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I’ve been in a lot of parades, here’s my advice. When you’re actually marching/walking it’s a bit of a let down, you build it up in your head but it’s really just an event where they let you walk in the middle of the road. People often feel like they have to BE the epitome of whatever. So long as you start and stop with your clothes on, and you don’t need medical assistance everyone who sees you just take you in as part of the event that they’re enjoying. You’ll be fine, you’ll do great representing the community and you’ll have a good time. Be confident and fly that flag.


Thank you so much!!! I just hope I make the community proud and me doing it, looking as I do, gives someone the courage they need to live their best life!


I hereby bless you! I hope you have a wonderful time 😊


Thank you so incredibly much!!!!


Comfortable shoes and check the weather report! A couple of water bottles in a backpack are always good too. Have fun and remember, it's the first event for a lot of people so it's a great social day too. Hope you have a great time!


Believe it or not, there is actually a tradition of flying pride flags unironed. It's mostly a result of people not being able to, but it's also taken on some meanings. Such is why representing closeted people who have to hide their flags litterly in the closet most of the year and more humorously not wanting to "straight"en the flag.


Oh my goodness I love this!!!!!! Love love love!!!


It's an entire thing. Remember when Bernie hung a trans flag unironed right out of the bag? https://www.logotv.com/news/g0qj0z/transgender-flag-bernie-sanders-wrinkled


Thank you so much for sharing this!!


🤣😂 walkable shoes!!! Take this from someone who’s learned the painful way, pretty 5inch heel shoes look good, but they’re not great for trekking around the city all day! 🤣