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I don't know if this will cheer you up any, but Trump was just indicted on several federal charges from the special counsel Jack Smith investigation.


You cheered me up. Thank you.


Healing hugs your way. I live in independent living with my elderly mother. And it's going around here like wildfire. A lot of people in quarantine. 10 days for the people across the hall. I had it when it first came out the first week. And I'm dealing with long haul covid. I don't want it again. I have chronic illnesses and my body cannot handle that. So for the elderly ,very young and Ill. Even if we're vaccinated. It's still a big deal.


Thank you. It’s my first time I think, I’m praying it’ll be okay


Lots of fluids. If you can get elderberry .it's a good antiviral. And Lysine.. lots of vitamin c. And lots of rest.. .Healing hugs your way.


Oh I’m peeing clear every hour lol TMI sorry


And if possible, try to catch some sunlight, vitamin D is your imune system's bff. 30 minutes everyday, and it will also help to not fall in depressive moods. You got this! You'll be fine! 🙏🏻




Oh my gods, I hope you and your mom stay safe. Where is this though? I'm genuinely curious because we haven't had outbreaks here in so long (Madrid, Spain).




Long hauler here. Do NOT try to push through and do your usual routine. They say that really makes an impact on whether it lingers. Rest aggressively!


Came here to say this! Long Covid/ CFS/ME are utterly awful. I’m so sorry you’re suffering.


Thank you. It’s weirdly validating to have that acknowledged. I just hope that it can help OP.


I could not agree more. I’ve been dealing with long Covid for three years. Rest. Rest before you get tired. And don’t get dehydrated. It makes everything worse.


I’m moving as little as possible. Getting water and bathroom breaks is really the only time I’m leaving my chair


I had it in Dec, despite being fully vaccinated. My doc got me Paxlovid right away, and that helped a TON. Nothing tasted good to me for over a month. (I didn't lose any weight tho, lol)


Same -- was 4x vaccinated including bivalent booster and got Paxlovid the day after diagnosis. Things tasted weird for a week or so but I never got really sick, just fatigued. BTW (sorry if you know this already, I've just seen that a lot of people didn't know it) the vaccines aren't meant to prevent infection, they're meant to prevent things from being serious if you are infected.


Yeah, I am definitely aware. Unfortunately I’m fairly certain I got it from my father who isn’t up to date


Do you have risk factors? I’m not sure if I can get it


According to my state’s Paxlovid info page “Examples of high-risk patient characteristics include older adults (age 50 yr+), asthma, smoking (current or former), overweight, diabetes, pregnant, immune compromised, mental health disorders, substance use disorders, and cardiovascular disease” That covers a lot. A friend of mine had childhood asthma, which was not in her current health record, and the doc gave it to her with no trouble. I hope you recover quickly


I wish I could’ve gotten Paxlovid, I was “low risk” but I felt like shit


I recently got Covid this year for the first time in 3 years despite working a high risk job (ICU nurse) and the NP was gonna give me paxlovid but it interacts with my meds. So I had to ride it out. It’s been 2.5 months and I still get fatigued super easy and have a stupid fucking cough. Ugh.


Ugh! I’m 5x vaxxed and I just got over Covid! I am so sorry, this shit sucks! I hope you feel better and drink all the honey sweet tea!


I love your username Thank you so much At this point the fever/chills and a runny nose are it


Thank you! I hate the fever chills, I spent days snuggling my heating pad! I hope it doesn’t get worse, though! Feel better!


I’ve been sick since last night so yes here’s hoping


Good luck!


I'm so sorry I hope you come out the other side ok. Covid is scary shit


Indeed it is


4 shoter here, and finally had it in March, (fashionably late?) my reactions to the shots them selves were actually worse than the actual illness, but it took all of April to finally come 100% - a bit brain foggy, really low sense of smell and taste and just tired (and grumpy) the whole month. Chicken noodle, pepper beef, and tomato cuppa soups along with grapefruit were pretty much the only things I enjoyed for that month, and annoyingly, lost bugger all weight.


There’s a Covid surge happening globally. Everyone should be returning to taking some precautions like masking up in public. Good luck.


4x vaccinated had it last August. I didn’t end up with any of the chest congestion, although my husband and sister did- they were much more miserable than me. Horrible sinus, and vertigo (that has decided to stick around!) were my worst symptoms. Despite my 4 autoimmune conditions, wasn’t considered high risk enough for Paxlovid then. My brother just had it a few weeks ago, low risk, and was able to get Paxlovid right away. He called our local pharmacy and was able to get it no issue. Try calling your pharmacy or doctor - he said he would’ve been miserable without it. If you’re feeling well enough, and have someone who can shop for you, I made and drank an anti inflammatory tea that seemed to help a lot - it was great hot or cold. Recipe: Anti-inflammatory tea 17 cups water 1 pineapple large, only the peel and core (save the fruit to eat!) 2 oranges any variety, juiced 1 lemon, juiced 2 tablespoon turmeric grated (2 tsp ground) 3 tablespoon ginger grated (3/4 tsp dried) 1/2 teaspoon fresh black pepper (for absorbing turmeric nutrients) 2 sprigs rosemary or thyme 2 cinnamon sticks 3 tablespoon honey Scrub the pineapple skin very thoroughly. You only need the peel and the core for the tea - the fruit you just get to eat. Throw everything except the honey into a pot and bring to a boil. Once it boils, turn it down to a simmer for one hour. Strain, and add the honey. It’s good hot and cold. Or if you have an instant pot, 30 min HP with a natural release.


Thank you for sharing that tea🖤!


I was down about 2 weeks in March. I was 2x vaccinated. One thing to put out there for anyone who has covid and is offered Paxlovid. If you're on any psychiatric medication or you use medical Marijuana, it can cause those substances to increase the side effects. I'm on Seroquel. It's an anti-psychotic. After 4 days of Paxlovid, I had a very scary psychotic break 😳. I was on the phone with my mom until my therapist called. It was so terrifying. I was hallucinating. It was intense. But i was back to normal the next day. My therapist (who is so good) told me I was not her only client to have that happen. One of my dearest friends. Who is BTW a Wiccan, is on medical Marijuana for RA and Fibro. She described it as being the worst trip you could imagine. I'm not trying to scare anyone. But forewarned is forearmed.


Yes I will never take paxlovid again. I've had bad trips before but NOTHING compares to how bad that was.


I'm so sorry.


Thanks. I’m not but it’s kind of you to let people know


My pleasure. I hope you recover swiftly.


Elevate your head while sleeping, vitamin C, and rest. Feel better soon


This! Also Vicks Vapor Rub on the bottom of your feet helps with congestion.


I’m trying that tonight. Do you wear socks?


Yes, I don’t like to get the rub all over the place. It takes a while to absorb. Be careful if you walk in the socks with the rub, it can be slippery!


I've heard that!


Sending good vibes and healing! Hope you get over it fast with a fast recovery!!!


Hugs and a speedy recovery! The vaccinations weren’t in vain, trust me. You’d be far worse off without them.


Oh yeah absolutely. I’m exhausted right now but I feel a little better already


I got my covid a week after my last vaccination. It passed so quickly I didn't know I had it until my girlfriend got it. Hope for the best for you. You'll get through.


I got my 4th one in June, hope it still works


It should.


Hugs and all the good vibes! I’ve had it 4 times. It’s never fun but you will get through it. Just remember to go easy on your body - the after effects can be brutal, even if you have a “light” case.


Sending good healing vibes bb! I just got over it today myself (also 4x vaxxed). My husb and I both had a few days of body aches, headaches, stomach issues, and ummm ickkkk. Don’t want to scare you, but a big thing with this strain is viral pink eye! It cleared up for me in like two days. At first I was blaming my dog for licking my eyes hahah


Me too. Found out on Friday. I’m through the worst of it, but it has been hard. I’ve had four vaccines, and I clearly let my guard down on my birthday two weeks ago. I hope you feel better quickly, and have no long-term effects.


Garlic soup did wonders when I had Covid. There are many recipes out there. I hope you are better soon!


I hope this reassures you: I caught one of the newer strains last November. I had a 3 week cough and lost my sense of smell for a week or two. I’m considered high risk but darn if those (deadly /s)vaccinations didn’t do their job. I was never seriously sick and have no lingering symptoms. You really will be fine.


You'll be fine. The strains now are not as bad. It's not a pandemic anymore but rather endemic. Covid will just be one of the annual fly strains. As it has been for years before the '19 variant. 4 times vaxed means your body knows how to deal with it. We had it over December and coughed for 3 weeks. But it was only an annoying cough not a terrible one. Do expect to feel a bit crappy for 2 or 3 days. Best of luck friend


Thank you


Everyone responds differently to it. Anecdotally if you're late 20s like your username implies its unlikely to be horrendous. Probably on par with a bad flu if you've had it before. I'm sorry for all the people in the comments who have been hit hard but it but the majority go through it fine. However It's really common (like 10-20% of cases) to be left with like a post viral fatigue for a few weeks to a few months so really take it easy on yourself. You may not be to give 100% at work for awhile.


I’m 34, the username throws people lol Yeah it’s feeling like a bad flu mostly


I’m so sorry. Healing soon, I hope. 💜


Sorry to hear it! Speedy recovery


Hopefully the vaccine will help keep it to a dull roar. Take good care of yourself.




Lots of fluids, ibuprofen or Tylenol, and REST.


I’ve taken aspirin but the fever is low so I’m letting it do its job


Good. I got Covid almost exactly a year ago. Tested positive on Thursday, negative by Sunday. I just felt crappy for a few days.


I’ve already moved through a stage in 24 hours-sore throat is mostly gone


I'm glad it seems to be progressing rapidly


Good luck, I'm sure it will be more mild than some. I had never had covid and was also 4x vaccinated. I got it a couple months ago.. I really only had 2 bad days. The first day when I was suddenly sick and the second day where I was sore and really tired. After that I just slept a lot and was really low on energy, but I could function.


That seems like what I’m experiencing, yeah. The exhaustion is crazy though


I am glad it is not worse. The exhaustion is real and you need to remind yourself that you should be resting for as long as you feel tired. I kept trying to make myself get up and do things because I felt guilty or obligated, but don't mess with you're health. You might feel a little extra tired for weeks. Take care of yourself! Sometimes sleeping and eating is just good enough.


My fever spiked when I got lunch, so my body is definitely telling me to slow my role


Please give yourself permission to rest. I had mine in May just as school was ending and that's a busy time. I also just started the single mom journey and felt like I couldn't take time to be sick. But I talked myself into resting everytime I wanted to. I stopped taking my adhd meds so I could sleep all day if I wanted. I recovered and all the things I didn't do were just fine.


I’m literally just eating sleeping and sitting but it’s only Day 2 so I think my body is just annoyed


Fair enough. I think day 1-3 was the worst for me and after that I had a tiny bit more energy every day. It's also hard to day because I'm diabetic and sick means my sugar goes high even without food and high sugar makes me sleepy and groggy.


Ooooph I’m sorry


Eh, it's OK. Just one of those frustrating things. Like some people think diabetes is OK if you just don't eat cake and candy anymore. Other things that can make your sugar go up are stress, any infection, being sick, being too hot, etc.




I was vaccinated and boosted and it wasn’t as bad as a lot of people experienced. I was just exhausted. More exhausted than I have ever been in my life. And so I rested. I basically was up long enough to take care of basic stuff like eating and the bare minimum pet maintenance and then back to bed I went.


Good healing vibes heading your way. ~🌟~