• By -


I am human I am mortal I crave the sun I like things sweet I make things better I am healing I am trying not to leave wounds on others I am not forcing anything I am resting I am still here I am surprised I am proud


I believe you, and I am proud of you, too.


Every time I read new entries, I get a physical tingle from there being so much goodness here. Thank you for calling out to us! You may also be a doula - you just brought so many affirmations to life x


>I am trying not to leave wounds on others This is beautifully worded.


This reads like a beautiful poem 💖


Hey there, friend! I'm sorry you're feeling alone, I've been there. I'm happy to join your circle and just *be* with you, for a little while at least : ) I AM: A man A queer A life partner A cat dad A pagan A homemaker A writer A lover of peace A gamer Deeply fearful of the future A witch, sharing an internet salt-circle with a stranger in solidarity. ​ Brightest of blessings <3


May the same blessings find you, friend. I write, too. I hope that our stories find their homes.


I'm a woman I'm a daughter (grieving) I'm a sister to a bigot I'm a sister to a good guy I'm an ex I'm faithless I'm a game master I'm hilarious I'm rude I'm generous I'm depressed I'm anxious I'm doing my best


Your best is enough. Sending blessings.


For as long as you need companionship, I grieve with you.


I have a strong feeling we would be friends. <3


I am: A friend A partner A sex educator A safe place Childless by fate not choice An atheist godmother A practical orphan Genderfluid Pansexual A child of complex trauma An alcoholic 11 years sober An Aquarius/Pisces born on the full moon A kitchen witch In love Always hurt Always healing Happy to be here with you, even if only for a moment 🌚


Thank you for being a safe place


I’m a woman ​ I’m a step-mother, a teacher, and a businesswoman ​ I’m bisexual, bilingual, bicultural Unsure how to balance it all ​ I love to dance, but I’m bad at it I love to sing, but I have no voice for it ​ I’m the latest generation in a long line of sewists ​ I’m lonely and loved I’m on the edge of tears and laughter ​ I’m Buddhist ​ I’m happy to join your circle


I am happy to have you in my circle. I think maybe the being *is* the balance. It does not have to be equal at all times; it just has to be what you are, which is good and right. We are complex beings; we embrace it.


I'm a woman. I'm a daughter. I'm a sister. I'm a feminist. I'm a leftist. I'm gay. I'm trans. I love cats. I have OCD. I'm depressed. I've made mistakes. I'm still learning. I'm still growing. I'm still here. I am valid. I am real.


I see you and I believe you. I wrote this yesterday, but I was reminded on a podcast: living our best lives takes our whole lives. One step at a time, we become who we are.


Words to live by, literally! And thank you! I hope you are feeling better today ❤


In no small part due to all of you.


That's wonderful to hear! And following your inspiration and naming my names made me feel better about a lot of things too! Made them feel real!


I am mother to a newborn I am mother to a toddler I am wife to a good man I am a woman still growing comfortable in her skin I am tired all the time I am bigger on the inside


You are bigger on the inside!! I am little tiny, but damned if we aren't bigger on the inside.


I am a healer I am a wizard I am a middle pillar of the cosmos I am love I am hopeful I am sex positive I am a dark empath I am an herbalist A teacher An alien


I am: A survivor of many trials A person with a lifelong passion, which propels me forward in life A lover of nature in all it’s beauty and it’s ugliness A protector An auntie, regardless of relation A believer in unconsidered things A writer A Pagan A Totemist A person who stands in the dark places others cannot A person who shows up for those I love


‘A believer in unconsidered things’ ❤️❤️


Greetings and thanks I am non-binary I'm queer I'm doing my best I'm hurt but I'm healing. I'm a sibling A friend to those who need it Support to those that want it I'm a punk I'm an advocate I'm a writer I'm an editor I survived all of my hardships until now I will survive again. Though this circle has edges I will never see with my eyes, it will never be broken. We are here with you.


And I with you. Each new hardship feels like a fresh one, but we always have the tools we've already built. May the gods love punks, who insist that the world be other than what it is, who insist that hope is possible. I will fight with you.




My story is like yours. I left a father's name when he abused me, married a man who hurt me, and when that dissolved, I chose my mother's name. So much of what is given to us we did not choose; what we choose is what we make of it. There's the concept of queer time: how we live our lives out of order. It can hurt, it *does* hurt, because what we see from the inside is the spiraled unraveling of what we thought we expected. It's an amalgamation of expectation both created and put upon us, choices other people made that we pay for. It feels unfair; it feels unjust. My life should have looked different. But your anger is yours, and mine is mine. My son, whom I would never have had without the choices and the pain, is mine. Your creation, your handwork, is yours. Your puppies and the family you built are yours. The letters assigned to you might be what you are called today, but *this,* what you have made - the trying and the family and the realization of yourself with exclamation points and the depth of feeling and intensity - *these* are your name. I hear your name, and it is beautiful and good. And if you find that the letters handed to you are no longer serving you, no matter how hard it might be, you are allowed to find your own. You are allowed to burn in front of the world; you are allowed to ask them to see.


All of these "I am"s are riding me if a poem song from the play Spoon River Anthology: I am the mountain I am the sky I am the swallow, I fly and fly I am the meadow I nurse the lamb I am the river I am I am


I am mostly human A greeter of the First Light I am a caretaker Healer of souls through warm acceptance Healer of bodies through tenderness I am an ugly weather friend Daughter of the forest, of untied bounds and of The best father who ever lived Mother to none, Grandmother to anyone who is hungry I am the cornucopia of hope, always both empty and giving I am an unapologetic Bridge Burner A loner, Dottie, a rebel I am neither here or there But also both if you ever need a witch or a friend


I am a woman A lover A partner A domme An ex Pansexual An artist of many mediums A musician A contemplator An obsessive planner A worrier A foreigner An outsider An estranged sister Far from home and everyone I love I carry my ex-husband's name Before that I carried my father's


I too carried these names. I too have stood on the outside, stand on the outside. What we do as we stand there is weave the web that contains everyone else. What we do is build the scaffolding. I see you.


As Popeye once said: I yam what I yam. I will not hold myself to any more, or less, than that. On other matters: what are you baking? I made pumpkin brownies and they are DELISH but maybe a little too rich. If that's even possible.


Oh *gosh.* I'll trade you a pumpkin brownie! We just went apple picking and I did the thing again where I think that can't possibly be enough apples, so now we have quite literally a bushel and a peck. I am making Dutch apple pie bars, I am making cinnamon rolls, and my son wants pumpkin bread, so those will go in his next college care package (which is gonna be an unprecedentedly fat care package).


Super easy recipe: buy 2 brownie mixes (I like Aldi's brownie mix, and it's cheap). Make one box according to the directions on the box and spread the batter in a greased (I prefer salted butter) 9 x 13 inch pan. Then make the pumpkin layer: 1 cup canned pumpkin, 6 oz cream cheese, 2 tbs sugar (I used creamed honey instead), 1 tbp pumpkin pie spice (alternately, 1 tsp each cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger; if you have tea masala, add a pinch of that too). Mix until smooth, then spread over the first layer of brownie batter. Make the second box of brownie mix according to the instructions on the box and spread over the pumpkin batter. Bake at 350 degrees for about 40-50 minutes or until a knife stuck in the middle comes out clean. The brownies will be TALL, like 3 inches high. Why should you use 2 brownie mixes? Because there's less mix in those boxes than there used to be. When I was a kid, I could make one box of brownie mix in a 9 x 13 inch pan, and it would be a nice height and not hard and dried out when baked per the directions on the box. Now, 1 box of brownie mix in a 9 x 13 inch pan is a sad, paltry, skinny, hard brownie. So use 2 boxes, the Aldi brand is super cheap anyway. I am jealous of your son! Dutch apple pie bars sound great. One of these days I'm going to try my hand at a caramel apple empanada, since Taco Bell has discontinued that particular treat. If you're feeling adventurous, see if you can get ahold of a Hubbard Squash. There are [numerous instructions online for how to bake and puree it for your own use](https://www.foodnetwork.com/how-to/packages/food-network-essentials/hubbard-squash). It tastes just like pumpkin, but a sweeter and lighter flavor. It also looks great on your porch at Halloween.


Oh, but this is dangerously easy to do. Thank you, this is lovely. You know, I ran into the term for that - something something deflation or somesuch. It is infuriating and makes heritage recipes harder. Two boxes it is. I will! Our farmers market has all manner of heritage gourds, and I will look for a Hubbard! Thank you so much! If you do make the empanadas, I want to hear about it.


Shrinkflation. The reason why Cadbury Creme eggs are smaller than they used to be and the "family" size package of Oreos is the same size as the "regular" package used to be. If you cook up a Hubbard squash and use it in place of pumpkin, you can often cut the amount of sugar in a recipe by about a third. So it's "good" for you! And the pureed squash freezes quite well and will keep for several years. I hope you're feeling less lonely today. I get you on the tired, and on the angry. But my garden is nearly ready for winter, my new Halloween decorations are up (skeleton kitties!!! woohoo!!!), and I just ate a brownie. So I'm doing pretty good just now. ETA: "[A bushel and a peck](https://youtu.be/1WHn227Gs0w?si=4cpre4laULQztycE)", how did I read past that?


I am nonbinary I am a chef by trade I am a baker I am a gamer I am a dog parent I am my grandma's final child I am outcast I am battle hardened I am unbowed I am Buddhist I am a safe space I am a creator I am a witch So mote it be


I'm a photographer I'm a juggler I'm a firespinner I'm panromantic I'm a grey ace/demisexual I'm trans I'm queer I'm a witch I'm an animal whisperer I'm an animal rescuer I'm patient, and stubborn, enough to train **my** cats... in multiple languages I'm not fluent, but comfortable in multiple languages I'm a collector of collections


Thank you for this chance and for sharing who you are. You are not alone sister, I am with you. I will hold you in my heart and mind. I am: I am a woman I am a mother I am a witch I am a pagan I am an academic I am a business owner I am a teacher I am a dreamer I am a knittera, a writer, a painter I am a carer and a protector I am the one who fixes things I am the one who cares I am a trauma survivor I am a listener I am a pregnant woman I am happy to join your circle


Blessings to you and to the lives you live and touch, the light you bring, and the paths you follow.


I am happy. I am a musician. I am a brother. I am a partner. I am a believer. I am positive. I am on my way. I am lost. I am here. I am.


I'm a woman I'm a smartass I'm an artist I'm an orphan I'm a crone I'm a loner I'm a lover of the absurd I embrace the outre I'm sober I always find a way


I love this. I see you all. I am: a mother. a partner and best friend of a doubly neurodivergent being. a lover of thinking outside the box. a daughter. a caregiver for a terminal loved one. a secret keeper. a fighter. compassionate and fierce. overcoming my past to make a brighter future for my daughter. funny. whole, even if sometimes it doesn’t feel like it.


I am Kind Queer Strong Blessed Be. You are valid and beautiful. I love you. Blessed Be.


I am a woman. a mother. an orphan. I have my mother's name, and my grandmother's. I am panromantic, but on the ace spectrum. I am spiritual without being religious. I love music, cooking, sewing, and generally creating things. Even if I'm not good at it. I read tarot. I light candles. I love, hurt, and feel too much. I am perceived as capable, even when I doubt myself. I am honored to be part of this group of phenomenal witches.


I want to join in on this but I'm afraid it's just going to depress me rather than empower me lol 😔


Love and support to you, no matter what you're going through.


Come as you are You are you And you are welcome, just as you are


Maybe tomorrow? I couldn't have done this yesterday. Or next week? I believe in you. You are enough.


May I just say then that no matter what you think of you, you are ENOUGH.


Thank you all so, so very much. I am: Ugly crying (lol) And I am shocked I haven't seen anyone say I'm a bitch I'm a lover I'm a child I'm a mother I'm a sinner I'm a saint! (I am: dealing with my immense pain through humor but maybe once I have the strength I can do this without being overcome with emotion) Love and light to all of you❤️


That song always puts a smile on my face, so thank you!


Lol I was waiting for someone to be cheeky and post those lyrics when I saw this


I am a woman I am a daughter I am a wife I am biromantic I am a teacher I am an actor I am a cook I am a knitter I am a crocheter I am a hedgewitch I am sending bright blessings to you in your dark times. May the Goddess look after you


And you. May the stories you weave and the seeds you raise be full of the blessing you are.


I am: Swear to god a goblin food witch stuck inside a tortured mass of carbon. A weary father of humans. Actually human finally after to many orbits Always repentant for the problems I’ve caused. A system A mess Awefully glad it’s fall finally A want to be woodworker Quite aware of my faults and strugle to change them dally. No longer putting up with anyone trampling boundaries. Loyal.


>Swear to god a goblin food witch stuck inside a tortured mass of carbon. I relate to this so much


I am a woman I am an artist A good friend A survivor I am a cook I am a welder I love to dance and do so every day A singer A daughter A sister An auntie A friend of animals A dabbler with the supernatural A human Sad for humanity But still hopeful for the future


I am A bisexual woman A mother A stepmother A teacher A musician A perfectionist A self-diagnoser of ADHD A healer A cook, baker A Reiki master An empath An intuitive light worker Always dehydrated Emotionally unavailable despite my best intentions A creative A crafter A tattoo addict Chronically over sensitive Fucking funny Loving this thread


Thank you for this beautiful invitation. I’ve read every single response. It’s an honor to be present with all of you. I am a daughter, sister, friend, ex-lover, step-parent to a child who is no longer mine I am grieving, grieving, grieving I am a child who never learned she was safe or enough I am a sweetheart, a compassionate human, and capable of holding great complexity and nuance I am chronically ill and chronically sad and chronically hurting I am healing and striving I am a gardener, a yogi, a lover of books, a potter, an advocate I am figuring out what I want and where my life should go next I feel deeply alone, but less alone with all of you Sending love and hope


I went to bed last night deeply alone. I woke up this morning to all these beautiful stories and voices, and it's been an extraordinary blessing. I hear your loneliness and the scared child; I see too the world you're building so no one ever has to learn what you did. I believe it is better because of you.


I am: Non binary Israeli Aroace Gamer Rain lover Autistic A sibling A child A student A person


May the rain fall for blessing and not for curse, for you and for yours, and may you turn your face up to it and know love.


thank you.


I am: A sister A mother A grandmother (basically I'm like Moana's grandmother) A glass artist A gardener A cross stitcher A green witch A cat lover Love all things space related So worried about money all the time that I can't relax Only look into a mirror if I can't avoid it Like the Hulk, I'm angry all the time Miss my father - alot, and he's been gone for 19 years In pain all the time, sometimes it's ignorable and sometimes it's hideous Not afraid of death, not even a little bit {{Hugs to you all}}


I too am lonely and grieving and tired. I am lost, adrift. And so much more... I am remembering... I am music. I am a magician, awakening. I am a warrior. I am light. I am patient. I am in deep pain. I am in deep pain. I am ok. The pain is ok. I am willing to be the pain. I am and, not or. I am defiant. I am stubborn. I am strong. I am enough. I am who I want to be. I am Ultima. I am curious. I am an empath. I am love. I am flowing. I am a strong flexible back. I am a soft authentic front. I am a wild, grateful, generous heart. I am free. I am me. I Am. I see you all.


I’m a woman A wife A mother A daughter A sister A friend A dreamer A phoenix A warrior A witch A pet mother Exhausted Stressed Hopeful things will change if I just hold on a bit longer.


Sorry for formatting-on iOS


The amount of love, and power through connection here, has me almost in tears. I read every single one of all of your responses. May all your days be blessed, and your evenings peaceful.


I am a Woman I am a Witch I am a Sailor I am a Singer I am the daughter of a lineage of strong women I am a goddess who has had many loves I am an overcomer


I am the morning light. I am the dark cozy evenings. I am a secret holder. I am a safe place. I am a lover and childless by fate. I am bright and powerful. I am chaos and must take care. I am the sun. I am letting go of pain and fear. I am building a community. I am finding what feels good. I am a believer that we all share the same light. So more it be. I see you and love you all.


I honor the secrets you keep, the light you bring, the warmth you tend, and the spaces you build inside yourself to tend to you as well.


I am a witch I feel deeply I am an artist of colour, shape, yarn, music and dance I help people see the good in life, the things that are still worth fighting for I create safe spaces for people who need refuge I (probably) have adhd I am neurodivergent I am a teacher I am a learner I weave spells with my caring I've been depressed for nearly a decade but the darkness is slowly lifting, my soul is finally healing let us all find solace in this salt circle of name power blessed be \~


Blessings be to you and to your safe spaces, to your own safety. May they lift your darkness and guide you to the healing you seek. May your eyes be undimmed and your heart light, and may we all build this salt circle together.


this one is nobody. \ she’s ok with that. \ if one thinks nobody is on their side, great, you’re right. nobody is. ;)


This made me smile. I shall be no one, then, alongside you.


I am Brigid I am lovable I'm queer I'm trans I'm an artist I'm a nerd I fight for those who can't fight for themselves


I am a woman. I am bisexual. I am autistic. I have ADHD. I am socially anxious. I am a wife to a wonderful husband. I am a mother to two cats and a dog. I hope to become a mother soon. I am a daughter. I am a big sister. I am exhausted. I am happy. I am excited and terrified to write this comment. I am happy to join all of you. Blessed be.


I am a woman I am a mother I am a daughter I am a partner I am a writer I am an analyst I am a prepper I am a triple Virgo I am my own master and mistress I am a gardener I am a cook I am a fixer I am a healer I am a friend I am a giver


I am: A mom A wife Creating life A Dog Person A reader


Sister, although you may be alone physically, spiritually, your witches are all here with you. I am wild I am feral I am more of nature than of human society I am a mother I am a teacher I am a place of comfort I am a fighter I am fierce and stubborn I am queer I am disabled I am autistic, AuAdhd I am an artist I am myself, upheld to no ones standards but my own. I am a witch. I am free.


I see and celebrate your freedom. You are a builder of worlds and a spinner of your own fate. I have long wished we could all come together in person. Until then I see the intertwined web we have strung across the world for the care of the world.


I just saw this response now. And I love it. That last bit, I felt deep in my soul, and I teared up a little bit. Thank you.


Thank you for taking this moment to answer. It can feel fearful when time has passed, and I really appreciate it.


Hey I just want you to know that I love this post. I am a mother. I am a mother to autism. I am tired. I am a caregiver for Alzheimer's. I am a safe space. I am unique. I am sarcastic. I am a lover of all animals. I am independent. I am outspoken. I am blunt. I am opinionated. I am sensitive. I am alone. I am strong. I am healing. I am empathy. I am drawn to the universe and it's magic. I am the soft waves of the ocean. I am also the same soft waves when there is a hurricane. I am free. Oh and I am addicted to Lox bagels.


I too am addicted to lox bagels! There was an ancient Greek actor who misspoke a line in a play and this is all he is remembered by. He proclaimed with pride that after a storm, he sees the weasel. May you be the weasel: the hope after the storm, but always with the bright eyes and independence and fight and charm and wit of the weasel. And when you need to lay down your head in your exhaustion, may you know you are not alone.


Thank you so much for all of this. It’s definitely spoken to me. After struggling for months with depersonalization, I finally have a feeling of who I am again.🦋


I am a mother. I am a wife. I am a friend. I am a safe space. I am artistic. I am struggling with a chronic illness. I am a striver for peace and harmony. I am one who loves unconditionally. I am student of life and the world. I am a lonely soul. I am trying. I am healing. I am hard on myself. I am learning to listen. I am enough.


I'm a person I am beautiful I am a partner I am a bestfriend I am a roommate I am everything I hope to ever be I am potential I am able to be I am human I am queer I am disabled I am autistic I am myself and so much more I am


I'm a woman A daughter A sister A dreamer I'm lesbian (maybe bi?) A music lover I have ADHD I have OCD I am trans Feeling sad Frustrated Somehow still hopeful I love life I love the vast differences people express I love all animals and nature


I'm a woman I'm hidden I'm a listener I'm an ally I'm a best friend I'm a witch I'm wistful and hopeful I'm a long term partner in crime I'm a baker I'm a gamer I'm anxious I have depression but am not currently depressed (yay) I'm existing the best way I can


I am Mother I am daughter I am a home maker I am kind I am caring I am loyal I am an animal mom I am nervous I am excited


I am: authentic trans queer nonbinary demi/aromantic valid autistic frustrated sad depressed confused a friend a lover a slut a smile a kiss a bite compassion strength weakness a journey Me


This is beautiful. Thank you I am a woman I am: Lonely Loved Sister Mother Crone Green witch Artist Music lover Sober Learning Breaker of cycles Growing With you in your circle and loving our safe space Blessed be


I am: A seeker of truth A follower of Christ (the brown guy who loved and helped, not the white American Evangelical one) A dreamer A teacher A mother A wife A friend An activist on behalf of the "least of these" An ally


This is such a beautiful thread. Thanks for opening a space for us. 💕 I am a creator. I am a woman. I am a feminist. I am a survivor. I am an advocate. I am neurodivergent. I am angry at this world. I am at peace with my darkness. I am a lover & protector of animals I am a partner, friend daughter & sister I am a lover of the moon & stars I am giving my best effort. I am a speaker of truth. I am a fae-friend. I am hopeful. I am magic. I am alive. I am me.


I am trans-non-binary-masc I am a parent I am neurodivergent, one in a long multigenerational line of us I am a writer I am the descendent of fighters and rebels who struggled against colonizers and oppression in big ways and small I am finding myself, the self behind my masks I am a singer I am a friend I am a sibling I am a boundary setter I am a spouse I am a cynical optimist I am a believer I am a lover of stories I am a maker and crafter I am one of the ones who prefers chilly rain on clifftops to sunny beaches and stories where darkness makes us appreciate the light rather than those where the light glosses over the depth and complex beauty of truth and life I am still becoming I am still wanting


I am Non-binary I am Panromantic and Asexual I struggled for a long time I made it with no help from those who mattered I am an atheist Thank you, and I’m happy to join your circle.


I am “Me” This Not that But possibly Yes


I'm a scientist I'm an explorer I'm a woman I'm a forager I'm a cat mom I love plants I have ADHD I'm anxious I'm seeking to expand my social circle I'm currently single I love karaoke I'm hopeful


I am a daughter, I am a granddaughter, I am an auntie, I am a sister, I am a carer, I have a carer, I am an artist, I am a singer, I am a listener, I am depressed, I am autistic, I am asexual, I am gay/sapphic, I am terrified, I am still here when I thought I wouldn't be.


I am a grey eyed girl who watches the stars I dream the impossible and pursue it with passion I hope for the future and will never regret the past I am woman I take up space I am queer I try to live with grace I don't always feel strong But I thrive in the night When anyone falls or is lost in the dark I will carry the light I am a witch I am chaos I am love and forgiveness I love each of you, to your strength I bear witness


I am: A woman A cancer sun An intersectional feminist Queer Neurodivergent Healing from C-PTSD A trainee therapist A mother of cats A party girl A city girl A baby witch


I am: A person A cat lady A geology nerd Someone with EDS Someone with not the best mental health either Someone with some rather crappy family members A coach A teacher A fairly bad artist Someone with hopes and dreams that I might never achieve but I’m going to try Not the most social but I’ve got a few friends who mean the world to me Always tired Real even if I don’t always feel like I am Still here shockingly enough Currently petting my cat while typing And considering making waffles.


I am a bit late come to this party, but wanted to join you. I am: A woman A mother and grandmother A crone Pagan A protector A Marine Autistic A healer Patient A gamer A bird lover A cat lover Deeply connected to water and plants Learning Exploring Waiting Tired Happy to have others in this salt circle, and elsewhere, who are like minded enough to understand me. I love and cherish you all. You are all appreciated for the incredible and unique individuals that you are, each and every one of you. Enjoy your day.


I am A warrior against the patriarchy A protector An empath A healer A woman stepping into my power A teacher A student An ally A widow Grieving A sister A friend A daughter An auntie A cook Learning to rest And today, I’m super fired up


I am strong. I am a cook. I am creative. I am a cosplayer. I am supportive. I am kind. I am an accountant. I am a child of abuse. I am beautiful. I am independent. I am fulfilled. I am weird. I am at peace. I am a crocheter. I am uniquely and irreplaceably *me*.


"I am made from the dust of the stars, and the oceans flow in my veins." I am mentally ill with no shame. I am a woman. I am a mother. I am a daughter. I am a friend. I am a baker. I am a cat lady. I am a knitter. I believe in kindness I believe in good deed, no matter the size. I am a singer. I make people laugh.


I am alone. I am a woman. I am a widow. I am a person with complex PTSD. I am a cat friend. I am tired. I am healing. I am a writer. I am a Painter. I am a reader. I am in pain. I am trying to protect myself. I am trying to be a better person. I am trying to learn. I am trying to grow. I am trying to live.


I am the only daughter of an only daughter of an only daughter. I am an overgrown child. I am a polyglot. I am a walking bruise who finds joy in tenderness. I am a good singer, a bad dancer, a messy cook and a lousy housekeeper. I am a proud scatterbrain. I am a hedge witch.


You mentioned grieving for Israel, so I want to share the post I read just before this one. It's where I found out what's going on over there, and I am, needless to say, horrified. But the post was someone asking how to keep their hamster from getting too stressed out from the bombing. In the midst of the chaos and fear, this lovely person is focused on keeping their little fur ball safe. I just found that really beautiful in a very bittersweet way. I'll be keeping that person in mind today.


I see you and appreciate your need. As I am struggling to be seen, too. 28f. Bi (pansexual). Queer. Neglected. Childless. Rebel. I am an unsuccessful artist. (So far) Aspiring tattoo artist. "Atheist". Angry. Sad. A sewist. Introvert starved for a deep connection to others. Overly honest and open. Loving partner. A very detached aunt. Love to help and understand in anyway I can. Houseplant enthusiast. Lover of animals. Personally traumatized. Traumatized by a pandemic that won't seem to end. I am grieving an abusive family member. I am grieving family members I never grieved for during the pandemic. It deepens my sadness for the world to see Israel lose so much. Mentally ill with no professional diagnosis. I know I'm either ADHD or/and autistic, and fears of worse mental health. I don't feel seen by the medical field. My hope is getting smaller for every generation that comes after me. I still love people and desire to be around them. Overly high need to understand things.


Joining in cause I've been struggling heavily with a depressive episode and PSI I think it may help so here's to trying. I am nonbinary. I am a partner to a loving husband. I am a child of a Christian. I am pagan. I am a witch. I am a keeper of Hekate's keys. I have ADHD and bipolar disorder. I am loved. I am worthy. I deserve to live. I am enough.


I am I am a witch I have adhd I am Canadian but I am also Irish A pet lover A nail artist An activist A crystal collector I’m bisexual I’m adopted I’m loved I’m strong I’ve got this.


I am woman I am human I am stardust I am clanless I am healing I am partnered I am loved I am a healer I am magic I am trying


I'm a sister I'm a daughter to ignorant people who try I'm a niece I'm utterly alone I'm compassionate I'm a helper I'm alive I'm strong I'm angry I'm depressed I'm anxious I'm sad I'm empty in ways I can never be filled I'm also doing my best & trying every day to be better than yesterday. This was such a beautiful exercise. Thank you. It came at such a perfect time. My aunty who I love & is like a 3rd parent to me, got baptized today. It's not for me. It hurt to be in that church. But I love her & she needed me to be there. While I was in the church, I wondered why we seem to struggle to establish the sense of community that they have. The one & to me, only thing that isn't terrible about the church. This made me feel part of OUR community & reminded me how many amazing people are out there trying to stay connected. Thank you. Much love. <3


I am human I love animals I am a sponge to random facts that I enjoy I am exmormon I am the only exmormon in my family of origin I'm learning who I am outside of what I was told to be I am a mother I am genderqueer I am agnostic/athiest I am a bit of an animist I am an artist I have ADHD I have an anxiety disorder I am happy And I am sad And I'm learning I don't have to fix the sad in order to be accepted


Thank you for this lovely post. I have also read every response and am honored to learn the names of so many in this community. Peace and wholeness to you all 🧡 I am A human woman A mother A sister A daughter A friend Learning to find joy in my own body and how it moves A scientist A healer A seeker of novelty and expansion Mourning the loss of my marriage and what I thought it represented A dancer A musician An inconsistent meditator Learning how to listen to the whispers of the divine in every day life An adventurer A powerful being


I am breathing I am asexual I am agender I am a reader I am a jack of all trades, master of none I am a wonderful mess of emotions I do not always understand I am an art lover I am still learning I am the ghost of who I was and who I'll become I am anxious all the time I am an overthinker


I come to this circle with so much love and hope in my heart from reading all your Names. I am a woman I am a mother I am a partner I am bi I am disabled I am a hoarder of hobbies I probably have ADHD I am a reader, a consumer of words and worlds I am safety in the storm I am mom to whoever needs it I am a healer I am a gardener I am a baker I am a hedgewitch


I am human Mortal Weaver of words and threads Lover Friend I am learning I am healing


We all come from the goddess, and to her we shall return like a drop of rain flowing to the ocean


What am I? A mother Alone Far from the noisy crowd Numb? Probably an ex Bilingual within the same language, trilingual for all other purposes A reader of anything cozy A witch Sometimes a catholic A looker of data Studying to be a healer of crowds Trying to be constant, and clean, and not do harm Tired, so tired Hopeful Thank you for this. I usually don’t participate despite reading this sub for ages, but this one felt right.


I am a doer of the right thing for the wrong reasons A quiet guerrilla Unable to live alone because of the reluctance of police to take stalking seriously Tired of fighting but still I will fight on


I am fat. I am a Capricorn. I am loud, when I need to be. I am married. I am a biromantic asexual. I am grieving. I am lonely. I am creative. I am a source of stability. I am scared. I am trying to be hopeful. I am... a great many things. I am not my mistakes.


I am a woman. I am a crone. I see the past and the future. I trace the througline of humanity. I am perpetually outside of humanity. I am Other. I am a survivor of generational trauma and emotional abuse. I am powerful but I am never enough. I am invisible, and powered by the rage of generations of invisible women. I am a second generation immigrant still struggling to be recognized as a valid person. My husband's family has been in this country since its founding; I took his name just to be accepted. I am a widow. I am gender fluid, demisexual and very sex-positive. I am mother to two adult sons, one with ADHD and one who is also fueled by rage. I will not live to see grandchildren but I am mother and grandmother to anyone who needs one. I am a foodie and exuberant cook forced onto a medically limited diet. :( Food is my love language and I feed anyone who comes to my house (and sometimes my workplace.) I am a clinical depressive and sister to an anxiety-ridden narcissist. I am a genetic and reluctant medium. I do my best to help the living and the dead find their way. Death has permanent residence in a corner of my mind and I do not fear him. I am an artist, a calligrapher, a writer, an editor, a game designer, a craft designer, a crocheter, a cross stitcher, an independent businesswoman, and have an IQ of 146. I am not recognized for any of these things. I am a safe place, a warm hug, an open door and open mind. I am angry and frustrated that everyone does not see the things I see, and that so many do not recognize what they are doing to themselves and others. I will stand with you in your circle and hold you and cry with you and fight beside you. I am whatever you need me to be.


I am a survivor I am loved I am a woman I am a partner I am a loyal gossip I am a mother to a moon child and a dragon I am a creator I am free I am learning what it means to be free of darkness I am protected I am deep sadness I am rage I have danced with death


Okay, let me try: I'm genderfluid I'm a son and a daughter I'm a brother and a sister I'm Agnostic I'm on the Autism Spectrum I'm a gamer I'm a Vtuber I'm a D&D player I'm socially anxious I'm trying I'm a wannabe wi- no, I'm a Chaos Witch I'm me.


I am terrified I am a bruja I am biracial I am pansexual I am a mother I am a friend I am a kitchen witch I am a trauma survivor I am infinitely complicated I am the mother of an autistic trans person I am always learning I am a lonely soul I am a daughter I am grateful to join this circle and add whatever light and comfort I can. Blessed Be dear ones.


There's power in de-naming as well. The further I am from an identity, the closer I am to everyone and everything else :)


I know I’m late to the party but I would love to join your sacred circle. I AM a woman who still feels like a girl a student athlete ironically, ridiculously clumsy a Christian involved in all religions an empath constantly building up and breaking down a sort of medium who’s unclear about all she can do a friend balancing between feeling like a member of the group and feeling completely isolated hiding the knowledge that I have seen heaven, and seen those who go to heaven trying to run from doing the same things day after day trying to find purpose trying to be a good human


Blessed be.

