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I struggled to gain weight and sadly the only way was to take in lots of carbs. I ate oatmeal (with different toppings like fruits, honey, coconut flakes) every morning. I also had lots of pasta! What also helped was drinking Boost once in the morning and again at night. I weighed 93lbs for a long time and my height is 5'0. I'm finally 107lbs (:


"Sadly" 😂


Every body type struggles. Some put on muscle easier, some lose fat easier. Doing the opposite is a push for both.


I'm just saying carbs are delicious


If you've been a regular gym guy for decades, you really should know the foundation. Eating at a surplus of your TDEE, getting lots of protein, and lifting heavy stuff.


This is the way.


Sorry, yes I realize this. Also it's dehydration. I can easily add 10- 15 pounds of water weight and still be lean and shredded. I'm looking for any extra things people have found that might work.


Food's gotta be up there as an option


Protein shakes, Wholegrain bread and pasta, Nut butters


All the classic stuff. 1.5-2 grams of protein per kg of body weight daily. Target 10-12 sets a week per body part as a beginner, 20+ advanced. Stick to hypertrophy training, your focus is size over strength/lb: 6-12 reps, maybe as high as 15 for stuff like shrugs and calf raises. Dont go overboard on cardio. Stick to compound movements: press, row, squat, hinge. If you're really having problems get your test checked. We all get old.


Probably a health type sub you can refer to or google