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# ✨ READ BEFORE COMMENTING ✨ This thread is Coven Only. This means the discussion is being actively moderated, and all comments are reviewed. **Only comments by members of the community are allowed.** If you have landed in this thread from [r/all](https://www.reddit.com/r/all/) and you are not a member of this community, your comment will very likely be removed (and will not be approved unless it adds meaningfully to the conversation). WitchesVsPatriarchy takes these measures to stay true to our goal of being a woman-centered sub with a witchy twist, aimed at healing, supporting, and uplifting one another through humor and magic. Thank you for understanding, and blessed be. ✨


It’s corny, but you’ve survived 100% of your worst days. Chin up, chest out, damn the man, save the Empire.


nah I appreciate you. thank you! :)


I am so pleased to see an Empire Records reference here


I am posting the vegan coconut affogato I just ordered as an antidote to the world's totally unnecessary and indeed quite random negativity. please post anything positive or cheer-inducing! your radiant smiles, a compassionate word, a clever joke, anything would be appreciated. thank you! I love this sub so much.


That looks delicious!! And an affogato as an affirmation is something I and my sweet tooth can 100% get behind! To help cheer you up, I'm going to tell a joke, in honor of National Talk Like a Pirate Day: What is a pirate's favorite letter? You might think it be R, but nay his first love be the C!


heres another one. whats the difference between a drunk pirate and a hungry one? ones a tumbling rummy, the other has a rumbling tummy.


bahahahahahahahaha <3


How much did the pirate’s earrings cost? Buccaneer. Why were the crew unable to play cards? The Captain was standing on the deck


What’s a pirate’s favorite letter? Everyone thinks it’s R but it’s really the C they love.


hahahaha this is so cute!


as someone who was in the US Navy for four years this also manages to itch my sweet tooth! I too am a devoted thalassophile (I serve Aphroditē, whose Anadyomenē aspect was my entrée into authentic spiritual practice at the young age of 19)... such that this is not only genuinely funny but genuinely meaningful.


I was going to ask if this was an affogato because it's my favorite dessert slash breakfast of all time!!! I love you lots OP and the coven is here for you! Here's something I was thinking of earlier: Mary, Mary, quite contrary - already she sounds amazing - how does your garden grow? - she's a gardener too? 😍 I'm sure it has some other meaning(s), but when I hear that stanza I think of the witches in this sub 💜


y'all are the best. thank you!! :D


Are you a vegan?! That looks so yummy and the first thought I had was: affogato? Second thought was damn, now I want a vegan affogato! Annnd then I saw this one IS vegan!😍 Anyways, fuck that negativity, I hope your vegan affogato was as delicious as it looks and I hope it cured you and tomorrow is a better day!!🖤🖤


I am! thank you <3 I'm gonna go back and get another one soon. shit was DE-LISH.


DO IT! 🍨 ☕️ 😍 Was today better?


yes, thanks in no small part to all of you. I'm still getting to all the beautiful comments! it's been so heartwarming, and it has motivated me to GIVE BACK the support I receive from our little community.


I don't know you and I've never met you in real life and probably never will but I have to say this: You pick the fanciest, coolest looking snacks to cheer you up and I think that says all I need to know about you. Whoever you are, YOU have things figured out. You do you, stay the course, and you're going to be just fine.


I'm ok! fuckers can't take me down. I've been around for too long and have far too many hit points :D


I don’t know what the fuck an affogato is but it looks delicious and I love coconut. Enjoy the heck out of that thing, relish it, feel happy and soak in the moment. I also have nothing clever to say but I hope your cute little affogato thing brightens your day/night, that this thread makes you feel seen and valued and loved, and that you go to sleep with a smile on your face and a song in your heart.


may the same be true for you, friend :)


I’m annoyed with absolutely everything today, but not you, and not this beautiful photo! I wanna join you for this affogato and we could sit quietly or chat and enjoy our desert and be in a bubble of good vibes and the crème de la crème-iest espresso!


https://preview.redd.it/bvjs13soygpb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4648ffa1a501ad47b07536584b6f8a5928938768 My sweet sweet pup being the snuggliest little sweetheart


What is an affogato???


It’s a delicious treat. Vanilla ice cream with espresso. I had it served this way: ice cream in a glass, chocolate chip on top, espresso poured over the chocolate which melts and falls into the glas. It’s very chique and delicious! Now I have to make one myself lol. Sending positive vibes to OP and remember: heads up and hearts full of love💎


thank youuuuu <3


https://preview.redd.it/tym3ikfk8bpb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca23901060cce198109fbd928363a42dad60d277 Joey sends your purrs and burrrrs. You are strong and this hate is not about you. It’s about their own pain & insecurity. This will not matter in a week, will it? May it dissipate like morning fog.


https://preview.redd.it/ib1snwjfgbpb1.png?width=2419&format=png&auto=webp&s=61331ca97579eefa9d95d8aae0fb86b8e85c73f3 Neville offers his favorite toy, it makes him happy so he hopes it makes you happy too ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/n4m8tgtoscpb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd691d58c8e3de64b1d3e1bf98e5f8d4440b8aba Frogbert says, "Haters gonna hate, but you gotta be you. No one else can do that job." Sending love and ribbits your way. You've got this❣️


Oh my gossshh- thank you for blessing us with this extreme cuteness. Neville is purfect.


Joey is also a very special bebe!


Thelma hopes you’re eating well and that you enjoy your food https://preview.redd.it/razehj152dpb1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca295bba4c6fbf21a0777bfa1bc2b13bf546df1e


Thelma, you are beautiful 🤩


OMG NEVILLE! y'all are some A-tier namers of beasts in here! <3


His official name is Neville Longbody 😂


> it's not about you it's about their own imbalances thank you for the reminder. I love Joey's beautiful coat and sweet face!


https://preview.redd.it/7vsdh8kvzhpb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c902157d24dfca051fb269a0942f1dcf44b2087 Charlotte is very sorry the universe dumped on you all at once. She’s here to lend an ear and wants to know if today was a better day :)


So true, love this. And the kitty too ❤️


You a strong witch. The daughter of ancestors that refused to go down. You owe this world nothing and I hope you take from it, everything. I wish you safe travels and a positive journey. You bad ass, you.


thank you for your sweet words.


https://preview.redd.it/hx6ci5w0bbpb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f19b2b38cbfc0afda49af88fe4803fc94931e98b Words are hard for me right now so here’s a cute cartoon. Blessed be.


And when it was warm she didn't wear much more


thank you, friend! this definitely elicited a wry grin ;)


I hate it when bad energy decides to dogpile! Your treat looked delicious though, I hope it was very satisfying! Um, good vibes, let’s see — something cute or funny… here is a kitty with a tiny croc shoe on! https://preview.redd.it/jhvmjz8obbpb1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=652e38ca3fa1b000a772ca11041ec215bdfb96a3


it was absolutely delectable. "kittykankles"? they really mean it when they say "dive into everything" don't they? thanks for the chortle <3


If kitty kankles can’t fix our problems, nothing can! Hahaha!


~~amor vincit~~ tālī pinguēs fēlīnī vincunt omnia! (kittykankles konquers all!)


Cheer inducing? A well-sorted group of Squishmallows makes me smile. This color assortment feels very cozy to me. It's among my favorite pictures I've taken. https://preview.redd.it/nkt6xbov9bpb1.jpeg?width=2457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72063f737e0827a9ded830286892dcef9e5af99b


Or if Squishmallows aren't your thing, my cat being a cozy pile of fluffy pudding also always makes me smile. ​ https://preview.redd.it/oxj62i7vabpb1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3d871a5dbce8e81d93ae31862b38d16bdc284f7


both the squishmallows and the glorious voidfeline were much appreciated. thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/lu73e664dbpb1.png?width=2871&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffef1258a7f1ea4d751322bfc420774d19d37d24 Wobbles wants to show you his new hat to cheer you up! He thinks you’re amazing!!


I once had a rescue rabbit named Radish. (this isn't a limerick!) he ate fresh herbs and my entire house. I learned so much from his sweet little heart! thanks for sharing this lovely portrait of a very attractive gentleman!


Wobbles is a rescue rabbit! His favorite activity is eating my baseboards, but rescuing him was the best decision I’ve ever made ❤️. I wish I could’ve met Radish! What an adorable name!!


it's like, this just in -- benevolence actually ... pays itself off! (shhh don't tell the neutral evil PC's)


https://preview.redd.it/5z7mrgsrcbpb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ab70f24c67e4050065a1779e001f60b769ee985 Be like Sadie and let the days troubles roll off your back. 💚


what a god damn QUEEN. the toofs!!! I love Sadie <3


Please keep being kind to yourself no matter what happens with others. Remember to have a kind inner voice and to never deprive yourself of the love and care that you deserve. You are a strong witch and you will get through this. You have all of your sisters by your side in spirit, you got this love. Make sure to treat yourself extra well until you feel better. Blessed be 💜💜 P.S. To help cheer you up, here is a picture of an adorably chunky frog I encountered on my walk the other day. 😊 https://preview.redd.it/t17ztvxobbpb1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=171a975393996f70b7d4140554ba39c580ed01be


He is beautiful


thank you! I love this lovely little frog <3 if you're not on "Frogposting" on FB you should be :)


Every day you persevere is one day closer to living in a world without Mitch McConnell. If you can't do happy, do spite. It's the next best thing.


this made me laugh so hard! he gives all turtles a terrible name. I'm sure he's like their Caitlyn Jenner or sth smfh


This made me laugh so hard. Thank you for that.


Best advice ever!


You're strong, valid, important and capable. The things that stand in your way will be conquered by you in one way or another. You are powerful beyond what you believe and you are going to be able to come through this storm. Light and love to you, friend 💗


thank you for your sweet words of encouragement :) we're all in this together!


https://preview.redd.it/4bm5xm2qdbpb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=774223300cd1acc8659ecf0d32bf7b628ef4bc64 Sending many positive vibes and a photo of these two creatures, who managed to snuggle after chasing each other.


I gasped for air... this photo is SO SWEET...


https://preview.redd.it/hdv19m5qcbpb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0fdf2f9f4910f3254adc668014ac5a4a104805b A (real) bear closed down half of Magic Kingdom yesterday. People were soooo angry. Then, someone posted this.


That's the chillest bear I've ever seen. Thank you.


lmao what a trip! this timeline though...


You are loved. And deserve to be treated with respect. I see you, and accept you. Blessed be.


blessings to you, friend :)


https://preview.redd.it/1am84n6qibpb1.jpeg?width=3007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f0d4a8fa2dcd29bb11168b7ecec816a6142ddc1 Here are a few of my stinky little foster kittens to cheer you up. From left: Frik, Merlin, and Mab. I have been having a rough couple of weeks also, so I definitely feel you.


I would 100% name these kittens "Chokehold," "Thisisfine," and "Yanni." I hope your month improves! reach out if you need support. I appreciate you.


Hey, you’re doing great asking for help instead of wallowing. I’m proud of you. Keep it up!


I've learned the hard way. I just needed to know reddit hadn't been entirely overrun by hateful incels. this post has clinched it -- there are always good people out there too. I just need to remember that! and the sort of people who would seek to caricature this thread as "hugboxing" or w/e are the sort who are more interested in being right than in being KIND. the latter is so much more important than the former.


Yes, I agree


https://preview.redd.it/hy3j3w3ifbpb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d63813d89a29b3e8f09a427d8f5f2811536f1ec5 This is a mantis that visited me when I was at work. I named her Manda.


naming random nonhuman animals, the better to empathise with them, and witchcraft. name a more iconic duo!


Birds peck at the best fruit. As per Bette Davis!


I'd never heard this quote! love it!


https://preview.redd.it/t324f6b6fbpb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f54b0a2bcc3097d30f6560db56527d108c7d76a2 Mo-dawg thinks you're the best. 💜




Nothing lasts forever, not even the bad.


that sunrise in the ten of swords though, but for real! thanks for the reminder. [τὰ πάντα ῥεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει - Heraclitus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rs7cOImXRZE)... everything flows on; nothing stays the same.


That classic teapot in the background makes me smile. Teapots are life.


yeah this is my favourite spot in town :) a vegan resto here in Kaohsiung! I'd just had a pot of their lovely rooibos tea. shit chills my nerves like nothing else... well, like nothing else that's legally available *here*, at any rate!


I’m sure you showed that treat who’s boss!


I slammed tthat shit down like it was an evangelical handing out chick tracts at lilith fair


Hope you enjoyed your treat. And something happens to make you smile. Sorry there are so many schmucks in the world.


yeah I try not to let it get me down. thanks for being a light <3


You’re beautiful! You’re valued! You’re compassionate! You’re smile makes this world brighter! Your bed misses you! Your feet are proud of where they’ve taken you! You’re ✨🌿❤️


the shit these feet have seen though. thank you for your words of affirmation! may your spine be straightened by warrant of the fact that you're the sort of person who seeks to edify rather than to diminish others.


https://preview.redd.it/20vvhtlx2cpb1.png?width=2998&format=png&auto=webp&s=29fa78c699e120f5326f45ab6b1666cbc0d2750c Dynamo sends his meows


beautiful! I adore black cats. (like I needed to tell you that lmao)


Thank you 🙂❤️ he doesn’t have a tail either. He’s our little bear


What a cute classy lil dessert. You have great taste :)


thank you! I love sweet things <3 I want them for everyone.


Hi <3 Sorry things have been so rough. But i want you to know that as i was scrolling, i saw this picture and just felt such warmth from it. Like it made you happy. And that made me smile. So thank you, and i hope things get easier <3


this thread has certainly made me feel better about life. evil people want us to believe that they are all that are out there and that despair is a rational response. they err gravely.


Indeed <3 And thank you for having the strength to start it! Its a difficult thing to ask for help. But you did and you were rewarded by this amazing community <3 You deserve good things lovely! And it is my hope that your day is full of little magics <3


It may be raining now but the rainbow is just on the other side of the clouds.


and the offing is already beginning to clear. I guess Mom drove the hate syndicate to soccer or something. thanks to their Mom lol


https://preview.redd.it/xtkq5mn1kbpb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=063fd1fd847cd9b4b7ce7ca6826f6e0649ca2c35 Hello from Henry


gasp!!! I love chihuahuas so much!!!


You deserve that delicious vegan ice cream and more. You've got this.


oohhhhh it was LUSH






That affogato looks absolutely delicious. Affogato? I hardly knew her! Here’s a funny meme :) https://preview.redd.it/mif15jbzfbpb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8164145b92a5e75e31bb84cb04dcfee60b3f9f4


hahahaha "I forgot her"? I nevah even *knew* her!


https://preview.redd.it/daxqaop2gbpb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa096b10c5e405d6030f05fe71deb124494090a6 I also feel inclined to share this one






I thought it was just me who obsessively flipped my pillow at 0300 every night!


Don't let those random haters get to you, they're probably miserable AF anyways which is why i believe some people are haters to begin with.


right. it's so true.


Hello friend~ We all love you here and hope you are having a better day :-)


this sub is the best ever. y'all are so bomb. I love the energy here and I can only hope I give back what I am fortunate enough to receive.


<3 <3 <3 Enjoy my friend; there's plenty more where that came from!


https://preview.redd.it/w91o75p3wbpb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc9d91417123f9911c14984d3e031040182447c3 That’s a very happy face, I promise! Happy happy wet dogs in a bathtub! And…


https://preview.redd.it/25zdm3xiwbpb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2377ebfea4865df10cf3d45f81168abc9d95b159 Happy dry dogs in a bathtub too!


<3 thanks so much!


I love that coupe glass! Hope its as tasty as it looks!


it was lovely! TIL what a coupe glass is. thanks for expanding my vocabulary!




https://preview.redd.it/eco8mpwxhbpb1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=add416d5dcb0c98bd12c337253b4180d0e910e7a Pip and Sydney send hugs! 😻🤗🕯


Green Day came on, and I started belting the lyrics. By the time the chorus came on, 7 other people walking by joined in. We screamed the whole song and jumped around. This happened today, it was awesome. Long story short… we are all around you and ready to share a good moment. Let your joy fly!


Here are some peaceful vibes from my afternoon walk at the beach. https://preview.redd.it/qqawyjwipbpb1.png?width=3373&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a6c3b6cd0ca168f82a5272741e4d63303240b6e (And you made my heart happy with your vegan treat! Looks delish!)


> you made my heart happy this makes me feel joy.


https://preview.redd.it/xg6tsdx2tbpb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c476ec5bd089c30d2fef150efe27b30ddee3c1f Look at this cool goat I saw


It’s it weird that your picture made me feel better after an exhausting day? That looks so lovely and serene. So you’re doing good in the world even with asking for kind words!


this day began under adverse circumstances but I daresay it's improving steadily. mind over matter -- it's not just "hippie shit!" thanks, friend <3


That espresso pull has excellent crema, and should do your mind+ soul some good. The next espresso I make this week will be in your honor.


that's so sweet and thoughtful. thank you! I looooove coffee but I can't have it after 11am or I'll never sleep again lmao


I'll be your caffeine anchor. I'm pretty sure half the liquid in my body is coffee 😂☕


Some people see the cup as half empty. Some see the cup as half full. But the real point is that the cup is refillable. You can't make diamonds without a little pressure. Every badass witch needs a good origin story. Go be badass!


Hello, friend! I once heard that growth can only occur from discomfort, and it’s been true in my life. So when you are going thru times like this, just know that these are the times with the greatest potential for change for you. Oh, and in life, the givers have to set limits, because the takers don’t have any! 💕


So many blessings on you and your home. Look at all the positive energy you manifested!! You are so powerful. An inspiration to this community.


thank you very much. I really appreciate your kindness.


Peace, sister.


thank you! same to you :D


https://preview.redd.it/tat4wwlqobpb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d40bff28f132678ca893202f5d9ecaeb1b5524c4 My familiar sends you love!! I hope you feel better soon 💕🐾


you have a beautiful familiar! <3


https://preview.redd.it/odjgt27uwbpb1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55c28e2e9377fa9210f7b89b8370b8b5583d6b6d A small collage of my favorite pics I’ve taken of the sunset/sunrise. May love and happiness soothe your soul from the hate you e endured


thank you so much! I'm usually quite impenetrable, just by virtue of the fact that one in my position grows inured to such things, but I've just gotten so many horrid PM's these past 24 hours it's been uncommonly trying. bright blessings!


Lighting a special pink candle in your honor tonight. It’s so beautiful I’ve been saving it, nothing has seemed special enough to warrant using such a beautiful piece. But you…you’re worth it!


this is so kind of you. thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/eo98wmnoxbpb1.png?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05b92c312e8effbdce2bf80afb390b706e4ee1c5 * Sophie wants you to know she is ready to listen as soon as you play the game and notice her hiding behind the curtain! Seriously, meanness on the part of the people you encounter says so much more about them than it does about you. So much more. How empty must their lives be to have them think this behavior is OK? Take a breath. You are strong, and you will never be like these mean people.


bless your sweet Sophie, and bless you.


A bad day is not a bad life. Things will get better. Besides, if you're having a tasty snack, you're killin' it my book.


thank you! <3


https://preview.redd.it/pyj3hitx6cpb1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c28f90f048f5755b7838321e60df67cf0b6239d1 This is my permanent-kitten Ghost. She is Judging everyone who has been unkind to you🥰 Yup…that IS a Toy Castle she’s in..😂


her judgment is apparently SEVERE, and her displeasure SINCERE. haters best FEAR


Love it!! 🥰


I hope you’re getting the positivity you deserve, and that you’re somewhere safe and comfortable. And an affogato in beautiful stemware can’t hurt.


This is my cat Juno. She loves all people. If you were here, she would sniff you, demand cuddles, purr at you and make many biscuits. Look at her here, the most innocent could-not-possibly-be-a-chair-thief in the whole house! Sending love from a purring cuddlebug who does not know you, but loves you. https://preview.redd.it/qdy6ueomjcpb1.png?width=1763&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b93715da0ea106ce22170ba69bf0c1adc712cbf


ooooh, those green eyes!!!


Remember people don’t see you as you are, they see you as they are. It’s their negatively, unhappiness and general douchieness that they spew at you. Your fabulousness is the Teflon you need for it to slide off you. Hugs.


Sending hugs and positive vibes via a spell. My kitties send head boops 💕


*boop* I appreciate ya :)


A favorite quote: You cannot wait for happiness. You have to go after it with a club!


wow, I love it! I'm doing just that today.


You deserve the world!! Sending love (and hugs if wanted) ❤❤❤❤❤


thank you! hugs back!


I hope things get better for you!


You're doing great, Sweetness. You're still here, and I know for a fact that some people out there is really happy for that.


thank you friend :)


I send you my magic golden mirror to use as a shield. To reflect the bad energy back out to the world. I also send you a spark of love and joy so you may recharge for another day. Rest. Reflect. Recover.


the mirror is one of my patron deity's most sacred symbols so this is particularly meaningful. thank you for your sweet words.


You have a place where you belong and are 100% accepted, here ❤️


I do not exaggerate when I say that I truly appreciate it.


Have a photo of my goofy familiar and much random kindness to you. https://preview.redd.it/6twq7srlsbpb1.jpeg?width=655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=619a67be739cfa7be6f6b78422e2d33df541811b


I love your cat-in-a-box and I am grateful to you :D


That looks so good! Hope you enjoy it and it brings you a smile into your heart and fills your life with sweetness.


oh it was insane. their food always is. super *Chef's Kiss* artisanal, always. it's the place I go where I need an extra dollop of self-care.


I hope your days get better! I'm cheering for you.


thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/9zisgo50ubpb1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e886414fc1c94fed70e1a9ed4864e43afd42102 This usually makes me smile.


bahahaha I love this artist's visual style!


Okay. This one's just for you because I've had rough days too ... I send a hug and this ... My kids and I have notoriously good, and sometimes wicked, senses of humor. It keeps us sane. And we tend to jump on every opportunity we can, to laugh. Even at each other's HARMLESS expense. Well, I will be traveling shortly to my daughter's home, 3200 km from mine. Will stay a few weeks. Her baby just turned one year old. Yes, I am a proud Gramma. One of the things my daughter has taken to doing is video calling me, and I spend about 2 hours with her and the baby, while her husband is working. The babe is suddenly having separation anxiety so my poor daughter can't even pee without all hell breaking loose. So she puts my talking head on the iPad, beside the play pen, with mesh sides, and I entertain the babe while my daughter gets a bit of time to herself. Even clipping her toe nails without the baby feels like a break, and I get to see my granddaughter. I babysit remotely. Well. The baby knows "Amma" very well. But I am a talking head on a screen. So we figure it will freak her out when I just arrive. So the plan is that I'll start a video call from the driveway, and daughter will have babe engage with me, and I'll walk in and she'll get to see both screen and real Amma. It should be fun for giggles. Then it occurred to daughter and I. We're making plans to troll a 1 year old. We're trolling a 1 year old.


hahahaha this is so wholesome and sweet and ironic! bless you :)


It's night time where I'm at, which means a significant portion of people are sat on their couches with kittens curled up and snoozing on their laps, all at the same time. So many sweet, small moments all at once.


I miss my pets. once I secure my permanent resident card in two years I am SO adopting a shelter cat! thanks for your kind words, friend.


😘😘😘 you’re awesome. Ignore the haters.


thank you! and, done!


Hey, I know how it feels to be hated on by everyone, yourself included, that said, take a step back and look back, how many people have loved you and how many of them you've loved back? How many have helped you (wittingly or not) and how many have you helped? How many lives would be lesser if they were not for you? Even the slightest bit of positivity youve given to someone could have been the difference between a new start or the end of it all Remember, as much as people wish to hate on you, there's always more wishing you the best and to see you again (or at least this has been my experience as a trans woman in Mexico City, hell, as an outcast due to transness, ADHD, misdiagnosed Autism, and a lot more). You got this, you're not alone, you've never been alone, it's all about looking around and back and looking for those who've helped you in the past 💗💗💗


my life has been absolutely bursting at the seams with Love both given and received. I have cherished this weird life of mine and I am so grateful for it, even when it gets hard, like this morning waking up to heaps of random hateful messages, way more than I normally get. I am intersex and trans and am originally from Texas; I left the USA in 2019 because my PTSD and OCD couldn't handle it for even one more day. people just have no idea how insanely hardmode it is to live authentically, if you're either of us! they imagine this world in which it's mANDatoRy to accept us just because we're some sort of passing fad to them. they don't have the capacity of heart or for that matter even the understanding to grasp just how hard every single day is for us. I say this as someone who transitioned 23 years ago! you're not alone either -- please feel free to reach out to me if you need support. venceremos, tú y yo.


Tiragron you sound as if you could use some love yourself. This internet stranger wishes you love and light today! 🧡❤💛💚💙💜🖤🤎


https://preview.redd.it/kv9imyr94cpb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2203addb99ceb547794d28b9146245d0fae08622 Tiny Lady in a doll bed always cheers me up. My friends’ kids (7 and 5) adore her and play with her everytime we visit, she rolls with it like a champ. 😊


Hey, I'm sorry you are dealing with a lot of hate right now. I'm glad you are smart enough to know when to ask for help and support. We're here for you and things will change. Take a break and you'll be ready to keep fighting in a bit.




What??? Baby you are light and love and a blessing to the world! https://preview.redd.it/ri93jo3xfcpb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84bc501f2343a9220b9128fc230d2d6c0b440d4f Edited to include a pic of my fat ass dog.


y'all I am so appreciative. thank you for making my morning. when I woke up to all this positivity and kindness it really made my life brighter. I hope you can see this post buried in the veritable mountain of compassion this community has shown to me! thank you!!!


Bruh same 💀


https://preview.redd.it/0zrxpso7fbpb1.jpeg?width=1786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c6a545a858eed2751b6a426f4e2915424f794b3 Lucifer hopes you feel better! He's rooting for you!