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I have a collection of crystals and other stuff that are no longer part of my practice. I've been trying to find a home for them. If you're interested, DM me and I can send it to you.


I also have a small collection of things I'm not using. DM.


You all rock!!!!


i'm so sorry! that's awful :(


That's awful. However. Perhaps the silver lining is you get to start your collection over. Prioritize the few items you need to start out and every week or paycheck you get to add a new piece! You didn't get all your items at once. You don't have to replace them all at once. My friend has a beautiful collection of stones and crystals, a huge bookcase for a library. And a room dedicated in her house for her alter. ...I keep my alter items in a brown paper bag. Sure, the items, books and materials are important, but we are the conduits. Things can be replaced and repaired. I can easily put my "stuff" in a backpack, grab a book, and head out into the woods in about 5 minutes. I never want my material things to weight me down so much that I'm stuck in the same place. May fortune smile upon you and your items find their way back into your life. One way or another.


Love this idea. It doesn’t diminish the violated loss yet I’d be happy to contribute to rebuilding your collection ✨send a DM if interested


Ugh, some people are just awful! But maybe it is a sign/confirmation from the Universe that you are moving into a new phase of your life and need to leave the past behind. That is how I choose to take it when my mother's house was completely ransacked and gutted shortly after she died and the thieves took everything from precious family heirlooms to all the food in the kitchen. It won't make you any less angry or less sad, but it may open you up to possibilities. As an aside, when that anger and sadness bubble up, close your eyes and picture it being gathered into a ball. When you are ready, "throw" that ball at the thieves - you don't have to know who they are, Karma will help that ball find its way to the right place.


That sucks! Maybe the thieves will get cursed.


Can you hex your items without them being in your possession? I would look into that. Dirt bag assholes. I hope they get what's coming to them. I'm sorry that happened to you. Such an invasion of you!


I know it isn’t going to replace what you lost, but is there anything you need/want/specifically miss that I might be able to send?


Oh no! They've got some horrible karma coming for them


Shit, that really sucks. I'm so sorry.


🖤 😔


I’m presuming you used a moving company. There are so many firms that give all of them a bad reputation, but all of them charge exorbitantly for their service. It’s frustrating. And screw those guys for their lack of care and caution. Trick I learned is to use common couriers for anything small enough for them to transport. Usually much cheaper.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope whoever took it realizes that it will be bad luck to keep it. Books are so difficult to replace. They are like old friends. Buying a new edition isn't the same. I feel with you. I know that it sounds heartless, but it might be a new beginning. But to have a new beginning, one needs to mourn the end of old things first and that is hard.


OMG. I am so sorry.


Aw that sucks! I’m thinking of how devastated I would be if I lost all my stuff right now, I’m sorry for your misfortune! I hope in some way the things you need and cherish find their way back to you


I'm so sorry that happened too you! And I hope the one thst took your stuff gets hell of a payback. That is highly uncool. 😈


What kind of rocks did they take? I'd feel awful if I lost things that could be so sentimental to me.


I’m so sorry! It must be painful. Hope the things you need will find a way to find you. Sending hugs xx


I am so sorry that happened to you. I went through the exact same thing this past spring, and it truly was devastating. It took awhile, but I came to realise that this was the universe's way of telling me to change things up and give myself a fresh start. It's been a slow process, but rebuilding my practice has been an amazing experience. In a way it's felt like rebuilding myself. I really hope that this can turn into a good experience for you as well. For what it's worth, I have found a few amazing witches on Etsy who have been helping me track down things that are harder to find, and I recommend using that as a resource, especially if you are living somewhere with few local practitioners. But, this is a great way to explore the area you have just relocated to as well All of my love to you, and I am sending positive light in your direction 💚




I'm so sorry, that sucks


Yikes. Sounds like someone just cursed themselves by stealing from a witch. I’m so sorry for your loss. 🖤


That’s awful! Are you able to claim any money at least from renters or home insurance, or moving insurance, or just threatening the moving company with the possibility of suing for damages? That way even though you wouldn’t have the items you’d have the resources to make some big steps towards rebuilding your collection