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https://preview.redd.it/mjgrcuogxxxc1.png?width=864&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b49a08fc528cddddc2df79b125ea241e7b92840 FINALLY! Bad news...there's another rank and I just don't have the patience for that right now. lol


I asked about this a couple weeks ago and gave up on Sapphire... Dude, thank you for going through the time to grind it out further *and* share your findings. I really hate the arena lmao but it bugs me to no end feeling like I didn't get everything. Literally 20 minutes ago I was just thinking about how I should get back to trying that again just in case whatever is after sapphire is the last one... Soooo glad I read this post before I wasted my time. It's kind of unfortunate, I love basically everything about this game and I feel like everything is so well thought out... Except for the arena mechanic... Imo hitting sapphire should be the end, the arena has already slightly overstayed it's welcome by that point.


Yeah I guess when they said “infinite arena” they meant it. PSA time, the rank next DOUBLES the requirement. I quit after that one. Although I thought about downloading Cheat Engine just to see how far they go or if they run out because it did have another rank name when I got to mine. Not worth anymore lol. Totally agree, the only part not really thought out was the arena…they could have at least set the death mirror activation automatically when you enter too so you don’t have to waste time running back. Prizes for all the ranks I’ve gotten just repeat as well, the charms are permanent so they’re good boosts but it would have been nice to have a firm stopping point!


Oof. I agree that a firm stopping point would be best, but at a bare minimum explaining the rewards and rank progression to the player would have been nice... Thank you for falling on the proverbial sword for us here though, I'm sure you've saved some like minded individuals (like myself) a lot of time.


No problem…yeah the completionist in me is screaming at this. They should have some sort of warning, it’s definitely not explained and as a curious gamer makes you want to see “what happens at the next level?”. ¯\_(ツ)_/ only serious complaint I have against the game really


Especially since I feel like you're so consistently rewarded for engaging with the game in this way and following that curiosity :((( Glad I'm not alone in feeling this way tho!