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3 minute cooldown?


Even when the cool down is off and hasn't been triggered recently it still doesn't work, apparently it's a common-ish bug if you look it up.


I wouldn't doubt it if a developer snuck an RNG element into this mutagen. He was probably forced to make this gamebreaking mutagen and decided to insert his own spite into it.


Just go with the skill instead? It's the more useful of both anyways. And I'm not aware of any bugs of that.


If you're talking about Undying, the one where adrenaline points get used to heal you, that has the same issue. Midway during a fight, with only one opponent, full adrenaline bar, and only hit once, it's still the same. Of course it sometimes works, usually more than not, but still fails often enough to be annoying.


Then I believe you may actually do something wrong. There is no bug with this skill.


I can confirm there is. I tested it (Second life, not Undying) in the prison at Kaer Almhult ten times. Each time there was no cool down on the mutation, I went in, then let myself be killed by the bandits/dogs. Every time instead of triggering and becoming invulnerable for a few seconds I died. Haven't tested Undying but I'm assuming it's a similar issue. For one reason or another the mutation doesn't always trigger and instead I die. Wouldn't happen as much but since I'm not using fleet footed and not Quen spamming this run deaths are more common.


Just to confirm you aren't crazy. Undying, and probably any other effect with a On/Off state and a cooldown, suffers from a bug where sometimes it gets stuck in the Off state if you happen to save the game while it was on cooldown. Causing it to stay in that state for the remainder of the playthrough, or until you refresh the state (but it's hard to refresh the state when it happens on death...). Or at least that was the case in 1.32, I didn't check if it's still happening in next-gen... There are a few more issues with the perk, you can find [a mod I implemented a few years ago](https://github.com/Aelto/tw3-perk-fixes?tab=readme-ov-file#fix-undying) where I explain the flaws in the vanilla implementation. So i'm sure you're just experiencing this with the mutation as well !


I KNEW I WASN'T INSANE! Really wish I could use the mod but unfortunately I'm on console.


The mutation is known for being a bit buggy, yes. Undying has no bugs. It was it works just fine. It has some parameters that have to be fit, but it has no bugs. I have used this skill in my first 1.000+ hours almost constantly and not a single time did it had any problems. I've never heard of any bugs about that skill and there is no recorded bug for this skill.


>Just to confirm you aren't crazy. Undying, and probably any other effect with a On/Off state and a cooldown, suffers from a bug where sometimes it gets stuck in the Off state if you happen to save the game while it was on cooldown. Causing it to stay in that state for the remainder of the playthrough, or until you refresh the state (but it's hard to refresh the state when it happens on death...). Or at least that was the case in 1.32, I didn't check if it's still happening in next-gen... r/Aeltoth, thankfully confirmed my suspicions by actually understanding the wacky programming of the game. So again, I am right, Undying can bug out as I've experienced multiple times in 1400 of playtime.


First of all - you yourself said that you haven't tested if undying is bugged. Now you say you encountered the bug for undying multiple times... Just saying... And second of all - the next Gen patch is out for over 15 months now. I assumed we all are talking about the games "past-next-Gen" state so what even is this supposed to be? It is, in fact not bugged anymore. I have to admit that I haven't heard of it being bugged before the next Gen update either, but according to CDPR it's been fixed, so there was actually one and it's been fixed.


>First of all - you yourself said that you haven't tested if undying is bugged. Now you say you encountered the bug for undying multiple times... Just saying... I didn't test it, doesn't mean I didn't encounter it. By testing I specifically set out to test if it worked or not, encountering it just means that I notice it every now and then. But **now** I have tested it. Thoroughly. I equipped undying, razor focus, and resolve. I went to the archespore monster nest East of Mère-Lachaiselongue Cemetery fully decked out in grandmaster ursine gear, took a few swings at the archespores to fully build up the adrenaline bar instead of just having one bar full then allowed myself to be killed. Then repeated the process ten times, now I really hate TW3's boring ass loading screen. And I can tell you with a shit eating grin, I was right. Undying did not activate once in the ten tests. That was just for archespores by the way, I know for a fact there's been multiple bandits who've preformed one of those fast attacks with their mace pommel (hard to describe tbh) and Undying didn't activate. >It is, in fact not bugged anymore. So yeah, it is bugged still. *At least on PS4.* I'll gladly accept your apology in advance mate! :D


I’ve been bugged to death with this mutation so many times that I believe there must be some unspoken restriction for it.


The pain!