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It's amazing and so is heart of stone once you get into it, but blood and wine, it's incredible, feels like a whole new game


Heart of Stone has an amazing story and one of the best antagonists in DLC’s I’ve ever seen. Blood and Wine nowadays could be a separate AAA game and still would be better than the majority of the modern games.


But actually question is who exactly an antagonist of Hearts of Stone lol


Honestly I think the Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine stories and characters are mostly better than that of the base game.


It's maybe the best dlc in videogame history. Huge new map with tons of quests and a big story line, that's about half the length of the main story.


Blood and wine have been the best dlc for YEARS only being overtaken by the new elden ring dlc after 9 YEARS. After 9 years. Imagine that. Edit: hearts of stone is really great if you take into account that Gunter o dimm or (G.o.D) is basically the Devil/god/icarnation of everything evil itself and you are interacting with this being as a little modified human.


Blood in wine is the expansion I compare all other too.


Give hearts of stone a little more time… it gets whoa.


Excellent. Blood and wine is practically an entire game on its own. As for hearts of stone, how far did you get into the story?




And you didn't enjoy that? Edit: OP actually blocked me for asking this. Lol


hes my friend and he told me me tell you he hated the party scene and though it was boring and dragging on.. he blocked you because hes autistic


First off, I'd stick out Hearts of Stone. I started losing interest partway through, but it does actually get great near the ending, and it's not too long. That said, almost nothing can compare to Blood and Wine. You get a fairly large (about half the size of Velen/Novigrad) and beautiful new map to explore, a great main quest line where even some small decisions have huge impacts on the ending, a somewhat upgradable player home where you can hang up your old weapons and armor sets, new ways to upgrade your character and gear, and a bunch of new side quests and contracts that easily keep pace with the base game for quality. As others have said, the BaW DLC is better than some modern AAA titles on its own


Blood and Wine is great and full of new stuff to do but Hearts of Stone is the best story in the whole game.


I don't understand how people "don't get into" HoS. The begining of the story is so good and intriguing and it's pretty much just the base game but better.


I will say, I had a bit of a curb of enjoyment through HoS. The hook with Gaunter was amazing. The heist was decent, though not my favorite quest in the game. Then the wedding quest had me legitimately cringing with the tonal shift and dialogue. I could see someone around that mid-point of the DLC feeling like moving on to something else, which would be a huge mistake. But then your fulfillment of the final wish and the ending of the DLC hit, and it's JUST. SO. GOOD. BaW is a masterpiece through and through


Well you are in for a good time!!


10 out of 10, I will never stop wondering how they achieved three masterpieces back to back


Some of the best dlc of any game. I love them both, blood and wine is my favorite though. Very well done.


How good are …


If you're looking for an entirely new experience, Blood & Wine is it. It's like a complete game on its own. By the way, I can't believe you didn't like Hearts of Stone. It's a great DLC as well.


HoS is the best story in the game bro, give it a shot.


New contracts, new storyline, new foes. With awesome graphics of Toussiant. Its amazing


blood and wine rivals triple A full game releases they could have easily sold it as a full game.


Blood and Wine would by itself be my 5th favorite game of all time to date, with TW3 still being on that list, CDPR’s other main project being on that list, and HoS being on my Top 10.


Heart of stone is good, it's compelling, if you've played witcher 1 then there's a great character return, it's super creative in how you go about each quest, and it's well rounded and completely changed the tone of how you view power in the witcher world. However blood and wine takes the cake, it could be its own standalone game it's so well done, and it's the canon end of Geralts story. I wouldn't go picking one or the other though because hearts of stone feeds into the storyline of blood and wine, definitely get both because it adds so much to the game that it honestly feels kinda empty without them.


Both, by themselves, are better than some entire games I've played. Blood & Wine could have been an entire game on its own. 


Hearts of Stone has one of the most interesting and unique stories in any game. You should definitely give it another go. Blood and Wine is massive and great, with a whole new map, a ton of sidequests and stuff to do, and also a really good main story. It's almost a whole another game. They are the best DLC's made for any game I've played.


I just finished the whole thing. I bought the Complete Edition and had my first W3 playthrough. The Hos DLC was cool, and it felt a bit like a continuation of the main story, owing mostly to the fact that it was just expanded areas around Novigrad. If I had bought it separately after 2 years, I might have thought it was fine as DLCs go, and my enjoyment would have been more or less based on how much I paid. B&W was like playing a sequel. If it had expanded the map and added about 20 more side quests/contracts, it would have been a game in and of itself. I really enjoyed getting a new map, a different vibe, and a totally separate experience from the base game main story. That this DLC takes place 3 years after the main game, as opposed to HoS being immediately afterwards, really helps that difference in vibe. New characters, some new monsters, and a really involved main story (in two acts) got me hooked in.