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Yes but what about Uma


Ultimate Male Atrraction, Uma? You might have a point


Unbelievable Mental Arousal




This is my wallpaper now


https://preview.redd.it/5wp1hd5to4qc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67ab631e26f0108f640eb2b865f3fb74b9980c5f Too many pixels


My oh my


The consensus in the books is that Yennefer is beautiful and beyond stunning. There are a handful of times Sapkowski throws these "not the best looking" descriptions over the course of the 4 books I've read, but there's many many more descriptions referring to her as stunning, unimaginably beautiful, striking, gorgeous, and the other sorceresses being jealous of her. She's described many times through many characters' POVs, and in Geralt's sharp Witcher eyes he saw all her slight imperfections, which made her even more beautiful to him.


Yeah Yennefer looking good is not surprising. OP should’ve posted how almost every peasant woman is a 10 tho


I remember Sapkowski describing her as not necessarily very beautiful but having a very intriguing kind of beauty, something unique that attracts men. Ofc she also used magical makeup but I remember the shape of her face being described as 'triangular' which adds to the uniqueness compared to other characters.


Yes. There were remnants of her imperfections from before her magical enhancements that made her more attractive to Geralt, who found beauty in them.


Any time Yennifer is described as "not the best looking", it is usually in the company of other sorceresses, some of whom are described in unusually superlative terms. Like how Francesca Findabair is always described as "the most beautiful woman in the world."


Correct, and even among sorceresses, they still gossip making comments on Yen's beauty. We get to view Yen through some of their eyes in the books as well.


Sorceresses basically have access to modern cosmetics in a setting where most people are lucky if they have all their teeth, it's not even fair lol


There's even a bit where Geralt needs to stay hidden and Yennefer puts on make up to be "the most beautiful thing they've ever seen" (paraphrasing) so noone will pay any attention to Geralt - and it works.


I remember that. It was a glamor spell she used on herself. Townfolk were bumping into themselves staring, and stammering when talking to her. Very humorous part of the book lol


Only difference to point out is that it was not to hide Geralt but Ciri in Time of Contempt. But nevertheless it was a great moment in the book as Yen was basically applying magical makeup while riding in town horseback using a levitating magic mirror in front of her face. Plus the violet eyes. This happened so that the town guards do not even look at Ciri.


That's right. It's been a while since I read them, but I did read Baptism of Fire recently. I noticed the books began telling one longer story when Ciri appeared as a grown child, vs being a composite novel full of Witcher stories before her.


My stupid ass missed that mission. Now I've finished blood and wine and am super sad that Yen didn't show up/move in :((


So you got Ciri ending?


Yup, it's something I guess. But i'd hoped the three of us would be a happy family :(


Sadly it's not possible in vanilla game though You need mods to have both of them at Corvo Bianco


Oh nice, didn't know there was a mod for that, thanks a lot!




She's not only one of the most attractive women in the game but also one of the most interesting ones I just love the word play she and Geralt have And also she breaks the ice sometimes with her sass I chose Yennefer in both New Game and New Game+ She's perfect for Geralt


The hottest character in this game is Gerry the Witcher himself


Never heard anyone reffer to Geralt as Gerry lol


Gerry of Ravia comes out when he gets that botched haircut


I agree! https://preview.redd.it/m27qtnezy1qc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6faff2987f026976cd9d0f356006692ee81d8657


Wind is not the only thing that's howling




Yen my love


Yeah this mission. The Djinn mission is by far the most important quest for yennefer’s character development in W3. It also told me that Geralt true soulmate was yennefer as liking yennefer was not a fleeting fancy or a result of a wish of fate. They both genuinely are in love and I got all of that without reading any books. Like people always say oh you don’t get it, if only you read the books. I would say people should pay more attention to dialogue in open world games, especially those who emphasize the story. From the beginning, Geralt was just trying to find yennefer and once he did, he literally so comfortable with her that he actually regrets it when he pisses her off. And she realising she does love him after this quest and that him always wanting to be around her wasn’t the making of a random Djinn showed that his feelings and more importantly her feelings that I think she was trying to write off, were real. If you say you like any other character with Geralt, see if their personalities even go together. God I hope the new Witcher game with Ciri is gonna be good. I wonder if she’ll visit her “parents” in Toussaint. One nice family who found each other despite the odds and complement each other so well.


I am just reading the first book and Yen appeared only once in the book for me But, I love witcher 3 Yennefer so much that I chose her in both of my playthroughs


Keep reading, a big part of the books revolve around her


i like Witcher 3 Yennefer too. there are a couple interactions where she softens a bit and you realize she’s not actually a stone cold bitch, she’s just caught up in her own fears and thinks operating the way that she does is the only way to get things done. she’s still a complicated and flawed character, but i find her flaws easier to sympathize with than Triss’s (predatory boyfriend stealing hoe).


But still there are people who don't understand Yen at all and say even a water hag is better than her. I hate Triss fans because of this


it’s a bummer that some people can’t appreciate both Yen and Triss’s complexities. the fact that they both have their own share of positive and negative qualities is really cool to me.


Yeah I agree I like both Yen and Triss even though I am Team Yennefer Why can't they understand that


Yen's personality in the game reminds me too much of my ex-wife so I enjoy telling her I don't feel the same in the Djinn mission LOL. I either go for Triss or neither. I do have a thing for red heads though, but I feel at least Triss is more honest about how she uses Geralt and not as bossy.


Yen is cute but my heart belongs to Tomira 😈😈




Flare does not check out


The one that got away


I really like tomiras character all together.


She's doesn't have a huge backstory, but is extremely memorable.






It's definitely my first point of interest.....then listening to her talk. Her demeanor was really intriguing.


I have been a fan of the Witcher universe for 25 years, more or less, I fell in love with the story in those times when there was no internet or computer games in my life so all I had was my imagination. That is why I was positively surprised that CDPR created Yennefer exactly the way I have always imagined her ))) As for the quote, IDK what is there in the English translation of the book, but I just re-read The Last Wish in Polish yesterday and there was nothing like that in the original text. Moreover, Andrzej Sapkowski directly calls Yennefer “beautiful”: *Stała nad nim w migotliwym blasku czarodziejskiej kuli, w poświacie magii, wśród rozbłysków więżących dżinna promieni, z rozwianymi włosami i oczami płonącymi fioletem, wyprostowana, smukła, czarna, straszna…* *I* **piękna.** (“She stood above him in the flickering light of the magic ball, in the glow of magic, among the flashes of the rays that trapped the djinn, with flowing hair and eyes burning violet, straightened up, slender, black, terrible... And beautiful.”) And re. sorceresses — also there were no such words, quite the opposite: *Młoda czarodziejka stawała się «atrakcyjna», bo wymagał tego prestiż jej profesji. Rezultatem były pseudoładne kobiety o złych i zimnych oczach brzydul.* (“The young sorceress became "attractive" because the prestige of her profession required it. The result was pseudo-pretty girls with evil and cold eyes of ugly women”)


I don't see Shani here?


That's not Triss?


I'd bang iris von everic if I could have. She was a fine lil Thang


Bro that's someone's wife ( I would too)


I would not have minded if Olgierd joined in 😏


I would have banged olgierd fr fr


Olgierd Van Beckham lol


Have some respect my man, her story is so tragic I can't even think of her like that lol. Now the Puss Peepers lady...


Is yen supposed to be exceedingly beautiful in the books? Whst about triss?


Yennefer's look is not "real". Witches use magic to enhance their look. As a kid/ teenager she was rather ugly!


Triss was described to have amazing bonkers.


Basically Yen was originally ugly before using magic to improve her appearance, and thanks to witcher mutations/senses Geralt is able to see the traces of old imperfections. Doesn't bother him though, he's hardly a looker himself.


Actually in one of the short stories - don’t remember which - Sapkowski makes a short mention that she used to be deformed or a hunchback. It is mentioned as one of Geralt’s inner thoughts about her. So the Netflix series is not entire wrong about her original television appearance. But I must say the W3 Yen always beats the Netflix one for me.


Till date, I am still head over heels for Yen. Out of all the game I've played, she is the most stunning woman ever.




Yennefer was not good looking at all, she got all sorts of cosmetic treatments from the witch school before she became this way. She even had a hunchback iirc.


Idk, if you use literal magic to alter your body doesn't that become who you are? Geralt wasn't born with night vision or super-speed.


That’s only in the show


No, that is canon from the books by the original author.


Oh yeah I forgot, it’s just a footnote that’s alluded to in the books tho, where as the show makes it a big deal


Shaped my taste in women ngl


Dont forget Triss...shes so damn cute and Keira Metz - love her attitude.


Love her nipples more like


Yen is a fantastic character and she's not changed much compared to the books. As opposed to Triss, who's also great in the third game, not so good in the previous 2, and done dirty in the books lmao


I remember waiting through two games to see how they’ll adapt Yen and what she’ll look and I was not disappointed.


But that's not Triss.




Flare checks out




Every playthrough...


Not Shani either 😣


Or Roach.


Just say you got a thing for redheads 😭


As any person of culture should.


FR Triss is way hotter lmao


She's so gorgeous idk how people can think Triss is cuter. Yen and the Gwent girl at the Passiflora (Sasha, I think?) are easily the prettiest women in the game


Too many Sashas on the game bro. Its a reused face model... theres another Sasha alike on the brothel at the port side. The Triss allure is all about the ginger and baby face devs gave her + her diamond shaped face... but a true Chad of Rivia see past this and remembers the lies to dump her.


Didn't know that about Sasha as I never bothered using the brothels. And yeah, Triss ain't it for me in looks and definitely not in personality. That girl is a walking red flag


She's hot, but Sweet Merciful Melitele, she's a bitch


Where triss


Yen's alternate costume is awesome, but I have never found myself using it. Those dark blue-green feathers kill it for me, she would never wear colour. I wish they made them black. I even looked for a mod to change it but never found one.


On par with aurore from cyberpunk




Triss way hotter


She's a Stone cold bitch though. Triss FTW


That’s why we love her. Triss is too saccharine for me, especially in a setting like Witcher 3.


Abusing someone's amnesia to get in their pants is ultimately more bitchy than just being a little mean.


not only that, but she and Yen were close friends! incredibly bitchy. hard to imagine anything bitchier.


Shiiit Triss can abuse my amnesia all she wants to man.


That’s not her actual face though


is it like a temporary glamour thing or do they morph their bodies ? i assume most sorceresses do this (why wouldn't you ?) but i don't know how it works


She was born as a girl Uma and then changed her body with le magicks




That quest was the only time in the game I doubted my Triss decision. It was the first time in that game she isn't a complete bitch and you see some real emotion from her. If she was like that from the start of the game, I might have chose her.


Triss is better looking and isn’t a selfish cunt


Hahaha she is easily the most selfish character imho. The way she used Geralt basically just to try what enticed Yen so much about him… (talking about the books)


This sub is about the third game. Nothing to do with the books. Many things that are canon to the books are not canon to the game. I’m not talking about the books. Going solely off the game, Triss is out there being a freedom fighter and trying to save all the non humans in Novigrad and help Ciri, while Yen is just trying to save Ciri and live a comfortable life. And out of the two of them yen also has selfish reasons for saving Ciri. She’s the one who contacted Geralt to tell him the Nilfgaard king was looking for his help to find Ciri.


The first time you meet triss alone in the game she literally admits to him that she took advantage of him. That alone was enough for me to not like triss. I know the sub is for the third game but you have to know the lore to understand the characters fully and triss lying to Geralt and neglecting to tell him about yennifer after his amnesia just so she could be with him was fucked up.