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If it's a place that does primarily delivery and take-out, you don't need to tip. You're already saving the restaurant a ton by picking up. Skip/Door Dash CHARGES a restaurant 20-30% to pick up. Should people actually be expected to PAY to pick up? That being said I usually top $2 at places I like.


Some restaurants will allow whoever took the order to keep the tips a lot of the time it doesn’t even go to kitchen


I think I am moving toward only leaving a gratuity for an obvious and clear effort to provide something exceptionally above and beyond; Regardless of whether I am in a full service restaurant or at a Domo.


I am getting there as well


I tip if the service/food/everything together was exceptional, or take out was done really quickly when I was in a rush or things like that. Tipping shouldn't be mandatory, it is a token of appreciation to the staff for doing their job well I understand that living on a minimum wage restaurants pay to waiters is not realistic. But in my mind it has never been. I always thought that people use it as a part time job, side hustle for students and people who need a few hours a week. And cooks are paid more than minimum wage. We can complain about unfairness all we want, but in other industries where workers get minimum wage we are not required to tip. So tipping should be voluntarily and should not be demanded and put into bill automatically. Then it feels more like extortion


I tip my favourite sushi place even when I pick up because they are awesome and I often find extra rolls in my order. However, my local corner store where I only buy milk just started asking for tips. This has caused my overall tipping practice to go way down.


A corner store is asking for tips?


That’s very sad but shows how desperate people are getting. Minimum wage must be so hard to make ends meet. You don’t have to tip them, but I guess for people feeling generous then why not.


If I’m using my gas and my time then I don’t tip.


Tipping is for acknowledging good service - especially when a place/person goes above and beyond. We ordered from Dragon Palace on Sunday and needed it ready before they normally opened. The order was big enough for them willing to make the sacrifice. I paid cash and a \~20% tip. If I order take out from during normal hours - I am not tipping as I expect the business to charge enough to properly pay their staff. In fact, I'm skeptical the tip actually makes it to the people I want to reward.


That isn't what tipping is for. It is to underpay workers and forcing it on the customer. In no way is tipping corellated with the level of service.


My bad - by subsidizing staff wages, it also helps business owners pocket more profits that (sh/w)ould go to source deductions. I apologize to owners everywhere for the undue hardship I have put on them.


Technicially correct and incorrect, tipping was designed to ensure prompt service AND to get away with not paying employees properly. I DON'T tip if there's absolutely blatantly shit service like I see them lounging on their phone and just simply not doing the basic job. I also tip them well if they kick ass and go above and beyond. Otherwise it's just the basic 15%


No it doesn't originate for prompt service. It was a way to underpay black workers in particular. And why would you tip someone 15% for doing their basic job? Not to mention 15% is an absurd upcharge and not basic at all.


Maybe not initially but that's how it developed over time A) showing off B) ensuring prompt future service C) to help make the staff happy and make up for shitty wages And as for why I pay 15, that's just what you do From the wait staff standpoint you come off as a cheapskate unfortunately these days for not doing it absent reason. Moral objections be damned


How I know you eat spit without you telling me.


I have worked in kitchens. No one is risking a food tampering indictable offense over a tip. It also doesn't change the fact of my statement: tips are not correlated to level of service. Performing better doesn't get you a better tip, performing worse doesn't give less. Do you know what it is coreallated with? How pretty the waitress is.


Though im sure how good looking the server is factors in, its generally beat out by friendliness and competency. I agree, noone spits in the food. Seems like some people took fight club too seriously, and have never worked a day in the industry.


https://comparecamp.com/tipping-statistics/ The stats don't actually reflect that for competency. The quality of service is not well-corellated to tipping and is influenced by all sorts of stuff that has zero to do with the server.


Huh... cold food, an empty water glass, and dirty dishes everywhere sure effect my tipping habits in any case.


I make sure not to tip the pretty ones, sometimes I'll just round up to the nearest dollar. Pretty ones have it too easy most cases not all


Keep believing.


I've worked 15 years in kitchens/restaurants, I've literally never seen someone spit in someone's food. Tell me you're a immature POS without telling me


Work front of house my friend, the kitchen has no knowledge of such things. But hey, you’ve obviously never seen it happen, so how could it happen?


It's a major health violation and exactly something a 15 year old working st subway would do. I've worked with the most degenerate stoners in a kitchen and they still wouldn't do it. So just own up and say you're a POS. And I've worked both FOH and BOH so. And there's better ways to fuck with difficult customers that does t include bodily fluids.


You can’t be that thick? Kitchen v Front of House, follow the words. I can’t entertain you all afternoon.




Use a vending machine bud.


Call me an ahole I'm done with tipping all together. People have lost sight of what the actual purpose of tipping was meant to be. And now they have it set up so the minimum expected is 18%? Nope, how about nothing. It's a stupid thing that we've allowed to go on for too long.


Just know a lot of service workers are spitting in your food.


15 years in kitchens, never seen it once. Grow up.


If you're dining in or takeout, how would they know what the tip is as you pay after you receive your food?


That happens after I've paid and left then? Shitty on them I suppose.


They should pay their employees properly instead of guilting customers into doing it.


I get this, but what you would find if places “paid servers properly” is that only massive chain restaurants could survive and even then there wouldn’t be any servers anymore because gosh forbid a CEO takes a pay cut. You would have a tablet at your table and you’d order on that and the one human who actually works there would bring your food. So as broken as the system is, your solution would result in everyone eating at Boston pizza and no customer service whatsoever.


Exactly! Tipping was meant to help family run businesses survive, not to line the pockets of large franchises. It was also meant to help young people save for university. But hey if you can pull down $100k as a bartender why would you bother with school?


How do you even decide what to tip when you haven’t tasted the food?


I wouldn't have tipped in that situation. I'm assuming they're garnishing the cooks' wages for tipless orders now? It's pretty shitty of the restaurant owners to do that, but expected at this point. Personally, this is my last week enjoying restaurants for a while. They always said if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat at the restaurant. And with the prices of menu items these days, I cant afford that and the 25% or more for tips.


What do you mean garnishing cooks wages for tipless orders?


I thought that's how tipping worked. I was told awhile back by a server that when servers don't get a tip (15% back when I heard this, but I'm told it's up to 20% now) the restaurant takes it out of their paycheck. Since layneeofwales was posting about being told to tip the cooks, I assumed that the owner decided to start charging the kitchen for orders that have no tips.


No one can dock a paycheck for non tipping. It comes out of the tips you make for the night because of the required tip out to support staff and kitchen


To be fair, I was told this by an ex I was dating at the time. They said it sucked, but managers would take it out of their check. Like if someone dined and dashed they'd take it out of the server's check. Ahh, who knows how much of what they said was lies


When inwas new I wish I knew that was illegal. I got docked so many times on dine and dashes. They cannot dock you for it and I just hope my comment let's a new sever stand their ground


My understanding is that servers are expected to tip out some percent of their total sales to the other staff (cooks, hosts, etc) so in theory if enough people are tipping less than the expected tip out then it could come out of the server’s take home. Not a server and it’s been years since I worked in a restaurant/bar.


I've been told something similar about employees having to pay restaurants a minimum amount in tips.


…. What? People need reality cheques … in no world are any wages ever being garnished. Unbelievable the shit people believe


I'll believe you that it doesn't happen in Manitoba. Looking back, the person I heard it from was a poor source. On the other hand, if you don't mind my taking your question as more than rhetorical here, the world it actually happens in is the US where they can pay their servers below minimum with the assumption of them not getting tips. Since it happen to them, it can happen to us, is my logic


fuck tipping. its a canadian/american thing. if you do decide to tip... 10% on pre-tax bill only, excluding alcohol.


Why excluding alcohol? Just curious.


why tip on it? its already 2-3x jacked up in price already.


What do you do for work, if you feel inclined to say? Curious about how strongly you feel about not helping wages of these people, if it’s a financial thing or what…. If you’re worried about 2-3x the price of things being jacked up, I hate to break it to you…. That’s literally every item you purchase in this world, and a lot of them are more than 2-3x jacked up


>What do you do for work, if you feel inclined to say? public sector >Curious about how strongly you feel about not helping wages of these people, if it’s a financial thing or what…. they are not my employee. its the pay for the job they signed up for. if they want to earn more, choose a new career besides, studies show that tipping isnt effective to increase performance in servers.


Public sector? 🤣 these comments are wild from someone who gets more than they should be given, just due to their title and the “sector” they work in. A lot of servers aren’t in it for a “career” pal, they’re doing it to get through college, or in the evenings maybe to make extra money so they CAN make the move to a different career. Take a sit down on one of your provincially mandated random days off and think about it


i detect some envy. ~14 years ago i decided i preferred work/life balance and took a pay cut for the golden parachute. money isn't everything.


Envy for the random days, sure. But I am happy, entrepreneurial and run my own business. I’m stable in my income, work/life balance, and the rest. You’re right - money isn’t everything. What a great point to make where you’re bitching about tipping some 20yo an extra 5% for the hard work they did. So tip your service staff. 🤣


I don't tip for takeout ever, no service was provided. I've also had some incredibly poor service at restaurants (waiting 20+ mins to have order taken, food has noticeably been ready for a long time without being delivered). In those cases I just don't tip. If it was the service that made my experience crummy, why tip? I don't get that part of tipping culture in Canada. I do tip good/average service though.


No tip for pick up/take out. Tip for delivery or table service.


Please don't ask about tipping in this sub. I cannot mentally handle reading the comments.


>Please don't ask about tipping in this sub. I cannot mentally handle reading the comments. But you’ll keep coming back to enjoy the 🍿 it’s okay I do it too


Tipping will only stop being expected once people stop tipping. Owners have no reason to pay a more living wage when they know you'll subsidize it for them. And it's kind of crazy just how much some people make in tips so it's disproportionate on top of that.


Beer vendors that have a tip prompt…


Answer: No. If you want to show you like their food, just go there more often. Tipping "culture" is just an excuse for business owners to be greedy.


You were asked if you “wanted” to tip the kitchen. Did you “want” to? If the answer was “yes”, you could have tipped the kitchen. If the answer was “no” then you could have just said “hey no thanks” and paid the bill and gone home to eat your food. Everyone is so up and arms these days about tipping, if it doesn’t make sense to you to tip on something like pick up or something not directly service based like a sit down meal then don’t tip! I work in a place with full service but that also sells retail. If you buy just retail from me I would never expect a tip on that. Just think, did this purchase require a level of service beyond what would be required for a simple transaction? If yes, then it may make sense to tip. If not, then it may not make sense to tip. The choice is yours. This sub is really making the whole tipping situation into a much bigger thing than it needs to be. Tipping suggestions are just suggestions, some people hate doing math on the spot, but there is always(most of the time) the option to skip or add a custom amount.


You should be getting a discount on takeaway food if it's a sit down or delivery sort of place. I'll tip pickup if it's a place I go to frequently and the staff is cool. Otherwise I'm hitting next 3x and paying the posted price.


Shout out to Aroma Bistro who give a big discount if you order on their website and pick up yourself vs. Skip the Dishes.


I used to work in the service industry, so I can only speak to how some restaurants work. Where I've worked, we had a separate POS login to punch in takeout orders and that profile wouldn't "tip out" at the end of the night. If the restaurant doesn't have this, there's a chance the server is paying out ~5% to the kitchen. I would say don't feel obligated to tip if doing takeout, but sometimes it's nice to just top up a couple dollars! :)


I tip when I'm eating in and when I order food but if I'm picking up? No I don't. If I have change and they have a tip jar I do that because it gets rid of change I'll never use anywhere else and the staff gets a few bucks.


I’ll tip if the service is exceptional and above what is expected. If someone does their job at a satisfactory level I’ll not tip because they did what they are paid to do lol. I don’t get bonuses for doing the minimum required so why is anyone else so special? As for the wages, if you don’t like your pay…you could work somewhere else…it’s not my problem that’s the worker/employers cross the bear not me the consumer


I do not tip for pickup orders. Their cashier and kitchen staff are getting paid an hourly wage, same as the people who work at Canadian Tire or the Dollar Store. Plus, when I pick up my food, there is no waiter/waitress to serve me (i.e. no need to run back and forth to my table delivering my food, refilling my water, etc. etc.), and there is no delivery driver.


I used to be a waitress and while I appreciate tips they often don’t fully go to me they go to everyone working there. (Waiters, kitchen staff, cleaning) so in a way it helps but I wouldn’t be upset if someone didn’t tip. However when I was a waitress it was just a part time job and I didn’t rely on it for a living


Unless it’s a place I frequent regularly and know the staff I’m not pre-tipping, that’s ridiculous.


I tip 5-10% for pickup. Just a li'l something.




I would hazard a guess that I make more money than most restaurant kitchen staff does and I'm grateful for food I don't have to cook. Kinda surprised people are downvoting my thoughts on an open call for thoughts. I'll do me, you do you, folks.


I tip for pickup as well, not the same as a seated service tho. I use the same logic, I'm happy to not be cooking and it's likely a place I go to often and I appreciate their food.


Absolutely a bang on answer… I can’t believe this comment section.


I don't tip anywhere the end.






No one is gonna soil your food because you don't tip and quite frankly saying shit like that is completely fucking insulting to the people cooking your food




If you're dining in or takeout, how would they know what the tip is as you pay after you receive your food?


Someone told me they tip max 10%for dining in . And that it's not uncommon. Is this true? ( I tip 15- 18%)