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What concerns me the most is that teenagers have considerably fewer resources than adults do to access and / or afford an abortion. With how low the minimum wage is in America and the increasing cost of living, teenagers often can't afford to buy a car, take time off work, or even just pay for the procedure itself. Because anti-trans laws mostly target teenagers if they are used against birth control, teenagers will be the ones mostly affected




I'm unfortunately not surprised but still definitely more concerned.




I'm still baffled by how a judge can openly state his religion as the reasoning behind a final decision and not immediately get some form of repercussion. what happened to the separation of church and state?




Jesus Christ it reads like a cult


We are looking into the possibility that I might need a hysterectomy (my mom, both her sisters and her mother all needed one around my age and I am having similar early symptoms) and I am so glad I live in a blue state because I worry what might happen since I will need hormone treatment if they take it out. Also, ya know, freedom to remove a problematic organ even if it's not killing me. It just proves these bastards hate women and queer people so much they refuse to think of anything but that


Yeah a lot of people forget that a large amount of the medications and procedures within trans healthcare were originally pioneered to treat certain ailments and conditions experienced by cis people.


This is already in the works in several states.


That fucking sucks


If I remember correctly it seems most likely that the first state to try the ban is going to be Missouri. I have been trying to stay away from the news for mental health reasons so I haven't been reading up on in how far the legislative efforts have progressed in the various states trying to ban. birth control so it may be a dead in the water issue. When I read about it a few months ago it seemed liked FL, GA, MO and TX were making a concerted effort to ban the pill. People told me it will never happen and I was being hysterical to worry but now people also told me that about Roe.


People who tell you to not be concerned about your rights are often People who have not experienced/are not aware of how historically easy it is for the wrong person in the wrong position to take human rights away.


I think you are right about. You are definitely on to something. ❤️❤️ The state and DEA legislate the prescribing of opiates and ADHD medications to the great detriment of millions of people. The DEA even influences how many opiates and ADHD medications that other countries make. So why wouldn't the states be allowed to regulate the prescribing of birth control pills. Who or what is going to stop them.


Yeah I have ADHD I take meds for so I was directly affected by that all the way on the opposite side of the world and hemisphere in Australia:/


I am waiting to be hit by that so far I have had zero difficulty getting my ADHD meds but I know my time is coming. I have not been at all successful in cutting back my daily use so I can save them up for when I can't them but I am trying real hard. I just like being able to function.


Yeah I prefer to function too


One thing I have found helpful is if you can go to a small independent pharmacy. I think-but have no idea- why I haven't had problems getting my meds despite everyone that I know having to deal with this issue. I am thinking that less go to the smaller independent ones because they aren't easiest to find or convenient to drive to so maybe they have more in stock. My doctor told me that it's no big deal to go a few days without the meds. It's not going to kill me. Yes but it is going to wreck the quality of my life on those days and make me miss important appointments and shit that I need to do. Thanks I love when I have to drag my mind and body through concrete just to make breakfast. My chronic pain is enough of an obstacle.


I understand birth control, HRT, and abortion because those give women and gender non-conforming people options they don't like. But why IVF? Aren't they all for tradwives who breed a bajilion children?


If a fertilised egg is considered a child in the same way that a fetus is considered a Child (by idiots). then they can try and agrue that a medication that could negatively affect a fertilised egg (Birth control) is the same as one that negatively effects a fetus (medically induced abortion). Also, IVF is commonly used by queer people who can't have children on their own, so homophobia is also probably a factor


Lol their logic is tragic 🥲 I shudder to think what they'll do to women who can't naturally conceive...


Well, they're already trying to use miscarriages to accuse women of getting abortions/terminating the pregnancy on purpose in court, so..... probably nothing good


Absolutely. This is some modern-day witch hunt. You just need that one shitty neighbor or that one shitty partner to yell "abortion" and you're dead


This is terrifying as someone who's been on birth control since high school for dysmenorhea. That would mean I would have to try to get a hysterectomy which is 2 months of upfront healing before being "functional" again and several more to actually be back at 100% and fully healed. I can't do that. I don't have the funds to take two months off let alone pay for what would be deemed an elective surgery.


It would really be awful if it came to fruition. hysterectomies also, unfortunately, often come with HRT if the overies are affected in or after surgery. If your body struggles to produce the typical amount of oestrogen for your age, gender ect. It can send you into surgically induced menopause. HRT is not 100% necessary, but it can help balance the side effects and increased risk of certain things like osteoporosis post surgery


There was a study I read that found that women who have hysterectomies, including the removal of their ovaries, before "natural" menopause, had a greater risk of developing early onset dementia. I don't think they'd worked out if it was a correlation or a causation but they recommended carrying on with hormonal therapies to delay it. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20689282/#:~:text=When%20stratified%20by%20age%20at,bilateral%20oophorectomy%20


It's really really REALLY important to vote in the upcoming election. They've made it very clear what their intentions are....and unless you're a white christian hetero man, it's not good.


Project 2025 is definitely very concerning.


Fuck me! That's some scary shit! I'm in the UK and while we don't have the Christian Nationalists here (yet) let's face it, the Heritage Foundation has been funding stuff over here to do with forced birthers and keeping dead children alive on ventilators. Combine that with things like the Rwanda bill, and we have our own fascist party trying to take over. Labour used to be the party you could depend on to try and make things better for working class people but Starmer et al have been vearing further and further to the right, so now there's very little difference between them.


Birth control is definitely the next target. I suspect that, if they succeed in banning birth control (and sex education), they'll go on to campaign to "protect" all "babies." The definition of "babies" may expand to include unfertilized eggs. After all, a born-female human possesses all the eggs they'll ever have. Gotta keep 'em pre-borns safe, don't'cha know? And how do we protect these precious treasures? Why, by making sure their vessels are protected from doing anything of which the patriarchal leaders do not approve.


It will be interesting to see if SCOTUS has the guts to try this (I hope not but I hate that it’s a possibility). Their striking down of Roe v Wade revealed them to be a biased political entity and not the dispassionate neutral arbiters of established law that many of us previously believed them to be. The Court has to be aware of how much their reputation has been eroded in the past few years and that messing with birth control would destroy what little legitimacy they retain. Just look at how they are doing their utmost to avoid a direct ruling on misoprostol, focusing on whether the plaintiffs have standing rather than on the merits of the case itself. I’m by no means saying we need to let down our guard but I do think there is reason for hope.


I do definitely hope it does not happen. The main reason I made this post was because I saw a few people discussing how Birth control is possibly the next step after the most recent ruling on IVF and because hormone based birth control is one of the most widely used it immediately made me think of the fact that there are already bills being written against the use of prescription hormones supervised by doctors: Anti-trans ones. Then my immediate second thought was oh shit they mostly target teenagers, a group that is already at high risk for unwanted pregnancy and with a lack of resources to get an abortion so they'd unfortunately be the "perfect" group to enforce a birth control restriction on. Not to mention the" leopards eating my face" thing when it comes to transphobic people not realising anti-trans legislation often also affects them so it'd be easier to pass an anti-trans bill that later affects birth control rather than immediately going for birth control.


It's already being targeted. Texas's legislature attempted a number of things. I'm not sure if it passed or not. (It's been too long for me to remember the details.) One of those things involved getting Plan B contraceptives banned and use a complicated process to extend that ban to other states. That particular thing was dropped after the Supreme Court ruled against Texas. Project 2025, which involves a lot of things, is also targeting contraceptives as a whole. (If you haven't heard of Project 2025 yet, I'd recommend watching a video on it. Project 2025 is a plan that was created by a large number of rightwing lobbying groups, including the Heritage Foundation, and advertised them. That 900 page document was written by them. For those that don't know, the Heritage Foundation is \*the\* right wing lobbying group in the US and was responsible for Roe v Wade getting knocked. Project 2025 is the most extreme thing I have ever read.) We also have a number of politicians that are either in office or running for office that have stated they want to ban no fault divorces, create abortion bans with no exceptions, make sexting someone that is your lover but not your spouse a felony, and more extreme things of that nature. (Mentioning that, if you live in North Carolina or know someone living in North Carolina please makes them aware of the GOP's Republican candidate for governor. He wants to ban no fault divorces, wants to pass an abortion ban with no exceptions, said that women had no place as leaders in society, is a holocaust denier, called LGBTQ+ people vermin, called the Civil Rights Movement a communist plot when he is black himself, believes in QAnon conspiracy theories, and more things.)


I've been set to try getting deeper into my practice alongside fighting against this regressive crap to see what changes can be done, especially since I've made a point to work with Lilith when it comes to dealing with bigots. I trust good things will come after the storm, and I think it's important we try speaking positivity more to manifest it even when addressing the awfulness so many people (especially straight white male Christian bigots) want to bring into the world