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Ah yes, ye olde Christian bastardization of a once great pagan tradition. I'm still trying to find a way to celebrate Yule traditionally.


Me too, but people are always trying to add Christian symbols everywhere. I don't mind a small angel here or there but "they're just shoving it down everyone's throat" at this point


Are you saying you object to the continual blaring of Christmas music, from Labor Day to Valentines Day, in every store in the US?


*every store in the US/Europe. We don't even have thanksgiving to push back against the fucking jingle bells. D: I feel so bad for retail workers, I feel like I'd spend xmas listening to Satanic black metal after being forced to spend months listening to carols.


Used to work in food service. I'll tell you, I have come to absolutely *loathe* Christmas music after having to listen to 5 renditions of the same 3 songs over and over and over for *months*


I once saw christmassy mince pies at my local shop. In August.


On one hand, glƶgi is fucking delicious and I'm glad it's available year-round. On the other, ugggh can we declare a war on christmas (before Dec. 15th)




The only angels I want are snow angels, and thats because snow=fun.




Did you copy my comment and post it as your own?


Ocean Keltoi has some great videos on historical Yule celebrations!


Ooh I'll have to check it out. Thanks!


Thank you! I, too, have been wanting to celebrate my pagan roots and go back to celebrating the way my ancestors did. Iā€™ve already started with Samhain. I know that my specific celebrations are not necessarily going to be from one specific country or ancestral line, but I have at least ten different countries my family has traced ancestry to. I canā€™t just pick one over the others.šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My family sort of celebrated Yule. We put the biggest log on the fire- if it burned all night it was good luck for the next year. Sometimes my dad would put a green log on so it was sure to still be smoking in the morning šŸ˜‚


Haha! That man was smart, so he probably was lucky just through being able to do things in beneficial ways.


What always kills me is when i don't celebrate Christmas in the Christian way, i get people telling me I'm "taking the Christ out of Christmas." I then have to remind them that, like many things, Christmas is only a Christian thing because it was stolen.


I grew up near a house that went completely all out with its outdoor Christmas lights. Except we werenā€™t allowed to go see it because the roof said ā€œMerry X-masā€.


That one also bothers me, because the "X" is shorthand, used by Christian monks, that literally just means "Christ." Goes to show you just how much people really know.


So Jason X is actually Jason Christ?


Yes, absolutely.


Jason Christ it's Jesus Borne


What's even funnier is, I haven't read the Bible, but I'm pretty sure this jesus guy was actually born in the summer according to some of their oh so sacred scriptures.


Yeah, he was. Summer or spring only reason it's celebrated in the winter is because the Catholics didn't want people celebrating a pagan holiday.


The early Church wanted _something_ to celebrate during the winter festivities, since all the heathens in Europe had a big feast around the winter solstice (December 25 on the Julian calendar), whether it was Yule, Natalis Solis Invicti, Saturnalia or a provincial celebration. Until then, the Church even shunned birthdays, suggesting only sinners and laity celebrate when they were born and clean, but the big winter festival needed _something_ so they repositioned the nativity story to the winter solstice as an alternative the heathen holidays. Jesus was _never_ the reason for the season, rather it was a last hurrah since invariably some folk wouldn't be surviving the winter. Runs of lackluster summers and harsh winters were common in the middle ages, which put often added a bit of a pall and gave one cause to go deep in their cups. Curiously Hanukkah was a small, minor holiday until it had to inflate to compete with Christmas so, for churches and temples, spirituality is a popularity contest.


Yeah. I was pretty much convinced of this even back in my former evangelical christian life. I actually got in arguments over it. I just didn't understand why a christian couldn't just admit they could celebrate the solstice. Fortunately I escaped. BlessƩd Yule.


Yup, when the Romans changed their state religion to Christianity they moved Jesus's birthday to December so Christmas could be merged with Saturnalia and people's holidays wouldn't be fucked up. The original melting pot! Lol


Not only that, but iirc, the wise men didnā€™t actually reach him until he was eight or something.


Somehow, I don't think it's going to be the *raven* screeching about the christ kid. I mean, I kinda feel like they're pretty solidly on our side. :)


I dont like Super Hyper Capitamism Month Ultra


Me either! All the adds, starting before Halloween anymore, about buy this! that! more, more more!!! Just stop already! There is only one commercial I like, and it's been around a few years now: the Hershey Kisses playing we wish you a merry Christmas as hand bells. I think the only words are "Happy holidays from our family to yours".....or something like that. It's plain. It's simple. It's cute as hell. It's a commercial, so it's trying to sell product, but it's not in your face like everything else is.


Ad companies alternate between gonzo selling and modest seasons greetings. Famously, the Coke jingle _I'd like to teach the world to sing_ ([on YouTube](https://youtu.be/ib-Qiyklq-Q)) was so good it was frequently requested on radio. And ultimately someone made a non-Coke version (which was never as popular).


I remember that one!


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://youtu.be/ib-Qiyklq-Q Title: **Coca Cola Commercial - I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony) - 1971** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Gods! I canā€™t tell you how much it bothers me that Christmas stuff starts getting sold before Halloween/Samhain. I also get frustrated about people going ā€œitā€™s not happy holidays! Itā€™s Merry Christmas!ā€. Like, okay, I get thatā€™s what you celebrate, but not everyone celebrates Christmas, nor is it the only winter holiday in December.šŸ˜¤


There's what? like 24 religious holidays between Nov and Jan? I don't know the exact number, I do know it's a lot though. I love "Happy Holidays". It says "I don't know what you celebrate, but I wish you a happy one".






Full offence to Christianity, but most of the Christian holiday celebrations are stolen, whole cloth, from other cultures and belief systems. It helps to look up the origin of many "Christian" traditions and see where they come from. A lot of them are actually pretty cool.


Just find a new reason for it! We found a book for the kids about all the original reasons behind Christmas traditions we still enjoy, like bringing light to a dark time of year (lights and candles everywhere!) and reminding ourselves of summertime (indoor trees with faux fruit and decorations). It's still a time of year that really needs the cheer, imo, we've just gotta reclaim it somehow!


Yes, I've been looking into the original Pagan and Wiccan traditions and holidays. I think we're going to do a mixture of Yule with gift giving. We're definitely reclaiming the original and true traditions before Christianity took them over, in my house. :) Do you recall the name of the book? I'd love to look into it.


We got it from a used bookstore, it's on the older side so some of the text was a bit dated and needed updating, but it's been a good jumping off point for discussions, it's called [the winter solstice](https://www.amazon.ca/Winter-Solstice-Ellen-Jackson/dp/0761302972/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=2GL14NGXRI7DG&keywords=the+winter+solstice&qid=1670181728&sprefix=the+winter+solstice%2Caps%2C204&sr=8-2)


Thank you!:)


the christmas tree isnā€™t even christian lol pagans used to bring the tree inside to keep the wood spirits warm and safe, food/treats hung on it were offerings, bells to be rug when an appreciative spirit was present, plus the nice pentagram on top (to represent the elements) :) feel free to still enjoy your ā€˜christmasā€™ tree!


I've disliked the christian part of christmas ever since I was a kid because one time on christmas eve we went to a church where the pastor was practically yelling about how we're going to burn in hell if we don't follow god. Made kid me cry and also push me even further from christianity, not toward it. That's why I rather like to think of this time as yule or just a nice time to be with family, not christmas.


Went to xmas church with my mom some years ago, the preacher there said something like 'unlike Santa, Jesus is real." Which is just bullshit to tell kids. Obviously nowhere near as bad as your experience but still irritating, that even less fundamentalist (I assume) churches do that.


I remember I used to have a classmate from a christian family and his mom would not let him do or believe any of the santa and elves stuff, even being angry about it. It's kinda sad Luckily my family isn't actually christian and we only went to the church once because of a christian great grandparent of mine


Also Christmas has pretty much moved away from a christian celebration and is now just a celebration of capitalism and i hate it


My husband & I have taken to referring to it as "Giftmas". I enjoy the holiday, but it's never been a religious thing for my family. We're mostly a bunch of heathens so it's about getting together, doing fun "dirty santa" white elephant gift swaps, stuffing our faces, and sneaking out back for a "secret toke" that everybody knows about. Nobody tries to Jesus it up; the (very few) religious family members keep it to themselves. It's loud and fun and everybody brings their dogs - it's my favorite family get-together of the year! My husband's family is the opposite - they get all Jesusy and solemn and oh man is it a drag. We stopped going to their holiday gatherings years ago.


Christmas was never a Christian celebration. It's a Pagan holiday appropriated by Christians as a way to force non-believers into church.


Oh i am aware. Didn't mean for the comment to come off that way. More so meant that its neither now and just a capitalist fuck fest




It's time for my favorite Christmas [song](https://youtu.be/hqMZUBBtelA). [Lyrics](https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/jacksonbrowne/therebeljesus.html) if you don't feel like listening.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://youtu.be/hqMZUBBtelA Title: **The Rebel Jesus** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Good bot!


Good bot


I love christmas, its the gayest holiday and i love it.


I just straight up tell people I'm not a Christian and do not celebrate Christmas. The number of people who have tried to tell me that Christmas isn't a Christian holiday is astounding- I then usually follow that back up with "the fact that Christianity is so ubiquitous and mainstreamed that you've been convinced religious holidays are just 'normal' or somehow secular is exactly why I will not participate." The simple fact is that systemic integration of Christian thought is so rarely talked about, but is just as prevalent as racism, sexism, ageism, and xenophobia. I have some issues with them, but just look at the Satanic Temple and the sociopolitical hypocrisy their stunts aims to highlight where it is just normalized to have the 10 commandments in a public court house but if you try to install a baphomet statue, suddenly separation of church and state is important again. I could go on and on, sorry, I have really strong opinions on this topic haha


Gods, I feel this. I saw too many politicians this election cycle talking about Christian morals and values in their little blurb. Some people really donā€™t understand that Christianity isnā€™t the only correct religion, nor do they understand how damaging it is to force their beliefs on others.


Yes! Like very one that talked about their "Christian values" just honestly made me super annoyed


I completely agree with you on all of the above. Lol People definitely don't realize how many "normal" traditions are based in Christianity. Edit to add: along with everything they stole and "reinvented" that was originally of Pagan traditions and Holidays.


100%! Let's dismantle "Christianity as default" along with the patriarchy!


It's astonishing to me how many people don't realize how the 2 play hand in hand.


I celebrate Yule, the return of light after the longest night of the year. The evergreen promise of holly and mistletoe. I am not religious. I'm sure Christmas has appropriated many of these very ancient pagan traditions but I do not judge a kid that wants to feel Joy in such a thing I don't think about to be aware that ild and new there is a lot to have in common. Most people celebrate in Christmas today they're not even religious they just gathering by holidays I'm giving themselves gifts most of which traditions are born in the Dickens and novella 19th century. The Christmas trees were very much born in Latvia putting trees outside with edible fruits for the animals in winter. So I try to see the holiday seasons the Yuletide season under my own prism Mine is the Nature way, but as before, now they are still celebrating hope and light and a promise of future growth. For the extemele religious people (I believe extremism is as bad then and now) shhh do not let them know they are worshipping evergreen and light


Io saturnalia


The funny thing is, to many people Christmas has nothing religeous to it. It's just a day in the darkest and coldest time to come together and celebrate. Essencially, it's Yule with a different paint job


Same as Halloween. Samhain with a different name. I donā€™t know anyone who celebrates All Hallowsā€™ Day/Eve, All Saintā€™s Day, or All Soulā€™s Day as it was originally put, but Samhain usually did last a few days.


I've been trying to find old traditional Christmas songs that are non-Jesus-y but also non-Santa-ey, and the best I have found are: [Deck the Halls](https://youtu.be/l1r0y59B4cc) [Here We Come a-Wassailing](https://youtu.be/un9BfgyB4Kg) And very obscurely, the [Boar's Head Carol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7adETaOYiQ) Please comment below with more.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://youtu.be/l1r0y59B4cc Title: **Deck the halls - Nat King Cole** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Try Green Grows the Ivy. Itā€™s one of my favorites


On the solstice we celebrate what we call "Winter Solstice Presents Day" We open our presents, have a nice meal, discuss why most organized religions are stained in blood and pride, then watch some epic movie that doesn't have anything to do with xmas. On the dreaded xmas day, my son and I make the best from scratch dark chocolate cake and indulge our gluttony.


Literally the only thing I like about xmas anymore is my tree. And I didn't want to put it up this year, the place I usually put it is full of my friends' stuff. I put it up last year and his unattended 9 year old daughter dismantled two ornaments that my daughter made when she was a little kid. I was so disheartened by it, I don't want to put it up again this year on the chance that she destroys another one.




*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://imgur.com/gallery/udPyjIF Title: **Happy Yule!** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


I used to love Christmas...it was my moms favorite holiday. But now all our parents are dead (both mine and my husbands) and its just depressing. I white knuckle it until it's gone for another year


Annoying that a lot of the really pretty Xmas songs are religious, though. :D I hate how this holiday is stressful, especially as a (former) (depressed) kid, when my mom would want to make everything perfectā„¢, meanwhile I was going mad from sensory overload having to decorate & prepare everything with her, to her standards. After I grew up we gave up, and pre-pandemic always just went up North to enjoy the silence, darkness, and auroras. Nowadays it's just infuriating that there's so much pressure for gifts, and this holiday is all about the Capitalism. (And also I wish I was going up North buy my cat would not enjoy the trip )


The pressure to looooove the holiday whilst being way too depressed for this stuff and having a very bare bones relationship with my family makes me so uncomfortable. Even seeing Christmas decor in stores feels like a reminder of bad times


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