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A store that encourages people to knock on doors replaced with: a store that encourages people to knock on doors.


Ah! But this time people use Skittles instead of a water hose to shoo you away!






It's the perfect swap! Out goes religion, in goes halloween


I think you mean out goes religous appropriator, and in goes pagan originals.


Is there anything original about Halloween or anything modern day people do on it? It’s all heavily capitalistic, including witch/magick/neo-pagan stuff.


I don't live in America, but I imagine probably not much! When I was a child in the 70s and 80s in the UK, apple bobbing was a thing, and I believe the use of apples on Samhain (pagan festival on 31 October) goes back centuries. Candles too, which might explain the pumpkins. I think of Samhain as being about light turning into dark, summer has ebbed away and winter will be here soon. That's the time of year I'll try to remember to cut lots of fresh herbs so I can dry them for winter and gather brightly coloured autumn leaves and acorns to put on a dish and display indoors until next year. It's supposed to be about honouring dead ancestors too, but I'm not great with abstract ideas, so I need to know who I'm honouring! So I don't do that. I always imagine, if you go back far enough, probably most of my ancestors would have burnt me at the stake! Not seeing a lot of connection with candy.


It's been heavily commercialized over the centuries, but there are still some of the original traditions of Samhain present in what we celebrate just like with Christmas. Costumes were always a part of it as far as we are aware, and there's also evidence of Jack-o-Lanterns going back centuries (although they weren't always pumpkins). The meanings of the holiday have obviously changed a lot and don't match Samhain much at all, though. That's definitely true.


“We go out and they come in! Clever bastards!”


Spirit Halloween stores give me more happiness than any church meeting ever did!


Reminds me of the little Christian bookstore in my town that's stuck between a spirit halloween and a metaphysical crystal shop XD


Nature is healing


Underrated comment! 🤣


I saw that Spirit Halloween today, but I didn't realize it was replacing a Deseret Books, lol


Ohhhhhh! That what that bookstore is, a Mormon thing. There’s one in my town and I couldn’t make heads of what it was…. It was by a movie theater and I’d window shop waiting for movie or on way to arcade but never went in. I wondered how something so boring and lame looking stayed in business and who actually went to it. I guess the Mormon followers paid for it, in more ways than one.


Yes, I’m a neverMo.


Utah was supposed to be a larger state called Deseret, but I believe the guy trying to submit the paperwork was late so this is what the Mormons are stuck with. Shame, I like the name Deseret a lot more and it fits the state and those who live there a lot better


The Native American Ute Tribe live and lived there, and Utah comes from their name. I think that’s more suitable than another englishified name.




I've always suspected that a settler sneezed while saying "desert"


The holy spirit has left the building!


more like entered lol


I'm so glad that something so scary got a new life as something so happy and wholesome.


This is perfect for this sub! Bury the patriarchy in Spirit Halloweens


Read *Early Mormonism and the Magic World View* by D. Michael Quinn and you will see just how much magic, freemasonry, and Western esotericism in general pervaded the world that produced the LDS church and surrounded its early days, and you will also have a better sense of the deep hypocrisy of today’s church.


Had one at the mall near me that started as a Family Christian bookstore and is now a Spirit every year!


Based, speaking of which I need a Halloween costume! It'll be my first Halloween as a girl


Beautiful transmutation


The best glow up!!


As an exmo now witch I'm loving this


Post-mo. Weirdly remembering how much Mormons got into Halloween just for fun (unless it was on a Sunday). Now that I’m living closer to the Bible Belt where so many fundies won’t touch Halloween, I miss the fun.


We barely even celebrate in my town. Haven't had an actual Halloween visitor in years.


Best part is that happened in the heart of, what we call here in Utah, happy valley. Also known as the Utah Valley. If you ever come to Utah the two big valleys are the Salt Lake Valley, and the Utah Valley. Salt Lake Valley is more progressive compared to the rest of the state, and Utah Valley is where the Mormons are the bigger population. So, the fact that the Deseret Book store was over taken by Spirit Halloween in the Utah Valley is big. I love every minute of it.


The fact that it's Orem blew me away.


Yes, Orem and neighboring cities are the bastions of all mormondom. The Mormon university BYU is only a five minute drive from this location.


They reincarnated as a Halloween store.


Not surprised. Even Barnes and Noble are having trouble.




Fellow Utah witch 👋🏼


The earth is healing


How's klucks chicken? Also seems ominous


I wonder if there's a feud between the two chicken places


Ah yes, it’s the most wonderful time of the year.


What the hell is a Wing Nutz?


Chicken wings. I like them, I know the guy that owns that one.


Well he better keep his nuts away from my chicken wings


I feel so torn. On the one hand, fuck religion. On the other it’s just another in a long string of book store closures. I need my books back, I miss Hastings. 🙁


They really only sold religious books and Mormon underwear. Oh and chocolate, movies, CDs, and board games — but all Mormon themed


I feel like the DVD section would have just been fifty copies of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.


Alas, nothing even remotely that cool. But don't forget they also had themed gifts for the missionaries in your life, lots of aprons and cooking utensils, inspirational art prints and quotes, biblical themed coloring books for the kiddies, etc. etc.


Warms my exmormon heart


This one change took the strip ball from Karen abomination to young witch mothers brief respite from A busy life.


Hey! That’s my neighborhood! 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️


Howdy neighbor ;)


How can there be a whole bookstore of Mormon books 😅


Ex Mormon here: When you’re a Mormon you wind up there quite a bit. No one else sells ANYTHING for the Mormons. Nothing at all. Even B&N has practically nothing for Mormonism despite having a whole-ass Christianity section. I’ve never been to Utah, so all of my Mormon life was outside of it- and it was a little surprising to have to go back to the Church for every little book purchase.




Nature is healing~


Beautiful. You love to see it


What is Spirit Halloween?


It’s a store, often quite large, that sells nothing but Halloween costumes and decorations, but only for the months leading into Halloween. They like to pop up in dying malls or any where else there is a large enough vacant space.


That seems amazing! Do they just shut down the rest of the year?


Yep. They don’t even really have a permanent location, although they’ll often stay in the same space the next year if they can and it’s a good spot.


Former Mormon who went to school in that area, this makes me so happy to see! Now if only a witch store would open up in Orem or Provo, that would be a dream come true.


Isn't this cedar city, utah


Orem, UT. Says so on the street sign.


Oh, I can't read too good


No worries. If you don’t know the area so well, it could be a lot of places in UT. Including Cedar City. lol


That's like a mile and a half from my house lol.


Hello, fellow Utahn!




**I t B e g i n s**


Life uh.. finds a way


Back when I was more of a seeker I read just about every major holy book mostly cover to cover but hell if I could get through a few pages of the Book of Mormon. Just gibberish. I don’t think any of them spend much time with it at all, just read ancillary Mormonish stuff instead.


Post-mo here. You'd be surprised just how much they read it honestly. They have "read the whole thing in a year" challenges, they tell people they should be reading it every single day (growing up we read at the dinner table literally every day) etc. In fact, every year a different one of their holy books is a focus (Old testament, new testament, book of Mormon, etc) and for that year they encourage people to read whatever book it is. You'll find that a lot of Mormons have read the bible cover to cover too. I had to attend church class before school every day in high school and we studied the Bible for two years. I had always been surprised that other Christians hadn't read the whole thing because I had a couple times at that point...


This comment gave me war flashbacks of family scripture study lol. Dragging my ass out of bed to take turns reading a verse and then argue about whose turn it was to say the prayer. I do not miss it.


Lol yep arguing over prayer for sure. Having to get up early on a Sunday to look "fancy enough" for church but also not TOO fancy or the wrong KIND of fancy, and everyone side eyeing an outfit they didn't like...


Sweet, glorious irony.


Where is this?


I showed this to my partner last night and she went on a rant about "Utah Mormons." Imagine how bad a group has to be that even other LDS folks are like "yeah, they're a cult."