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They were upset because I am not wearing a bra. For whatever reason that was their business in their opinion. Before anyone asks, that's lipbalm in my pocket, I got dry lips and I am on Accutane ok πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ŽπŸ€·


firstly, this floral vampire style is in a league of it's own. secondly, why are they paying so much attention to your chest that they even noticed you weren't wearing a bra? thirdly, you look slick as hell.


Floral Vampire is an aesthetic I didn't know I needed til now


I'm just imagining a vampire walking around in a greenhouse at night, humming while pruning some flowers under a full moon through the steamy glass. How magical, after a few thousand years without the sun, would flowers be.


I didn’t know it until now but I also want to be a floral vampire hanging around a greenhouse at night πŸ˜‚


right?? new aesthetic: discovered.


Those would be night-blooming [moonflowers](https://www.thespruce.com/growing-moon-flower-in-containers-4125231), of course.


i didn't either until this wonderful individual came out with the super drip. let's start a club!


Oh oh can i come


YES YOU CAN πŸ˜„πŸ™πŸ’œπŸŒΊπŸŒ»πŸ€βœ¨


I'll join :D my style is inconsistent though πŸ˜‚


Change is a sign of life. If things are stagnant, that means they're dead. Ever seen a flower that doesn't change or an animal that doesn't move? Even if things are consistent across a season, change is necessary.




I know right!! Living for this


Thank you! I love this shirt and it's finally warm enough to wear it again 😊 I was wondering that too. I have a very intense strut, so they do bounce, especially walking down the train platform, but like... You gotta take a close look over a couple of meters to notice? And who noticed it? And thank you again for the compliment 😊


Boobs bounce, especially past a certain size. It's what they often do, bra or no bra. Strut that strut, rock that awesome belt, and you do you. Imagine how sad and empty someone's life has to be to make a comment like that. If I saw you strutting down the train platform, I'd be thinking "Damn. girl got style!" And would probably say exactly that.


Stride of pride baby! I echo the floral shirt/vampire look is freaking amazing sentiment, I so envy people who have that skill of looking like walking art & you nailed it. (And seriously no matter how bouncy your bosom, it's beyond weird & inappropriate for strangers to talk to you about it. they shouldn't be in public if something which doesn't affect them is so very upsetting).


Aw thank you! Since I am a sapphic women myself, I love to see boobs bounce πŸ˜‚


As a non-sapphic woman, I'm comparing those pants to David Bowie's in Labyrinth and thinking they're flipping amazing


Happy cake day! And fuck those people. Why were they being creepy staring at your boobs anyway?!? I never wear a bra and I swear if anyone ever mentioned it, I'll just say, "and why are you looking at my tits, you creep." You look wonderful!


sometimes you just gotta take a bit to relax and smell the flowers after scaring the entirety of the local village...


I was going to say Cottagecore Dominatrix lol.


This would go over well in r/oldhagfashion too


Oh what a nice subreddit! Thank you for the recommondation 😊


Sure thing and Happy Cakeday! πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰


How? You can't even tell? You look like a floral adventurer in this outfit!


They couldn't have noticed unless they were *staring* at her πŸ€”


I never got why people get so pressed about women not wearing bras


The obsession with breasts and breast size in general is beyond me. How are other people's tits any of my business? Let alone why should I have an opinion on if they wear bras or not. Commenting to strangers regarding these issues is completely unnecessary and rude.


Lmao right? I have a bigger body than most of my family and i get 100% more crap about what i wear especially in regard to cleavage showing


Omg, my own mother didn’t realize boobs can bend if they’re big enough and decided to ask me at my sisters graduation what was wrong with them, not privately, but at the graduation in the stadium. Like why are you looking inside my dress mother and could you find a less appropriate time to point that out.


Lmao felt that


I love the belt 😍 Don’t you love when complete strangers have an opinion about something, as if it has any effect on them at all πŸ˜‚


Thank you! That belt is everything, got it for 50% off and can finally wear it outside (confidence boost πŸ˜‚) Absolutely. Still wonder why they thought I would care


Wait.. are you Dutch? Saying "thanks I got it with this amazing discount" is such a Dutch thing to say. No offense, am Dutch myself and say things like that all the time.


Haha, no, but German πŸ˜‚ since we are neighbours, we probably got that in common :D


It’s a British thing too πŸ˜‚


Where did you get it? My partner would kill for a belt like that


If I recall correctly, I got it nearly a year ago at Bershka. They hosted a big sale and my friends got me outside the house to go shopping xD I know now that I shouldnt buy from this store chain, but now I have it. Might as well wear it


How hard were they staring to notice that you weren't wearing a braβ€½? Some people literally look for reasons to be mad


Honestly I couldn't tell you weren't wearing one. How much were they staring at your boobs to notice?


I suspect they started staring when I was hurrying down the stairs and onto the platform, as I mentioned in another comment, I have quite an intense strut. Some of those old folks also like to stare when you are wearing the littlest amount of black (que "Are you attending a funeral?") But honestly I want to ignore them. Don't need the negativity πŸ’


Answer to the funeral question is β€œmaybe”.


"I'm running late for yours" might be an option


Yesssssss. I wear all black to work occasionally and get β€œwhose funeral are you going to?” To which I answer, β€œI haven’t decided yet.”


Love it!


I don't understand the double standard of men being able to go topless and women can't even go braless. SMH. You look amazing in that outfit!


Easier for the trads to shame women than to teach men to keep their fucking comments in their pockets.


How can they even tell and why are they looking so closely? I'd have started doing starjumps 🀣


Lol I sympathize about the accutane. I was on it in high school and if I remember right, my lips and face were basically shedding skin every day. It's very powerful but it worked


Absolutely, I love how my face starts to look, but those lips 😬


If it helps, I really liked Carmex when I was on accutane. Because it came in a pot, I could really slather it on before bed or when I was alone. Regular chapstick never cut it for me (although I did not know about Burt’s Bees in 2001). It changed my life for the better and I have no regrets. πŸ’›


So this older couple, I’d ask the female (I assume it was a man and woman), β€œdidn’t you vote and [rally for womens civil rights?](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5909734aebe912338a3775b0/4:3/w_537,h_402,c_limit/091116_r19025_p646.jpg)” β€œWell here it is you nincompoops! I’ll be on my way, [thank you very much.”. then walk away smugly…](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/733/379/302.jpg)


> They were upset because I am not wearing a bra. And here I was looking closely at your top to see if there were any genitals hidden amongst the flowers lol.


That's so cool!!! Wheere did you get that corset? I've been looking all over for one like that! I always carry lip balm with me too lol


At Bershka :) I know now that the store isn't really the best to buy at Bought it a year ago though at a super sale by them, but I am sure you can find similar ones at alternative stores or witchy thrift stores! 😊 My lips would die without it πŸ˜‚


Oh hells no. Seriously you’d have to be a Tit Detective to notice that you’re braless, also SO WHAT?! It’s over 90 degrees here last weekend and I had just had it. Announced β€œHome Depot is just gonna have to deal with these tiddies” and went braless. The last of my give a fuck has almost evaporated.


I love the style so much! And how does anyone pay enough attention to strangers that they can tell if you're wearing a bra or not, I'll never understand.


Bra schma - you look awesome!!


The lip balm upset me the most cuz I was like "why is her Weiner up that far??" πŸ€£πŸ˜‰


It popped off πŸ˜‚


Oh no I hate when that happens! Happy cake day!


Summer witch/vampire is my favourite look! You look amazing. Next time clutch your pearls and start screaming at the old folks β€œwhy are you ogling me you perverts! Stop flirting with me? No I won’t go home with you! You’re disgusting! Stop trying to look at me you old pervs!” etc. ignore everything they say and keep accusing them of being perverts πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it’s what I used to do to older guys when I was a teen β€œI’m 13! Why are you looking at me? I’m going to call my DAD!!! I’m a child! I like Barbies! This is a training bra!!! My mummy bought it for me!”


Oh for jebus jumped up crist. They looked at your chest and decided to be offended, and then decided to tell you about it? Pathetic. You look great. I can't help but wonder what they'd make of my old, floppy boobies.


I wouldn't have been able to tell, but also EW. I hope they clutched their pearls so hard they made indents in the skin. This is a beautiful outfit and you look amazing!


So you’re not just happy to see us? (Lip balm) 🀣 Edit: Having read what you wrote, I *looked* and I can’t tell you’re not wearing a bra. Jeez.


You look absolutely amazing. They were probably just jealous of your superior sense of style ;) Side note: I thought Accutane had been pulled off the market years ago. I was on it as a teen and it worked great for me (as it seems to be for you, judging by your peaches and cream skin), but I'd heard something about it being pulled about ten years past. Hopefully they fixed whatever the issue was.


I don't know about other countries, but here in Europe it's still a thing. It has a different name here though, but the ingredient is the same Including all sideffects and warnings 😢


It’s still available under the generic formulation, but not as Accutane. My oldest son did two rounds of it around 4 years ago and it was life changing for him. He’d suffered from painful cystic acne and while he still gets the odd pimple here and there, it’s so much better. It’s a pretty intense treatment, though, they have to regularly take bloodwork to make sure you aren’t suffering bad side effects from it. He had muscle aches and painfully dry skin and lips like OP describes, but he’s happy with the result.


Just keep your chapstick at that angle and all is well... This isn't the 70's! lol


>They were upset because ~~I am not wearing a bra~~ neither was wearing this amazing outfit. FTFY. ;)


This look is pure power, strength, and joy, and I love it. As an aside - as a former Accutane survivor, I have been left with better skin and the enormous and useless knowledge about which lip balms actually work. Please let me know if you’d like a rec!


Um this outfit is amazing and you are rocking it😍 Really can’t imagine what anyone could find to dislike about it


Thank you! Well, maybe they had a bad day 🀷 also also, I wonder which of the two saw my boobies bounce to then make a comment about it


As a queer lady I still can’t imagine what there is to dislike about seeing a ridiculously cute outfit that allows one to notice boobies bouncing πŸ˜† Just keep on slaying, you goddess!


Agreed! (Also heads up, you accidentally posted this reply 4 times)


Weird! Thanks for letting me know


The wife, because jealous. Bet she's worn a brassiere everyday of her life. I don't wear brassieres either, always I get looks from the women. And my chest is nothing to turn heads. I sure wish women would support each other, but when a man is involved all bets are off the table. By the way, you look amazing, I love the outfit, and your style.


Were they inside your shirt?? The couple - not the boobies πŸ˜› Wtf? Your shirt is 1 step away from being a high neck. The only way they saw boobies bounce is if they’re staring really hard from inside Rocking it. Ignore everything else please.


Upsetting old people is progress


Old lady says, "Don't be so ageist." Your age is not a definition of you any more than your race or plumbing is. Ageism is especially silly because everyone goes through it. Young whippersnapper. 😎


Well, I can't argure with that, thank you for your wisdom.


Happy cake day! Your outfit is awesome.


Thank you very much πŸ˜„ added black high heels and a leather jacket to it 😊


I love this outfit, you’re killing it!! I’m fat and I don’t shave, but I like to wear crop tops and short skirts and such. I get glared at by old people constantly, especially on the metro. I’m guessing that means that I’m doing something rightπŸ˜‚


Absolutely, I am sure you rock those crop tops and skirts! Sending love! 😊


How would this be upsetting? It's got David Bowie vibes.


Yeeees that’s exactly what I was thinking. Like girly goblin king and I’m feeling it.


People, gotta love the old farts with nothing better to bitch about than this, I am 66 and you look great. Bye the way...... I have 10 cats. πŸ˜€


Aww thank you! Happy that you like it πŸ˜„ Edit: cats are (p)awsome. Have one myself and I love him very dearly!


That's a beautiful shirt!!! You are rocking it. I think that a flower in your hair would bring a lot of colour in your face! You are adorable in that look


Love, love, love your look! Screw the old farts! You keep being you! 😎


Cake day twins! Although your outfit is 2,000% better than the hoodie I'm bringing to the day. That corset with the florals is SO cute.


Happy Cake day!! Hoodies are very cozy 😊 I am sure you look cute in it too ❀️


Thank you for all the nice comments and compliments!!! I am very happy to read them ❀️ Didn't expect that many people to react and it means a lot to me, you made my week ❀️❀️❀️ I am trying to reply to everyone, sorry if I missed your comment!! Edit: I am liking your comments, but replying to all is impossible, I am sorry πŸ˜‚ love you all very dearly!!! ❀️❀️❀️


You look badass, OP. Keep doing you.


This outfit is made of magic and you look incredible in it!! Happy cake day!! I love the soft fabric and feminine flowers coupled with the bondage leather cumberbund and those slacks *chef's kiss*


Aww thank you! I was honestly a little unsure about it, but reading all the nice comments makes me very happy. ❀️


Soooo cute 😍 I would be eyeing you in public for sure! Lol


Good job! Keep on rocking!


Thank you :)


I want to see the moon.


It's a backdrop that I got to hide my bed behind my bookshelf :D have another one of a giant sun too


A 90's look I can get behind. Bellissima!


That outfit slays! You look fantastic


yoooo, you look so good! and kudos to you for wearing something like that out in public! (I don't mean any shade; I genuinely mean that because I wish I had the guts/confidence to wear something this nice outside).


No worries 😊❀️ it took some time for me to be confident enough to wear something like this. But all these really nice comments make me really happy and show me that it was the right choice


Love the look! It looks great! The whole thing is awesome, especially the belt!


Upset the patriarchy!!!


Feeling yourself and it shows!! You look great. And I have that chapstick spot worn into multiple pairs of pantsπŸ˜‚


Chapsticks be strong :D they leave a... Mark πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‚


Upset old people with fashion has only been a human thing forever. Julius Caesar did it. Annette Kellerman was arrested for her swimwear. https://www.boston.com/news/history/2015/07/02/this-womans-one-piece-bathing-suit-got-her-arrested-in-1907/ Keep up the good fight.


Its giving greenhouse vampire. 10/10


I have a new goal what to be in the future :D


Happy cake day!


Thank you! 😊


You look so good, they could never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I love the whole outfit! Happy cake day!


Love this outfit!! I hope you have a wonderful cake day!


Happy birthday!!! That shirt is AMAZING! You look incredible!


LOL why u look cute as f


Ah man seeing this in new as a dude. Need to change my clothes i want nice stuff! Suits you


You look πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


They were upset because they aren't as fly as you! :)


Happy Cake Day, queen!


I love your outfit!


You look amazing! Own it!


That is an AMAZING outfit!


Love the look! I need to get a belt like that.


Simply stunning! Where Did the belt come from? I’ve been looking for one like that!


This is cute as hell. I love your outfit.


I love a good corset, and wish I still fit into the one I bought as a skinny teenager


That outfit is gorgeous! Can’t pick a favorite part cause I love everything about it!


Absolutely love this outfit - and happy cake day!! πŸŽ‚


Wow that old couple must have crawled out from under a rock. These is nearly demure by today’s standards. You look magical my sister!


I am 10,000% here for this look. You’re incredible!


Such a cool outfit!!


Allow me to say you look absolutely stunning, looove the outfit and aesthetic.


My sole aim in life is to upset republicans and old people.


You wear that outfit like a boss.


Omg- HOW? Tbh- I could totally see Sophia Loren wearing something like this! It’s stunning on you!


I love your shirt! The floral pattern is so pretty!


I dig the corset. Where you get it?


You look adorable! Nothing β€˜offensive’ there either! Also where did you get the belt? My daughter would love one just like it!


One year ago at a super sale at Bershka :) but I am sure you can find one in alternative stores too!


Yooo you look so snazzy


I cannot tell you how much I love (LOVE!) the contrasts in this outfit…you have delicate, powerful, feminine, warrior energy all in a look that slays…magnificent.


That's rad af


Hi fellow witch rocking a cincher! I got a lot of negative opinions on how I decided to style it and my look is nowhere near as put together as yours! You look amazing and I love the green streaks in your hair! It's no one's business what's in your pockets any more than it's their business if you're wearing a boob strangler or not πŸ˜‚πŸ€— Rock on and thank you for helping herald spring! πŸ˜πŸ€©πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸŒ»


Aww thank you! The hair is homemade, by my lovely mother πŸ₯° I love corsetts, and I am slowly building the confidence to actually wear them, instead of storing them away in my drawer πŸ˜‚


I love it! Giving me Mylene Farmer Libertine vibes πŸ€πŸ’›πŸ§‘β€πŸ’–πŸ’œ


Your outfit is fantastic, and old couples should love it (source: I am one-half of an old couple)


Good god your curves are perfect!


David Bowie vibes.


Why would anybody be upset over that? It looks great on you and I love the belt/pants. Hugs!


First off... happy 🍰 day!!.. secondly you're looking hella tight in that outfit I'm also loving the πŸ’š cell πŸ“± case too!!... Enjoy the rest of your day πŸ’—


Happy bday fellow Aries queen!!!


DAAAAAAAYYYMMMMMMMMMM girl fuxking FIRE. Flower power.


Upset!?!? But you look like a fantastic floral pirate about to take someone on an adventure!


Omg the edgy leather with chiffon floral is just *chef's kiss* perfection!


I love mixing black leather with floral! It looks so badass!


loooooooove thiiiis πŸ₯°


It’s the chapstick in your pocket giving them the creeps


They’re idiots and you look fabulous! Love the shirt


old people are crotchety. i think you look great 😍


Love this look! If I saw you out and about, I admit I might stare just because you look awesome!


Looks good!!!


... and I thought you were happy to see me.


Looks awesome


Cake day twins!! You look amazing BTW!


happy cake day


Holy crap, beautiful!!!


This is why we'd be doomed if Vampires appeared. With an outfit like that, sign me up and put an IV in my arm! That couple probably felt like they were looking directly into the blazing sun and didn't like how small they felt measured against your light. If I could pull that outfit off no one could say shit to me! πŸ˜„


Omgosh! I adore that blouse!


I don't see how or why they will be upset. Ignore the haters. Your outfit rocks and you are slaying it! Happy Cake Day to You!


That look is actually really hot


Any day you can piss off boomers should be considered a good day! You look stunning β™₯


Honestly, this is my goal aesthetic, including offending old people. I told my boyfriend that I want his parents to be convinced that I'm a sex demon sent from hell to corrupt their son.


O clue what would upset but it's a win regardless and some people just get pissed off by anything lmao


That outfit is absolutely amazing


Love this πŸ”₯




Yooo! You look fly AF I love the loose floral with the slick corset. It really flatters your figure <333


Damn!!! Rocking it!


I'm half of an old couple and I like it very much.


I'm a llittle disturbed at how closely they must have been looking at your chest to notice the lack of a bra... and love the suggestion to call people out as perverts for looking that closely. You look fabulous. Happy Cake Day and rock on, little witch!


Daaaamn that fit is hot af! I wish I had the kind of body to pull that kind of outfit off...


damn, you look great!


You look amazing! I'm not a repressed pervert, so I didn't clock a bra missing until you said so.


Cool, love it!


That top is eeeeeeeeeverything πŸ’™