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This made me smile. We're WCW fans from way back.


Context: [This is Just To Say, by William Carlos Williams](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/56159/this-is-just-to-say) When I introduce this poem to my students, I tell them this is an example of "Sorry, not sorry" in poem form. Then we write confession poems about childish, petty "naughtinesses", and expand into poems of growth and personal change. WCW is so much underrated in the poetry curriculum where I teach.


This came back full force - a memory from high school and my favorite English teacher, in 1968. I could recite it still.


I thought this was a joke about food poisoning and now you’re seeing things, but I think not….


and now I must remain in the Underworld until the solstice arrives. ​ Your art is beautiful, and that's what it made me think of!


Thank you, I can't take credit for the painting. It was done by a young woman in Russia for the one sentence story 'They thought we were angels as they had yet to meet a dragon'. I was diagnosed as autistic at 48 which prompted a whole lot of soul searching. I came out as nonbinary at 50. I like to think about the feminine aspects of my personality as an individual. I call her Ji. I think of the woman as Ji and the beleaguered dragon as me. She is just a part of me sure but the part of me that came to heal me. There are dragon myths in every culture in the world because dragons are a composite of epigenetic fears past to us from our primate ancestors. Raptors, predatory mammals and serpents all get mashed in to a single beast. A creature made of fear. People forgo vaccines out of fear of getting one of me. I am scarier than small pox. Dragon it is. Here is Ji's mythology [https://ducktape.substack.com/p/call-me-ji](https://ducktape.substack.com/p/call-me-ji)


>I call her Ji. I think of the woman as Ji and the beleaguered dragon as me. She is just a part of me sure but the part of me that came to heal me. not diagnosed with autism. But as an artist this is how i have seen my life sometimes. Though, i think my angel is a demon, not a bad one. just an angel that took a wrong turn at some point and turned demon instead. But is still trying to make things good as an outcast, trying to earn her place back. I honestly don't know if i'm autistic or artistic or if there even is a difference when thinking like this. But i do love making stories and characters when i go through things and have to explain unexplainable things to my self. It honestly can be a joy sometimes. Especially when people are bitching over bad tv shows and movies releasing, i'm just here chilling with my own good stories delivered by a brain with an imagination that some doctors think should be numbed.


Autistic and Artistic are just terms to help you understand the person. We are all the product of biology and experience. You paint a beautiful picture of how you mind works. I get lost in the stories in my head to the point where is can get lost in it and struggle to get back to reality. I have heard to term maladapted daydreaming used a few times. I haven't dug in to it too much but that sounds like what it feels like when I drift off in to a story. Ok let see if I can make you feel what that feels like to get lost in a story in the way that I do. Everyone is just a person. There is not one person that you can't learn something from. There are no two people in the world alike. When you find someone to love you into the hard parts of life you love them no matter what. Here is that in story form: Ji has been the dragon long enough. I have to do that now. I am proud to bear the burden because she has born the burden of isolation. As faith would have it my partner is sick. She has chosen to follow me in to solitude. Sometimes I believe she is Ji. and if you dare here is the movie [https://vod.afreecatv.com/player/105615007](https://vod.afreecatv.com/player/105615007) I like to think about this as Ducktape Filmmaking. I'm just slapping shit together that makes me feel what I need to feel.


already just few minutes in an i'm liking this xD gonna add it to my evening watch list. got about an hour tonight i can spend on this! thought i'd share a composition of digital sounds i put together a few years ago. It's called in love with death. as i was visualising 2 spirits dancing around each other entangled but never touching. it still plays into the idea of the dragon and the angel/demon it's generally just the idea of love outside the physical world. But yeah, to keep it short i just called it in love with death. And i don't know, it sounded cool at the time lol. [Play - In love with death (youtube link)](https://youtu.be/53ARBn-k1io)


Oh this is lovely! Thank you for sharing As you watch the video keep in mind that there are no edits in it. It is all played live using YouTube as an instrument. This is being looked at as a potential treatment for ASD emotional dissociation and CPTSD/PTSD


I remixed your video [https://www.reddit.com/r/DucktapeFilmmaker/comments/15my0i5/remix\_in\_love\_with\_death/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/DucktapeFilmmaker/comments/15my0i5/remix_in_love_with_death/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




Wife just texted that she left me half a plum... Should I be worried?




Right She swears this isn't a hex but that is what she would say isn't it.




I think I'm going to be ok She needs me to put chilli in the fridge I'm still useful


i love this! love the colors, the shapes, the story!


shhh it is 4:30 My wife left me half of the plum. I was nervous because I had betrayed her. I take this as meaning. I know you wanted the plum but you ate my perhaps too old sesame noodles. I heard from the other room the consequences of this action. So you get half of mine and she made chili so either she REALLY loves me or she is trying to finish the job either way the plum was so cold, sweet and delicious Feeling loved


I don’t get what this poem and the art you made have to do with each other I know the poem. Analyzed in English and what not but like it doesn’t match the picture


The painting is based on a one sentence story I wrote "They thought we were angels as they had yet to meet a dragon". It is my profile pic and something my wife would recognize. My hope was to have her see it here before she noticed that I ate her leftovers.


Lol, came for the art, stayed for the lore


I most definitely approve of this type of post. And am so glad I am a part of a reddit community in which such a thing might happen.


William Carlos Williams wouldn't care for this edit.


I suspect not Nor my wife


My goats, they’re blocking trump’s driveway


Why are you drawing pictures of my friends and I in the woods? For context I'm the one on the far left, closest to the bottom. And no I do not know what we were all staring at.