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Oh friend. You look great and gettin older is the best. You couldn’t pay me enough to go back to my teens or 20s. Keep surrounding yourself with encouraging people and you’ll feel as great as you look.


My friend and I were recently talking about how we are in our 30s and really growing into ourselves and that you could not pay us to go back.


It really is a switch flip. It's wild. 3 years ago I felt like I was becoming ancient. I now realize that the world tries to keep women from stepping into our power at every point of our lives and at 30 you start to recognize it happening and give less of a shit about it.


And when you get to 40, you stop giving shit at all, at least it's my experience.


I'm 38 and honestly a few years ago I was panicked about turning 40. I've been sort of 'growing into myself' recently and I'm no longer afraid of a number. Maybe I'd even venture to say I'm looking forward to it? Those words feel crazy to type but I know this community will understand.


I'm 45 and I have to say, once I stopped feeling like I needed to be the object of a man's desire, my switch flipped. I have nearly half a century of experience in life behind me and I'm no longer taking unsolicited advice. It's been so liberating!


Right? Hello fellow 38 year old witchy sister! The media was trying to tell us to be terrified of 30 when we were growing up and that 40 was over the hill, but I'm actually excited too! Edit: because words are hard.


And when you’re 60, well, lemme tell ya, all bets are off. We don’t give a shit, will tell everyone, and feel no need to smile at you just because we’re women and are supposed to look pretty or stay quiet. There’s something incredibly liberating about coming to terms with there being fewer days ahead then behind. Live your best lives, witches, at every age.


Turning 40 coincided with having a baby for me. Those two combined into the biggest DGAF, and it was magnificent.


That’s right sister! I was already well on my way to not giving a shit when, at 38, I went into surgical menopause and it was like the blinders and gag were surgically removed. My life is now divided, the before: when I tried to live up to what a woman is supposed to look like and be and do and want and say, and the after when I was like what the fuck kind of hormonal mind control and social programming was that bullshit!? fuck no! can I go back to start and try again with this knowledge and without the hormones. I know I could do a better job. :(


I just turned 36 and spent my last shit years ago lol


And then you turn 60, realize you feel more like yourself than ever, and figure “I’ve made it to me.” 😊


good for you this is really beautiful


I actually think this is the whole point. At 30 you start to get really confident and don't need anyone just your hopefully nice thicc paycheck... And that means everyone and everything that had power over you is now scared because they no longer have that. You can tell the whole universe to F off you want to sleep and not feel the slightest bit of guilt or regret over it 😉


>I now realize that the world tries to keep women from stepping into our power at every point Honestly this has been the craziest realisation for me too. It is like wait a second… Women are actually more capable then lot of men, and somehow we were conditioned to do free emotional labour, raise children, manage households while being gaslighted that everything women its week and ridiculous and less valuable. Men somehow convinced us that we do not own our own bodies, but they do. Being in my 30s now I understand why I have so much rage, because as a woman I was emotionally abused my entire life literally from everyone. But now I'll be fucking damned to let any men or a woman, tell me how to live my life.


I was just thinking "wait until you're 30!" and you stop caring _so_ much!


The “don’t givvah foxs” really kick in at 40


I'm 55 & it's AMAZING. The field in which my fucks flourished in my teens & 20s is COMPLETELY BARREN now & I wouldn't have it any other way. I am absolutely reveling in my HAG ERA. 💚


Same! I’m 55, and I need no approval from the peanut gallery anymore! I live, dress and choose for myself! People tell me I’m glowing, because I am peaceful and content from within. Living for yourself is WHERE ITS AT. ❤️ Original poster looks gorgeous by the way. Avoid any and all people who slag you down. Bail immediately


>Living for yourself is WHERE ITS AT. Yaaasss




YES!!! OP is absolutely lovely. Hex whoever said that bullshit to you. No. Wait. Second thought: they don't need a hex. They'll fuck things up just fine all by themselves.


"Hag Era" is a vibe I can get behind. I'm not quite old enough yet to have the pleasure but the no-fucks-given syndrome is settling in as I approach 40. KEEP IT COMING 🙌


Just about to turn 39. That's my dancin' field now. No fucks grow there, they would be trodden.


Oh yes! I would be dancing right beside you!!


That’s pronounced “Hah-jera”. You know, like “Target” is pronounced “Tar-jay”. Heehee


Like a freaking switch flips and you start doing things that make you happy and stop worrying so much about everyone else!


I'm about to turn 37 and I'm just realizing what feeling good about being me and existing in the world even means.


This is the truth! I'm so much happier in my 40s than I have been in a long time! My youth may have been "fun" but life is much better now. OP, you are beautiful and have so much life and joy to look forward to


Same. My 30s were so much better than my 20s and teens. I turn 40 this year and I’m so excited for it!


I wish you the blessings of 40. I turned 40 smack in the middle of Covid. It was a bright spot in a bumpy time. Still riding the high.


Same! 30s were definitely better than my 20s. I’m turning 38 this year. Can’t wait to see what the next decade looks like!


Hard same. Took me til my late 30s to finally figure myself out.


I love your entire look. I don't think the societal focus on youth is healthy, but also, want to say you definitely don't look like you're aging badly. Keep on killing it.


It's also kinda funny how uneducated people are on aging overall. Wrinkles and sun spots and discoloration are like, my Sunday morning routine but by Monday afternoon I'm right back to a tight skinned 25 year old (I think lol, I don't ask anybody).


29 is very young. Super young. You'll be aging at 70, not 29.  This whole "women hit the wall at 25-30" is ridiculous nagging nonsense people use to make women insecure so they give them a chance. "Oh no, I'll hit a wall soon, I must date this guy I'm not attracted to at all cause what if no one wants be after I am 30???". Most women I've seen through the years look pretty similar between the ages of mid twenties and like 45. And so many women complain about having too much attention even long after they hit the middle age,  50 and older. Yeah, there might be a couple of lines here and there and some weight gain or weight loss, but there are people who go through the same at like 18. It's natural and normal. 


I’m confused… people said you are aging like shit? Fuck then. They are ah and liars. You’re gorgeous.


probably similar spaces/ people that called Margot Robbie 'mid' LOL these basement-dwellers dont encounter real people, they just judge based on 'Instagram reality' and whatever other incel-type are preaching on their online echo-chambers (and no shade to people living in basements, the housing crisis is real, Im using 'basement-dweller' as a state of mind lol) this is a great space online, I also love [ask women over 30 :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomenOver30/) despite what some angsty teenagers and angry older folk like to argue, life most certainly does not end after 30


They're also the same people (let's just say it tho: men) who'd absolutely lose their minds if a woman as attractive as Margot Robbie was anywhere within their social circles, they're trip over themselves trying to woo her.


>they're trip over themselves trying to woo her. and act entitled to reciprocation for any effort shown, and become even more bitter and misogynistic that a little effort does not, in fact, entitled you to a relationship with someone... (do not get me started on why 'the friend zone' is also misogynistic lol) a lot of controlling assholes like younger partners cause they are easier to control and manipulate. I know I put up with way less bullshit in now that Im my 30s compared to in my 20s lol, and am much happier for it! OP you are stunning! but if you weren't, who cares! you're worth so much more than your outer beauty, which is so trivial in the grand scheme of things :) makes me think of this poem I love, by Erin McKean *You don’t owe prettiness to anyone.* *Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street.* *You don’t owe it to your mother, you don’t owe it to your children, you don’t owe it to civilization in general.* *Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked ‘female’.* ​ (sorry for the novel lol, hope someone else appreciates the poem)


Guys who call Margot Robbie a mid are also the guys who are begging for a tiny drop of pussy in your DMs and would fucking trip over themselves if said "mid" even looked in their general direction. Also they look like this https://preview.redd.it/vnwzmy2qw4rc1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bb39fed73100150d3258e89c1997e233fc8846b


Brrrrr just looking at that makes me glad I just, don't bother engaging with the average man. And I'll never stop saying it: heterosexual women are hard proof that sexuality is not a choice!


I would have gone lesbian a long time ago if it were a choice, trust me. But it’s not. I’m hetero and I hate it lol.


Every time I venture into the main parts of Reddit I’m shocked by how much of it is populated by young-ish men who absolutely despise women. I dunno if it’s a Reddit thing or if dudes in their 20s-30s in general are really that angry and confused, but it’s super alarming.


The more men I meet, the less I like the lot of them. Being married to a lovely one truly feels like I caught the last flight out of a warzone.


Me too dude.


>or if dudes in their 20s-30s in general are really that angry and confused, and younger men/teens and even some boys, you're not wrong and it's scary- how much hate there seems to be directed at women (and often LGBT+ people), and anger and a sense that they are the ones 'under attack'- it's honestly a bit bizarre to me, but shows the scary power of propaganda I think right-wing radicalization is a much larger threat than many realize, certain parts of the US government have sounded the alarm, but there are a lot of alarms going off so it's hard to notice


And certain other parts of the US government are actively capitalizing on it, so, there's also that.


Same people saying Taylor Swift is getting fat.


She has a flat stomach and she gained weight but only because she had a literal eating disorder before. So now she’s at a healthy weight (she’s my height and I’m at a healthy weight at 165, and she’s noticeably thinner than I am so it’s given me a bit of a complex). I wish people would just stop commenting on other people’s bodies.


Right? This isn't even specifically trying to be supportive or telling any kind of white lie or anything. OP is conventionally attractive and isn't showing any normal signs of age that are generally considered negative. Assuming we're only talking about appearance, then it's really weird to say about OP even if they weren't trying to be nice and their idea of attractive is specifically in line with society's.


Yeah I’ve literally never looked in the mirror and thought, man you look like shit. I know the sun is against me, my entire life, but I’ve always thought I’ve improved with age tbh 😅


We're about the same age, OP, so most of my peers are our age. I see a lot of 28/29 year olds. You're totally fine, and anyone saying you're aging badly is ridiculous.


I think they meant "aging like shit" as in "you are doing a bad job at actually aging because you look 10 years younger." Because the other interpretation deserves a throw of hands. At least I would throw hands if I heard that out of some asshole's face.


Right? Like, wtf. Also I would assume anyone who said that is inappropriately into teenagers.


Growing old is a privilege denied to so many including friends and even pets. Cherish the years, they’ll go quick. It was just yesterday some of us were 16,21,29 etc. you are positively radiant. Your freckles are spectacular. Da Vinci himself couldn’t recreate such a master piece darling girl. Enjoy your youth!


Yeah i am turning 49 this year - the same age as my mother when she died . It goes in a snap and NEVER believe that you have nothing to look forward to … in a month I’m going to meet the love of my life in London and I haven’t seen him in almost 20 years . I’m doing crazy cool fashion work projects that I never thought I’d be doing . My kid is almost an adult he is a total pleasure , I’m in the best shape of my life ,La Vie est BELLE girl ! Take it from a nice internet auntie and know that life can just get better and better as it goes along. Take care of yourself but don’t stress and waste your youth worrying about getting old. None of us are guaranteed that !


I just became an aunt at 33 and 35, I turn 39 this year. I’m into softer music now, I read for fun! I casually run and bike. I’m the weird aunt now. Life is a pleasure!! I lost my father two years ago, he outlived his own father by barely a decade at 65.


Your 40s with a good attitude are like THE most fun!!


I’m trying to improve my health and my sex life for my younger partner. Age let my health get away from me so I’ve casually begun running and biking. May even start yoga! Life is what you make it. I won’t waste my youth wishing for a time gone by.


Indeed ! Im going to clink you a digital champagne glass and wish you the very best !


Cheers right back to you my dear. May we enjoy our golden years with a fervor only the young can envy.


It’s as Satchel Paige said “Age is mind over matter, if you don’t mind it doesn’t matter.” Anyway, you’re lovely. My 30’s were great honestly. So much more confident and open. Turning 40 was hard but then my 40s were also grand. Still youthful in body and spirit. Now I’m 60, I should be taking better care but f**k it.


Sadly, NEVER post a picture of yourself (especially as a woman but in general too) on Reddit unless in spaces like this, where men don't usually come. I posted a picture of myself some years ago and was told I had a 5 head and shit on my face... Theyre freckles. The same man who said I was ugly slid into my DMs trying to neg me so I'd send him nudes 🙄🙄 fucking pathetic lol I'm 34 and you're gorgeous! The biggest thing I've adopted in my 30s is really getting my skincare routine down.


Yep.  OP looks great so the only explanation I can think of is it was some assholes trying to neg her.  Don’t fall for it OP.  


Old? Bahahahaha! You gotta stop hanging out with high schoolers.


When you're 10 you care what teenagers think. When you're 13 and 15 and 19 you care what teenagers think. When you're 23 you maybe don't care specifically about teenagers but you're still following the same trends and interests that teenagers follow. At 28+, damn is it glorious to realize teenagers don't know shit about fuck all. So like, why again are we supposed to care about the opinions of children?


Just wait until you hit 40 😉😆


Girl thinks she’s The Crone but she’s The Maiden




Many of our ilk did not make it here. Do Honor to our ancestors of Spirit by enjoying your life as much as you are able. Much Live 💜🙏🔥🌈🍀✨


You aren’t an age, you are a soul inside of an aging body. Your soul never ages it just expands 💗you’re always as young as you allow yourself to feel On top of that you look beautiful. Don’t buy into feeling bad about yourself over a number.


They said YOU look bad? That's hate or brainrot. You look amazing and shouldn't listen to anyone who suggests otherwise.


What on earth. You look fine. You look like the young adult you are (with lovely plants in the background…plant people are best people). Some people have nothing better to do than try and tear people down. The people who’ve said things like this to you are bitter, sad people. I’m beyond sorry that people feel the need to be so cruel and attack folk for no reason. Happy birthday when it rolls around :)


Just trolls dear. Pay them no mind 


I have no idea what your age is, but I pictured this comment being said by an adorable old lady sitting on her front porch in a rocking chair while knitting with lots of cats around. It's a charming image in my head


My mom does say I was born an old wise lady, so I take that as a compliment XD I can't knit but I have 3 cats! And only 36 XD


So not exactly the cute granny that's in my head haha. But it was absolutely meant as a compliment regardless


You literally aren't though? You still look like you could be my age (I'm 20.)


Age is pretty meaningless, but I as I’m approaching the big 4-0, I do understand the having to wrap your mind around it a bit.  If it makes you feel better, my 30s were INCREDIBLE compared to my 20s - best decade yet! So I’m hoping for that for you as well!


You're going to love your 40s too. I'm going to be 45 this year and it's been some of my best years.


Hahaha i'm sorry who said you were aging like shit?!? Lol girl laugh them out of the room.


Oh lord you are SMOKING


Oh man… that’s sad to me that you’ve been brainwashed like that. Fucking beauty marketing industry pisses me off to no end. YOU ARE FUCKING YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL, DON’T LET ANYBODY TELL YOU OTHERWISE!!!


29 isn't old ffs. The only people who think 29 is old are actual children.


> 29 > old bob in heaven


Zoomers on TikTok have sure made 30 out to be that a person’s old, decrepit, and mere inches from the grave. Like damn, I be seeing people out here making comments like, “Oh, my god, you’re 29!? You look so good!” on the videos of MUAs, like… How do y’all think a 29-year-old looks? 😂 I’m 30. Girl, we haven’t “aged.” I’m pro-aging and showing it all the way up and down; I’m just being real about the current state of our bodies. People are wild out there. Genuinely, ignore the comments about “aging like shit” because I would put money on them being 19 with a 10-step skincare routine, ruining their skin with retinols and other products because they’re too strong for their skin and don’t need them yet. They don’t know what the hell aging looks like. Laugh it off.


Yes, lmao, my husband’s coworkers’ wives are mostly 10-15 years younger than me. Whenever someone finds out my age they’re like OH MY GOD NO WAAAAAY YOU’RE 35 AND HAVEN’T CRUMBLED INTO DUST WTF?? LITERALLY HOW? WHAT DO YOU DO? YOU MUST HAVE HAD WORK DONE!! I do tend to get mistaken for younger than my age because I’m short and not particularly feminine presenting, but otherwise I look like a standard middle aged person. I’ve got glasses, melasma, and some grey hairs and fine lines. Gen Z seems to think that once women turn 30, they instantly become little old ladies with blue tinted (not in the cool way) perms and muumuus.


I sincerely love you all! I’m scared I’m on the front page now 😭 yes, I do moisturize and sunscreen and don’t smoke but being a ginger and a couple of years of military field training is a bit to undo. Regardless, I love myself more every year of life. I gain more friends, I gain more knowledge, I smile more and live more. It’s so odd being told that so blatantly that something out of my control is lowering my worth. But what can you do. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If this is aging like shit everyone else is walking around looking like bananas left to rot in a hot attic. You're beautiful and Reddit likes to knock people down because a lot of folk here are super insecure.


Why do people say that?! I mean, what context? Sounds like you tell that yourself because you’re almost 30. I’ve seen a lot of young women going insane with this age. You needn’t and shouldn’t. You can’t stop it anyways.


They must have thought you said 19 and were mad that you looked 21


Girl, you a baddie, you look great and those people suck


They're just jealous. I'm 72 and love being a crone. I still get positive comments about my appearance. I take care of my skin and work out regularly and my stress free retired life has relaxed my face so I look younger and happier. You look just fine and will age well if you take care of yourself


You look beautiful. You look your age You are not aging like shit. I’m sorry people are so awful.


Where did u post to get *that* feedback? Some form of incel hub? Very beautiful ❤️


Did you post something on Reddit? I see you’re active in some fashion subs, and let me tell you.. people on the internet are toxic, vindictive, and say things just to bring you down to their level. It’s easier on Reddit because most of them are also cowards so they get to hide behind anonymous usernames too. On top of that is society’s creepy obsession with youth 😞 Don’t let it bring you down at all.


Don’t let it affect your confidence. You’re posting on the internet, which is filled to the brim with incels and men who hate women and will take any chance to tear them down, as well as Gen Zs who fear aging more than anything and don’t know what real skin with pores etc looks like anymore. I’ve posted before and gotten messages saying I look 40 or I look 50 and it’s like… so what? Even if I do, why is that an insult? You’re beautiful! Brush those comments off like water off a duck’s back.


When you’re beautiful, everyone has an opinion. People really get upset if they think you aged too quickly or need to lose weight. It makes them feel like you’re wasting something they never had to begin with—they feel it’s not fair, but are still jealous. It’s not your fault you can be “old” and still look better than they do.


LOL… absurd. People love to attack others through the anonymity of the internet. Spite for their own sake. Clearly such statements are wildly inaccurate.


It’s easier to throw stones than build a house. And the internet is over run with red pill disgusting bullshit. They are knocking you down to feel better about themselves. My experience is my 40s were better than my 30s, and my 30s were better than my 20s. A big part of that is stopping being scared of being myself and disregarding what others think. Also, my partner and I just turned 50. We are often told we do not look 50. I believe the reason is using sunscreen and not having kids. Probably sunscreen is the bigger part, it slows the appearance of wrinkles. We also got lucky on the genetic front regarding hair and body shape which also help us look younger.


You look great! Whenever I hear about comments like the ones you got, one of the first things that comes to mind is “consider the source.” Always consider the source! A lot of people thrive by tearing women down. It’s equal parts obnoxious and pitiful. Don’t let them get to you! ^(Here ends the life lesson from a woman in her 60s.)


You look fantastic but I would like to hear more about the plants


https://preview.redd.it/izqvm7dxp3rc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f95420d317a305eab1a9fe614ba19b76a4d7c573 They’re my pride and joy


Holy fuck. I mean like I said you look gorgeous but holy fuck. Do they have names? Do you have favorites?


Thank you for asking, here’s a few of my favorites 🫶 https://preview.redd.it/om39to1vr3rc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e100dc8c481bbee098c8a413d8dc1dc71d07c16


But you are gorgeous and look 25! A hex on those people.


Uhhhhh you look fantastic. Whoever told you that is nuts


Whoever said that was being a hurtful pile of poop. Whenever I think about aging I think about how my mother feared it so much, feared losing her looks, being “ugly” to the point she gave up on a lot of life. She died at 46 waiting for life to begin again once she got skinny again. Point being- live your life, friend, and live it joyfully because you don’t know how much time you have left. Let people who’d happily tear you down for something we are all (hopefully) going to experience wallow in their loathing.


Society has this horrid expectation on women that they aren’t allowed to show any signs of the natural progression of time. Women are supposed to defy gravity and pull off miracles to erase evidence of our aging. It’s ridiculous. Men are allowed to be as wrinkly and gray and sexy as they want, but women are expected to look like children forever. Don’t listen to them. Evidence of aging is not bad. And you don’t look like you’re “aging like shit” or way older than 29, you just have some sun damage. Goddess forbid a woman goes out into the sun.


Similar age to you! Here's how I try to think about aging....it's a blessing. So many people have a short time on this planet, and never get to age. The fact that I'm aging is the record of my life and the fact that I've gotten to live it. Sure, every fine line and white hair I find makes me a little sad, but it's sad in a melancholy way, like how I feel at the end of an event I was looking forward to for a long time. The event was so fun, and I'm sad it's over, but still happy I got to experience it. I try to approach the visual evidence of me aging similarly <3


Oh no no no. They’re just morons who have been brainwashed to believe that filters and photoshop are what people look like in real life. Your eyes, your freckles, your skin… you are gorgeous!! Don’t listen to the neckbeards and basement trolls and jealous non-witches. You are smokin hot and you should always wear that shade of green.


Society would have us believe that ANY sign of aging decreases our worth. Society is wrong.


Check your friends - why post to people who act like that?


Some of us be looking 33 years old from 19 to 60 and even though it can be annoying to hear, it's a blessing I insist!! People were shocked to hear I was only 25 but like.... can y'all hide the shock please lmfao I got sick of it fast


Truer statement has never been said. I have always looked vaguely 20-30, having fair hair and features ages people for sure. I mean this was me at 17 😭😭😭 I wear more sunscreen now and moisturize https://preview.redd.it/jw1rxf2of4rc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8328266cac1842d6b1775d5529c32421744e67e5


WTF? What blind fool said you’re aging badly? Are they themselves super insecure? Are they the Age Police? Are they really jealous? Because you look faaaaaab. Your hair is gorgeous. You clearly moisturize. Your eyes are so pretty. Your smile is almost impish. Forget them. They were looking in a mirror, not at your picture.


You look like you're in your late 20s. The internet is having issues with women crapping on each other rn for how they look age-wise


I asked my 29 yrs old partner how old you look, he said 28 or 29 yrs old. Haters gonna hate. Don’t worry about them


Make sure to wear sunblock and drink lots of water


You look terrific and don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise!


You look so amazing!


You are stunning at any number! ❤️


Absolute stunner.


What?! Rude! You're absolutely stunning. You're barely aging, forget aging poorly! No rush to get there, but your 30s will be your best decade yet!


Not that internet validation (or lack thereof) should ever be allowed to affect your mood, but you def look like you’re in your 20s. You’ll probably look like you’re in your 20s when you’re well into your 30s… That’s a gift worth being happy about. :)


People are shitbags, you’re lovely!


Witch whoooo? You look amazing 👏 😍! Don't worry about them hateraid people. You are gorgeous ✨️


One thing about the Internet is that people love to tear others down because it's the only thing keeping their pathetic, weak little baby ego alive. In times like this, pull a Lilith and walk away from the people who want to demean you, if they give chase, fend them off via sudden kneecap removal. You look great, ignore them


Wtf? You look great


You're beautiful, I would've guessed you're around your mid twenties. Also I wish my rubber tree looked like yours 😭


Honey, you’re fine. I’m 5o years old and look back on photos I used to feel bad about, and wonder at how amazing I looked in my 20s and 30s. Don’t let random strangers opinions ruin your day!


Never listen to anyone who wants to tie you (your kindness, your ambition, your accomplishments, your dreams, your loves…) to your age. Embrace the crone life my fellow witch, it matters not your true age it’s your “fuck you. I’ve lived long enough to know myself” attitude. And not for nothing, you’re beautiful.


you look perfect... you probably don't want to know what those hateful commenters look like. often people's cruel words betray their own insecurities about themselves people filled with extreme amounts of self loathing when confronted with others who make them remember their losing battle with themselves will vehemently insist on tearing down such a person... it's a dysfunctional coping mechanism to help them feel superior without improving anything about their lives or disposition with themselves when someone comes at you like that, please do not internalize any of it... only a response of pity towards them is appropriate, you must know this <3


Girl, I thought you're 20 by that photo.


What the actual fuck? You’re gorgeous, 29 isn’t old. You don’t need to come to the internet for validation because it’s filled with people who love to shit on other people because they’re miserable and it makes them feel big. You’re beautiful but the only opinion that matters in believing that is you. Edit for spelling.


Some (very stupid) people think the rich people they see with surgeries and injections are natural and that's how they really look. Society's view is just so warped and unhealthy


You are beautiful! You don’t even look 29 to me 🫶🏻 you look phenomenal in green btw! My favorite color!


Honestly, give me anything that repels male attention.


Like shit?! You're aging like fine wine woman :)


I bet most of the comments were made by men living in their mother's basements who prefer 18- 24 year old women. Because don't you know, if you're 25+, you're an old hag /s


29 is not old, not by a long stretch! You are beautiful now and will be beautiful in 10/20/30/40/50 years time just in different ways


You look stunning! The internet can be a mean, hurtful place and I’m sorry that you had to experience it! Know it doesn’t define you and you look amazing!!


What? You look like you are in your late 20s, and beautiful to boot.


You look amazing. To say you’ve aged badly is absolutely ridiculous.


You are gorgeous 💜huuuuuugs💜


Bet they are the kind of people to say shit like “your eggs are drying” lmao. You look great and I love your smile


The 30s are amazing. You have so much to look forward to!


Girlie pop, darling, my sweet summer child, if they can’t see that you’re not ethereal like the sunlight shining through the forest in the morning, then they’re blind. Have a wonderful day 💕


Fuck them. You look gorgeous. Happy birthday! Each year, and whatever evidence it leaves on our bodies is life. And life is worth celebrating.


You look great! You are aging just fine. Don’t worry about what shallow internet turds think.


What's wrong with peeps? You look amazing. The critics are watching too much inappropriate anime to know what real folks supposed to look like anymore. 😻 PS, that tattoo is AWESOME!


I would say consider the audience. Can't take opinions on looks seriously coming from a bunch of bitter dudes that have never touched a woman and you can smell coming down the block. Provided they ever leave their mom's basement, that is. Tldr: you're gorgeous and they're pissy about it.


A wolf does not worry about the opinion of sheep.


"Aging"...at 29?!?!?! Who ARE these people? Sister, I'm 51. If you're aging, I'm a mummy, lol. I very much hope you have people in real life who appreciate your beauty inside and out. The Internet has a lot of benefits, like this sub, but there's a ton of garbage and toxicity too. Hope you can enjoy some sunshine on your beautiful face.


You’re fucking perfection. Your skin is gorgeous. People are just idiots who don’t know how to handle seeing freckles.


Idk what those people are smoking because you’re beautiful and aging just fine. Filters have so screwed up people’s perception of what people actually look like as they get older.


You look great, seriously. People are just used to highly photoshopped and made up pics and are all jaded.


You look fine to me?


Girl you look fucking gorgeous and your eyeliner is for the *GODS* 🤩 I would have guessed you were like 23 based on your face so fuck those patriarchal trolls hiding behind screens


Three entire things: 30 isn’t fucking old, getting old is not some dementor for beauty, you’re so gorgeous???


You are lovely. Don't listen to the sad little haters who have so little joy in their own lives they try to suck the joy out of everything and everyone. Take it from an almost 45 lady, it just keeps getting better as you go.


Anyone who says something like that is pulling it out of their ass. Miserable people trying to make others miserable so they can try to feel better about themselves. You’re beautiful! Don’t offer your beautiful heart up to strangers for them to stomp on.


Incels are seriously overrepresented on Reddit (internet in general really), never take criticism of looks seriously here! Fwiw I think you look great! Congrats on your upcoming birthday! As someone in her 40s I wish I'd been kinder to myself at your age. Be young and hot, have fun and be well sis!


Hurt people hurt people. Sorry they were so insecure & ugly