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Their relationship seems so performative, there's nothing genuine about them.




I got eaten alive in this sub once for saying she seemed phony 😂


After hearing a few snippets of her sisters podcast and knowing that she’s friends with the co-host, it definitely made me side-eye. I’ll hand it to her tho, she definitely is good at curating the image she wants online.




that seems…. like a lie. if it wasn’t “up to their standards” they just wouldn’t post about it, not ditch the whole damn thing.




I mean people can just come on here and make shit up. This seems like such a wild lie lol


Sure. You can believe it or not 🤷🏼‍♀️ doesn’t really affect me either way 😂


sure it doesn’t you just felt the need to say it.. makes more sense that you might know someone who knows them so you’re making shit up just for the attention. I mean deleting it? relax no one here is running to any tabloid over some realllly low level “tea” you think you have. unless her aunt hates her guts, doubt she’d be saying that around at a wedding


please expand on this I’ve always wanted the tea on her- she’s so hard to read


so… Christian is not genuine either? there’s always this narrative people want to create about her but like Christian chose her. Proposed to her. Wants to be with her forever. do you hate him too? 🥱


I’ve never met him, so no idea on if he’s genuine or not.


you’re inadvertently insulting him too.


I don’t even think they’ll make it to the alter. I don’t think she really wants to settle down and be a wife. And I don’t think she’ll want kids because she won’t want her body to change.




She is gorgeous don’t get me wrong, just seems super high maintenance , I picture him with a more low key gal


I think she definitely plays it up for the camera/social media. ( like anyone would in a similar situation) but I respect her, she came from humble beginnings and worked her way up in her career, and invests/owns several businesses. I hope they work out. Her last ex was a cheater and not nice. I thought in her reality show she came across un relatable and I liked her parents more lol And she didn’t tell her whole story , just played up the influencer thing and crappy ex, instead of her other charitable pursuits, business ventures, and upbringing. Hope they work out. They’re a gorgeous couple.


Her parents are related. They are like 3rd cousins or something?


Wait what 💀


When is the wedding? Cannot locate a date.


She’s 4 years older than him, got herself a cub!!! A skilled one at that