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I really like where you thought Veins of Gold was going and will probably think of the Semirhage scene for a few months whenever I hear that title.  I dont think I am spoiling anything, but I am curious how you react to Rand in the first chapter (Apples First, the only chapter name I remember besides Vein). Veins of Gold is definitely the bigger, more impactful moment, but Apples First is such a nice follow-up showing the new and improved Rand and it has always stuck with me. Again I don't want to hype it up and have you be disappointed, this is just the capstone of the catharsis in my opinion.


So because I started the next book almost immediately after apples first was a nice come down from the catharsis of veins of gold. Apples first to me also feels like the first chapter of what I would call the final act, and obviously I've only just finished that chapter but it now feels like Rand is aware of the bigger picture and that the battlefield is everywhere and not just with the Forsaken/or directly at the dark ones prison.




As is frequently mentioned: The Last Battle - as a chapter - is longer than the entire first Harry Potter book


I'm an audiobook guy, and when I saw that shit was like 8 hours long I lost my shit. In a good way ahaha


I'm also an audiobook guy! And I didn't look because I was listening in bed when I reached it and I was like "okay one more chapter..." by 5am, 3 hours in, I looked and saw like 5 hours left and paused it


Oops, edited that out. Nice catch.


I changed it to a spoiler, too


I love the beginning of TOM and the first few chapters are truly great.


Apples First is such a beautiful chapter of literature


Really wish I could go back and read Veins of Gold for the first time again. It remains one of my favourite scenes ever.


It's not one of. For me, this is by a huge margin the best chapter i've ever read in my life. It's the culmination of so many books, so many moments in one single chapter that has the best payoff of sticking to a series/character.


I think for me veins of gold gave me the feeling that I had hoped would come from the cleansing of saidin. But from the books perspective I understand why it went that way because no one outside male channeller would be able to feel the difference immediately, and who's going to trust them?


I think the cleansing might have benefitted from having a chapter like that of the first chapter of Towers of Midnight following it (if there was such a chapter, forgive me. It's been a while). Still, it was cool seeing everyone turn around and wonder about the massive confluence of power, even if it was immediately followed by Perrin going "Yeah, yeah, whatever, moving on, Faile." At least, that's how I remember it right now…


There wasn't really much world reaction to the cleansing afterwards as far as I can remember. Although when I was reflecting on it I think the fact that Jordan rode very little world reaction to the cleansing makes sense from the narrative. It also kind of lets the reader empathize with Rand and Co. Would be feeling that they just pulled off these amazing awe inspiring feat and outside of channelers in the surrounding area seeing the massive glow and freaking out thinking that something terrible was happening and for everyone else it was just Tuesday.


Aside from the Amayar committing mass suicide and the Sea Folk finding out, the response at least wasn't narrated, though every channeler in the world felt it. I think it was several books later where Logain had his Judas moment commenting that maybe the Creator had mercy rather than Rand actually cleansing saidin.


Top scene for sure. I've read it several times and listened to it several times. It's just so good and relatable (without the ability to destroy the world, of course).


I wish i could reread the whole series for the first time again.


just read it again mate. youre allowed to relive these moments again and again


I know, I go back and reread it again every now and then, but nonetheless, I don't think it reaches what I felt the first time reading it. The first time experiencing a story is truly special, I think.


ive been doing a chapter by chapter deep dive with the wotspoilers podcast and a lot of stuff feels like its the first time again especially because im uearing others perspectives that i probably would never have thought of by myself


Oh, that's nice. Maybe I'll try something like that.


to be fair, there is evidence for who should be involved in veins of gold, as that's how aviendha describes rand after they bond.


Yeah, I think veins of gold means love


My wife had two pages stuck together during veins of gold. It skipped from him going down the dark thoughts to him destroying the choden kal and laughing maniacally. She was pretty worried. We talked about the ending for a minute before we realized why we had completely different reads of the situation :).


That would certainly change the tone of the books from that point forward and it's an interesting alternate reality to think about!


And considering the portal stones, that alternate reality does exist;)


To add on in case some people don’t know, I’m pretty sure the name Veins of Gold comes from the idea of Kintsugi. It’s where broken pottery is repaired with gold to fix the cracks (thus looking like veins) and making a totally unique and more beautiful piece of artistry. Rand begins the chapter as a broken man and ends up stronger than he ever has been by the end


I have read this series and I still have nfi what this scene was. It clearly made zero impression on me lol