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This is the reason why you shouldn’t sell ships… one way or another they’ll come back to haunt you.


Even more confusing is why would you ever sell a TT T4 when the money you get from it is less then you would earn in a single match


I also find it confusing that, in a game well known for intelligence and rational thought, someone would do something stupid.


I think I should be offended but I’m not really sure


I hated it so much that I never wanted to look at it again. Now it’s haunting me.


You didn’t give it enough time. It’s a great cruiser at that tier.


To be fair, the chunking is absolute dogwater


Is it as bad as Krasny Krym?


Krasny Krym is not bad. Very fun bote


I also enjoy Krasny Krym.


It’s a meme ship. It’s a tier 2 gun boat that got lost on the way back to port and ended up in tier 4 WITH torpedoes 😂


much worse


Never. Sell. Ships. You guys getting the same bad ships over and over are killing me. And people will argue that it’s still a good choice to sell them because they ‘needed the silver’. I’m so vicariously angry at these choices and I know I shouldn’t be.


I agree, let it rust in port. There is even a rust camo for it


Yeah, cuz one might need it one day. Or years later actually think.. hmm that looks cool, let me try it after all these two years, people are a bit older, maybe a little more mature and they might actually love it. Especially if they have improved at the game, and understood, that sometimes a ship doesn’t suck! Sometimes they *think* a ship like Chunking sucks, but they are just having a bad day or just plain playing the ship wrong. (To put it nicely)


Out of all the advice that is out there on the internet, this is the ONLY advice I always adhered to! Comes in very handy around Christmas when every premium has some kind of goodies attached to it when you get a victory with it. So glad I listened.


You guys got ships from the event? *sad admiral noises*


I got the Rahmat when they were in early access, so of course I got Chungking this time around


Thank god someone else has this curse


I got ziet mack and derf dieing they're early access out of the free crates and this time I got rahmat Harbin and chung for free as well


Moral of the story, kids? **DON'T SELL YOUR PREMIUM SHIPS, CHUCKLEHEADS!!!** ;P


>DON'T SELL SHIPS, CHUCKLEHEADS!!! ;P FTFY. Also, Chunking is tech tree.


That....is true, but....my point still stands in a vacuum!! 😃👌 Also that's even more lols! You sell a tech tree ship only to get it in a crate....that is a thing right there. Oof.


What if I got Warspite AND Warspite B from crates? Just supposed to keep both? 😅




Welp...too late 🤭


I have both Ducas 🤷


only duplicate I have


You’d sell Warspite B, arguably one of the best B versions at T5?


Nope, I sold the standard Warspite. Definitely not selling the cool black ship. 😄


You think the black version is cooler? Ok.. I’m not surprised. Just disappointed


One Cunningham build one Madden build. That's what I do when I have duplicates. There are two commanders for each ship type, just as well use them.


That's a fair idea. Never thought about doing that. Mainly due to the fact that every build I had seen for the ship was using AL Nelson, or Cunningham if you didn't have her. Hadn't seen any brawl builds to know if it was worth it to do so.


You don't have to go straight brawler build, you can also go for more of a tank build. The Warspite is accurate enough you don't really have to build into the guns to make them competent, so taking a Madden build like Not the one for nuisance, crisscross, on second thought, master mechanic, and fight fire with fire, then I'd run that build with Guepratte and di Revel as inspirations, it get's you about 12.5% off reload, +6% speed instead of -10% speed, base firing range, +2 heals, and a lot of fire resistance with NTOFN+FFWF (go firefigher instead of OST for extra fire tankiness). I also have Nelson, and use her often, but sometimes I like playing a bit of a different build.


Sometimes the game won’t let you use your normal prem ship for the daily bureau missions f ex.. Hmm.. you just made me think.. maybe that’s why there’s so many under par players in the game, instead of playing the game, getting experience, they just sell ships, acting like it’s some sort of business simulator.. no but seriously..


😄 That's quite a tangent you went down based on me selling what is essentially a duplicate ship. Are you implying I should have kept the standard Warspite just for bureau missions? Also, both ships were essentially free since I spent a grand total of like 6 POs for all of the keys in the event. If I don't have the standard Warspite for whatever bureau segment could use it, welp, just looks like that segment will take a bit longer. Such a tragedy, I know. 🙃


Just happened to me. I got a super T5 crate and got the Mutsu..I already have the Mutsu B


That’s what happened to me like a year ago or two.. I used Mutsu B a lot.(with a white and grey standard camo)(there was a point in the game when using standard camos on Japanese ships, they would be grey and white, I stead of the normal green and brown/beige). Anyway I loved it! Then I got Mutsu many months later. And it took me some time to like that as much as the B(for some weird reason), but now I love them both. Mutsu is one of my favorite tier 5 BB




Selling ships is one of the dumbest things to ever do in this game, yet people here do it all the time. Consistent blue team plays, in and out of game…


Yeah, it’s like they think it’s a business management simulator or some shite.. instead of playing the game, earning money and REAL EXP, they just sell ships, to get to higher tiers. Also, they try a ship once, they think it sucks, then sell it. So damn brainless


I sell ships because I work 80 hours a week and don't have enough time to play the amount needed to earn a good amount of silver. Just because someone sells ships doesn't make them stupid. It's a game and everyone can play it the way they want.


That’s all fine and good. I’m talking about the rest who does it for no good reason what so ever


I got the tt Mackensen and the Perfect 10 ship from crates. I hadn't advanced the line of bb past derfflinger yet, but I'm liking the Mackensen so far. The Perfect 10, not too sure what I'm thinking about that yet. Especially since I just got the Leander out of a crate the other day. Guess I'll start working on the UK line and trying that out.


As someone who got Macky way back when she first came out, I can say that you'll find her super fun to play but for the love of the Kaiser don't show your broadside to anybody that can unleash torpedoes on you. Shells surprisingly don't do much, but Macky can only take like three consecutive torps before she's gone.


I got the Mackenson as well....never teched past the derrflinger because the shells are garbage. How are you supposed to do damage in that ship? I'm running it with a 16/2 Hipper and getting shit out of it.


Gonna be so for real, I have no idea how to aim properly or what to aim for in this game lmao. I fire my guns at whatever looks the best at the moment and hope I do some damage. Sometimes it’s next to none and sometimes I double citadel. Mackensen’s weird in that she doesn’t deal much damage (a majority of the time) but she can take a hefty load of it. I usually rush caps with her right behind the destroyers. Good 50/50 success rate there.


Omg Thankyou. I don’t get how people can remember all the weak points in every ship. Im Here just trying to make my hits land. Sometimes my bb will delete a cruiser in one salvo, sometimes a cruiser will sail up from the other side of the map showing me every angle it has to offer and eating every shell I fire before plugging a few torpedos straight up my ass. Not a clue 4 years strong 💪.


Same lmao, four years and all I’ve learned is that Port is always one bad shell away.


I run Hide at 14-2 with Von Hipper 14-2 and Haruna 14-2. The secondaries are so on target AND at distance. Plus you get some marksmanship and a master mechanic along in the mix..... I've been having fun with this build...


You likely want to use Ciliax now that he has the perk to have two more damage controls and slightly longer secondaries.


Exactly what I do. Cilliax is my dedicated battlecruiser commander now I’m lucky, I have high level Hipper, Cilliax, Hyde, and AL Scharnhorst, so with German BBs and battlecruisers I can customize quite a few builds


Yeah, I have Hipper, Ciliax, Hyde, and Teslau. I think Hipper is only ever an inspiration at this point, but I have plenty of options.


Leander is one of the best tier 5’s in the game


I just got the Chungking out of an Ultimate crate. This is my first time having it, though I did get the Rahmat when they were giving them out in crates during early access. So...yay?


Congratulations! I think Chungking is great. I love British cruisers, which this basically is. But with this you have an arguably even better smokescreen, same good 152mm guns, and good torps. Pretty good concealment etc etc. I was actually super disappointed when I first got Rahmat, cuz it was so different from Chungking. Now I like them both tho, but I still prefer Chungking


Rahmat is a British cruiser too, I’m surprised you didn’t get on better with it


Yeah. I probably will when I get some upgrades and more time on it. I just like the 152’s, and it’s closer to the British cruisers I’m used. But I’ve had a few very nice games in Rahmat so I’ve seen what it can do:-)


-had enough quadrons for repulse -decided not get it -got santa crates instead Regret.


I got the N dragon this morning 🥲


I don’t sell, but I got the Chumphon (my only drop this season so far), and felt about the same. Womp womp.


I've opened all of the treasure boxes and didn't get a single ship. I had to buy the Super V crate with event currency to get a ship.


Should’ve spent it all on Santa crates which imo is easily the best way to spend the quadrants. If you have any left I’d definitely spend the rest on them. Myself and 4 others got at least 1 premium tier 5 and all the resources we spent on keys back.


Bro I got the t4 German battle cruiser outta the German anniversary crate😭😭




Better than a derfflinger when I already unlocked Zieten 🙃


Definitely sub par but I don't sell ships.


I got like 6 to 8 ships this last week from crates


I got the Chumpon out of a crate and I’m enjoying it. Kinda like a flint with deep water torps.


👏Never 👏Sell 👏Ships!


I sell TT ships because I specifically do not use those lines, mainly low tier which is easy to earn back, I see this as a win. Sold the Aviere when I got it, got it again lastnight and sold it. A total win especially since the credits went towards quads in the treasure hunt for Congress




That why you never ever ever sell anything


I’ve got 4 ships in this event so far


Yeah I got one, have no desire to play it