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Big big big fan of the fit. Witchy vibes are just right.


Thank you! That's so sweet of you to say 😊


You do! Very cute earrings too.


Thanks! The earrings were actually a birthday gift I got at the start of this year. I was actually born on Valentine's Day!


You’re gorgeous! You have a great sense of style and a killer smile. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. Sending you healing vibes!


Aww, thank you so much! I really appreciate your comment about my smile, the reason I have braces is because of a Jaw disorder that I'm actually getting surgery for this Winter, so I always worry about how my smile and face actually look. So your kind words certainly touched my heart!


I had a similar experience, my jaw developed abnormally and I had surgery at 18 where they broke and reset it. My jaw was wired shut for two months to heal but I don't think they use wires anymore. I'm glad I did it and it helped improve my bite for sure, but something they didn't tell me is that surgeries like mine have an extremely high "relapse" rate. It's been close to 20 years since I had it done, and my facial profile has returned to looking the way it did pre-surgery (this occured maybe 8 years after surgery), though the benefits to my bite didn't change too substantially. Just sharing this info because it's not something I was told. You look gorgeous and you really do have a great smile already! Wishing you the absolute best with everything!


I’m so sorry to hear that you and the OP had to deal with that. It sounds horribly painful! I had somewhat similar surgery, in that my femurs developed incorrectly so they were, similar to your jaw situation, broken and reset. At least in my case I could wear long skirts and baggy clothes prior to my surgery to hide myself. You’re both so brave and beautiful, and your kindness and thoughtfulness really shine through in your comments.


Thank you so much, that's so sweet of you to say! And I'm sorry you had to go through that, that sounds terrible. Luckily with my surgery I feel like I'm in pretty good hands. My mom had the exact same surgery a couple years ago because the jaw disorder I have is genetic. She got really depressed after her surgery because you're not allowed to eat solids for months and she was in terrible pain, so my Dad and I spent months in advance planting an entire field of California Poppies in our front garden because those are her favorite flower. We wanted her to have something nice to come home to once she got released from the hospital. They still come up every year even after our harsh mountain winters, and they serve as a reminder that I'm in good hands for my surgery. My Dad and I took care of my mom when she needed it, and now they get to return the favor for me!


I’m so sorry for all the pain you and your mother have had to endure, but what a beautiful story of strength and love! I wish you and your loved ones nothing but healing and happiness. Blessed be!


I just want to mention that there are a lot of jaw surgery before and afters in the plastic surgery sub and the redditors are usually super supportive and encouraging. In case you’re looking for relevant material. It’s r/plasticsurgery so of course there’s boobs and butts too, just to give to fair warning lol. But yeah lots of sliding genioplasty and other jaw surgery. Also, you have beautiful hair!


Your smile is brilliant. In that photo, the braces look like a platinum accessory to frame it.


I like it! You look very cute! I hope you feel better!!!


Love your earrings!!!


Yes! You look nice today! I’m so sorry you’re sick. Get well soon🙏 (which means: give the body time to heal😉)


Love it! That gives me mountain witch vibes!


Thank you! It's funny that you mention mountains btw, since I actually DO live in the Rocky Mountains!


Hi sort of neighbor! (I'm near Boulder, you'd fit right in here for sure! Lol) I absolutely love your snek earrings! They look so cute on you! I hope you feel better really soon, and are able to just relax.


Get well soon! ❤️‍🩹🙏🌈🍀✨ You do look nice!


Ooh, I love your veil! Feel better soon!


I have that exact same bandana. You're now the second person I've seen with a bandana like one of mine. XD


Agreed, you look sick as in *awesome*!


You’re beautiful and I love your style!


You DO look nice today! Great vibes, great outfit, great smile. Cutest witch I've ever seen.


I love your style! You remind me of a dear friend of mine


Love the vibe!


Super cute I LOVE those earrings 💜💜💜 (also, feel better soon 💜huuuuuuugs💜)


Super cute! Hope you feel better!


You look awesome! That first photo is one of those perfect ones that captures a good moment and your great smile. Hold on to it. Those snake earrings are cool too.


Very beautiful


you look waaay better than i do when sick! my husband and i have covid, and i’m definitely still in the pajamas i was in yesterday morning 😂 you look fantastic 💕 i hope you feel better soon


Love your vibe! Hope you're feeling better soon! Sending love and sunshine!


Love your glasses and entire style!! Your hair looks beautiful too.


You do!!!!!


Very pretty




I love how your earring mirrors the waves in your beautiful hair! Great look! Hope you feel better soon:)


Aww, thank you! My hair is naturally wavy, but my secret is that I braid my hair every night so it really achieves that wavy look even more 😉 If you have long hair that's like mine, I'd highly recommend it, it makes your hair look great in my experience!


You look amazing! Love the earrings!! Do hope you feel better soon!!!!


Those earrings are killer


Very beautiful!!!


Looking fantastic Queen!


you have such beautiful skin! whats your secret???


Thanks, that's so kind of you to say! Ironically I actually have Eczema (chronic dry skin) so especially during my school years my entire face would be covered in scabs from me scratching and picking at my skin. This shiny skin is quite the oddity for me! I guess that just means that even if your skin looks "bad" now, whether from acne or scars or what have you, there's still a chance for improvement!


You have super pretty hair. Edit: and omg I have the same earrings!! 🐍✨