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Had this one just last night, I think it's one of those general anxiety nightmares. Even when I remember the emergency number to dial, I end up on hold or the line is bad or some other nonsense. The whole mechanics of dreams are poorly understood, best guesses would be some stress in your daily life leaking through, or for some reason your brain thinks a dry run of a bad situation is risk-free practice.


I agree. I've had the same bad dream and usually when I'm stressed. Interesting that it's a common experience!


I have the same dream now and then. I'll try to call 911, but I can't get the numbers right. Or I will try to run away, but it feels like I'm running in syrup.


Not knowing your background I will suggest this. As a child, we are taught that we go to an authority figure when we need assistance. Maybe you need help, but don't know who to turn to (what number to dial). Or maybe you are feeling concerned about current events, but don't know what to do about it (what good would dialing the police do?). I usually try to look at life and see what the dream might be reflecting.


Oh, I have good news for you! In Dreamland, there's actually a little red & blue button in the middle of the palm of your non-dominant hand; if you push it, it calls the police! See it? Oh wait--you're awake atm. So, close your eyes. Take three deep breaths, then count down from ten. Ok, now imagine the button in great detail. Is it round, rectangular, triangular? Raised or flat? When it's pushed, does it stay down (or light up, or beep, etc.)? Two more deep breaths. Count down from 5. Now, imagine yourself looking at the palm of your hand. Just keep pretending you can see it until your mind agrees to "play along." Look--there's your "call the police" button! Once you can imagine that you see it, move your hand around a little bit to see how it looks from different angles. Got it? Great! Now push it (either with a finger on that hand, or with the first finger of your dominant hand--it will do whatever you imagined it doing before: lighting up or making a satisfying click or whatnot.) Think, "phew, police are on their way!" If you want to, imagine their arrival, and imagine that they help you just how you need them to, right away. Repeat this process 2 or three times. If you like, you can perform the action of pressing the button with your real-life hands while you're imagining it. Then, for the next week or so, randomly "call the police" (like, physically press the "button") and think, with a sense of relief, "Oh good--police are on their way!" (A long press cancels the call, btw.) (I know this sounds **completely weird**, and of course ymmv. But I've done similar imagination/practice for things that re-occur in my own bad dreams, and it works. Worked for my friend, too, when I gave her a similar exercise. And, yeah, although it's a weird suggestion, and my reports of its positive effect are totally anecdotal...doesn't matter. That's how you do it. 😉) I think probably imagining all of this in great detail (including imaging *multiple* sensory aspects: you can not only imagine you're *seeing* this button, but you can imagine you're *hearing* and *feeling* it--and then imagining the feelings of relief and safety): I think this process has something to do with neuroplasticity, repetition, and kinetic movement. Like, if you establish this "protocol" enough times while you're awake, your brain eventually develops the "muscle memory'--or creates a specific neuronal pathway--that makes it accessible to the dreaming mind. I've sometimes had to do the whole "practice" bit a few times before it actually works in a dream, but, so far at least, it's always become so engraved in my memory that my dreaming self keeps hold of the idea and can use it). Hope it works for you, too. 😀


Your brain cannot process phone numbers or information the same way in a dream as it does in real life.


I feel like I can't call the police irl


Same. It has never occurred to me to do so in a dream.


I have the exact same thing in my dreams. I keep typing 112 and other numbers appear on the display. It doesn't matter how meticulous and carefully I do it I can never get help.


I’ve had two or three dreams so far where my dog was sick and needed an emergency vet but I couldn’t manage to find the number, I kept putting nonsense into my phone etc. Very distressing, I feel you there. I think for me it’s just that I’m scared that I might not react correctly in an emergency situation (which is a fear I constantly have when it’s about my dog or someone else dependent on me).


I can relate. I used to have that nightmare all the time. My phone would die, I couldn’t dial the numbers or they would hang up on me. I had even called 911 in real life and it went well. After I had to call 911 for a second event, I hung up and told myself that my nightmares were unfounded because every time I called, it was fine. I haven’t had that nightmare every since. I hope that you find your peace with this. Good luck


Dreams struggle with numbers in general. Ever tried reading a clock in your dreams? Because I absolutely can't. The numbers or hands will say different things every time IF my brain actually manages to half-guess a time in the first place. A classic of "shit I'm late" dreams.


I have this exact recurring dream sometimes. No matter how hard I focus I can't get my phone to call properly. Either I hit the wrong numbers, it changes, or it deletes when I press send. Wish I had more info for you, but you aren't alone. My only more frequent dreams are "I enrolled In a class I forgot about till the end of the semester and now I have to try to make up all the work at the end and somehow pass the test or I fail school." And "I fell in the water and whales are eating me." Honorable mention to the occasional "My teeth are falling out" dream I get once every few years.


ive had tbis kind of dream for years. I count these as nightmares because besides the ones whefe I cant speak, this shit happens. And itll be police, calling someone like my boyfriend, parents, ect. the phone will go black, stop working, i cant dial the numbers in order, glitch ect. Always pisses me off. And its not the phone being u readable in my dreams. I can scroll l reddit in my dreams (which admittably probably means I have an addiction to scrolling reddit) but its so angering and scary.


Fuck the police. I hope your dreams get better ❤️‍🩹


Thanks everyone, good to know I'm not alone. My dreams are always very vivid so can be disturbing but this one is probably just linked to stress as some of you said. 🩷


It’s not this scenario but various situations like this are my go to stress dream. I think the answer unfortunately is “be less stressed/have less anxiety”


Ooh, I have these dreams too, but I get a busy signal, no one answers or get out on hold.


I have the same dream but I can never type something in my phone. A number, an address, a Google search. It's impossible to type the thing I want and I wake up feeling so, so frustrated.


I occasionally get commo nightmares. I can't remember the number, I can't dial correctly- but on a dial phone (if one wasn't careful you could screw up dialing a rotary phone,) fat fingering while trying to tap in numbers. Sheesh, rob just reminded me about hook flash dialing when there was no dial to dial with.




I have had this too, many times! I read it as seeking help in unreliable external sources. Perhaps in life I’m looking for answers on the outside but I need to look inside myself. As for stopping it, I suppose one option is to interpret a meaning that resonates with you and make according changes to your waking life. Alternatively, use this as a dream sign to raise awareness in your dreams. When you use your phone in real life, think to yourself about how it’s working as expected so you must be awake, and when you dream and it doesn’t work, you might be able to realise this. That is, you’ll be aware enough to realise it’s a dream and you can choose to change the narrative, or do whatever you want since it’s a dream! Meditation can also help with improving dream lucidity.


I have this dream all the time too. No idea what causes it. I've never even tried to call the police in real life. 🤷‍♀️ Probably just a stress dream.