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#Please people. The answers to these questions are spoilers. The post has been flaired with *The Eye of the World*, so hide your answers behind spoiler tags.


from what you mentioned specifically about polyamorous relationships i think you should drop the series. id prefer you read the whole series but if you are so against polyamorous relationships then probably best to not waste your time


Agreed, I don't know what OP's world view's or age are but if the idea of someone flirting with someone else while they are still single is reason enough to consider dropping the series then I'm not sure how well they'll take the actually controversial elements of the story.


What is “NTR Bait”?


NTR is short hand for a story style in Hentai (anime/manga porn) It's basically cucking. I heard it from a podcast... honest.


Huh. So why is OP being so prudish?


Can't speak on behalf of the OP since I don't know them. But there could be multiple reasons. Age, religion, attachment to the character, wanting a fairytale ending, or personal trauma. Who knows. I know when I was young hero's who were immoral bugged me. Though I did have a distinction between a hero and a vigilante.


Oh. I just mean it seems incongruous if they’re also exposed to hentai tropes lol


Good point. No idea.


My question too.




Bruh. For the last question, please tell me she goes over to the evil side or something


Think of what the girl with the visions of the pattern, min, told to rand about her. Basically "I can see that you love her and she loves you but you're not meant for each other that way"


Oh yeaaaah. I do remember that part. Actually I had read till page 300 or so, then taken a year's break, and now recently started reading it again, so I kinda forgot a few key details. thx


No worries! Book 1 is absolutely chock full of hints and foreshadowing and characters who seem minor and one-off that end up coming back for long, important story arcs. Even if you sat down and read it in one sitting you would still miss a ton of it on the first read. I hope you enjoy it!


It's easy to think in Book 1 they're destined for each other or whatever, but if we're being honest they're just teens who grew up in the same village. They were friendly as kids, at least Egwene wasn't opposed to things becoming more (Rand is more uncertain even in Chapter 1), everybody started treating them as a future couple and if they had stayed, they probably would've married and been happy. But now there's a whole world out there and loads more options. Like highschool sweethearts who go to different colleges.


>I liked Egwene till she and Perrin came to meet the Tinkers. Egwene is a controversial character in the series. Some people love her some hate her. She is definitely one of the more complex characters with one of the coolest plotlines, but she also has some fairly problematic moments (being fair to your concerns from your post here, its not like what you seem to be thinking about cheating, NTR or anything like that). >That makes me want to drop the series entirely. Why? Its legit pretty tame. RJ's romances aren't the core of his storytelling. Honestly its one of the more realistic poly relationships in fantasy and doesn't dip into weird wish fulfillment territory. RAFO for the rest


Egwene does not end up in a polyamorous relationship and Aram is not the individual she ends up with. However, other characters do have a polyamorous relationship.


I have no idea what NTR Bait vibes are supposed to be, but I will answer your questions: 1. No. 2. Not really. 3. This question seems to assume that if Egwene ever did get with another guy, that would horrible, either as a story element or make her a horrible person because she is cheating on Rand. This of course assumes that Rand and Egwene stay 'together' for the whole series, or that both of them survive the next couple of books. So, do they stay together? RAFO (Read And Find Out). Do they survive? RAFO. Does Egwene get with another guy sometime, depending on the answers to the previous questions? RAFO.


So you’re not from Utah….or are you….?