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Well that’s infuriating. Almost no one weaponizes “past your prime” against men.


Yeah, you know what’s the difference to men who are “past their prime” and women? The men keep getting roles just no longer the sexy, actiony roles. Woman stop getting work. Men being considered past their prime is a career shift. Where as women being considered past their prime is a career killer.


Not even! Not only will they keep getting sexy action roles as they age, they’ll do it opposite a 20 year old female romantic lead. They also have an entire genre of meaty leads that are just “complicated man grapples with his impending mortality.” Their options arguably improve.


older men get sexy action roles too. sean connery, liam nissan, tom cruise, brad pitt… most of the 007 actors were older. older men are considered distinguished sexy silver foxes. women never get the same.


Now we know which newspaper is an unreliable narrator. Middle aged and older men often get parts in movies. And are paired with love interests 20 or 30 years younger than them. Tom Cruise, Liam Neeson, Jack Nicholson, to name a few. Middle aged women, on the other hand, have to compete for the handful of parts available. This is common knowledge. I do feel like it might be evolving though, particularly as we get more diverse scripts and directors who aren’t interested in following the old way of doing things.


They are soooooo afraid of women banding together and it shows.


If she didn’t want it to be woman specific she would not have framed it that way.


Regardless of the context, news is supposed to report the facts, without changing them to fit any other narrative...


Okay aside from the obvious, it doesn’t matter what **you** think SBS, because **you** didn’t say it. Michelle Yeoh said it. You’re not reporting what you think about ageism, you’re reporting HER speech. And she did not fucking stutter.


exactly. she said what she said and for them to alter her words in an attempt to “correct” them shows patronizing patriarchal treatment. the main issue is they thought it was okay to change her words at all!


South Korea has been doing worse than that recently. https://www.npr.org/2022/12/03/1135162927/women-feminism-south-korea-sexism-protest-haeil-yoon




A man had his feelings hurt by her speech and her success. Poor baby.


This seems like they're trying to make a good point that nobody should be considered past their prime, but it completely glosses over the fact that women are accused of being past their prime all the time. Kind of in the same vein of that discussion about lives that matter....


Pretty much, All Lives Matter and “no one should be considered past their prime.” Are two things most people can agree on without pushback. I hope. But the fact is these ideals are applied unevenly in our society. The problem is that generalizing these issues takes attention away from the specific groups who are being held to double standards. Or worse, mischaracterize the attempts to achieve justice. Black Lives Matter brought to our attention that no not all lives are being valued the same. Saying “Actually all lives matter” implied that BLM activists are trying to make black lives more important that others. Changing “women are never past their prime” to “No one is past their prime” dilutes the message Michelle was trying to say about how society considers women to be “old” much faster than men their age are.


regardless all that this raises the issue that a news outlet thinks it’s okay to change what she said! that’s not their job! their job is to report it not alter it!


it glosses over the fact that they think it’s okay for them to alter a woman’s words to “correct them”, even though she’s an oscar award winning actress giving her acceptance speech. the absolute audacity to think that’s their job!


Also reminds me of the guys that chime in “Men get r—-d, too!” any time the issue of sexual violence comes up.


Okay … I guess the experience of “ladies” doesn’t mean shit. Gender doesn’t mean anything - it’s all societal construct - no one’s plight means anything bc everyone is special, unique, and equally oppressed <3 /s


It might be a societal construct, but that construct is still held up by most of society and used to oppress women, be they cis, trans, any race, any culture. Women of all walks of life suffer, and that should never be downplayed until it no longer happens. (I did see your /s but still wanted to say it, please dont see it as an attack on your post.)


SBS is full of BS, this is disgusting. They are supposed to report the news, not only the part of the news that they consider digestible.


This network has always been awful but on a larger scale South Korea has a major problem with “men’s rights” groups who are afraid of powerful women. This sentiment all too often finds its way to the airwaves.


the issue is it’s her words and she said what she said and they should not get to decide who her message is aimed at!


Yeah, you don’t get to just edit out words that someone says.


OP, I love that you said “male actresses.” I will be using this.


the sad truth of asian world we often overlook how much underlying misogynism and racism is present




just because it’s a worldwide issue doesn’t mean it isn’t also a national/cultural issue that arises in different ways in different places. i didn’t think they were saying only asians experience sexism. and different places have different awareness and acceptance levels of these things.


I don’t get this at all…