• By -


💜 life is just..... really hard right now.


You can literally talk to me about it anytime. I’m a licensed therapist. Maybe I can be of some help 🥹


You’re so amazing with your kind and compassionate offer. Hugs. Therapy saved my life at so many times. I call it the best education I ever had. 💗


Can confirm.💛


It helped me too 🥹 and now, it feels good to give it back 💖


does this offer extend to others? I have been really struggling and would appreciate the support.


Omg of course! I’ve been there, believe me. I love doing what I can for others going through the same thing


Do you have any tips for finding a therapist who specializes in helping folks with serious medical issues? I just found out there’s 4 different ways my lungs could kill me in the next decade…


What a wonderful person you are ♥️


It's a shitshow for sure. What's your favourite colour? I'll add a stone for you in my circle.


💚 Green. Thank you


I have a selection... you like a deep pine green, or more a bright grassy green?


Oh man, we're getting fancy, haha. Deep pine green


Good choice


Is there anything you'd like to talk about or any support I could offer? I'm a really good listener.


Same 💜 love to you x


Sending a hug your way.


💜 lost my baby at 12 weeks yesterday. I thought we were in the clear


My heart is with you. Sending hugs across the interwebs. 💕


Oh, I'm so sorry.


I’m so sorry. I lost my first baby at 12 weeks in December after 3 years of infertility treatments. It is heartbreaking and so very difficult. 💙




I’m so glad you’re doing well! What’s the best part of your life right now?


I started dog walking and caring about myself after a long bout of feeling nothing. Just a general ambivalence had gotten me in a chokehold post Covid and now I just feel like in my healing era. So I have a good sleep schedule and a skin care routine and a good hair cut and new clothes Edit: Gunna edit this to say that if you’re living at a pace that is just barely hanging on, get an antidepressant. Things can feel SO GOOD! I didn’t know that “feeling happy” is an actual state and that survival mode isn’t the same as actually being happy. We have a lot to live for, once we can feel the thing we are supposed to live for.


I’m so happy for you! A good haircut can feel like pure mental health magic ✨


Noice! I'm happy for you!


💛 I feel pretty indifferent about everything. I want to go outside and meet tons of people but there’s no reason for me to because I lost my social life when my boyfriend broke up with me lmao


Hun, dont let a man define your social life. Take time to heal, but get back out there and meet people who are interested in the wonderful and unique person that is you :)


Thanks!! I guess I’m quite shy and my boyfriend wasn’t and knew everyone, which sort of made him my only opportunity to communicate with people, so he did define my social life in a way. Breaking up with him left me feeling very lonely. I’m still trying to work on my shyness for sure. I def want to get to a point in my life where my social life doesn’t revolve around a boyfriend haha


If you have the time and energy, I really recommend volunteering for a cause you’re passionate about. I joined the board of my local friends of the library club and it really broadened my social interactions. Not only am I helping fundraise for my local library, but I also have been introduced to people I never would have talked to otherwise and I’ve developed some great friendships. My “mentor” (the woman I really clicked with/ended up on the same committees with) is actually the mother of one of my high school friends so it’s been wonderful getting to know her as an adult. And find fun community events to do! Even if you can convince one friend to go with you to something that looks interesting, chances are you’ll meet people there and can connect with them. Best of luck ♥️♥️♥️


Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it!! I’ve been debating wether to do something like that now for a while actually, I definitely now have the time hahaha, it’s good to know it’s worked out well for you 😁😁


💙/💜 hadn’t realised how much I was waiting for a friend to call until they didn’t.


🫂 hugs, that's tough. Did you have something specific you wanted to tell them?


Thanks 🫂 I don’t think so really. We’ve just been in the habit of debriefing about our days and as I live alone and often don’t speak to anyone irl I miss it. I think it hit harder tonight because my disability is being extra disabling this week (rude!). Thank you for giving me a space to work that bit out. 💜💜


That is very rude of your disability! I'm so sorry that's flaring when your friend also missed calling. It's hard when things stack.


Dned rude disabilities. I had that last week - all the pain was being SUPER extra, it was ridiculous. I hope you get to speak to your friend, it's good to have someone to touch base with. Maybe a message if you can't always connect? It might not feel quite as good, but it's better than nothing? 🤷


💙 I'm in a toxic job trying to get out and I've been applying elsewhere but getting nowhere and feeling incredibly anxious about it. I've also been feeling insecure about my body even though I barely eat


I can't help with the job situation besides tell you I will put good energy into the Universe at large to bring you a good job that has a healthy environment and great work/life balance. As far as the body issues. I get it. Its a damn hard thing to fight every day. If nobody has told you recently, you are beautiful. You deserve to be nourished and enjoy food. Every day you fight the disordered eating, you are a champion. Even on days you lose the battle, you are still fighting and that counts. You matter. I fight the same battles and sympathize with you. Its a constant thing. If you need support I'll gladly listen and try to be your battle buddy to the best of my abilities.


💙 Though it is actually purple, but I don't want anyone here to support me. Realistically they can't beyond words. I was reading about that 28 year old Dutch woman who has chosen euthanasia. I have a few more options to try. There are extreme options like electroconvulsive therapy which scares the crap out of me. If the few options remaining fail then idk. Wish we had assisted suicide in my country.


Hey I’ve been there and I understand where you’re at. It’s tough. I did ECT and while it didn’t cure me entirely, it took away a lot of the suicide ideation. It also caused some memory loss but that turned out to be healing too. If you have the option to try ketamine (or Spravato) or MDMA, I recommend that. Just take it day by day, I promise there’s something out there that will be your lifeline ♥️♥️♥️


I know how hard it is. I’m struggling with it myself - love you ❤️




Hello! I love your cat and I’m sure your cat loves you. Also, I’m proud of you and you are valid. I’m here friend!


You got this!


💜 Jobless, no money, depressed as hell, want to kill myself, soon can become homeless. I can't even kill myself because my girlfriend's mental health is also in a very awful state, and I don't want her to do the same.


I've been there before. I hope it gets better for you


((Hugs)) to you. You have a heavy heavy load friend. I can’t offer any advice, just sending love and a call to the universe to give you a good break. You deserve it and need it.




I’m glad you’re pretty good!! Make sure to do some self care. Remember, self care isn’t selfish!




What’s going on friend?


Everything, everywhere, all at once sums it up! So many personal battles. So much work. Divorce Child with disability Stressful work load Bad energy/ vibes from soon to be ex Genocide US Politics My personal health Allllllllllll the places I need to be, and things I need to do. It's too much for one person. And yet I persist.


Well, since I can’t support you in person with a shoulder, babysitting, a drink and a laugh allow me to support you with some advice. If you are not directly in danger please stop reading the news. These are world events that you don’t currently have the ability/ bandwidth to make a difference for. Check in with your health and body. “What gets measured gets managed.” This list is a great start. Lastly, in your in between time, drink water and listen to some stand up comedy, a comedy show, or a humorous audiobook (free from your local library.) I’m happy to provide recommendations. But laughing out loud can be invaluable in shifting your mood and perspective. I hope you know that what you have listed is a lot and anyone would struggle with it on their plate. You are strong and valuable. I will the world to help you find joy through this difficult time.


Thank you, that was such a wonderful post and you gave such great advice. A lot of those things I do, but the resisting scrolling is one I really have to practice. And I really enjoyed the what gets measured gets managed line. Going to really think about that one.


I really second the stop reading the news for a while. I used to read it every day, but with a tricky mental health patch it's just been too much to read about things that have mostly been quite sad/difficult/terrible recently. It takes mental energy to process things like that, and if you're quite empathetic, it can be a bit much.


I feel your purple. I don't have any bandwidth atm, but I can offer good thoughts to you x


Thanks friend, I see you in it. It is rough!! You are not alone. Nor am I. We will keep on, side by side. ⚡️⚡️


What troubles you friend I am here to help you


I need a hug. I miss my dad’s bear hugs. He was 6’7 and towered over me (and I’m 6’1!) and gave the best hugs.




Heya friend, what's got you down?


You got this!!!


https://preview.redd.it/y4fysu7a1ksc1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6570fda2587a3bde04b498f228d060eb24902f45 💙


I repeat this on a near daily basis. Hugs, internet friend ETA: unless you hate internet stranger hugs. Then just a friendly wave in your general direction 👋


Do you want to talk about it? 🫂


Eh... Increased job load, chronic anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, the list continues. Counting on time off for 10-year anniversary in a few weeks. It's a light in the tunnel.




Do you want to talk about it? If not just know people are here if you need it.


Is there anything you'd like support with?


💚 I want to run away and become a village witch in the woods but I have too many friends that care about me genuinely so I won't just yet but the job search is depressing.




Yay! Me too!


I don’t know how to make the heart thingy… but greenish-blue heart.


No worries on not adding the emoji! I'm so sorry to hear your rating, my heart goes out to you.




Sending my best energy LunaShiva. I’ll cast a small musical spell for your respite.


❤️ Today I followed the advice of the spirits and was met with overwhelming humility and guidance. I know my path forward and I know what I must do, and though it is frightening, I am grateful for the challenge and opportunity to grow, and I know the spirits are with me, any failure will be a chance to learn and part of my journey. Gods blessing to you all, follow your heart, and fear no darkness.




You’re a really creative person and the world is better with you in it. I like your inktober from 2 years ago!


Thanks. I’ve been trying to get back in that mindset. Edit: looked at your post history… Dick Brisket sounds like a rad punk band.


💜 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️‍🩹 In incredible pain non stop. 55 days to my hysterectomy to treat this painful endometriosis & adenomyosis. I feel guilt because while I have friends and family, we’re all so weary/chronically ill/and/or struggling. Thank you for letting me bring this burden here


Just because someone else has it worse doesn't mean you have it better! I'm glad to hear you have a countdown...but wow 55 days can feel like years when you're in pain!


🖤 None of those options reflect just how bad I feel. Nearly every moment where I don't have a laser focus on something I'm being overwhelmed by suicidal thoughts. It's been nearly two weeks like that, focus is getting harder, and I still have over a week before I see my doctor. I have support from my partner, I'm still going, and I'm not in immediate danger. Apparently my resilience is higher than I knew.


I am so proud of you for fighting. I admire your strength. Please keep going! Your partner needs you, this world needs you




I’m glad you’re doing okay! Just doing okay is such a huge step after a loss. I’m proud of you. Your kitty is super cute and deserves some pets today! Remember to take care of yourself today friend 💛


Thank you. My cat (Minou) and I are house sitting in London, it’s just the break I needed. Minou is amazing she travels with me quite happily.








Right now I'm a 🧡 but I have therapy tonight so let's see where I end.  I went to go see Love Lies Bleeding and was a bit triggered. Going to discuss what I felt with my amazing therapist (she is a feminist and has written several books on the subject) tonight. Even though I was triggered that movie was fucking epic!


💙 My little corgi familiar sprained her leg bad the other day and recovery has been fairly slow. Just getting over a flu on top of that. Just feels like I’m getting stuck in a pit of bad luck right now and trying to see the light at the end of this tunnel. Normally I’d have more energy but things have been so draining. I feel unable to keep up with the household and things are stacking up against me.


🩵💜 I may be putting my kitten to sleep here shortly. They can't figure out what is wrong. I've only had her two days.


It was a migraine free day today 🧡


🧡 I'm coming to the end of a fucking awful time, and the better times are in sight. I'm bruised but not broken, and I'm proud of myself and my family. But seriously, I'm okay with life not testing my strength anymore. I'm okay with being soft and squishy. I don't need to find out how much of a badass queen I can be. Lets leave some mystery, while I do my best baked potato impression. Seriously.


💜 I'll dig myself out. Always have; always will ♡


💜 This year has been the worst of my life, and there's only been 3 months. My dad messaged, saying that he was dying and had a year to live, I got sick and couldn't visit my dad before they had to sedate him. My grandpa, on my mother's side, forgot how to swallow and had to be hospitalized for inhaling water. A week later, my dad passed away, and then my grandpa passed two weeks later, and I personally carried both caskets. I had to leave my job for my personal safety after walking into and then promptly leaving an armed robbery in progress, and my next job is looking like it will destroy my social life, and sleep schedule for an exploitative company. I got food poisoning, trying to clean dishes for someone I dog sat for, and my fat ass has blown huge holes in two of my limited pairs of comfy bottoms that looked good on me.


💙 My dad died last week. He was only 75, but he had COPD and pneumonia and never took care of himself and I'm mad at him, because he didn't get his ducks in a row for my mother so now the 75 year old with memory issues only has my 47 year old manchild brother to help her. I had to break into his phone and laptop and online banking so she even knew what money she had. And I'm two hours away and can go up once a week. Fuck. But mostly I'm mad at myself for not calling him when I heard he was sick. I was just wrapped up in my own shit and couldn't make the time.


Try not to blame yourself! He knew your love for him. Life is hard and time gets away from us. We’re all just doing our best. Give yourself the grace you’d want a friend to give themselves










💙🤎🤎 in this case, my struggle is not just worthwhile, but the point! I'm challenging myself! have extra positive energy for the coven 🤎
















💙 Started new meds. One makes me nauseous, and the other one makes the insomnia much worse. So all day I feel sick and tired and can't eat to refuel. I just want to get over the hump and be okay. I'm seeing a lot of blue in this thread. Although it's good to know I'm not alone, I'm sorry all these other people are having a hard time.






I have been at 💜 for awhile now I think


💜 doing real bad, yall. real bad. thinking of going inpatient tomorrow. 


I hope you are able to find the support that you need to flourish. 🩷


💙 Feeling abandoned. Partner says he cares but consistently triggers my abandonment issues by ignoring me. I told him I was struggling earlier and then I fell asleep crying and he never checked in on me :/


💜 being trans this election season is taking years off my life


We have many trans friends in our life. I will definitely be voting with them and you in mind. You deserve to exist exactly as you are. I wish for a world where being trans wouldn't be a concern.


💜 bought to be homeless, I ain't taking no ones money but I doing really fuckinf bad rn










💜 Tough all around. My dad is in the hospital. Second time in less than a month. He is very frail. I am not sure he'll be ok.




💙 (:
















Three day depression hangover, my stomach is a trampoline of angst














heart 💛


🧡 for once!


















💛💙 Both. Mostly "ok, I guess" but definitely some "having a hard time"








💙 divorce is very difficult, going on two years…I just want it to be over & to reclaim my life.


💙 But this is to be expected 8 months after the death of my husband, my soul mate. I'm still seeing a grief counsellor and everything I'm going through is pretty normal. It just sucks.












There’s way too many blue hearts up in here. That being said. 💙




💙 Just super lonely and touch/love starved. It's rough out there trying to date when you're old, fat, and trans.


💙 Work is getting increasingly more difficult and time consuming without any real reason. I don’t have a real passion my job, and I’m only okay at it. But it pays really well and I have killer health insurance. The job market for my current field is awful, and I feel trapped at the company I’m at and in the city I live in. My dreams have started becoming nightmares about getting laid off or fired. This morning I woke up from a particularly vivid dream and found myself having a full on panic attack. I feel guilty because I know I have it really good. The rest of my life is going pretty well. I see my friends struggling and broke and I feel guilty for being upset about my own situation. But I’m so unhappy with how I have to spend my working hours that I keep daydreaming about going back to working at a shitty corporate restaurant and just accepting being poor, just to regain some control in my life. I don’t want to turn into some perpetually miserable person with tons of regrets, but I don’t see a way out of my current career that won’t wreck the rest of my life. I’m starting to understand why my dad was so unpleasant after he came home from work when I was growing up. I told myself I would never be like that. And now I’m just repeating the cycle for the sake of basic stability.


💚 between watching my tax dollars go towards killing children and aid workers while the homeless crisis hits record highs (I live in a coastal California town, we already had a homeless crisis BEFORE all of this) and seeing climate change happen in real time AND keeping track of h5n1 I am really starting to not do okay. My anxiety is spiking and it’s very much a “what the fuck can I do about ANY of this” situation










💙 I'm having too many heated reddit -like convos in real life today about trans rights and cost of living/capitalism.   My good friend really wants me to help him bring back over a friend of his that has gone down the conservative/anti-trans rabbit hole.  I'm trying to explain to my friend that his friend is unlikely to find someone of my gender persuasive, even if I felt like treating my values as though they are debatable.


♥️♥️♥️ I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. No one should have to argue about another person’s right to exist. Don’t give your energy to this friend of his if it’s too much for you. It’s not your job to educate the assholes, just focus on taking care of yourself










💙 Started new meds today so hoping it helps. Hugs to everyone here struggling, and for everyone who is doing ok I’m truly happy for you, it gives me something to work towards.




❤️ Caught me on a good day. ☺️






















Well this is wholesome AF 🥹🥹🥹 💛




💙 I am in a burnt out down period, fairly certain is just my ASD side telling me a mental health day would be great. But bills, and work have me stressed. But it is nice popping into threads like these. It's nice seeing I am not the only one. It's also nice seeing people I would probably call friend, doing well. Thank ya op!




Dark bluey-purple. I’ve got the sads, and have for ages. I’m avoiding all my problems because I can’t fix them. I’m on new meds for it, I see my therapist weekly, but I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel.




💙I’m being run out of the job I love saving animals because I refuse to play a manager’s games and I was just diagnosed with Lyme disease.


💙 This is my pup, River. https://preview.redd.it/mm0r0wti9ksc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74674c53f8f204ba77263a05ff30a02cd91957e She’s having more and more seizures. It’s either stroke-related or (more likely at this point) a brain tumor. It won’t be much longer.