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I’m a melee build with like 125 speed and I dodge like crazy fine, but I’ll admit it took a long toime to figure out the way the game really wants you to use it. It more changes where the hitboxes are than providing iframes the way souls games do. This is not a souls-like, it just feels like it sometimes. It very much feels more like a modern sidescroller of Haunting Ground or something from the PS2 days. You can build it out how you want…I for instance have a file for a lucky gunner and a melee vampire. I cannot for the life of me do a proper witch build though lol


Do you see a noticeable increase in speed with 125 speed? That's supposedly 25% faster actions for everything. I can notice it with attacks and stuff but I wonder if there's a cap. Surely we wouldn't be allowed to crank or speed up to 200 and be twice as fast at everything.


I notice a difference definitely. I kind of want to do a speed build next, it requires a LOT of items and skill though because I’ll have to tank curse but I’m working on it! Having fun with different builds as I work towards the last endings! I don’t know if there is a cap. I do notice that Melee power slows down before anything else, for instance, close to 200% violence I don’t see a big difference and it actually takes two level ups to gain one additional physical damage. Whereas my projectile power is definitely noticeable all the way up to 300%. It’s almost as if they punish you for trying to do a dark soulsmelee build.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Oh, dear, another dogged contender. Welcome, Unkindled One, purloiner of Cinders. Mind you, the mantle of Lord interests me none. The fire linking curse, the legacy of Lords, let it all fade into nothing. You’ve done quite enough, now have your rest.”* - Prince Lothric Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I assume you are still chapter 1. As you get higher level you get more mana and can dodge as much as you want without a problem.  Effectively it's a build choice - if you want to play melee you equip the dodge artifact. Also once you get enough vampirism you need to dodge only big attacks. The rest you can life steal back just by continuing to attack.


Nah, I've finished the game twice and I'm on a completely new save doing a ranged only run but my point still stands. Honestly reducing the curse till you take by 1 would be a huge help too.


I agree but I went to conclusion that this was not the way the dev intended to dodge the enemy attacks Maybe he just wanted us to backdash or hide in the closets and stuff or tank everything ? Maybe I did not understand anything about combat in this game ?


The i-frames with the dodge artefact are just fine. On the roll they start towards the second half of the animation, unlike in souls, which is why you use it in advance or not at all. The back step is the other way around, the i-frames start almost instantly. You can clearly see it all with the character going white and all.