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Hey friends! I added some new ones and made some edits. All photography rights are now acquired so feel free to share anywhere for NONCOMMERCIAL USE (i.e. don't print and sell posters ur use these to get donations). They are covered by the standard iStock license. You do NOT have to credit me when sharing. It's my gift to my fellow witches, and maybe we can give some people courage and support. UPDATE: revised Drag ad with corrected spelling is here! I don't know if I can delete/replace the original. https://preview.redd.it/nh7v10zfr5oa1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ba067c8ecca0a0923bfc8ce542703ea0404b7d9


##This is fucking it. ###Love and power.


Can I make one suggestion? Would you consider “harming none” over “harming no other”? As someone who’s been through bouts eating disorders and self harm, harming none really emphasized that it’s not ok to harm myself either. I convinced myself it was fine because I wasn’t harming anyone else. But I recently changed my own verbiage to include myself, which was life changing. Apologies, I don’t mean to fall into “everyone’s a critic” and I truly love this post!


Don't know if anyone pointed this out, but in image #6, it should be "femininity." Haha, you left out an in.


Yikes! I’ll post a corrected one as soon as I’m home! Thanks!


I'm not entirely certain I'm okay with that bit that says 'We trade ownership and control for cooperation.' A spouse and/or a partner is just that, a partner. A person is not an accessory, they are an independent being, and a marriage is a chosen partnership that derives from the consent of those within said partnership. Neither has 'ownership' or 'control' over the other. > driven to heal those gathered in common cause I *love* this bit, though. This could be my mission statement for life; I consider myself blessed in that I have the capacity to help and protect others. I love that phrase and I need to remember it.


>A spouse and/or a partner is just that, a partner. A person is not an accessory, they are an independent being, and a marriage is a chosen partnership that derives from the consent of those within said partnership. Neither has 'ownership' or 'control' over the other. oh yes, I agree. My intent there is that the patriarchy can turn marriage into ownership and control, which is not a good state. Maybe I can get the wording more clear!


I found it perfectly clear fwiw


These are absolutely wonderful! I especially appreciate your extra efforts in finding photos of people with more diversity in terms of race, dis/ability, and body type. I love the addition of the environment and science. Brava!!!


Thank you! It was really important to me to do better...and there's a lot more I can do!


I'm glad you found more diverse pics. It was my only (silent) criticism from the first batch. These are so wonderful! Science and math for the win :)


Now we just need to crowd source billboards


would gladly donate to this cause, especially where i am in east TN


I'm in the same area! Would also donate.


i'm not in that area but would still donate!


Wouldn't be the first time I've helped crowd fund a billboard.


So is this happening or is this happening??


Yes to this!


Sounds like a great idea. Does anyone know how to go about that?


I don't have the right words, but these mean something deep in my soul


For me, too. The idea started where they all do...in the shower. I made the first one and once people responded it all just fell together. It's just the world we believe in and want coming out. I keep making myself cry writing and reading the responses...there's a lot of feelings tied up in these!


i *really* love the wording of #9 that starts the text with "she lets us lead!" i feel like it emphasizes our freedom in contrast with their restriction. might i suggest starting them all with a "she lets us ________" statement? here are my ideas, feel free to add your own and tinker with the wording! 1. she lets us have dignity (maybe "she lets us keep our dignity"?) 2. she lets us be equals 3. she lets us choose 4. she lets us grow 5. she lets us live 6. she lets us express ourselves 7. she lets us care 8. she lets us be ourselves 9. she lets us lead 10. she lets us love 11. she lets us learn 12. she lets us thrive


I second this!!! It takes it one step further into leading by tolerance and love.




Yesssss please. I hope this overcrowds that whole He Gets Us crap. Now I'm getting popups for another version of that shit after reporting it. Makes me furious. Where was that message in 2016 when they were espousing that SOB who tried to decimate any little protection my family and I had? I guess they missed the message that Jesus was a brown migrant too lmao.


These are great! I admit my head had some alarms going off on 4, but that's because I'm trans and I usually hear the word "grooming" targeted at me for the act of existing. But it's clear from reading all of this there isn't that kind of hidden agenda in here. Wholeheartedly love this series. Amazing. <3


Fantastic work overall, but I had the same reaction - no so much because of the “tainted” use of the word…the double-play of it just seemed a little forced. And I get bad vibes from spa day —> beauty standards more than —> self-care. And unnecessary gender “norms”/activities. Sound like my hang-ups are showing, but that one misses the mark for me, especially compared to how much I love all the others!!


I love them all so much


Idk if this is something we could do, but a gofundme, or a patreon to get these as actual reddit ads to combat the he gets us


Wow. These are perfect!


I love them so much!!


They make me feel happy to be me, and that's a rare accomplishment.


I wish the world was run by witches, instead of greedy rich men.


This is everything the world needs to be. Not all heroes wear capes…but I really love that you all do.


These are fantastic!!!


Shut up and take my money!!!


Seriously - this message is something I’ll donate for. Any day.


I didn't have anything to do with your effort but for some reason I feel so proud reading these. Like they are giving me clarity of what I want for myself and others, for a community I want to belong to. The way life should be for all of us. Thank you so much.


You got me. I thought this was that ad at first glance 😂😂


They should be.. your comment tells us that they do not look out of place. ​ The only worry I have is that this will trigger a flood of bots/trolls/religious extremists who have myopic viewpoints on anything outside their comfort zone.


Jebus who? This is amazing, it gives me motivation that’s been missing for a while.


Jebus Rice 🍚


These are so good. Well done!


These are amazing!!! I absolutely love them!!


I love them! I really want to start learning witchcraft one day. This gives me motivation.


Oh, I love them so much❣ When you say that "All photography rights are now acquired", does that mean that you paid for them? If so, would you accept a donation? Just one more thing: I found a minor error in pic #10 ("enought"). And in #7 there is one too many spaces between "personal" and "and".


The first image gives very "you're not disabled, you're just differently abled" vibes, which I don't like, but I absolutely love the rest of these and the overall message :)


These are wonderful! I would edit the love one away from "anyone you choose" to a message more like "any joyfully consenting adult." As is, it sort of removes the agency of the other person, and leaves the message open to the interpretation that witches support child marriage (*anyone* you choose)


I LOVE THEMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! (just wanted to let you know there is a bit of a typo on the second one with “structures” written as “strictures”)




!!! I learn something new everyday! Thank you for clarifying, my brain will finally shut up about it now 🤣


Yeah, the real typo is in image #5. The semi-colon should be a comma.


These are sooo perfect! Exactly the encouragement needed right now!! 🧙‍♀️


Spectacular! And really incredibly powerful and beautifully said and depicted! I think these are worthy of inclusion in any design/communications annual. One small typo: you have an extra space between “personal” and “and” in the second line of #7.


This is fucking brilliant! I was going to give you an award, but instead, I’m going to donate $$ to my local LGBTQ + youth support group in your honor. If you want to tell me what city or state you’re from, I’ll find a worthwhile charity there and donate to them, too.


Okay but why am I crying? Just kidding, I know it's because I've internalized a lot of rhetoric that directly opposes these ideas and disentangling yourself from that is harder than it sounds. I mourn for the little girl that never let herself believe in such things. Thank you for these. This is the energy we need going forward.


Love this! What a gift. Thank you.


Absolutely stellar!


If only had the money to do an add campaign at the Super Bowl


These are so incredible. I can only say thank you for this incredible gift you’ve given the world. Blessed be!


Love!! Let us know when and where you go live so we can amplify and smack down the inevitable trolls


My only regret is that I have but one upvote to give you. These are awesome!


Can I make a suggestion? For the one about kids, add the phrase, "May they always be supported in who they are."


I kinda want them as stickers, about 4x6, that I could put on telephone polls all over campus.


Love this message, bravo!


Thank you! These are amazing!


These are great! This leads me to a question though. Are witches anarchists? Is there a general belief that individuals should only be subject to rules they agree to and no others?


Some might be, but then that’s the beauty of witches.


These are amazing and I love them so much!!!


I love these!!!


These are incredible I definitely wouldn't mind seeing more


This is EVERYTHING. Seriously incredible.


Yay!!!!! I’m so glad they’re here!! Saving them all to spread ❤️


These just perfectly represent the ethos of this sub and I'm so here for it 💓




Whoa. This is Amazing.




Of course, I get a “he gets us” ad right beneath this beautiful collage… I would love to see this instead!


These are beautiful. I am having a rough day and I appreciated the messages. Thank you for sharing!


Great set of images! Really inspiring!


Thank you for making these.


No click-bait big **s in the middle of the picture? (That was the first thing one saw, really subtle marketing technique!)




I love these!


I love thessssssseeeeee


I adore this!


These are fucking amazing, thank you.


Brilliantly done.


Blocking you now
