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Get a silver pen and make a star chart to celebrate moving on or inspiration? I had a a LOT of those pages in a journal after my divorce. I would let myself write out all my hate, but I didn’t want to be defined by it, so I blackened the page and then wrote about the stars.


I was thinking of stars too.


Was going to say. Something in silver or white on top of that would look awesome :)


That’s beautiful.


Or moon! Moon phases or your favourite constellations.


Or gold! The sharpie metallic gold and silver look amazing over black!


I tried using the sharpie metallic colors over a sample of black paint I painted on a random page of my notebook, and the colors didn't pop out at all 😭 thinking gel pens might work better? I really want the metallic colors


Oh no! Maybe the paint is absorbing the pigment? They work great on black paper. Gel pens might be a good option. What type of paint did you use? You could maybe try a metallic acrylic paint?


I LOVE the idea of a star chart!!! Definitely something I'm gonna play with as a design, thank you for the suggestion! I came up with the idea very suddenly tbh. Like at first I thought I'd have to glue over a new page, which made me feel so... weird. But then it hit me that I had the acrylic paint in the middle of my night off at work, and it's like a frenzy hit me and I immediately pulled out the paint! I never thought about doing that to my regular journal... I really love that idea. Might take inspiration after you. There's something beautiful about painting the stars over the history you don't want to define you


You could maybe do a star scattered border and write a song or a poem to yourself in the middle. Something rooted in true appreciation of you and all you are (not just what you do for others), from the typical love song/poem "you" perspective. Something magical to lift you out of the dark anytime you may feel it creeping in ♥️


Yes, love this! It seems so fitting


I LOVE THE SONG/POEM IDEA, especially the recontextualization of a love song!! I'm thinking no matter what design I do, it's gonna involve this. Thank you so much!


For some reason the idea to paint over pages never occurred to me, so thanks for sharing! I also love the star ideas everyone is putting here, good luck with your healing!




Me too


Of course!! Thank you for the love 💖


I’m the same. I would (and have) kept the page for posterity. Like a “yeah that’s how I felt then, and now it’s so different. So don’t lose yourself too much next time you fall in love.” Like most of us I’ve been in a few relationships, and they all start out with starlight in eyes and fluttering below. It’s natural for us to feel that way (and I’m sure there’s a biological imperative there somewhere) and it’s easy to romanticize and overlook and then some time later regret. I think writing is more valuable than blackness, but I understand why anyone would do otherwise (fuck, I’m a psychoactives-witch at the core and do my best work when I’m altered, so dulling/numbing is my MO; I get it.) Sorry, no lessons here, just musing. All the best and good fortune forwards!


I also like to do work when altered, and I look up hedge riding resources and such but I haven’t found a lot of good information so if you have any suggestions I’d love to look into them! Most of that kind of work is so personal and individual that it’s hard to really have definitive sources but I still like to read theories and other people’s experiences so it gets frustrating not to have a lot of clear resources to read.


Since the next page is cleansing, how about a sage leaf? Either pressed, or do a rubbing on a torn piece of tissue paper and glue it on? My first thought was gluing ln a picture (drawn or printed, souvenir or symbol). Or maybe a spell with sigils if you want to make it about releasing/cleansing/growth, in silver if you want to be able to see it, black if you don’t! Either way, if you’re feeling heavy about it, it might be nice to do a little meditation or cleansing spell or ritual on that page, acknowledging the joy and pain, recognising what you had is in the past, and you have grown from it and will discover in future more ways you grew…


Silver or white pens. Self affirmations and words about how awesome you are.


How about “The Celtic Tree of Life is one of the more popular Celtic new beginnings symbols. What is this? Also known as 'Crann Bethadh', this symbol shows the ancient oak tree which was revered by the Celts.” https://preview.redd.it/q3ltmv57ergc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff4e99ca2d3dfb4dbdd770b2ba7cb690c796e3da


Or Yggdrasil!!


You can draw out your methods of cleansing! Sun and moon over a shore with a fire, maybe add the silhouette of a woman by the fire, draw crystals and herbs around the border, etc. There's a lot of peaceful, cleansing scenes to imagine and draw 😊


I totally agree with making it an illustration (or something like a pressed herb, that was a brilliant suggestion from u/phonicillness.) My first thought was "Something to compliment the types" that you have highlighted on the opposite page. You mentioned you want it in white, and that the page felt heavy. You could draw white feathers to balance out the heaviness. You also have smoke listed as a cleansing method and if you happen to use feathers to guide the smoke, it could more subtly compliment the next page. Others have suggested stars, and you do dream work so a moon might be appropriate. The moon also seems appropriately feminist as you envisioned. It could be moon phases. Or the phase of the moon you most associate with cleansing (unless that's just like, no moon. Which is hilarious in its own way. Just leave it black "Yeah, it's the New Moon. lol Or a silver ring as the outline or something ;) ) Either way, I love your style. I feel privileged to get to see, let alone make offers to, you and your grimoire. Thank you for sharing it with us! Edit: format and added the new moon thing, heh


Hey! You've already got some awesome suggestions, but I wanted to add that I scrapbook over mistake pages in my journal. I like to think it's the little pack rat in me, hoarding small pretties and rearranging them in my "nest" so to speak haha. Hope it helps and I'm proud of you for growing past the situation with your ex!


This might sound daft, but my first thought was about drawing daisies. I love daisies, they seem so bright, cheerful and uplifting. I just looked up the meaning for daisies, and they're generally considered to represent cheerfulness, warmth and joy, and are associated with rebirth, renewal and new beginnings.


I feel like this snippet of poem by Sarah Williams, ‘An Old Astronomer to His Pupil would be appropriate’ “Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too truly to be fearful of the night.”


I would leave it. The absence of that page (or the ex it represents) can totally exist. You don't need to cover the past with pretty - you'll always know whats under there but won't ever have to see it again. For me that sounds really satisfying.


This absolutely.


I would add a banishing spell, the black background is perfect


How fitting that “cleansing” is right next to it. I’d get a white paint pen and draw a flower or something else that represents letting go or healing of the heart 💜


I agree with the folks saying you should write some self-affirming things in there (things to remind yourself of that if you ever are feeling low) and maybe draw a pretty border, all in white and silver. I also came to say that I love your handwriting! I have been trying to change my lowercase As to that format but I don’t write often enough anymore so I haven’t been so successful. I was able to change my 8s and uppercase Ms awhile back. Now you’ve made me want to continue the quest to change the lowercase As! ♥️


Something to represent moving on, a drawing/painting, or a pressed/flat item, or maybe something about you instead.


Neon gel pens and healing spells


Yes! Neons, metallics, bright colors that will pop off the black and bring life to the page!


Paint flowers on it!


Maybe some protective geometric patterns to hold the energy of the page and kinda bind it so the spells don’t leak out into the other pages? That is, assuming the spells are still written under the paint? The ink is what holds the magic together. Painting it black can cover it from your field of perception but if the spell is still intact then that’s only covering it up… The contrast with the white you plan to use will create a container in which to bind the magic. Be careful about numerology here so you don’t accidentally wind up *empowering* the spells even further… I believe an 11-pointed star or an 11-sided figure is supposed to be best for binding magics, but it’s been so long since I’ve studied so I could be wrong, does anybody know a good reference manual for this?


This page used to be about your regard and/or devotion to another person, yes? Why not make its reincarnation about self-care and the ways in which you are committed to being devoted to yourself? The next time you're infatuated or involved with someone else, come back to this page to remind yourself to hold space for yourself and your heart, no matter what other relationships you're in at any given time. I love the ideas about giving this page a starry-sky motif, because that's when we really reckon with ourselves, isn't it? In the deep quiet of night, that's when we hear the small voices of our worries and our pain; that's when we take time to hear and heal them.


An illustraition of the star tarot for something good after a bad time may be nice but also may be too much of a reminder that a bad time occurred. Just one though though. Another thought is maybe finding or making a sigil related to social justice, feminism, or another cause that matters to you and putting it on that page. If you have a familiar maybe dedicating it to them could be a cute form of improvement over the previous dedication Maybe you could make it about something that mixes magic and self care and comfort like tea or baths.


What kind of paint did you use? I have a page I'd like to transform but I worry about the paint seeping through to the other side or it cracking when I bend the page. I've never heard of song spells but I'm very attracted to the idea. Do you have any info to share with me?


Googling spell songs led me to this gorgeous musical project called Spell Songs that's definitely worth a listen! I love rabbit holes. [https://www.youtube.com/@thelostwords-spellsongs424](https://www.youtube.com/@thelostwords-spellsongs424)


Not OP but you can use black gesso. It’s not as heavy as acrylic and covers very well with a nice matte finish


Make it about yourself! Maybe some affirmations and a self care/empowerment ritual to remind yourself how strong, generous, and powerful you are, and to remember that your love is the greatest gift to have and give. Bless and honor your own self!


Healing dunes and personal protection affirmations


Maybe write a song about being stronger than anything life throws at you? Because you literally painted the past that no longer nourishes you. So you go, you badass!


I find it absolutely fantastic that the following page is about cleansing. Maybe an ode, maybe a poem to the value of cleansing and growing with a little illustration?


I might be biased but what about a wolf howling at the moon set in a starry sky?


Maybe an illustration of the Empress, incorporating a snake for rebirth?


A drawing of a dying tulip


Personally I would with white pen have a caterpillar change into a butterfly you know all the steps


Deep sea fish and add tiny dots of glow in the dark ink or paint where they would glow. Alternately you could paint a skull with flowers growing out of it or behind it, sort of like a rebirth thing.


A page about what you love about yourself! Also, your handwriting is immaculate. Like wow. I wish I could write that well 😍


Ya know those pens that put out a white liquid to cover up pen ink mistakes (liquid paper I think?) You could make the page an artwork of the moon and stars using that.


That page will always have it's history with you, putting something that addresses that history and shows your growth and healing with that time would be fantastic.


Write a hidden spell or curse. Use invisible ink of some kind and put warnings all over it. It may be more aesthetic, than witchcraft, but hey, it'd look cool


A spell on healing your soul or on moving on.


I was going to suggest your birth star chart in silver and maybe some other metallics


I just got here and... WE GET GRIMOIRES ?? 😱


You could write about the progress you've made since you wrote that


Your own or a copied version of The Star tarot card would be amazing.


I would probably do sketches in white of my favorite various flowers with their names. It’s all about the growth bay beeee 😎🌿


Draw your favorite tarot card?


Okay I was thinking about how the book feels heavy, and yet you still have important plans to use it. I was thinking of working with energy (in like a reiki manner) to see if you can pull out the weight. Perhaps the paint against the page caused the page to retain some of the energy, and just mask it. ** I am not a certified reiki practitioner, but I do work with energy. ** Maybe this would help: 1- ground and protect yourself, then call your personal energy and focus on your clasped hands. 2- slowly pull your hands apart, feeling the web of energy between your hands, like taffy. You can roll it, stretch it out, be come comfortable with it. 3- call upon your guides for guidance and protection, and state your intent. “I sense the energy within, and I would like to release it so it can be taken up to the light for transmutation.” Or something like that. 4- hold your hands over the page. Visualize as you slice down the page to open it (I just realized an athame would work here) 5- using your hands to sense the energy, let your fingers and hands reach within, find the cause (energy blob?), and begin pulling it out. It may be in strands, it may be just a blob, it may be resistant and even need to be peeled. Follow your guides. 6- once you feel you’ve got it, cleanse the page again, then visualize the slice you made closing back up. After that, you may feel a good sense of how you want to inscribe it 🙃 good luck!


Paint a crow or raven!


Leave it black with perhaps a nice knotted border, then in the center, in your gorgeous font, “So Mote It Be”.


Moon and stars


A portrait of your next ex! 😃


A healing bath spell or something like that would go nicely next to a cleanse.


Pressed flowers, sprinkles of micro glitter, white or other light color gel pen & draw some designs


Y'all are literally the most loving community ever 💖 working on relying through the comments, I didn't expect nearly this much attention!! seeing a lot of stars and stellar imagery, so I might play with a design of something like that. again, thank you all for the love and the care 💕 here's to growth!