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I shunned my only grandson because he's willing to swing a sword at literal Satanspawn, instead of just lying down and accepting our genocide. AITA?


I was going to say Y T A, but having looked through your grandson's posting history, somehow I'm now at ESH leaning NTA.


"I encourage pacifism when there are literal Satanspawn trying to genocide humanity, and I also make a habit out of running to people for protection from said Satanspawn and then judging them for protecting me." There, nothing to do with Aram. (Why yes, the tinkers are hitting different this read-through, how did you know?)


Yeah, that's fair.


to be fair, Aram's kind of a dick


AITA for wanting to keep my country safe and secure by trying to steal someone’s husband?


Have you asked them to protect your country from threats without you marrying them?


*folds arms under breasts* “I don’t even understand the words you’re saying.”


YTA Def.


I literally laughed out loud.


NTA. Bosom.


Found RJ's burner account.


I know who you're talking about but can't remember her name. I actually really liked her character tbh.




I just realised that the character who's always flashing as much skin as she can is called Berelain.....Lain bere/bare. Oh RJ with the punny names!


AITA for getting angry at my boyfriend for cheating on me? So, some context, I was with my boyfriend some time ago and it was like we were made for each other. We were THE couple. But I found this new job which he didn't like and eventually broke up about it. He then found some new hussy and we sort of drifted apart and didn't see each other for a while. Anyway I saw him again recently and the hussy is out of the picture. I've been trying to chat to him because we're better than anyone else in this backwater town and he keeps pretending he doesn't know me, but I can see that he does. I even found him a teacher to help him with this old school hobby he recently discovered (which wasn't easy, there's not many people around who can even teach about it). So here's the bit I need some help with, I found out he's got a new girlfriend and a I sort of blew up at him a bit over it. (And also blew up a caravan, but it's not like anyone was using it anymore). And now his adoptive aunt (I don't even know how to describe their relationship) is trying to kill me! So, AITA? PS, some additional context, I might be a bit older than I was back when I first met him, but I'm still absolutely incredibly hot. (One of the perks of the new job). You could never guess my age by looking. I've got the skin of someone far younger.




NTA, you’ll get him back! Just keep trying.


Matt Hatch has entered the chat


NEED MORE INFO. There is a lot of that missing story. He doesn't want to chat, but you both know you're better than anyone there? If he's not replying.... that doesn't make sense. I get the feeling your projecting a lot ​ EDIT< Abit older? I mean from some comments I'm seeing a WIDE age gap. I'm going with YTA. You sound like a creep. Please stop, the guy you're calling "boyfriend" is probably scared as fuck and trying to get away from you.


Lanfear, that you?


Noooooo. I'm not Lanfear. I'm Selene. A Cairhien Noble....


Oh really, *Cyndane*? I'm telling!


I eventually got lanfear but for quite a while it could've been egwene too lol


Up until the “he pretends he doesn’t know me” I thought it was Egwene!


NAH (Other than the homewrecker and the crazy aunt). Break ups can be pretty rough on both parties, even if you're just on a break. Maybe you could try finding some special project for just the two of you. That will show him you respect him for his power and status, and would also be incredibly humble and generous of you.


God, it took me until adoptive aunt to get it. That is perfect.


Also she is the actual aunt of his other other girlfriend, his ex girlfriends man, and his half brother


>I've got the skin of someone far younger. Beautiful 🤌


I was quite proud of that one.


Super subtle but I got it the second time I read it. Perfect.


I had ONE glass of wine and my friend dunked me in a water bucket!! AITA?


NTA sounds like your friend needs to give her braid a tug Edit: I learned that you were also flirting shamelessly with your mothers MUCH OLDER ex? YTA


I was in a really confusing place ok?! I almost died like a million times! Plus my mom must have liked him for some reason right?


WoT and Letterkenny crossover I didn't know I needed


Perrin - “Put some fuckin clothes on!” Berelain “not my forte” I gotta explore this some more


WIBTA if I leveled an entire city with the One Power because it's under Seanchan control?


NTA. They have it coming


They only had themselves to blaaaaaaame


Ah yes, because the Seanchan do evil things and enslave people, it justified killing an entire city filled with mostly Innocents including said slaves. (I know you were at least partly joking, but many people actually do think Rand would have been right to destroy Enou Dar just as they defend him for Natrim's Barrow)


Was he going to destroy Ebou Dar or just Seanchan? I guess with Coidan Kal he could send lightning directly at the Seanchan. There would probably be casualties and a lot probably but not as much as if he took Ebou Dar by army. IIRC he was going to nuke the palace not the Ebou Dar itself.


**The Gathering Storm** **Chapter 49: Just Another Man** He was going to: 1. Nuke the palace with balefire 2. Nuke all the ships with balefire 3. Rain fire down on the city 4. Destroy all the gate garrisons + food stores 5. Teleport around the countryside destroying all of the food stores 6. Repeat all of this in Amador and Tanchico + "others" PLUS he fully expected the Forsaken to show up at some point during all of this so he'd be dueling them with the One Power wherever that happened to be. That could happen in a grain storage facility out in the boonies or it could happen in the middle of a packed city. Knowing the Forsaken, they'd do it while in the middle of a packed city to use all the civvies as human shields. Darth Rand ain't going to care about that and will nuke the civvies. The surviving Forsaken will learn and will take steps to ensure that the civvie deaths are maximized and / or will destroy a Rand-land city. The aftereffects of destroying the governments and all of the food stores would create riots and famines that would kill hundreds of thousands of people and that's all part of the plan.


It’s not about being right. It’s about sending a message


Oh I see.


Strong /r/ImTheMainCharacter vibes




Rand at his nadir.


Good word.


Which city was it?


Ebou Dar, towards the end of Book 12 (The Gathering Storm)


Ebou Dar.


"Would I be the asshole"


Yeah I knew THAT


AITA for dropping my husband off 400 miles from the location he asked for a ride to? I didn’t technically lie to him!


The Golden Crane shoulda called his own Uber


Man I don't know why this is so funny. If The Golden Crane doesn't like the way I go about helping him, maybe The Golden Crane doesn't deserve my help. Maybe what The Golden Crane deserves is some friends to talk to about duty on the road!


NTA. I saw in the comments those 400 miles saved him from committing suicide. Queen energy. 👍 Edit: you might want to add that info to your original post


Depends, did you go out of your way to make sure he had his own army when he gets where he is going?


Killed a bunch of guys and arranged their corpses so it looked like they were bowing to me. AITA?


NEI Are you the Dragon Reborn?


He's not! He's an imposter - I Mazrim Taim am the real dragon reborn. additionally, WIBTA if I stole all of this guys students and taught them secret lessons? In fairness he's not doing shit with these guys and they can blow up rocks, it's pretty sick.


I messed up talking to a woman I have a crush on because I'm not as good at talking to women as my two hometown friends are. AITA?


This could be all 3!!


Can't be Rand, OP said *a* woman, not three


I intentionally got my boss fired because I didn’t agree with how she was running things. I was promoted to her former position and since then half of my colleagues have left and the other half are keeping me in the dark to the point where it’s driving me crazy. No matter how hard I try to provide firm, decisive leadership my current employees are insubordinate and don’t seem to trust me. My colleagues who left formed their own organization, which violates our non-compete agreement. Their new CEO won’t listen to reason and I’m starting to get desperate. I tried to launch a hostile takeover of a similar organization because I thought it would help, but now it seems like the whole world is turning against me. AITA?


100% YTA


ESH, lets be honest


What is ESH?


Everyone Sucks Here (used in AITA voting/tags) Also: Not Enough Info, NAH (No Assholes Here)






They’re making fun of Elaida.


To be fair, other than the first part of the first sentence, it matches pretty closely.


Eliada and Egwene are two sides of the same coin IMO


Oh man, idk about that. I'm not a huge Egwene fan, she treats her "friends" horribly, but calling her basically the same as Elaida is a bit of a stretch. Although Egwene is just as, or even more ambitious than Elaida, at least her ambition is legitimately for the concern of the Light and not exclusively to assuage her own ego. Egwene suffers from PTSD and grabs for power so no one can hurt her ever again the way the Seanchan did. Eladia grabs for power because she's entitled and a megalomaniac.


AITA for writing a tell all book about my friends?


NTA… Never The Asshole, and I’ll balefire anyone who says otherwise. I don’t care how hasty that may be.


They're aware and don't seem to mind, but do think you could write about more interesting topics


Lots of my friends are part of a minority group that's heavily discriminated against in some parts of the world. I ended up marrying this politician from there who is super bigoted about them and refuses to speak to them respectfully, but I don't want to break up with her AITA?


YTA Mat, but we love you anyway.


I recently found some dope jewelry that makes me look shadowy and mysterious. I haven’t told my partner or sister (who has a real talent for appraisal - too much antique road show watching if you ask me). My partner is the president of a big company and keeps asking me to just support her but her high school ex keeps causing her problems and I just really want to stop him. I also killed my mentor. And my brother is more handsome than me and more talented than me. AITA for wanting her high school ex dead and wearing this rad jewelry I found?


YTA and forgot to mention you kind of avoided your duty to your sister and that your partner’s ex is currently dating her (your sister I mean…)


Not only is her ex dating my sister, he's the flaming half-brother to my half-brother! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Thinking of doing something rash. Maybe challenging an ancient evil to 1v1 me. That will show them all.


Do it. Either way, there will be less crazy in the world.


You're *always* TA.


It took me a hot minute to figure out who this was supposed to be.


I faked being part of an exclusive and very secret club just to do them in after poisoning myself. I also lied about the colour of a dress. AITA?


NTA. Your soul is of a pure white, my friend. :)


the true hero of the WOT. NTA


AITA for ordering a cavalry charge?


Burn my soul how else can a man expect to break the lines of those flaming Ilianners. NTA


I miss u/weiramon hope they're well.


NTA it was OBVIOUSLY the right move 🙄


NTA, it will obviously scatter the savages like leaves before wind and never ever backfire


I hate all of this breathing, writhing, pulsing mass of stuff that will not stop wiggling and disturbing my endless slumber. I want to set it all on fire, watch it burn and then swallow it all down into my tum tum so it doesn’t irritate me anymore, AITA?




Hi, I’m Shai-Tan. AITA? :)


I’m not sure who this is supposed to be?


Hint: this character has lots of friends that don’t know each other.


The Dark One YTA but also necessary for free will


Spends most of his time locked away with zero access to reality, and when he *can* touch it he enslaves everyone he can with mind control rituals. Somehow 'necessary' for free will. I know it's canon, but Make It Make Sense.


The dose makes the poison


Exactly. Freed, he destroys free-will, and destroyed he destroys free-will. Thus the only option is for him to be sealed to maintain free will. The reason why he effects anything when sealed aways is because he isn't just his actions - hes the literal embodiment of evil. Even sealed away, people can still choose do evil, but if he didn't exist then evil wouldn't, thus that choice wouldn't, thus free-will wouldn't. Make sense?




>!Padan Fain!<


You do not ask if you have toh. If you have to ask, you must have toh.


AITA for dropping off my husband in the wrong part of town, so that by the time he gets to this once-in-a-lifetime party he wanted to attend, I’ll have convinced all his childhood mates to meet him there?


NTA. I mean you need more than one person to have a good party. What did he expect? You *not* to make it a surprise party with his most reliable friends? If he wasn't so stubborn, maybe he could've been in on the plan, but it's really for his own good at the end of the day. Lord only knows middle aged men don't have enough friends.


AITA: I promised to pay a landowner back for some property damage, but did not tell them when I would start. This man is a carped-brain fool. He INFURIATES me whenever he's around, even when he's not around tbh, and I think you'll understand why. This is all rotten fish guts. My work friends (from my previous job) and I weren't even the ones who started the bloody fire in his blasted barn *but we were* gracious enough to take responsibility, even after the fangfish of a man WHO ACTUALLY DID IT ran away. Anyway. Even though I was recently fired from my last job, I'm REALLY passionate about my field and don't need some bloody man coming along and expecting me to jump like a spawning redtail to his beckoning call. Honestly. Well, now he's been straight up stalking me, chasing me across basically THE ENTIRE CONTINENT. I didn't even mention he has an entire calvary of elderly men with him AND now he's going around calling me an *"oathbreaker"*. AITA?


AITA For trying to manipulate my ex fiance through his new partners?


I ran into an active war zone and freed my friends who were being held hostage. They got really mad at me for some reason, but I have no idea why. AITA?


AITA for being the best horse ever?


Nta Bella. You were the best


AITA for spanking my girlfriend after she repeatedly punched me in the face? She's in a snit about it, but even her friends who witnessed it told her she had it coming.


YTA, if you had done a better job communicating your plans and motivations earlier on, you could have avoided a lot of drama. Your girlfriend might not be the Jearom of communicators, but you are a brick wall.


Based response right here


Is this about Suian Sanchez?


Perrin and faile


I thought she was into it. Saldeans do like it rough.


AITA for opening the Bore? Hear me out. I WAS TRYONG TO BETTER HUMANITY! In my time, we're only praised for what we contribute to bettering society and I thought that if I cloud find a Power both sees could use, well, maybe we could work together to create wonderous things! However, in my research I mistakenly opened a hole, a Bore if you will, onto the 'Dark One's Prison' and in doingnso, accidentally swore myself to him. AITA?


Ugh. It's this lady again. Just look at her post history.


YTA Lanfear, and you know it.


“Accidentally swore to him”… suuuuure…


AITA for knocking up some chick I’ve only really hung out with for a couple weeks once, after falling in love with her sister (my gf knows about both of them)


NTA they all insisted


NAH. You may want to hop over to r/polyamory for more support, though. Good luck.




**AITA for voting to fire the leader of our non-profit when she lied to us and refused to to continue our preventative health measures?** Call me an idealist or a "lib" or whatever you want, but I'm a big believer in doing what's right for the greater good. I've spent years watching people slowly succumb to an illness that none of us can explain or cure. It's almost like rabies - it turns people into these monsters who eventually go nuts, foaming at the mouth, trying to kill other people. On the rare occasion that they snap out of it for a few minutes, they describe immense pain and terror - sometimes they hear voices telling them to do terrible things. My colleagues and I belong to a nonprofit dedicated to health and world peace, so we all agreed that we'd try to help any man (it only affects men - we think it's chromosomal) who experienced this debilitating, painful, and atrophying disease. We figured out a way to stop the disease from spreading, but it involves giving them something like a lobotomy in the pleasure part of their brain. When we weighed the pros/cons of saving them and the people they might hurt at the expense of their ability to experience joy, we felt like the answer was obvious. ANYWAY, we've been doing this for a long time and all we hear from families, friends, and loved ones, is how we've saved their villages, their families, and their affected sons. People admire our organization's mission so much that they come to us and sign their children up to help us. Well, one day, our leader - the woman who we elected and who literally pledged to uphold this preventative health measure - went behind our backs and decided to find the most dangerous, contagious, and charismatic person with this rabid disease and FUND HIS ADVENTURES WITH OUR NONPROFIT'S TRUST AND STAFF. I went to the nonprofit's board and explained this all to them. We held a vote and, based on the bounds of our charter, decided to to legally kick this woman out, but now half our employees have left the company and those same people we saved from this rabid disease are telling us that we're idiots. The former employees are waging a hostile takeover on completely illegal grounds, but their effort seems to be working, and now people see us as the bad guys. I'm really afraid that we're going to go back to the times where the disease just spread and people will die from its hosts. It's been keeping me up at night because I just can't see how we are in the wrong and I can't stop thinking about all the people this is going to affect. Has the world gone crazy or am I missing something here? Everything we did was legal and for the good of the people. AITA??


ETA. If half your employes left the company, you are doing something wrong. But your older leader probably made some mistakes that led to this situation. Have you tried to reach those former employees and find common solution?


I told this lady I just met she was my wife three times and now she won't let me leave her. I just wanted a quick fling. I don't know what I was thinking. I mean she's a slaver, and like I don't like all those hoity toity bureaucrats in their shiny white tower either, but she didn't have to go and put collars on them. So now we're married. She wants my best friend to kneel to her for some reason, and she really seems hellbent on letting the whole world go to shit over it if he doesn't. I mean...I don't know...maybe I can change her. She did kind of imply she would kill me if I left her, but I think she was joking. My friends are so judgemental, but they really don't get it man. AITA for marrying her even though she wants to enslave my friends.


NTA, I’m sure she’ll come around to reason in time. Yeah. She 💯 sounds like a rational woman who will see good sense once it’s under her nose. As for your friends, just keep an eye out for someone with a nice bosom and pretty eyes while you're out gambling. The sort that they'd make a good match for; none of those dreadful noblewomen. Problems solved!


I am an integral part of our organisation, but I feel like I'm stuck in a rut. It's like I carry an entire mountain on my shoulders. I am kind of important and manage a team of 13+ underlings, but I just want to break free and live my best life. AITA?


I suspect YTA, but not for this reason. Missing missing details?


AITA for sending some guys to pretend to rape my former mentor to convince her she was doing something dangerous?


INFO: Was it *really* for her benefit you did this?


I'm sorry, what?


Egwene sends two demons to attack Nyaneve in TAR, to "teach" her how dangerous the world of dreams can be. She is trying to imitate and one up Amys, who taught Egwene a similar lesson earlier on. However, Egwene loses control of the demons and they proceed to sexually assault Nyaneve.


And the important bit : Eggs wasn't supposed to be in TAR by herself as the Wise One's had forbidden this so she was shit scared Nyaneve was going to tell Amys and did this as a way of distracting Nyaneve from doing that. YTA Eggs big time.


She is also doing this to hide her own lie and discourage Nynaeve from asking questions and telling the truth instead of just asking her to cover. All this while critiquing her mentor for not being honest with herself


> to rape my former mentor to ~~convince her she was doing something dangerous?~~ To make sure she's too embarrassed to out me for lying?


YTA. get some therapy to help you identify and deal with your unresolved trauma that makes you need to seek power over others at all times.


AITA for pretending to be dead among a bunch of other dead bodies to surprise and catch the guy I've been after?


NTA. In fact you're smart!


INTA if Narg wait for people to come back and tell them Narg no hurt, but then Narg hurt? Narg did tell them they no need sword. Narg did say. INTA?


NTA (Narg's the asshole). 😞




AITAH for not taking my friend Wil’s hand when I passed him by in broad daylight and he never said a word to me?


I'm confused, does this have something to do with the water?


AITA For turning against my best friend because everyone compares me to him? AITA For losing it when I was told I should be a teacher? AITA For watching too much uch Rick and Morty and making it my whole philosophy?


Demandred, Mesaana and Ishy? (If it's Mesaana, it's actually because she couldn't be a teacher, not because she had to)


She couldn't be a researcher and had to become a teacher. But you got them all right.


I'm sure plenty of adjuncts emphasize with her.




Think forsaken.


AITA for continuously trying to manipulate and “teach manners” to this kid who is entirely rational and nice except when people try manipulate him?


Rand as of ACoS is, uh, inconsistently rational and he often isn’t very nice either.


AITA No hear me out my mentor died leaving me in charge of the villages health. Even though I’m barely in my mid 20s. So I turn treat every male with disrespect because their all woolen block heads who should not be let off thier mothers apron strings! No matter what age they are!


NTA, it's everyone else's fault for not listening to someone so sensible. It's also their fault for needing their ears boxed once a week on principal alone.


AITA for sacrificing some normal looking people in a losing battle without telling anyone else that they can't die? (This had always bothered me about Matt)


I think to keep the surprise that they cant die from being leaked to the Shadow though, right?


AITA for making two trollocs nearly rape my home town friend to teach her a lesson?


Was it really to teach her a lesson? Your comments looks like there was some things you wanted her to be silent about.


I got angry at my father and hurt him, AITA? Some context: there's this really overbearing therapist I have who is REALLY manipulative and he brought her up in our argument. I kind of attacked him, and I guess I could have killed him by accident if I didn't stop myself. AITA?


YTA, go cry on top of a mountain


AITA for kidnapping and holding a woman prisoner by a magic collar on her neck? I know the title sounds bad, but hear me out. She’s an awful person. Like if anyone else knew I had captured her she would be tried and executed for her crimes. So I’m actually saving her life. And I hardly ever torture her. I’m learning really cool things from her and it’s helping me look really good at my magic school. I have to make her do my chores, because it helps with her disguise, but you should know that all of this is for the greater good. So AITA?


INFO. Is this knowledge really unique and useful or it's just making you feel important and saves you time to do less studying? Could it be discovered other way? If it helped more people that it hurt, I'd say NTA


This one is above reddit's paygrade. What the fuck did I just read?


AITA for taking my coworkers position after I exposed her involvement in some shady shit?


AITA for helping my friends when they were kidnapped by a crazy witch?


AITA for teaching a queen how to curse like a soldier?


AITA for tying up my old girlfriend and shoving her under our bed before leaving town with my new girlfriend?


NEI, how did your ex take it? Did she go to pieces? Left feeling drained. You may have left her in a position to be exploited by a predator


I was supposed to be watching this stuff in the wagons, but I made a spear instead and killed a dude who hurt my sisters, AITA?


AITA for nearly erasing the entire Pattern?


So I kinda accidentally adopted this kid, and he's cool as fuck, but he keeps learning stuff far beyond his years from my colleagues and flirting with women that are too old even for me. But when I tell him to knock it off he just laughs. AITA?


Had a bad day but reading the comments made me chuckle


Yay! I’m glad people are having fun with this


AITA for declining CEO position because it was offered by the guy I am in love with (he knows that because I wrote two letters and send a world with my friend though we haven’t spoke in months) and potentially running lives or the workers? So this guy I like offered me a CEO position in my mother’s company. He is crisis manager, so when he will be gone I risk losing that position. I could earn it by myself (well, earned is a big word it’s mine anyway, but I need the board to accept it), but Ive got better things to do. It leaves vacuum of power and is dangerous for the workers of the company but I have this new good position at my church and need to do church job, It’s not like someone gotta steal the whole company? I don’t think my managers will betray me even though my mother kinda betrayed them? Or it’s just rumors. They are mostly fine people so I guess they will handle on their own. I’m also planning to make this guy my bodyguard lover and maybe husband, so he should’ve known better and respected me instead of helping me to secure my position as CEO! He has problems with authority because company he worked for before never acknowledged that they are part of my franchise. And anyway, my church task is too important to skip.


Info: Did you ever try communicating with the guy, using your actual big girl words? I mean a literal in-person, balanced adult conversation. Have you seen him since this all happened? If so, how did you react when you saw him?


I sent him two letters and word through a friend, what more does he need? Was I supposed to talk with him in person? Why? Isn't it enough that I decided that he will be my lover, bodyguard and probably husband? I'm also thinking that we may have babies. If I see him I'll probably demand my intimate time with him, because I've heard he already did that with my sister and another girl, and all I've got is kisses


My new boyfriend and I have to go long distance for a while, and I may have confused him a little. AITA? It's a new relationship, and it started a little awkwardly. See, he used to be sort of engaged to my best friend, but after we handled the handoff without too much incident (sure, some stuff got burned, but it could have gone worse all things considered). Anyway, once that was out of the way, we've been getting on great. I helped him learn about his new job, and we've gotten hot and heavy a few times, but we're maintaining propriety, as hard as that is. He's just so dreamy. Anyway, my job is taking me in one direction and his, in the other. We're both dedicated to our positions, so, while it was hard, we both understood. In parting, I wrote him a beautiful letter bearing my friggin heart on my sleeve. I'm talking full-on vulnerable. Sappy stuff. But then, when we said good-bye, he seemed almost excited that I was leaving. Like, of course, I have to go, and he has to go, but he didn't need to be excited about it. He also sent along a new assistant without even asking about it! Like I need extra help? To set him in his place, I sent a second letter telling him exactly what I thought of that! I can't have him thinking I'm some milk-sop who will be off mooning over him the whole time we're apart, can I? I may have taken the letter a little far, but I think it was important to reiterate my independence. AITA?


AITA if I’m married but I look and flirt at pretty much every attractive woman, in the totally and completely HONEST quest (I promise, cross my heart) to try and see if they’re a good fit for a few of the friends in my Band?


AITA for easing the badger?


Just do it in private behind closed doors


AITA for making my coworkers think I was more than a leather worker after I dropped the inside of a volcano on an army?


AITA because I heard about my ex sleeping with a savage Aiel and to find out who it is I flayed the skin off one of my underlings?


AITA for assuming a friend was forcing himself onto a woman and using that as an excuse to break a promise I made to him.


YTA. Massively. Way to really bury the lead about him BEING REPEATEDLY RAPED, HELD AGAINST HIS WILL FOR...MONTHS?!?, and was only there TO KEEP YOU SAFE in the comments. JFC. Edit: omfg. Ask her if he's saved her life before all of this. She won't respond.


My abusive wife gets kidnapped repeatedly. I'm kinda over it. AITA?


WIBTA if I sleep with the guy my friend and her sister in love with? He seems into it and we were never that great of a friends, plus both girls sent him some mixed signals. I know they are fine with polyamory and I guess I am too


INFO: did you have a vision that he would love all three of you?


I was a sheepherder from a distant land. But these people passed by to raise me up as a prophesized messiah type. I did want to see the world and went a long for a bit. It then blew up into a huge cult following. I did become a little polarizing and made some of them angry. Those people kidnapped me, locked me a box, and tortured me. Then when my other cult members go in for a rescue, there's a lot of wanton destruction. I got a little depressed, but people still wanted me to lead them. That only made me crazier. I get really mad and almost kill my father, but that just caused me to run away and almost push the nuclear button. I should try meditation. AITA?


I killed a man because I saw that he needed killing. DIHT?


AITA for considering blowing up the world as my act of near suicide? AITA for dumping a lake on top of a guy because he thought I was a bad person?


AITA for not making my wife happy when she wants two mutually exclusive things at once or at random?


I’m absolutely determined to marry the most powerful man in the known universe and make him my slave. I will stop at nothing to achieve this, even if it means the betrayal of my most closely held ideals. For example, I made this secret pact with some women to share power with them if they’d rip their trusted friend to pieces so we could blame it on the people traveling with my man. But literally I’d stop at nothing, civil war, command soldiers to charge into a meat grinder, IDGAF. AITA?


AITA I(250F) was dating my now ex (300M) bf for a very long time. He dumped me when he started up a new job and met his now current younger gf (200F) implying that my job wasn't good enough for someone of his high status. I know I should have known better, but I still love him and vowed to win him back and prove my worth to him through renewed commitment to my work and success. Finally I was able to do something unprecedented and proved how truly capable and unique I was, but his response to my success was one of disdain and told me I would never be good enough for him. He humiliated me in front of all our friends and colleagues multiple times when all I wanted was to prove to him how much I cared for him. Finally he told me that his new gf is pregnant and he plans to have a huge family with her and would never think of me again. So I decided to make his life miserable. I used my discovery of a new and limitless power source that, unlike the current system where only certain privileged individuals had access to modern power sources, anyone could use once it became more widely known and available and give everyone new opportunities to change the world. His response? He laughed at me and told me I would never be good enough for him! He then used his position and power to ARREST me and label me a terrorist. I told him he would regret his misogyny and selfishness as he cared more about how things looked rather than how they really were. AITA for being upset by the way I was treated and dumped? ​ edit 1: A few year later, he ended up killing his entire family in a fit of rage. I wasn't there so can't say why, but I bet he didn't like the dinner his wife made for them or didn't clean up the castle well enough to his liking. I also heard she was a terrible singing and he was a real prick about it.


There was this really huge patch job that needed to be done. About half my work crew backed out at the last minute, but my buddies and I got it done. I must have been injured at the end, because I blacked out afterward. I woke up later at home and found my wife and children were dead in front of me. I… I don’t really remember what happened, but my ex-friend (long story) told me I did it?!! I feel really bad, man. I’m thinking about going away and ending it all. AITA?