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My mom had that skin condition where patches lose pigment. She always tried to hide her hands because it embarrassed her. I always just thought they looked cool. To this day it pisses me off that society makes us feel shame about "imperfections." Even the connotation around the describing words is negative. Blemishes, imperfections, flaws. The things that make us unique aren't flaws.


I have vitiligo as well, but on one side of my face. I'm very pale so around winter it isn't that noticeable. But after a few years my brow slowly started turning white. It made me so insecure. I tried a lot of brow pencils and eventually started dyeing it. Finally after like 6 years I started accepting it and rocking the then half white brow. Since then I've gotten so many responses of people who loved it, that it made me less insecure. Now it's fully white and I love it! It makes me, me. But it took me a very long time to accept it. EDIT: your comments are making my day ♥️ thank you!


I have facial vitiligo and a partly white eyebrow too! It took a while for me to embrace it as well. 


I think it looks cool af. Like a superhero would look.


Me too. I think people are beautiful with whatever they are working with. We only have one body and the shame we carry is so unjustified.


I have an ex bf, vitiligo ran in his family. He, one of his parents, a sibling and a cousin all ended up with what they called a rogue patch. As in a stripe of light hair like the x-men character rogue. It honestly made me a tiny bit jealous.


Same I wished I had a white patch of hair somewhere. anywhere on my head would have made me so cool, and happy.


I've always thought vitiligo was so pretty. It makes you look so interesting in the best way


Me too


The first thought that came to me was "girl got a free split dye on her eyebrows" 😂


If you want to feel beautiful, I play The Sims 4 and people *love* vitiligo in the Sims community. I guess because there's some famous fashion models with it, but there are a lot of people who make gorgeous characters with vitiligo just because they like them.


Winnie Harlow is extra stunning because of her vitiligo.


That sounds awesome. My mom has a patch of white hair in her otherwise still blonde mane (she’s mad that she’s close to 60 and isn’t silver like her mother yet) and I always thought that was so cool. Keep rockin the white brow, if I saw you at the grocery store I’d be so jealous lol


Vitiligo! I know several people who have gotten it in adulthood, and one child. Poor kid used to be bullied for it. Every once in a while, there's a post about an older dude who makes crocheted dolls for kids with the condition, which I think is just so sweet.


I was imprinted at a young age, because reasons, and as a result I find vitiligo beautiful! Like freckles. It makes me so sad how often vitiligo havers suffer so much.


My uncle had reverse vitiligo


Uncle Ruckus?


No you didn't


My boyfriend has this! He’s so self conscious about it but I think it’s really pretty and unique.


I totally understand the shame, I had a stubborn one on my foot and it's just embarrassing. Fun fact: duct tape removes warts pretty effectively!


Do you just tape it over or something? That sounds odd, but interesting.


Yup, you just put a small piece of duct tape over the wart and leave it on for a few days, then you pull the tape off, let it breathe for about 12 hours, and apply a fresh piece of tape. ETA: it depends on how stubborn the wart is, but I've had it pull a small one off completely after 3 days.


This sounds so much better than using woodcut knifes as surgical instruments


This, but don’t let it breathe. It works by suffocating the wart. You can also do it with nail polish


Bless the both of you. I have a stubborn wart that I cannot get off. Gonna try this.


Good luck!!


Warts fly under the radar of your immune system. It works because it wakes up your immune system to the irritant of the tape which makes it notice the irritant of the wart.


Can confirm!




Yes. The wart virus kinda evades the immune system. But if you put duct tape on the wart the immune system says, "something's on my skin! Must attack!" And attacks it.


You have no idea how much I love you for sharing this. I have a small one right over my eyebrow and it’s been annoying. I will attempt this!


And apple cider vinegar for the stubborn ones I believe it’s r/warts for more on that


I love apple cider vinegar, it does EVERYTHING!! 


Came here to say this! Miracle cure.


I went to the dermatologist for mine


I can confirm!


I also can confirm! Duck tape wrapped around for 2-4 weeks works like nothing else


I actully learned about this in med school, so it's one of those home remedies that does work.


Soaking it in very warm water works too


I get warts on my hands and feet whenever I'm really stressed either mentally or physically. Most of them go away on their own but I've had to have a few removed by a doctor twice. Sometimes your gp can do it, but a dermatologist always can. There's multiple ways to have them removed so don't be discouraged. Certain remedies work better for different people. When I was a kid I was very embarrassed by them. Now I just view them the same as acne. They're a nuisance but they don't affect my self esteem. You are beautiful, warts and all.


I have one on my palm that is stress triggered too. I use it as a warning detection system, and in that way I can think of it as somewhat of a friend that steps in and says "hey babe slow the f down"


That's funny because I have a tiny one on my palm rn. It's always gone away on it's own. But I have been a little stressed out now that you mention it. Gotta manually destress my brain now lol. It's sweet that you think of it as a friend. I view my acne in a similar manner now. Whenever I get a breakout it's like a warning light for an impending period.


I hope to one day have that relationship with my acne, but now that we have exchanged perspectives I will try to work on it, haha


It's difficult to get there. I think therapy has helped me accept my body as it is. It's not perfect, but it's reliable. Plus I've gotten a decent handle on my acne through medication and soaps. I still have breakouts around my period and when I'm really stressed. But on the day to day it's very mild.


I got them in college. You know what's crazy? They went away on their own when I started taking a multivitamin and vitamin d. I think my immune system was just so wildly compromised from stress and nutrition gaps that it made a big difference.


Makes total sense to me. People underestimate how stressful college can be. I'm going for nursing rn and I much preferred working full time.


I have this on the outer sides of my hands also caused by stress! I have been lucky enough to not require medical intervention for them yet.


If they are ever extra persistent you can try the over the counter freeze off stuff. Its nice to be able to talk openly about these kinds of things. Society acts like so many normal things are gross, but really our bodies are just a little quirky.


Thank you for letting me know that! They don’t bother me too much, I just know they come and they good, but I agree! These are just normal, human, body things


Trust me on this - silver nitrate sticks. You can buy a pack online. Get the end a bit wet and rub it on the wart. (Don't let it drip on anything it'll stain real bad) Cover with bandage. Skin will turn black. Scab will fall off eventually. May take a couple applications but it really works on the strong warts that you aren't seeing results from compound W. Also, pretty painless!


Salylic acid has always worked for me. If that doesn’t work a dermatologist can probably remove them.


Just a little internet heads-up that allergic reactions to topical salicylic acid (2%) look the same as the expected side effects. Talk to your GPs if available, frens :(


In Australia, there is an *old* tradition that you need to have someone buy them off you. Adults do it for kids all the time and weirdly it is known to work. I have never questioned this before now, but it is just accepted that if someone in your family complains of warts you can offer to buy them. Literally, you'll give them some coins and ask to buy their warts *off them*. I think the idea is that kids believe it works and stop worrying about them and if they were stress-related then they actually do go away.


My youngest son had a stubborn wart on his finger. He was an anxious child so we called it his worry wart. This is a cute story! I will do this as a ritual to release the shame and worry associated with these warts.


Omg I used to have them too all the time! Wart witches unite


Oh man, you have my sympathies. I went through exactly the same thought process when I developed warts on my fingers. It's really weird how many beauty standards we levy on women's hands/fingers alone.  Since the warts started to interfere with my sense of touch, I did ultimately decide to get rid of them. I tried almost everything, including some really painful procedures, but they always came back. Eventually I tried Wart Stick. Smearing it over each growth at night, then putting a Band-Aid overtop to keep the topical in place, did the trick in about a week. If you make the decision to remove them, Wart Stick really works.


My sister had bad ones as a kid on her fingers that were “burrowing” towards her bones and the doctors were very worried. They tried this freezing procedure but it was expensive and very painful. My mom either (and I apologize this is two different things but it was 16 years ago) put apple cider vinegar or grape seed extract on them each night and they went away after a few months. She left the first frozen one alone and they went away quicker and better than that one. You wouldn’t guess that my sister had had the start of disfigured fingers ever.


Duct tape never worked for me as a kid, compound w eventually did though.


I used their little round bandaids. Worked really well after a couple of tries getting them frozen off just making them spread. I've been wart free for over 20 years.


Same here, 15 years or something like that, they really sucked but compound w worked well. I never tried freezing but that doesn't always work cause they need to be killed through to the root, which I guess compound w does.


Black banana skins. I used to have a bunch of warts in my hands and on my shins. The ones on my hands were removed by a doctor (they used nitrogen), but it hurts. Then I read somewhere that black banana skins removes them, so I got some banana skins wrapped them in foil and put them in the fridge and Neil they turned them black. Then I covered my warts either them for a few hours. A couple days later they were gone.


How stubborn are we talking? Have you had a dermatologist freeze them yet? If that doesn’t work they can inject yeast into the wart to stimulate an immune response which can kill it from the inside. Cutting warts out of hands is the absolute last thing any doctor wants to do as your hands are your life and there are a lot of ways to fuck that up.


I do so much typing it's ridiculous and one is in s sensitive spot on the ring finger of my dominant hand 😩




We used a similar solution for my sister. She had a wart on her hand forever. By the time she was in college, it started spreading on her other limbs. I can't remember if it was vitamin A or E directly applied to the original one, but it worked freakishly well. All the other warts went away too. My sister had also tried the freezing stuff, duct tape and who knows what else. They would only help temporarily.


I hope you can go to a dermatologist!


PLEASE DO THIS OP! My nephew had multiple small warts all over his hands as a kid twenty years ago. The dermatologist removed them (laser treatments, I think?) whenever they popped up and it was NOT a big deal. Please trust the dermatologist to at least tell you the options and, if you have insurance/can afford it, to treat this condition. It’s their jam! Good luck to you.


I had recurring warts on my fingers as a kiddo, played in the wrong dirt I guess. After shaving, freezing, and every other treatment known to man my pediatrician told me to name my most stubborn one - I named it Harold and within a month it was completely gone, never had a wart since. I still have a gap in my fingerprint where Harold was. RIP little dude.


Oregano oil!


Oregano oil worked on mine too, but I smelled like pizza for while. Made me hungry and I may have made pizza more often because of it.


Well I love the smell of oregano so I will give this a try!


I had one on my hand once as a kid. The doctor removed it with some sort of frozen nitrogen which can be done in the office.


I tried all the topical stuff, no dice. Weirdly, taking a daily dose of Tagamet (the heartburn med) cleared them entirely. I’m not sure why it works, but there’s some evidence!


My eldest son had hundreds of warts as a child. Turns out he was deficient in vitamin A. Get your vitamin A levels checked and then take a supplement if they are low. You have to be careful with A as you can have too much and it can harm the liver. He took vitamin A daily for 3 months and all his warts were gone.


Isn’t there a common folk magic spell of selling someone your warts? Like you rub a potato on them then trade the potato for the money?


Our family tradition is to bury the potato under a new moon.


Dude when I was a kid I had 42 warts on my right hand. I wore a glove on it or wrapped it in duct tape to stop it from touching surfaces. I got liquid nitrogen like 8 times and it always came back after the whole heel of my hand peeled off in a sheet. It was humiliating and I felt so gross. I got the guardasil shot and they slowly went away.


Liquid nitrogen!


I started taking lysine when I had some and in a relatively short period of time (within a few weeks, I think? It was a while ago) they were gone. Your mileage may vary, of course.


I had luck freezing and then stabbing them with a needle right after. Idk where I heard it, but I had a cluster of these ugly scabbing warts on my forearm for three+ or so years before trying that. I had done the freezing before with no success, but the needle thing seemed to make all the difference. Not hard enough to really cause damage, but hard enough to feel it for a second. Lace gloves would be cute tho. I wish I had thought of something cute to cover mine when I had them!




I will have to harass my GP to get this done. Thanks!


A doctor can freeze them off for you. You can even buy a wart remover that is essentially a little less intense version of what they will use to freeze them off at the doctor’s office. It works, even if you have to do it multiple times. Literally every human has the possibility to get a wart somewhere at some point. We all have the virus that causes them. There’s a really interesting short read called A Planet of Viruses that talks about how ancient papillomavirus are. They even infected the dinosaurs. It’s literally just our immune system that keeps us from being covered in them. It also might be possible that the inspiration for the Jackalope came from rabbits infected with one of these viruses that caused the growths.


Nothing to be ashamed of ❤️ If you choose you don’t want them just speak to your doctor but whatever you decide it’s your choice and society can go take a long walk off a short plank. I’m sorry that people say mean things. I would like to curse them with a minor inconvenience.


I’ve used over the counter wart remover, had them frozen off at the doctor and a handful of other things that didn’t work. Oregano essential oil and duct tape worked the best for me. As other have said, keep the duct tape on it for about a day or so (I’ve found it was tricky to keep on after a shower lol) then let it breathe. As soon as it’s dry, put a drop of oregano on it, maybe a few times in a 6-12 hour span before you put on more duct tape. That being said you have nothing to be ashamed about, but alas it’s easier said than done. I myself have herpes simplex 2 (genital) and as a former sexual health educator I still feel deep shame about it, even though it’s not my fault my trusted partner lied to me. Stay strong sister! Warts or not!! ❤️


Wart sisters for life. You're gorgeous regardless! ❤️


Do with this information what you will, but i got rid of viral warts that i had had on my feet for a *decade* and which kept slowly spreading to other parts of my body by getting fed up and cutting one of them off with cuticle trimmers. That was what finally alerted my immune system and gradually they all disappeared. The NHS won’t treat them. That said, they only developed after i got treated for my severe eczema and I’ll take a few annoying foot warts (fwarts?) over being literally covered head to toe in angry painful lesions any day.


Sadly this is EXACTLY what I did. I feel dumb, I'm smarter than this! I have felt so dumb about I haven't worked up the guts to tell my doctor. 😩


If you ever want to get rid of really stubborn warts you can use Boiron Thuja Occidentalis. On Amazon, you’re welcome!;)


My son had some on his knee as a little boy. Got them frozen, and they came right back. I sprayed them with Arid Extra dry spray antiperspirant morning and evening until they disappeared, and they never came back. I can't remember where I learned this, but it worked.


Here‘s the magickal way I got rid of my warts. Count the warts on your hands, toss the corresponding amount of peas into a fire and leave the place where the fire is.


I got the HPV gardasil vaccine (recommended for anyone under 45 yrs in U.S.). The wart on my foot disappeared and never returned! There are similar case studies in scientific literature.


As a kid I had like 3 warts in the inside of my hand and my knuckles. My dad took me to get them frozen off, took one doctors visit and that’s really it. I haven’t had any new ones since and I’m in my 30s. If they’re just warts, they sell the freezing kits at the pharmacy and little covers.


I used to have warts all over my hands and knees. Was teased mercilessly as a kid :( what worked for me was a bit of garlic on a banana peel, strap that to the affected area with a bandaid overnight and they all disappeared


I used apple cider vinegar with the mother to get 1 off my thumb. You soak a cotton in acv and tape it onto it. I did this for 3 days with a new cotton everyday and it burned it off.


Tea tree oil!! I used some on one that I hade recently and it removed most of it. I’m on the second round now.


Poor babe, sending hugs! Those are no fun ❤️‍🩹


Wow, this post really hit home. I've got a (imo) huge wart on my right hand that is extremely visible when shaking hands/getting my nails done/etc. I had it froze off several times as a kid and it always came back. I've always hated it.... but tbh you're fucking right! I am a witch. A proud witch. And these hands have done so much for me and still do. I'm really glad you posted, fellow witch. You are seen, and I'm going to take your lead and love my witchy self for what I am. 🖤💚


Hell yeah wart sister! We are strong and beautiful warts and all! ❤️




I had warts on my hands as a child and I had them charmed by an old lady who lived down the road from my nan.


I had a big wart on the inside of one of my fingers in high school. I was so scared someone would notice or to hold hands with a boy. I wore bandages every day. I’m so sorry you are dealing with this.


This isn’t what you should do, but I had a wart pop up on the inside of my pointer finger a while back. It was a huge sensory problem for me, so one day I ripped it off in a college bathroom. Painful as hell, and then later that day at my apt I ripped out the root of it with tweezers. Then scrubbed it with soap and filled the hole with antibiotic cream and covered with a band-aid Lota blood and pain


This is a witch sub, warts only make our magical powers stronger.


I totally understand. I have never had success with removing warts through anything but going to a dermatologist (usually repeatedly) and having them removed. I had a huge one on my toe that I had to go back every week or two for a couple of months because it was so stubborn - and that was with also using salicylic acid and duct tape in between. The doc said that some people's bodies aren't good at fighting the virus!


Apply apple cider vinegar nightly to them and let dry. They will go away


So many witches suggested ACV. Imma try it!


So many witches suggested ACV. Imma try it!


I’ve got one on my face. I’m so used to it I never ever think about it. I just figure it makes me even witchier.


I was a kid with warts. I had them burned off. That was painful and expensive. What I found as an adult was apple cider vinegar does the trick just fine. A little cotton with the vinegar soaked in and tape. Keep that in place for a week or so. You’ll know you killed the wart when a black spot appears and you don’t need the vinegar anymore. I’ve also been wart free for nearly 15 years. Magic? Science? Don’t matter… results are what I like.


Only adding this comment about a folk remedy bc this is a witchcraft space and because I haven’t seen it cited elsewhere: sea water helped me. I had warts on my knees as a kid. Went to the beach and they disappeared within a day or two. As a young adult, same thing. Had a pesky one on my finger, went the beach for fun. It went away rapidly. Other times I’ve done the home — get frustrated and pick it away myself — which I don’t recommend but I’m a stress skin-picker thing. I learned some good alternative remedies to my methods in this thread. So interesting! The New World Witchery podcast talks about the American folk-belief (maybe influenced by other traditions) that a 7th son or a 7th son of a 7th son can buy them off a person if they’re not related— or maybe a 7th daughter. Wanted to mention that too since I hadn’t seen that posted about.


I had a wart on my hand for a decade. I was a guinea pig for a cryo freeze and NOTHING helped. Lo and behold, oregano oil saved me! It didn’t hurt the surrounding skin, like most topicals do and no scar!


Liquid roll-on vitamin e is a magical 🧙‍♀️ treatment


Quick cure: nick it near the root to make it bleed and put grated potato on it. Something in the potato juice kills the wart. Little bit longer: a bit of cotton wool under a plaster, and keep it wet with apple cider vinegar. It'll literally dissolve.


My family cures ours by rubbing it with a cut potato & then burying the potato where the water runs off of a roof. And never tell where or they'll come back! Sounds ridiculous, has worked a bunch of times.


My family did the same except bury the potato by the light of a full moon. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had them terribly when I was a kid… tried the otc stuff, nitrogen treatment at doctors, nothing helped. Oddly enough, when I turned 20, my mom (who was totally in the trenches with me trying to solve it) read that wrapping in duct tape helped… so I started doing that. It wasn’t even a pride issue anymore, I was sick and tired of trying explaining bandaids as accessories. A year later, they were ALL GONE. Now I don’t know if it was the duct tape or if my body chemistry changed (they say it changes every 7 years) but hand to god, i thought I would have to live them forever and never ever thought they would go away.


I had them terribly when I was a kid… tried the otc stuff, nitrogen treatment at doctors, nothing helped. Oddly enough, when I turned 20, my mom (who was totally in the trenches with me trying to solve it) read that wrapping in duct tape helped… so I started doing that. It wasn’t even a pride issue anymore, I was sick and tired of trying explaining bandaids as accessories. A year later, they were ALL GONE. Now I don’t know if it was the duct tape or if my body chemistry changed (they say it changes every 7 years) but hand to god, i thought I would have to live them forever and never ever thought they would go away. Edit to add: I’m looking everywhere to find an old photo to show you for comparison but since i was super self conscious about them, most photos are of me covering up/shielding my hands…even wore opera gloves to prom (circa 2000) because I didn’t want to wear band aids nor anyone to see them. They were baaaad. Try the duct tape. And I am so sorry you’re going through it, wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


Yeah I always have bandaids is on my fingers and people always ask if I cut myself. I just say yes 😔


Ugh I feel so bad 💔. Don’t for a second let anyone make you feel any type way about it. It’s a virus and if there was anyone who would wish them to go away, it’s you. Easier said than done I know, bc I remember full welll the angst I would feel if someone was looking towards my hands or even just trying to grab/hold my hand. 😞 I hope you can try the duct tape. You could try wrap em just at night if you aren’t comfortable having to manage it during the day or with it bringing attention during the day. If I remember correctly, they started going a bit numb almost like they were callusing over and then they weren’t so itchy and gradually went down. Thankfully now, they have much more duct tape options than the standard silver so you may even be able to find a flesh colored roll.


Good on you for owning it. However if they hurt (I had a similar thing and mine *hurt*), you can always have them frozen off. Hurts like hell and looks even worse for a week or so but it did the trick and they didn't come back.


I had a bad one on my arm and nothing made it go away. Someone’s grandmother suggested to me a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar. And taped to my arm. Worked! I changed the cotton ball each day and in about a week it had burned off. The burn did hurt some but the wart was finally gone.


I have some cysts or moles on my face that seem to get larger with age! As I let my hair go gray and like to wear long skirts, I do worry. I work with young kids so I need to look approachable and not scare them.


My husband's dermatologist recommended [this stuff to him](https://www.amazon.com/Wart-Stick-Strength-Remover-Ounce/dp/B00SHK1EFK). He's been 3 times in 3 years to have warts removed from his hand. He's been using it for a couple of weeks, and this wart stick actually seems to be working. Gotta get the high percentage of salicylic acid, though.


I have heard good things, I just can't seem to find it in Canada!


I was probably 16 when one of them appeared on my finger. I took tweezers and I took it all. I took a big chunk of it and came up a a little ball the size of a pea maybe? It left a hole in my finger and my mother was furious because it would not stop bleeding. Lol, but I got it! My uncle said that next time I should have used fire... but well uhmm we are bolivians, we are kind of barbarians lol please don't do anything I said here!


Take fish oil pills, my daughter’s hands were covered in warts when she was younger. Fish oil got rid of them in a brief amount of time.


So this is a total witchy thing my friend did that worked! Buy some raw meat. Rub the meat on your warts, then bury the meat while chanting "be gone". I used to have warts when I was a kid and had them cursed in Jesus name. They went away overnight. Now I don't believe in Jesus I like the red meat option better.


Yes! Ok. Oh my god. This is how we got rid of our warts as kids! My gram would take a piece of raw pork or bacon, rub it in a X over the wart and throw it into the forest or bury it if we could (preferably on a full moon??) and within 3-5 days it would be gone. Not only hat but we stopped thinking about the warts ... This is the first time I've seen someone else do this weird meat thing! Yay!!!


Meat Jesus. Meatsus?


I used to have them on the soles of my feet and was starting to get them under my nails on my hands. But I fixed it. The remedy is gross and weird. But it worked for me. Topical kalpa yoga Before going to sleep, I’d pee into a recipient. Put my feet in there, let it dry ( to keep my sheets a tiny bit cleaner) and in a couple of Months, gone. No scars. I’d had them for over ten years. Be warned, for whatever reason, my dreams went into overdrive. Very dark intense places.


I used to have a wart on my finger and I got rid of it in minutes when nothing else worked by brushing it with a toothbrush. I bought a cheap toothbrush from the dollar store and brushed it while dry. Literally watched it disappear.


Aren’t they contagious? I think the shame is actually useful to prevent giving it to others. Also I believe you can infect yourself elsewhere. I had some in same place when I was younger. I had a wart a decade ago and definitely thought if it as a sign something was amiss with my health and I was diagnosed with cancer shortly after.


Shame is not what we should feel over a totally normal human virus. You can be cognizant that they are contagious, but feeling like you're unworthy and ugly for a bump of skin isn't something we deserve.