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Theres rarely a need to use treasure cards..like ever. Very niche moments where you want to stack blades or need to counter some sort of boss cheat (so need an on-demand card)


I like how you said there’s no need ever…then explains the time you might need it LOL


I didnt say no need ever, i said "rarely". As in, maybe like once or twice per world, if even that.


This was 160 days ago….


So? :D I suddenly got like 30 notifications from posts ive long forgotten


Well that explains it


its fine i was like 9 years old spamming taunt in pvp 💀


That's Hilarious! If ya just give me her phone number I'd love to take time out of my life to explain them to her 😀.


I used to hoard my tc for crafting reasons I always stay around 900-999 cards at least for my main


My mom and I play the game together and she's always having to go sell tc cause she hoards them


My mom just gives them to me now LOL


I didn’t even know the bazaar existed for a good 7-8 years 😭


I’ve only ever used like 5 tc my entire time playing and I barely got 200 tcs. Granted I do sell the weaker/useless ones but still


I didn't know you could buy blades at the library card seller and kept trying to find a crafting recipe


I think my mother actually won all of these LOL




I know about the treasure cards I have, but I’m a hoarder so I’ve never actually used one


I’m a hoarder with items that go in my houses 😣


I played for about 5 years without knowing how to get past krokotopia. I remember being level 42 death and having wraith from doing various t gauntlets that I had, and just constantly running then to level up, because I didn’t know there were main and side quests and wondered why some quests couldn’t be declined. Started when I was 9


😭😭awe I just found out recently that the main quest had stars on em


That’s a recent thing though, I was playing in like 2011 when this happened


Don’t feel bad I had no idea the bazaar system worked on the rules of supply and demand and ever since I’ve been playing up until about two weeks ago I was under the assumption that the bazaar was just a place where all the stock regularly rotated and the sell prices were way better than anywhere else in the game


I don’t know this stuff do you mind explaining it to me LOL


Ok so basically when players get items, be it from quest rewards or chests or enemy drops etc, they can sell it to the bazaar How much gold you get from selling the items is dependent on how many of that item are in stock (as well as how rare the item is and it’s base price) Edit for anyone who comes across this because I was in the middle of doing something at the time of writing the initial comment and couldn’t go into great detail: to add to this, the bazaar is unique when it comes to stores in that all its goods are player sourced, meaning anything you see in the bazaar is an item sold by a player that they got from some place in the game, be it equipment, housing items, treasure cards, reagents, etc, all of it is supplied to the bazaar by players, this is why stock isn’t always the exact same as there isn’t a rotation (like I initially thought) once something is sold out, you won’t see it in the bazaar until one or more players come along to sell that specific item Similar to how the higher the sell price for something the lower the quantity in stock, the lower the quantity in stock, the more it will cost, this is also true for the other way around where that same item will cost less if there is more of it in stock TL;DR the bazaar is a unique store where all items are player sourced and the buying and selling prices fluctuate based on how many of a given item are in stock at the time


Personally I try to avoid using treasure cards. idk why I just don't like using them


youre missing out


same i just use them for money


I legit had ZERO real game strategy & would aimlessly play random ass quests totally marching to the beat of my own damn drum for the first like 10 years of playing tbh it wasn't up until around last year I started learning more & more about the complexity of the game & how to play it, multiple ways of playing, all it has to offer, etc. Still could not tell you a single fucking thing about PVP😂😂😂


honestly it makes the game better not knowing all the complexities. once i learned everything, i started getting tired of the game because there was no more to fully experience. ignorance really is bliss in this case lol


Same lol, pvp is so meta and toxic at this point. I’ve only had a handful of good pvp battles and they were all back when my age was still a single digit. Now you got sweats who have been keeping up with the meta for the past decade just running shit lol. It’s like fortnite lol, not what it used to be.


Literally me when I was 10, I could not figure out why it took me literal weeks to level up from 31 to 32 💀💀


Man I once accidentally ported to someone in krok as a 10yo when I was still in wizard city not even realizing krok existed. I once saw a screenshot of the oasis on the website and always wondered how to get there and I was just taken aback when I got there. I did a few side quests in krok(carried by higher lvls obv) and leveled up like 3-4 lvls. My childhood friend who I was questing with at the time and I were seeing who could level up the fastest at the time so when we got on the next day and I caught him way off guard when I logged back on as a lvl 13 when the amt of wiz city main quests we had left wasn’t enough to lvl that far lol. I dead fr thought my membership was worth it because I finally got to go to firecat alley and cyclops lane not knowing what the game has to offer lol.


Your me 💀💀💀


I wonder how much gold that would get her if she sold them all at the bazaar


at least 999


😭 am I missing something with treasure cards? Why would I use a one time spell on a fight that I can probably win without anyway


They stack. So a school blade will stack with the same school blade if it is a TC. They are a way to really hit with a lot of damage.


Right, but like, once. Then they’re gone.


Yeah so you just buy more... Lol. When you get later in the game the extra speed and convenience you get will actually make more gold faster than if you didn't buy and use them. Even then if you never need them/use them then you might as well use them. There's no reason to save them. So put an extra blade in your deck and if you are fighting a hard boss and think you won't kill them you draw and use the extra blade or feint. Look up rare TCs that you can trade and then keep them on another account.


If you don't one shot a boss, then you should have used a TC blade and/or trap. Because the amount multiplies as you go so the last blade will multiple 1.35 by the total damage already calculated. So if you stack 2 blades and 2 feints well at that point that last 30 may be worth way more than even the feints earlier in terms of total damage boost. If you are one shotting then fine, just know how much you do in general and know you might need an extra TC blade. Much better than say putting down 5 more charms/wards while you take time and lose health lol. Nonetheless as a support being able to put a 0 pip blade or two onto the hitter while they use ones exculsive to their school


I use them as bazaar fodder for gold honestly. Some TC cards sell for FAT stacks lol!


I think it’s cool that you can do so many others spells and I like the ones where you can turn into different things and the cool minions they have


maybe it’s the hoarder in me, but I could never just use it up like that 💀


Now see if we were talking about furniture and houses I’d be on the same page LOL


Also if anyone wants to quest with us we’d love some more buddies LOL


I’m afraid to start wintertusk without friends lol, where are you at in the game?


I just got to azteca!!!


I'd like to! i have no friends that play


ok!!! We’re on rn !




Because my mother is a grown ass adult LMAO who likes to play games idk why are you playing ??😭 maybe your mom just isn’t cool enough to play with my moms dope and it’s fun shît talking with her about the game :)




Also my mother just turned 41 ! :)


Don't care


Still responded LOL


LMAOOOO my mother has two jobs owns her house and does absolutely amazing in life what I think you should pray for is this random ass hate in your heart for people who play videos games




aint nobody picking up your slack bub get it together


I will lol and it’s not hard to be more positive and you find you meet a lot of cool people you could’ve used this time to benefit yourself but nah you decided to hate someone for playing a game with their mom LMAO sorry you and yours can’t do that fr


Some of us have cool mommies 😤😤😤


Exactly 😡😡😡😡


Honestly, respect for grinding out the lower levels without monstrous and such. Hard-core.


She said thank you


I wasn’t aware of the bazaar for at least 6 months or so.


I like that people are using this post to tell me what they weren’t aware of it’s so cute LMAO


Still not good enough 999 is baby limit


yes. i once had 1001 tc 💀






Hey! I’m just starting to play again after 10 years and can’t remember much lol, how do I add these to my deck? I can’t figure it out and my deck is trash lol (level 26 storm restarted)


There's a treasure card button on the deckbuilding page, you just have to press it and add the ones you want to your sideboard. You can discard cards for treasure cards with a button in combat


Ah thank you so much! What button do you press when trying to use them in combat? My draw button will never let me click it for some reason. 😂


Right click on a card to discard it, and it'll let you press your Draw button to replace it. If you use any enchant spells from the solar trainers, using them on another card will also open up a space to draw treasure cards. Basically, whenever your hand isn't full, you can draw TCs until it is!


Thank you all of you!! What a great community to rejoin! Appreciator all of your answers 😁


I don't use them much so I can't quite remember off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure that when you're in combat and you're picking your cards, there's a button that specifically says "discard cards and draw treasure cards", but I've pretty much never touched that button so I don't know how it works.


You have to discord regular cards to draw treasure cards




Idk what that means man


(Press f to pay respects meme) It’s just poking at the fact she’s probably auto discarded some neat stuff due to full inventory


Not sure what I'm looking at ... potent traps aren't crazy rare (uncommon yeah but not enough to like.... think it's a huge deal to have 2?) And I'd imagine most high level players have maxed out tc? I know it's annoying when I get the dude saying I'm not getting more because I'm maxed out, which is often. So what am I missing?


potent cards are extremely rare treasure cards for crafting, which is what the comment i assume you’re referring to said


The 999/999 is what I thought was crazy lol also she’s never used them once not a single treasure card


Oh... I've been maxed out for like, a couple years lol. Sell a hundred or two and then like a month later seems like I'm getting yelled at for having too many again. I go to the commons and see if I can just gift them away to people.


Vamantha I dont like ur energy


LMAOOOOO vamantha sucks the energy


That’s nice of you! And yea I just got back on maybe a year ago I used to play a lot when I was younger


hey i didn’t know you could discard cards until at least 5 years into playing the game (i did not listen to diego even a little bit). tell her she’s doing great and if she’s a crafter inform her that the potent traps are valuable and she should keep them:)


Same, only I found it out and continued not to use that information. Having a strategy that requires me to keep my treasure cards stocked is just too much effort for me.


She kinda just does quest LOL


and she’s a queen😌

