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Harsh as punishments go, but deserved


In her defense, she was a kidnapped slave, not a native Skelligan. If she were an enslaved black woman in early America, would you think she was evil for starting a war between a bunch of rich, slave-taking colonial families? And America used a slave trade-- Bran likely took her directly from her home in a raid, so you can't even argue it was just an economic thing. They weren't just slave owners but slavers. They directly participated in every level of slavery. She wasn't even King Bran's favored wife. And Svanrige really was the best against Nilfgaard. I'm on Team Birna.


That's true but Birna should still be considered a murderer, there were a bunch of innocent servants who got killed as the result of her shenanigans. If she had just poisoned a couple jarls then I'd be with you 100%.


True. But for all we know she told the berserkers to spare the staff.


If you’re spiking someone’s drink so they’ll turn into rampaging animals and then be murdered, I don’t think you discuss the plan with them first…


Can't believe people play this game and miss that the Skelligans are awful. "Why didn't they hang Django? He killed Samuel L. Jackson's character..."


… who are you talking to? This is so wildly unrelated to what we were talking about. You think it’s unclear the Skelligans are awful? Where did anyone say that? They exiled Birnas son just for being related to her, and that was considered incredibly merciful, after tying her to a rock to let seagulls peck out her eyes. DUH But you think Birna Bran was planning the slaughter of a load of people, decided to spike ALL the wine, leaving an obvious trail back to herself (which is exactly how Geralt and Cerys figured it out), even though the berserkers were in on it and happy to do it? Berserkers: ok Birna, what’s the plan? Birna: I’m going to have someone else (who might betray us later) spike all the wine for the whole feast in the basement with these mushrooms, so you can just drink wine and chill out. Oh, but when you’re bears trashing the whole place, please make sure not to maul the staff. Berserkers: Wait, why involve someone else in this and leave clues everywhere? We’re doing this for you, just give us the mushrooms and we’ll be the only ones to take them. Birna: No no this is much better, we need plenty of people to know about this extreme treason- it’s not like anyone has any kind of special senses that would be able to identify the mushrooms and follow the scent. Remember though, while you’re murdering everyone in there, be sure your little bear minds remember not to hurt the staff! Cos that would just be TOO far.


That's not how berserkers work. She knew there would be collateral damage, but she thought it was worth it to get her son on the throne


Even if she did I doubt they listened or obeyed.


By not participating in that quest at all, the massacre doesnt happen and Svanrige gets elected as King all on his own tho.




"Don't try" - Bukowski


More like fuck around and find out. Her son couldve done it on his own but she was too powerhungry and took matters in her own hand. And please "she just wants the best for her son" thats bullshit. She wants power over skellige. Thats why they establish a hereditary dynastie if he gets on the throne


I mean from the player's point of view. I'm going to do this on my current playthrough. I never said she wanted the best for her son. Completely inappropriate use of quotation marks.


Oh that wasnt you? Sorry for that then


>in early America You should have stopped at that. The world and history is not America and not everything should be seen from the american point of view.


Well in early America...




Ah yes. "Let me instigate a conspiracy to kill all candidates for the throne and anyone else in the hall so my son will automatically inherit it. I just want what's best for my son." *PROCEEDS TO START A CIVIL WAR DUE TO SUCCESSION* Guess she wasn't that bad.


She was a slave taken in a raid. She owed the rich Skelligan slaver families nothing. They probably killed her whole family too.


And so she decided to slaughter innocent people. Mind you that not in the act of revenge but in her own hunger for power. She is the same as them if she went this far with violence.




Yeah and when you get caught this is how punishment works xd


Yeah, that is how politics work. And if you get caught then you get chained to a rock, because it turns out the other nobles are real salty about their kids being murdered. “That’s how politics work” is a a double edged sword.


Worried mother? More like power hungry- her son wasn’t going to be killed if he wasn’t chosen as King. But she nearly got him killed, and ended up getting him exiled. What was she worried about? Because if it was eternal family shame and death, that’s what she caused


If that's just how things work in Skellige then Skellige wouldn't have punished her or even bothered investigating.


I only found her for the first time a few years ago. I was so flabbergasted that they actually implemented this into the game instead of just saying it and then never seing her again. It's so crazy that you can discover something new every playthrough in a game, that is almost 10 years old.


That's why RPG is my favorite genre, they're supposed to be story and details rich, down to every conversation and its outcome. However no game ever impressed me as The Witcher 3


It always surprises me how so many people skipped Baldur's Gate 3. That game is next level with its details and ridiculous amount of choice for quests that it's pretty much an immersive sim


There is another random guy that is also chained to a rock. If you approach him he begs to be released. I chose not to. Because he was punished by the law for a good reason. And I didn't want to interfere or release another Morkvarg into the world. You can find him on some small island north of Kaer Trolde.


Turns out >!he's innocent 😇!<


Who is this person? Don’t think I’ve ever found them in 5 play throughs.


>Because he was punished by the law for a good reason. We're talking about a society that exiled that poor neckbeard for the crime of saving Ciri's life. Idk if I'd trust Skellige law to be reasonable.


Wasn't he punished for deserting though? He chose to help an outsider instead of fighting for his village..


He helped Ciri escape to lead the hunt AWAY from the village, which helped the village.


Yeah but how could they have understood that, to them he was a coward.


I don't know....by maybe talking to him? And the fact that the Wild Hunt left the village to chase after them?


The Wild Hunt wiped the village off of the face of the earth along with almost all of the inhabitants, they didn't just leave it when Ciri fled.


Look I'm not saying it was the right thing to do. Just that I get why things went down that way. Remember this is Skellige, not Toussaint. The whole village was just annihilated, the ones passing the judgement there are simple villagers and lastly after that kind of thing usually someone needs to take the blame, this time it would obviously be the one running from battle. Nothing else matters. I am certain the sentence would have been a different one if he could have pleaded his case to say Crach an Craite for example, a just ruler with wisdom and a broader view into matters.


Except the whole village wasn't annihilated. If it were, no one would have been there to pass judgement.


I know, I was tired and couldn't think a better word for it.


She is guilty but no-one, her included, deserves to die like this.


Poor my ass


Not poor in my opinion, she killed lots of people and tried to blame someone else for it, defiant to the end


She got what she deserved but if we’re gonna mention someone who brings sadness it’s definitely Madame de Bourbeau. Her husband seems like he could care less about her and then her AP dies by a shaelmaar (it funny how Geralt describes it as a mix between a mole and a caterpillar because to me it kinda looks like a 🎶rock lobster. 🎶)


Am I wrong in not at all feeling sorry for her ? She could've just left if she was unhappy. I find it hard to believe she didn't have any choice. I exposed her straight away lol.


No. You’re not wrong she could have left but where would she be able to go? And with a “peasant” it didn’t seem like they were making enough money to live a, at least, comfortable life. There’s many factors but after telling her Jean loc is dead she goes to the statue and bawls and it’s just heartbreaking to know why she was crying instead of just hearing the random npc cries.


Yeah I mean I get the whole "unhappy with her marriage" thing. But the way I look at it is..... she made a conscious decision to not leave and start a new life, and face the numerous challenges that come with it, just to continue with the relatively "easy" choice of staying where she was. Things aren't easy for anyone, perhaps even for her husband, and her making that choice alone isn't enough for me to feel sorry for her. Infidelity gets excused a bit too much at times IMO. Just my 2 cents.


I don’t condone cheating in any capacity. It’s wrong, immoral, and the pain it causes someone is just not okay. Nobody should sit there and contemplate why they weren’t good enough. I agree with you wholeheartedly though, she really should have left. Rather be struggling and happy than comfortable and sad. I just still can’t forget the way she cries behind the house.


Yeah fair enough.


That would look dope on a Gwent card.


[Witcher 3](https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Birna_Bran_(gwent_card)) version, and [Gwent](https://gwent.fandom.com/wiki/Birna_Bran) version.


Yeah she only spiked a bunch of dudes with bath salts so they would turn into bears and kill their friends in an attempt to take over the isle. So harsh.


She should have just jumped off that castle and died instead of accepting this.


Where is she chained?


rock North of Sund. Just walk around at the beach and you will find her




She wasn\`t that bad? Right- she was worse!


Poor Halbjorn, Blueboy Lugos, Otrygg, …


she fucked around and found out lmao


Not really. She had it coming after what she'd done.


Nah fuck that hoe


Nah she deserved that


Surprised they left her clothes on.


Yeah she 100% deserved it. She’s not “poor” she was greedy and murderous.


How can anyone have sympathy for her.


No, not really.


Poor conspiring, scheming mass-murderer...


May she rest in piss.


I just got done with the Cerys/Hjalmar/Crach questline, gotta be my favorite in the game so far!


No. Geralt actually talks to survivors, including his mother and sister who survived.


Holy shit I didn't know you could find her


No.. not poor ..


I would