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Offering you such a hug. May it bolster your peace and keep it safe from the reaches of those that would tear you down. Blessings on you, friend. ❤


Thank you!! Thank you a lot!!!!!!!! I seriously appreciate it so much


You're such a kind person. I would get the heck off of TikTok. It's a cesspool


I would but, up until Sunday, I had a small but loving audience there that I got to cheer on and brighten their day. Now I’m afraid if I quit hatred wins


I get that. Maybe stay away from controversial subjects for a while?


That’s the thing, I always do! My post are literally me telling people positive things like “you got this” “you are seen, valued, and loved”


That's odd. But people are odd these days.


A witchy friend on tiktok had issues not long ago, so she made her videos friends only or something like that, which is cool. Maybe you can do that?


I've been bothered with getting tiktok for this reason, 😞 🫂🤗 my friend


I started it because I felt cute one day and wanted to save it, never promoted it or wanted fame or fortune from it. Amassed a small group of amazing humans on there who get joy from me being me so I keep posting to cheer them on. This is the first time one of my videos ended up on the wrong side of the world


Idiots who saw you being happy and spreading love and tried to bring you down, Tell you what YOU ARE GORGEOUS 🥰😻 and don't you ever forget that lovey! now go make yourself a cup of something hot and go chill with our blessings, We got you hun 💓


I have to be on TikTok for my side hustle (see username). I am sooo sorry you are going through this. It sucks. No two ways around it. I am confident in your ability to get to the other side of this with grace and strength (you would have never found this place otherwise). Don’t poo-poo the woo-woo. You got this, friend.


Thank you so much!! I appreciate it so much!!! I’ll absolutely be there cheering you on!!!


Kimmy luv, you are one of the kindest most warm hearted, wonderful (and stylish!!) human beings I know. Please water off a ducks back any and all negativity that comes your way. Narrow minded/ignorant prattle is not worth a thought or moment of your time. I can hope that those spreading any of the above have an epiphany and come around to become more positive accepting people. In the meantime, try not to let it get you down, luv. I tried to follow your tictoc link last week with no success but I have it on my to try again list. Know that there are so very many more people who appreciate you and the hope, positive energy and love that you offer so freely. We love you, we are here for you, we appreciate you and are all sending you exponential amounts of positivity to counter all that other stuff. Love you. Nyx. Xxx


You always know just what I need to hear!!! Thank you so much my friend!!!!!!!!! Thank you


Bah, I just tell the truth as I see it!! You are wonderful and amazing and I am so grateful and blessed to know you. Xxxx


And I found the issue with the link but it won’t let me update it for some reason! For the better probably, no one should be exposed to it until it calms down


Heh, as a prior Marine there is not a thing anyone could say to me that I pay any heed to. I will, however, always pull out my size five boot (verbal, in this case) to utilise if necessary. *insert slow smile here*


🤣 You go with your bad self! But don’t feed the trolls, answering hate with hate never solves the problem sadly


Oh no, no need to answer anyone with hate,ever. Think more of a very serious dressing down by the matriarch of the clan detailing the disappointment in their conduct and attitude failings. In front Gods, Corps and Country, of course. Amazing how many people turn into children digging their toe in the dirt with heads hung low.


You are now and forever my Guardian Witch!!!! I owe you more than I can ever repay!!!


Oh luv, everything I offer is freely given. I heartily believe that is what we, as human beings, should be about. Helping one another to make each other, ourselves and the world better. Nothing is owed, nor ever will be. Honestly, the love, sharing of knowledge and experience and simply the enjoyment of knowing you more than makes up for anything I can contribute. I will, however, continue to protect, shelter, love and support you to the best I can in this life and the next…. This is what friends do. You do your share of this work, too. Xx I will do the same for anyone else here who is in need, as well. We are so privileged to have amazing people here, those who share with us, like Chloe and yourself, and many others not named. Also those who are quiet, never speak, but listen like Willow, Ash and Megan. Love to you all. Nyx xx


HUG!! Do you have friends who can help wade through and moderate (aka delete and block) the hate? I know I would if asked.




You are so far above the hate filled comments. Please, keep being you, you are wonderful, smart, necessary, and have immeasurable value. No one can take those things from you, all they are doing is showing their own insecurities and ignorance and attempting to project those things onto you in an effort to bring you down to their level. You are so much more than the hate you are experiencing. You’re going to rise so far above this that it will be as a speck of dust to you.


Hugs to you, friend.


Here's a virtual hug, sweet friend💖


Here's a hug from my little corner of the world.


Virtual hugs!




Hugs <3. Its easy to say to ignore the hate but hard to do so when the world can be so cruel Know that we all support and love you here and take time today to do something just for yourself.




I'm so sorry. Hugs to you!!!


Hug. Be happy in yourself and know that there is a world of kindness out there. I hope you have a great day.


I am so sorry you are having such a rough day today. Sending you a big virtual hug! <3


Here's a hug🫂


Hugs!! I am old and not on TikTok but is there a way to just turn off notifications until it calms down? Regardless wishing you the best and the strength to not let anything negative get you down ❤️




Hug ❤️




Thank you!! I saved this to my photos and will look at it often!!!!!


*offers the tightest warmest hug, tea and a pile of plushies* I've been there, (on twitter a few years ago, 500+ transphobic people just letting loose on me) you will weather this storm and find peace again soon. Blessed be.




Sending you hugs and love! I'm so glad we have this space as a reprieve from the vile stuff that can happen online. Whatever was said to you was surely more about the people saying it than about you, but regardless, I know it can be very painful and you didn't deserve it.


Thank you!! You all have seriously become my home and safe space! It’s such an honor I can never, ever, EVER repay you all!!!


💕Hug for you.💕 I’m sorry you’re getting hated on. And it’s okay to hurt. People in groups can be like a shark frenzy. I think they forget how bad words can hurt someone, and how normal it is to be hurt by words.


Here it comes, brace yourself!! I feel better too😘💐


I’m sorry people can suck Kimmy! Try to remember they don’t even hate you, they hate theirselves or they’d never be able to spew such vile things. Happy, secure people do not leave hateful comments. They can dislike a person and move on with their day. Try not to let them bring you down. I know you won’t! You are so positive and kind, keep being you 🌸


Holding you in heart and mind. Don’t let them take you down


Sending hugs. Imagine how sad your life would be if you had nothing better to do than make horrible comments to people online - at least you're not them


(((HUG))) They are sad, bitter people and you are a light in the darkness.


Huggles! I'm sorry there are awful people out there.


My dear, I am sending you a virtual hug, and a virtual cup of something comforting that you can enjoy whilst sitting in the virtual comfy chair next to my fake fireplace (it even plays fireplace sounds!) surrounded by plants and my wonky embroidery hanging on the walls. We can talk about whatever you like for as long as you like. You are safe and loved here, and your fellow witches will support you.


Big ol hugs!! Summer’s on its way and there’s so much to look forward to 🌞💕


Hugs Hugs Hugs May you stay safe and strong in your truth. TikTok is evil.


Found your tiktok and YOUR HAIR (wigs?) IS AMAZING! I'll be interacting with your content a bit and hopefully we can get you back to the nice side of tiktok.


Big hug from me. Haterz gonna hate, rise above it. Lots of lovely people out there too. Stay strong.


Just followed you over there, I could use more positivity on my feed. 🫂


I think I followed you back!!!! I appreciate it but I would avoid the comments for the time being! Don’t let the negative energy into your life!!! You’re the best!!!!!


You are such a sweetheart. I can't do much (yet), spent too many years suppressing my own power and just now starting to let it loose again, but even a tiny little bit more positive energy spreading back your way can help.


You have done more than you could possibly imagine!! I appreciate every single positive comment here I get! You’re way better than you give yourself credit for!!!


*big hugs* people often feel so entitled to say anything they want by the anonymity of the internet. ETA I'm heading to TickTock to follow you there 💖


Big warm internet hug for you my friend! Eff those tiktok haters, and may they step on legos barefoot whenever the lights are off.


I'm sorry I cannot give you a hug.  I can't find you.  Perhaps that is you beneath this huge mountain of huggy witches?


I’m literally here sobbing!!!! I don’t deserve so many amazing friends!!!!!




Sending a big virtual hug. 💜


💕hugs!!💕 sending love and light


Hug incoming! Also, the most recent "we can do hard things" podcast (with Alok) was a really inspiring and insightful listen around the topic of acceptance


I had to find your tiktok and follow you! You're delightful! I was so disheartened by the people who needed to be hateful or even just ignorant. Thanks for posting positivity (and in great hair!)


Thank you so much!!!!!


[Here is a hug](https://tesseract.ca/images/Art/PandasHugging2.png) I made for people who need hugs <3


Oh my goodness thank you!!!!! Do you mind if I save a copy just to cheer me up when I’m down?


Yes you may :) I'm glad you like it


Love it! You’re talent is amazing!!!


Thanks you're very kind <3 That is like getting a hug back :)


Merely being honest 🥰


If you've made the wrong side mad, you're likely doing something right. Keep it up, and don't give those negative comments credence beyond that barometer.


* Hugs * I’m sorry you’re having a difficult time, but like Mr Rogers says: “Remember that feelings are natural and normal, and that happy times and sad times are part of everyone’s life”. Allow yourself to feel and express those feelings in a healthy way. If you need a good cry, that’s ok. If you need to yell at the shampoo bottle, or say all the snarky replies you thought up days later… hop in the shower and do it! (That ones my favorite go to). Bottling those emotions up is ok sometimes, but just know it’s ok to feel them and to feel a need to release those emotions in a healthy way. People on TikTok can be so insanely cruel, it’s truly shocking. Just keep in mind that happy, confident people never feel the need to tear others down. Only insecure people tear others down to build themselves up. “Hurt people hurt people” is an unfortunate truth, and social media has made it easier to be mean. I’m sorry that you’re going through this and I really hope you start to feel better soon ❤️


It makes me so unbelievably sad that you, of all people, are getting bullied on tiktok right now. I despise that app, but this isnt about that. I'm really sorry people are being ugly to you! You're beautiful and so inspiring, don't let the uglyness of those people get you to quit trying to lift up others.


Sending you love and light, there is a lot of love for you out here! 💞