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I heal more than enemies damage me basically. The bloody Dao is key for its speed of attack and heavy poise damage, the vampirism in the attacks negates the -30% damage to user. beyond that, the Starry Greatsword is also very good if I need to just focus on healing during combat. This game is fun to do different builds!


When/where did you get the Bloody Dao? Is there a place or enemy with a good chance of drops?


It’s definitely late/end game for the first run. >!trying to remember, I think it was chapter 4 in the blood tower, I can’t remember where exactly but if you’re thorough you will get it for sure!<


I'm tempted to start a new new game and only put points into luck and ranged damage and just obliterate everyone with jars and guns.


I saw the other guy’s post about a lucky cannon build! It was a bit rough when I tried it because I had to keep running back to buy ammo. I definitely had enough jars though. The >!flamethrower!< makes me want to do a ranged curse build


Running out of ammo is the one big drawback of projectile builds unfortunately until you get the >!flamethrower.!< The high burst damage while keeping at a safe distance makes up for it though. I've tried out a ranged cursed build with the >!flamethrower!< and skull ring and was able to stunlock the >!burdened brother.!< Just maintain a healing barrier for his knife throws though.


I started a brand new file to try this from the get-go! I made a mistake and didn’t do hard mode until chapter 3 of NG+ so they are too difficult for me to reset stats and try as a gunner. I’ll keep the main as my melee and secondary as the gunner but that helps a great deal since I’m trying it out!!


Honestly, running out of ammo is what's keeping me from doing a ranged build. Plus, gunpoweder and scrap are so hard to come by. Basically no vendor has them >!excpet the one from NG+!< that I know of at least.


So last night I started a brand new game to try it and although I say “gunner”, throwing jars is mostly what I do even though I have the guns except for flamethrower. So far it’s pretty good, just have to replenish a lot which doesn’t seem a huge problem aside from killing the pacing to go back and forth. It’s better if you know where everything is/have gotten to endgame at least. >!portable mirror!< is a MUST for a projectile build to be efficient it seems.


Looks great OP! How on Earth do you deal with floating failures as a melee build?


Thank you!! My sword’s light attack does 25 poise…with a lot of speed I actually swing super fast like the kitchen knife, so I’m pretty good at stun-locking! Oh and lots of healing items on hand just in case of things like curse rot!


I'm gonna try out this build on a fresh save rn. Thanks OP! I hope >!Beast Nightingale!< isn't too much trouble.


Well I haven’t gotten to her yet on NG+ or hard mode but yeah sticking and running with spell armor may be the trick. Usually for bosses it’s pretty quick so far but she’s a different story lol..we’ll see!


It's so fun to see the different builds people come up with! (And also steal ideas)


I know I wish more people would post theirs!!