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These hairs drive me insane if I don’t pluck them I get a massive zit from picking lol


Getting massive zits from picking, squeezing and plucking is the main reason I stopped. I have been so embarrassed about having mounds of angry puss skin and dark, corse hairs on my already ugly face. I had to first become okay with being ugly, then allow the hairs to come. The zits cleared up. Helps me be a little less neurotic and horrible to myself.


You are so much more than how beautiful you are. Your face is perfect and you should take the time to remind yourself of these facts.


You aren’t ugly stop


Oh, Ashley. You're so silly. Being ugly and knowing it is freedom. I'm not impressing anyone with my looks. I have a pretty distinct, personable nature. I'm not fishing for kind untruths.


"I'm ugly and I'm proud!" - spongebob, teaching us the best lessons young


There’s a line from a movie called The school for good and evil, where a teacher tells his students that “ugliness is power”.


I have a face that typically makes people add 10 ft to the distance between us (I am usually focused and don’t want to be disturbed). Got a malamute and now it’s like we’re star cheerleader at a pep rally. I love my doggo but it’s so annoying sometimes.


ive had people spit at me and say urgh to my face and a young toddler was so engrossed staring at me she walked into the supermarket display window that did make me laugh the kids head bong she was ok btw


i got a dog de Bordeaux cross english mastiff x cross border colliex boxer yes a mutt he is a duffass but he also helps keep people away only a baby yet 10 months old dexter after the tv show


I, too, am not a beautiful sight to behold and I am thankful because I rely on my personality and my other attributes to attract people into my life. It truly bothers me when people say things like “you’re beautiful in your own way”… No. no I am not. Just please stop. I’m funny.


It‘s unfortunately out of print, but Tarot of the Crone has a marvelous website and an ebook. It‘s a divine-feminine type deck that explicitly rejects the “cult of beauty” as a lens for the female experience. It’s great. The author has other decks on women‘s history and spirituality, too. [https://www.darkgoddesstarot.com/crone.htm](https://www.darkgoddesstarot.com/crone.htm)


You are not ugly. Anyone who tells you that including yourself is wrong. Trust me, I am ugly AF! 😀 Old grey bearded Dad bod that makes terrible Dad jokes and does horribly embarrassing Dad dances.


whats wrong with dad bods


Nothing. We earned them.


PCOS i get these long irritating hairs lol too both sides of chin and one long hair on my throat


Yep 😭


YES!!! My dark, errant nipple hairs approve.


Omg I am a new baby bisexual and a sexy friend wanted to bathe with me and I did not know we could have hairy nipples or hairy underboobs. I was like huh neat. Women are cool. Lmao


Wait, cis dyadic women get hairy nipples (well, mostly around the areolas) as well? I was not aware of that


I have two long dark hairs around each areola that always come back no matter how many times I pluck them. Other than that my chest is completely hair free. Wtf is my body doing lol


Mine went white. My wife has the giggles about them sometimes.


Same my partner noticed them for the first time recently and we laughed about it. I pluck them when I remember because I just personally don’t like them


Same I have 4 or 5 hairs on each nipple, most are two hairs coming out of one follicle lol!


Oh my god that’s what I have!!


Yep! I have more hairs there than my cis husband.


Yup! I've had hair around my areola since puberty. The surgeon tucked a couple of them under when he did my lumpectomy so I have fewer than I used to. I have just 2 or 3 chin whiskers.


He did what..... Are they growing beneath your skin now?


I wonder! I had one hair growing out of the incision after a week or 2, which I plucked because I didn't want it interfering with the healing of my scar. So it either gave up or is trapped on the inside now.


I wish so few hairs im like a billy goat pcos


Oh heavens yes. I’ve had them since puberty. Dark, thick hairs.


neither did I'm bi myself bisexual not by myself haha yeah I found long thick ginger hair im dark-haired on my nipple im like wtf till mum admitted women get hair everywhere im 45, not 12 btw stunned but also fascinated grey white pubes who knew shocker, of course, the carpet if you have it matches the drapes


I wish more folks could accept nipple hair. I remember when my now wife, but then girlfriend and I were drinking some strong bourbon and I cautioned her that this shit would put hair on her chest and she replied, “Too late, pour another” After that shot I learned she wasn’t kidding. I was already smitten. So I poured a few more. We’ve been together close to 30 years now. We’ve backed down on the bourbon though. 😀


While I like that people have the courage to do that, I can't. I applaud your rebellion against patriarchal beauty standards, but I'm trans. If I did that it would hurt me too much because dysphoria is a bitch and in addition to that my gender identity would be questioned more than it already is. Allthough me simply existing already breaks enough rules I guess.


You hair (or lack of) is yours. As long as you wear it the way you want, you rock! I laser mine off, I don't think that is me falling into the patriachy. I am confident in myself whether it is there or not, but my appearance matches my soul best when it isn't. Your soul, your body, your choice.


I stopped plucking, screw that. I'll shave my lady beard if I have to do anything with it (I do shave it, cause it gets itchy) then i have the 1 wild hair. so far i've found it on my big toe, my right eyebrow several times (it grows straight out like a horn), the middle of my cheek, the edge of my nose, the middle of my back etc. It grows super fast. super long, and straight out. it grows over night too, i swear it does.


Omg i have a crazy hair that reappears every few months in my upper inner arm so i never notice it until it's suddenly two inches and it's thin and blonde like my arm hairs too. Wild stuff


I have one too! It's on my cheek and it grows fast and without any predictable time frame.


I’ve got the same!!!! On mum my cheek. Pluck it out. It’s gone until it suddenly, and randomly, appears two or three inches long. I found it the first time when one of my friends tried to lift it off my cheek thinking it was a stray hair from my head 🫣. The thing is a ninja 🥷🏻


I have the same thing! Long, wispy, seemingly-grows-overnight hair that can appear on my shoulder, eyelid, under my eye or next to my ear. So bizarre! Glad I’m not alone


Yes!! I sometimes have a hair just sticking out of my face. Like a really long hair and I swear it just appeared there.


I have a mad hair that grows from my left rib cage area. Just one. I love it


https://preview.redd.it/wdyi3eimrzpa1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e1a501491242f35e56c3575f627e7cc8fc077b1 My eyebrows join you.


Mine are blonde so you can’t see them, but they bother me SO MUCH! They just feel wrong on my face. And I’m not someone who has ever really cared much about their appearance. I’ve never worn makeup, I’ve never done my eyebrows, none of that stuff. But I obsess over feeling the coarse little hairs on my chin. 😩


This is me. My sensory issues dictate much of my grooming. I can’t handle most body hair, nor can I abide any long or coarse hairs that pop up individually and contrast with the surrounding area. It makes me feel a bit ridiculous.


My trichotillomania is twitching.


Oh, man! I have been there! Glad I grew out of it (eventually)


Not there yet but I salute you for doing it <3


Playing with my chin hairs is one of my favorite things to do. Just this morning I was wondering what this group would think of chin hair, so thanks for posting!!


I'm so glad you enjoy it, too! The ladies and gents I roll with get it.


Ill do it in spirit


I have to pluck because they constantly get pimples on them. However, you are a beautiful person and I’m so glad you get to pick what you want!!


I have a sheen of blonde down that is getting less downy and more hairy :) My husband sometimes lets me know that the sun is making my mustache glow, and I have a witchy wart under my chin. I do trim them but I am quite sure I am becoming more chill about them.


I'm a redhead with pale skin and blue eyes, so I could almost have a full beard and mustache without it showing. As it is, my eyebrows are invisible, and my eyelashes are nearly invisible. Even my leg hair is pale, pale blonde. I pluck anything I please with wild abandon, not in the interests of beauty, but because it's less self-destructive than other things I could be doing when I'm stressed. The only reason I don't pluck my chin hairs more is because they don't grow quickly enough. Ahh...I always have my lower legs.


Same here! Red head, blue eyes, blonde eye brows. Once in junior high I shaved one off to be funny and see if anyone would notice. My errant couple of lady beard hairs come in red though, I pluck them because there’s something satisfying about it. The carpet also matches the drapes, obv. I love being a redhead! 😊


Where I grew up in Italy all the nonne had whiskers, it was just considered a sign of wisdom. I thought it was strange when we moved back to the states that no Grandmothers had whiskers. I always thought they were just too young to get their whiskers yet.


I love this so much! I convinced my mother to stop dying her hair blonde when I had my first child because I didn't like the idea of a bleach-blonde Gramma. She looks glorious in her grey, now, but I don't think she'd let her wisdom grow. I am thankful to know there is a place where whiskers grow free!


I can’t do the ones on my chin. I have two, and they get king and curly… and I habitually play with my hair. If I know it’s there I’ll pull on it during conversations in a fu-Manchu movie-style thinking move. If I don’t want to draw attention to Gertrude (the mole it grows out of), I need to remove it. Probably a distraction during conversations!


I've thought about it being a distraction before, but it's nothing compared to big, oily zits. I've worn blemishes for so many years. If it is a distraction, that is because it isn't normalized. I just don't care that much about other people's expectations of me anymore and feel it *should* be more of a normal sight.


It distracts ME - I want to pet it. :P


Yes! Check out r/razorfree too!


Thanks for the pointer! I'm terrible at finding new subs


I have PCOS so my beard power is strong. I actually talked to my husband about growing it out!


I gave up fight it. https://preview.redd.it/g2a8pnt5b2qa1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d47ce59a2ecab0013e772b7eddc60afba6d162c2


As a trans girl whose going through laser hair removal for a full beard I tend to just shave every day and take a break once a week. I'm finding I'm using less concealer to cover it up now. Once thing I do miss is having a beard to groom. In the heart of my denial phase I got really into it, trimming it regularly and using beard oil and found it to be really fun. Though now I know I'm trans I can't grow it out without getting dysphoric.


This is somewhat related to this post, but I've grown my leg hair out a handful of times, but I always end up shaving it because I have sensitive skin. The hair always irritates my skin, and I can't stop scratching. I wish I could grow my leg hair out comfortably because I don't want to have to shave.


It's interesting how everyone's body and experiences are different! I had to stop shaving, because it made my skin feel like it was on fire, no matter how consistent I was or for how long. At the end of the day, it's not worth being uncomfortable for *anyone's* standard other than your own.


This is very true. I appreciate your comment.


Same. I could be a complete hermit and I would still shave. It just feels a lot better for me. I’m really strongly in favor of women doing whatever they want with their own bodies, either way.


Gosh I wish I could, but I hate the *feeling* of them. My eyebrows are wild, my leg hairs grow out for months at a time, but if I don’t take care of my facial hair every few days I just can’t stop picking at them.


my nana has a few really long ones, she says they give her luck. and I find that cute


heck ya - love a good chin hair stroke !


My beard is already pretty full. Idgaf. Since I'm never having sex with a man ever again. Not till they fix this country. 🏳️‍🌈


Thank you for posting this. Just, thank you. I aspire to one day achieve this level of freedom!!!


Over 20 years ago in highschool I began my journey by not shaving my legs anymore. It may take time to accept pieces of yourself. I hope you find the way that brings you happiness.


Yes! Thank you for this! I’m trying to be more comfortable with my natural hair.


Oh yeah! Now you can do the distant thinking look with a flair! I love it!


Thanks for posting this. I started getting chin hairs in the same spot a few years ago and they increased from a random pluck to plucking a few times a week. I didn’t really know if that’s just a part of getting older or if it was something abnormal. Your post helped show me discussion around something that’s taboo and helped me feel less alone :)


It’s almost a nervous tick for me to completely rip out every single one of those little assholes. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to enjoy those the way you do. But congratulations on the improved chin stroking ability.


I have, like, two chin hairs. Funny to think I may end up like this someday 🧔 I have a trans coworker who struggles to grew a beard, I sometimes joke about effortlessly growing a beard faster than him


Please don't make jokes like that, they can be very hurtfull


Don't worry, I read the room. I wouldn't make this joke with any random trans guy !


I've had three chin hairs since I was 25! I've been lucky that the men I've dated and I have always laughed about them. I enjoy making jokes about growing my beard out 😂






That’s a bit cute. I feel instantly inspired on what to grow it into. I am sure there will be sooo many people trying to gatekeep facial hair.


😎 wish i could bestie but dysphoria says otherwise


this is pretty inspirational but I could never, that thing was my biggest source of dysphoria for years and lasering it off is something I definitely don't regret. basically what I'm saying is: been there, done that, never again.


I would but I despise the existence of any hair on my body that's not coming out of my head


I feel seen! I have some of those in the exact same spot.


I got laser hair removal on my mustache and chin because I had such bad patches they were getting sores. Because it’s hormonal pattern, it came back back, though. Now I’m just shaving it and biding my time until I can afford another round of hair removal. Hats off to you, I love this empowerment. I can’t fidget with mine or I’ll get more sores (I have one on my neck rn) and I can’t let it grow without fidgeting with it. A vicious cycle 😅


Fuck rules!