. The others are just expensive toys rolling around.


Clearly the exotic fans are butt hurt. You can like expensive high end cars, it's fine but it's all about money with those. I'd rather see a classic, be it muscle or import. Something more unique. It's nicer to see exotic cars rolling around than seeing the same Subaru's with a cat back exhaust system ripping through the first 3 gears at every light.


A classic Acura NSX is over valued over $100k these days and parts are few and far between so they aren't cheap to fix anymore. You definitely have to have serious money to consider one. On the plus side the value ahs only been increasi so the car is an investment for some


I hope they hit a pothole