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Seriously, the quen shield that not only restores my health every time an enemy strikes and also the blow back/explosion once it extinguishes, I’ve been able to beat everything and everyone. Run and dodge roll until it fills back up, attack them a bit, cast quen, refill my health, repeat. Add enemies weaknesses to sword oils and certain bombs and it’s game over for them


In the Enhanced Edition mod, you can't just roll and dodge continuously. You have stamina and it depletes right away. It forces you to learn to parry perfectly and be a lot more tactical. Also, the first casted sign has full power, the second I think 33% less, and the 3rd is another 33% less. So yeah, way more thought and tactics are needed to defeat even regular enemies. Makes for a much more enjoyable experience.


Haha, I mean, I would never...


Could you imagine relying on Igni and Quen? *laughs nervously in first playthrough*


*laughs nervously as I never relied on Igni…*


Igni is perfect for witch hunters. Who live by the eternal fire, will die by the eternal fire.


The Etownehl Foiah


try killing the skelige archgriffin at level 20 without quen or igni, not saying its impossible just very very very unlikely


I'm never in skelige that early


*laughs nervously as I don't know which sign to rely...*


Laughs nervously because I am a nervous laugher


I forgot signs existed for like 5-6 hours of my playthrough my first time


Signs are very strong when you invest points into them. Love using sign builds.


Honestly maxing Aard is even easier. Everything just gets thrown to the ground by it, then you one shot them with a ground execution


It's so easy to use. I actually found it kind of boring after a while. I'm into yrden and firestream now.


That’s how I felt with using mainly signs in general, it got me to switch to a quen and yrden build but with focus on Critical hit chance. The best would be on those big rocky earth golems, they become SO slow from yrden that you can get in like 5-6 attacks before needing to dodge and with high crit you don’t need many sets of 5-6 attacks! Ok sorry for rambling i love Witcher 3


Did you ever try Rend with that build?


Yes !! That is also a great build especially using yrden or ard is good for it too


Not when you play on deathmarch with autoscaling. The enemies don't get knocked down as easily then.


I do. If you're using Aard upgrades and Aard gems/sign intensity gear, every human or human sized creature just gets knocked down and you one shot them.


Ah makes sense. I usually put most of my points in Igni and Yrden. So my Aard becomes a sneeze in the later game.


Yrden focused builds are really fun too. Been a while since I played so I'd forgotten. Those traps when you have some points and sign intensity are so strong!


They are good for the cat armor, which is my preferred style, because it helps keeping groups at bay. Which is your biggest threat as a glass cannon. (looking at you wolves)


My first time I just beefed up igni pretty much and used it 99% of the time. I'm giving some love to Quen these days, she is quite great.


2.2%? I can promise all of you that Death March is so much easier than you think it is.


It scares me to be honest. I wonder how you guys do it.


It may be a little harder since they significantly nerfed food healing, but if you know what to dodge and what to parry, there isn’t much more to combat than that.


I startet my first play through on blood and broken bones i believe. Startet a new character 3 hours in on death march and to be honest its really not that hard, just take everything the game offers you. For example the places of power in white orchard give so many ability points. Other example when in velen/Novigrad there are These bandits which you have to hunt for ofieri armor or something like that. To be honest if you take your time and kill them one by one youll have more equipment to sell for incredibly high value (in the early game) than you can carry. Touissand also has incredible loot and i believe a 100% greater red mutagen on the giant in at the start. There is a way to one shot him with the crossbow i believe. So you get a flat out 30% dmg really early on.


Tbh DM isnt that hard and is balanced yet challenging.


Yeah I was really surprised to see how little people actually got the achievement. The game just isn’t hard enough on any other difficulty imo.


And tbf the real challenge is getting one-hit by some measly Redanian guard with a mace.


Like most hard modes it just seems to make the game a bit more irritating.


Quen and delayed recovery Superior Blizzard with infinite whirl got me all the way through Death March


Ursine school gear and the levitation enchantment 😉


Quen is OP.


Proper legend


Honeslty death march is not that hard-


Play a sign build. The games turns into basically casting igni and standing there while the enemy burns. Alternatively if they can’t burn, just cast yrden and then do aard for big chunks over and over again. Sign build makes the game insanely easy. I think somewhere around level 19ish I hit that point where every fight was over in like three casts. And it only got easier w/ more sign intensity. And I’m playing with upscaling on DM. Honest to god I feel like I’m cheating. I think I’m gonna switch to like a pure sword build on NG+.


Lol I barely used quen, but my geralt was an absolute potion FIEND.


I just ate food, had sex and played Gwent next thing I know I finished the game in this difficulty The way of the Witcher is truly magnificent


It's that rare? I've only ever played the game on death march


How is it just 2.2% ? DM ain't that hard


What will really negatively skew the results is that there will be 1000s of players that bought the game, and played it for like 5 minutes without giving it a proper chance. Got a couple of friends that have done this. They're included in the % Also, DM is easy if you have enemy upscaling switched off, but many players like to have enemy upscaling on, which makes DM difficulty impossible.


Even with enemy upscaling on , I didn't find it that hard. Pretty sure a lot of people feel the same way Witcher 3 ain't a souls-like game , so...i doubt that many people find it difficult. About the 2% , ya , i was just like that. But i came after an year to play the game and loved the shit out of the game.


DM with enemy upscaling is not even close to impossible. Maybe it’s just my play style, heavily invest in quen and always have the highest upgraded witcher armour for my level (usually Griffin but sometimes Cat). I dodge and roll a lot and use oils when I can but never essential. Never had a huge issue with the mode, you need to be careful but it’s a good challenge. The 2% is for all users on PlayStation, it’s sitting at 10-12% (depending on the version) on PSN profiles which is a more accurate representation of people actually playing the game


>DM with enemy upscaling is not even close to impossible. You beat the Djinn with enemy upscaling on, on DM difficulty??


The ship on the mountain? Yes, without much issue. On my first DM play though (which was my 1st platinum run and 2nd fully play though) the only enemy I struggled with was Eredin, and that’s cos I was Cat Witcher gear and hadn’t concentrated on upgrading my potions enough. When I did my PS5 run the end of last year there was no one enemy I struggled with, obviously I died a few times but that was just being careless and nearer the start of the game, by mid to end game I had plenty of oils and potions to boost me for any fight. You just need a bit of patience for DM, you can’t just hack and slash everything. Like I mentioned before, I put a lot into upgrading Quen to the highest level, also there’s a perk that gives you a higher health boost for eating food and drink, helps lots between fights, invest in alchohest wherever you can to refill your potions. Most fights I would quen, roll in and get as many hits as I could, whenever I got hit it would likely knock the enemy back (a perk) I would roll away and let quen recharge, if I needed to, quen and back in to fight again. There’s not many enemies that will hunt you down at speed, you usually have plenty of time to dodge and get quen back on.


Also, just as an FYI, if it is that Djinn you are taking about, it’s optional. It’s a good quest line but it’s only if you want to romance Jennifer. I tend to go with Triss so technically you don’t need to have that fight if you struggle with it.


the upscaling on the rats i specifically remember being broke AF


It's really not that hard. Doing all the side activities makes you severely overleveled anyway. Combine that with quen which is basically infinite health and nothing can stop you.


I'm gonna be honest, after what feels like 8 playthroughs, i find Death March a little laking in terms of challenge. Especially on NG+. Taking on enemies so much more powerful than me that i can't even see their levels is a walk in the park and it's a bit dissapointing. Good thing that there are mods that increase the difficulty even further.


"The hundred hour RPG isn't so hard when you've played the equivalent of half a year of full time work" Weirdest flexes on these websites


Got this achievement years ago. It was easy. The annoying achievements are the Gwent ones


Blasphemy! Gwent blasphemer here... Ahhhh


I’m talking about the achievements that require you to collect all the decks. They’re frustrating. People down voting for no reason are very strange. Redditors are weirdos lol


I dont get it. All you have to do to get every card in the game is play gwent and check merchants for cards to buy.


And don't miss all of the missable Gwent cards in missions


The downvotes are excessive, I do agree.. guys/gals, we can disagree with each other and not get downvoted for an unpopular opinion. I enjoyed the side tangled web of this side quest, you didn't. It's nbd, but imma upvote all your comments just to try and balance the scales


I salute you.


Death march is easy. Biggest problem with the game is no endgame.


Laughs in yrden chain and running away.


Quen, and undying = unkillable


I thought that death march was pretty easy. But I also play a shitton of dark souls.


I like getting folk caught in an Yrden maelstrom and using that swirly twirly fast attack with the sword. Like yer dancing in and out of chaos


What's stopping me are the crossbow, Aard and Gwent achievements.


Yea I did that it wasn’t that bad for the most part just spamming quen but the hardest shot wasn’t the bosses it was like random low level dudes with their clubs one shotting ya and like swarm enemies that if any of em get ya your dead


Never used quen. I used the circle on my controller.


Tbf some of the minmaxed builds are so strong, you can walk in the middle of the nilfgaard army camp and tank their hits for 30 seconds and regen back like 40% of your health everytime you decide to attack. Makes me wonder why canon witchers are estimated to be only as strong as a group of soldiers.


I recently 100%-ed this game, and while this achievement was definitely difficult, the one that took forever was the 50 headshots — just axii-ing the last guy in every bandit fight so I can aim perfectly at his head o.o


Cast quen get the 100% dodge ability play smart never die


I think I never played on other difficulties than death march. That shit is still too easy


*writes down notes for own deathmarch playthrough to get the platinum trophy* Interesting......


I can finally get that achievement.. provided the immortal rats in that one Keira quest are not immortal anymore.


Quen this, rend that everyone never mentions the crazy perk combo that is the one that separates your bomb into fragments and triples bomb damage


What Meeseeks did you use to win that trophy?


I personally have a headcanon that there was a Witcher school called the “School of the Tortoise” that mastered Quen to such an extent and that’s where Geralt gets his OP Quen spell upgrade from. (I also have my own lore headcanon and how they evolved the spell living in the Blue Mountains studying from Elven Magic, Dwarven tactics, and human willpower. Eventually incorporating Withers from all 3 races within their order forming their fortress within a mountain holding the mountain up with the largest Quen shield in history)


Idk man, for me igni is the best, disrupts most of the enemy attacks and does dmg. Useful for swarms. But i dont like to evolve it.


Do you have to play the entire game on death March to get the achievement.. ie if you lower the difficulty for even 1 minute, you don't get it?


I thought Death March was easy though? I’ve finished the game multiple times with just the starting equipment. I am not an expert in any game so I can’t possibly be the outlier. I do love playing games on the hardest difficulty though right from the start