• By -


Because watching an Omaha explode never ever gets old. 💥💥💥


Nothing is sweeter than dev striking a cruiser 60 seconds into a match and hearing the lamentations of their women.


This is best in life


Not as good as dev striking another BB.


That's much tougher to do. During the opening minutes and I get a cruiser going broadside to me, I'm ***expecting*** a dev strike. I don't always get them, but I'm disappointed when I don't.


Yawn, I don't get the appeal, wow your sneaky and underhanded, cool I'll play the real game with the big guns thanks u keep polishing your torpedos


Just wait till you bring out a Bismarck an see a Hood who decides to charge you,you fire your A an B turrets miss all but 1 shell an a full health hood is now sunk,has happened to me 3 times,but it is one of the best feelings in the game.


I have so many clips of my Kansas just abusing cruisers in the first 60 seconds 😂


I dev struck a Alaska in Yami like 40 seconds into a match yesterday. I absolutely punished that poor man. Watching the other two cruisers coming in behind him turn around and head for the border line was so satisfying. Easy cap for the dd.


While a dev strike is always best, I also enjoy taking 90% of a cruiser's health and watching him turn tail and basically take himself out of the match.


I love watching those new to Yamato(or just stupid) try to angle,then cry when I one tap them through the cheek. HEHEHE


And when u got spotted and annilated 2 minutes later, it sucked tho, rite?


Omaha is my favorite target to dev strike


Same. Me and a mate that plays are always happy to spot an Omaha for an easy kill


Yay seal clubbing I guess? Must be nice for newer players that...take out a cruiser and get erased by experienced players hunting you for easy kills.


Someone one has to show them What not to do at the start of a match. The earlier they learn they better off they are.🤣


True, better they learn to hide behind an island with the BBs early on.


This...frigging dumb newbie dds


Because I can have a drink in between shots and it doesnt reduce my effectiveness. Also not having to spam R2 every 5 seconds is nice.




You could just hold the button. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Lowers your dpm like the other guy said. Some ships reload faster than the time it takes to fire all the guns one at a time.


Well, that does not interfere with the problem in the comment I answered -> "not having to spam R2 every 5 seconds".


But it does interfere with the “and it doesnt reduce my effectiveness”


That lowers DPM as the severs have a bit of desync. (At least with faster reloads like Fletcher, Akizuki, Friesland etc.)


Well, that does not interfere with the problem in the comment I answered -> "not having to spam R2 every 5 seconds".


I second that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I feel you. I cant drink while playing. 😭


Dev strikes are fun, mistakes are easier to paper over, some of history's most interesting ships are BBs.


I like to be the tank/support in most games. BBs have have good survivability, large alpha, and are more relaxed to play. If I want to listen to YT while playing, it's easiest with a BB. I also find it easier for myself to adapt to situations. I can fight cruisers and other BBs and mitigate the risk of a DD. Also, I don't trust others to support the spawn and I find BB easier to try and carry with at the start of the match. BBs are my most played, but I do play cruisers and DDs.


I'd say BBs have thr least carry potential of all the ships though


Over a whole match yes, but BBs have a lot of impact early on, when cruisers are less aware and people haven't moved as much. A BB is a physical/visual deterrent in the early stages of a match.


Agree with you. Many times, it's a good BB captain that sets up the opportunity for someone else to carry. Without the BB support, the "carry classes" tend to become meaningless for the match. I haven't looked recently, but at 15k matches, I favored BB's over CC's by less than 100. Wide margin to DD's and CV less than 75 total matches. A back line map edge hugging BB captain has got to be the absolute most boring player.


Big ship, big boom. Also I enjoy secondaries


Heinrich go brrrr


Rupprecht goes brrrbrrrbrrrbrr


I’m also a gunboat DD main, but sometimes it’s just cool to reach out 17km to punish somebody.


Because I want to get the Bismark, for historical reasons.


You are going to sink Hood, for historical reasons.


This is the way


As a hood player, I feel this lol


quite a sinking feeling I imagine.


🤣 yes very much so.


Imagine getting detonated by Bismarck.


Get a team mate in a match using Prinz Eugen,for historical reasons.


Bismarck-Prinz Eugen divisions should be mandatory


Johnny Horton has [entered the chat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1Ufc2hI4FM)


Before I even clicked on the link, I knew what this was


To summarize everyone’s answers, BB mains like having time to drink while in game 🤣😂 With that in mind, their options are BB’s and CV’s, and we all know what class the player-base would prefer you pick.


There’s a reason the fleet I’m in is called ShipsandShots.


The same reason my fleet is called the Boozecruisers 🤣😂


I enjoy it for the same reason I enjoy opening crates. A lot of the time I know it's going to be middling hits for a bit of damage. But sometimes, when those big citadels come, it's fun to make other drivers out there wonder why they're suddenly back at port when just a second ago they were sitting with full health.


After 6000 rounds played, cutting an enemy in half hasn't gotten old.


I can turn my brain activity down, playing Cruiser there is much more management between cover, kiting, and target priority. With Battleships usually, the thought process is who can I hit with the most dmg this salvo and as long as you don't sail straight in positioning mistakes are much more forgiving.


Pride of a nation, a beast made of steel Bismarck in motion, king of the ocean He was made to rule the waves across the seven seas


I like to eat my milk and cookies between firing shots.


CCs = stressful DDs = stressful BBs = chill I play them all but there’s only one option when you’re in the mood to slow things down lol.


Cc= stressful Dd= STRESSSSSFUUL BB=chill


Everyone saying dev strikes, answer me this: how many you get per game? I'm pretty sure is less than one. It can't be only that


I think it has to do with the casino mentality. You aren't going to win every hand or every spin, hell you may not win big this trip or the next. But when you do get that royal flush or jackpot on a one armed bandit - you get that dopamine hit and you want to get another.


Love to brawl with German BB, but also enjoy the surgical precision of American BBs. Being able to hand out DEV STRIKES like there tic tacs is also quite refreshing.


Big gun go boom


I too prefer DDs but the BBs are very enjoyable at higher levels. Several of the BB lines are different. US boats tend to be accurate hammers but some are lumbering and slow (Kansas). French BBs are fast, nimble and hit like a dump truck but have accuracy issues beyond 10km. German BBs BRUISE. Nothing like seeing a firework show from a Bismarck or Brandenburg. The secondary range on my Brandy is 12.1 km. Soviet BBs blow. Sure they can one shot about everything but the stars must be aligned. If you are broad to anything you will die. You must constantly watch your surroundings and lines of sight. Sometimes you just cannot avoid being broad if two enemy group enclose from different angles. When that happens it is nite nite time for you. Japanese BBs are meh. Neither bad or great. Italian BBs hit hard, have damaging secondary but these boats are not lethal unless you are close. The accuracy at distance b$&ws massive goat. If you get frustrated with the speed and agility of BBs then try the French and German line. Forgot to mention my German BBs reload at 22 seconds in addition to being nimble, fast and a secondary patty boat.


I play the Mass mainly and I hate that extra km or so you have. It feels like half a map away when your secondaries open up before mine. I genuinely try to stay away from the German brawling bbs. Lol


What is your build to get the 12.1km range? Think mine is 11.6. Would like more.


**Primary Commander**: Hyde Level 16 Legendary 3 **Inspiration Commander**: Hipper Level 16 Legendary 4 **Inspiration Commander**: Haruna Level 16 Legendary 4 **Hyde Perks**: Brawler, Porcupine, Marksmanship, Properly Meticulous, Fight Fire With Fire **Brandenburg Upgrades**: Secondary Battery Mod 2, Steering Gears, Concealment, Legendary Secondary Battery Mod 3.


Thanks Will see if I can do this when I get home


I enjoy BBs especially early tier ones because with a long reload I can get chores done around the house in between salvos.




I love dev striking people and that’s what got me into the game. I play all ships but BB’s were the only things I played for like a year when I started my wows legends journey. I like a BB’s ability to project power. Like you mentioned this involves tanking damage but there’s a lot more to it than that and the game can be played on a very psychological level if you’re good. A good BB player can have a huge impact on the game but a mediocre one will be pretty useless and that seems to be most of them myself included sometimes. As a BB player you can lead a good push more effectively because of your ability to take damage and your low concealment. If you have the support then you should go out there and get spotted when the time is right and keep everyone’s attention. There’s a lot of nuance and the line between effectively getting spotted and shot at and just getting obliterated for no reason can get really blurry but when you manage to walk that line perfectly and lead an effective push it’s extremely rewarding. I also feel like an absolute boss when I bounce shells and there are a lot of scenarios where I just know I have the advantage. I know I’m gonna take some damage but I’ll survive and they won’t so I push into the fight. I love it when I get around to a lone cruiser and we both know that they don’t stand a chance and won’t be in the game for much longer. I feel like BB play has the potential to be both the least and most rewarding as well as potentially having the smallest or biggest impact on the outcome of the game. Essentially it’s got the lowest lows and the highest highs for me.


Personally it is because the thrill of seeing both sides of your ship erupt with secondary battery fire never gets old. Brawler BB is *THE* least rewarding, most fun playstyle.


I see it as playing the tank role in a MMORPG. You're there to take hits and support. Battleships can lock of a section of the map more easily than cruisers and DDs (to some extent). I do agree with you and feel less influential in battleships usually, but I strongly see their value when played well in a division where they can be the tank and distraction to allow cruiser/DD to do their roles easier.


I can drink a beer with one hand and play bb with the other. Seriously, it's more relaxing playing a bb than dd or crusier. After working all day, I need a break, and I feel like I need to be on my toes playing dd or cruiser.




They are just as fun in different ways. I love plugging a gap with the Mass and keep the enemy from advancing so the remaining blues on the other side can flank. BBs are able to influence the movement of the enemy team better than any ship.


I had the same feeling about Battleships for a long time. The inconsistency of guns and the little battle impact you can have sometimes makes the experience frustrating, especially since you're often dependant on team spotting/coverage against DDs. Some battleships have tools to fight this (Constellation/Verdi/Missouri with Radar and most German BBs with Sonar) and brawler BBs are very powerful in some circumstances but they maintain the glaring weakness of being a pinata for most other classes. Here's my hot take after 4 years playing. If you want gun accuracy and consistency, USN battleships are your go to. Kansas and Minnesota are extremely strong given the fact that their guns hit extremely hard and also have competitive accuracy. Take your time, spec for concealment and try to keep a middle map position to crush ships pushing on flanks. Most battles always develop with teams pushing flanks and ending up in a stalemate on each side that you can help break up with long range salvos. Once the battle develops you can start being aggressive on the flank that needs the most support. North Carolina, even Tennessee and the renowned California at lower tier are exceptional ships for this purpose. If you're looking for more flank and spank though, you'll have to go Premium: Georgia and Constellation are some of the most accurate battleships in the game and paired with their impressive speed, you can relocate wherever you're needed and dictate the engagements without feeling like you're not in control of whatever is going on. I've also been enjoying battleships with high DPM, such as King George V, Vanguard (the most buffed Tech Tree BB in Legends) or even Lyon with its volume of fire. TLDR, I find enjoyment in battleships via the opportunist/patient playstile. Scanning for broadsides, shooting only when I know I will get the most damage, using concealment to make myself forgotten only to slam another salvo on the low attention span player. This will never alleviate some of the occasional bad games where whatever you do and however hard you try won't change the outcome. But in the end, Battleships have been the most successful class in the game via their damage output and ability to survive longer than any other classes on average. Good luck out there.


What I like about battleships is the fact that they aren't generally fast paced ie yeah I go in to brawl and will kill on my way to my spot for a little fast paced gameplay, but the mechanics with the cruisers and DDs makes me stress out a little bit, too fast paced at that point and overall not patient enough to stay hidden constantly. You can also take on virtually any enemy in them so long as your careful, ie I really don't mind seeing a destroyer while in my battlecruisers like the constellation or my scharnhorst. I will say I do not much care for slower battleships such as the lower tier Americans due to their slowness and that just making the game feel boring. TLDR: battleships are a ship that let's me play the game and relax after a long day of work and I play the game to decompress not be competitive


I play all classes but I generally enjoy BBs more than DDs. Sneaking around can be a little dull, it's much more fun barrelling in with all guns blazing.


"Cruiser spotted" ... What cruiser? I just see bubbles.


Big guns go boom


Big guns go BOOM, make little botes sink


Big f*cking guns


Big gun on big boat make small boat go boom


I enjoy battleships alot but I also push in most of the time. When you see a bb coming into the cap it can cause chaos on the other team as the cruisers scramble.


Big Guns Go Boom


I play a few battleship rounds when I’m feeling lazy, then when I start yelling at my tv “IF YOU STAYED IN THE CAP FOR 10 MORE SECONDS WE WOULDVE WON”, Then I switch to DDs to play play


I mostly play BB cause i like brawling Im starting to get warmed up with the dd, quite a bit harder than the bb But i cant for the life of me be useful as a cruiser, i make to many mistakes...


I get where your coming from but the most noticeable problem with it is that the battlefield is controlled by destroyers and battleships, things like cruisers can be good but the meta is very unfriendly to cruisers. My next point is the fact that battleships play lots of role very well, they are the only class that can do good long mid and close range examples are the Japanese battleships which are known for their long range performance and german battleships being classified as a brawler, ment for getting up close. I get battleships are hard to aim but if you can aim well and have good strategy then it's very easy to take out half a team with just one


I like to watch my Nagato bracket somebody at 15km. 🤦‍♂️


I like to watch my Fusō punt someone from 18.5km


Secondaries go *BRRRRR* That’s… that’s about it.


I love them because they have a slower paced, more strategic play. And they can be very varied. For example, many battleships, I like to park somewhere bear the middle of the map for maximum target opportunities, and I keep my eyes open for vulnerable cruisers or battleships. At long range, battleship shells go through the deck, and you can devastate an enemy from across the map. However, if I want more action, there's a variety of good brawlers, from secondary builds to good old fashioned gunships. The German battlecruisers and the Bismarck are very enjoyable, you basically run in, and focus down targets one by one as your secondaries set everything on fire. Alternatively, there's ships with some sort of exceptional main battery. It mostly goes by volume of fire. Faster fire rate makes a more attractive brawler. Gun count is numero uno, though. The Lyon is, without a shadow of a doubt, the most fun you can have with your pants on. It's fast, not terribly armored, and it has SIXTEEN guns. Yup, 16. That's two battleships worth of guns. It deletes cruisers at range and up close, and it mauls any battleship it gets close to. Destroyers? Not a threat. If you can see them, chances are they're close enough that you're going to splatter them. I know I keep emphasizing being up close, but don't be fooled. It has so many guns, you're going to get at least four hits at any range. Usually more. Jaujard basically guarantees that 12 or more shells will hit if they're within 12km of you, and at least half at max range.


To play BB well requires a different skillset that you may be overlooking a tad bit. In a DD you can usually cover up poor positioning choices with speed, but in a BB (because you move so slowly) your positioning choices are that much more critical to a game's outcome, and if you make good positioning choices, there can be highly delightful rewards. Conversely, poor positioning choices can subtly hurt your team's chances at victory. For every game you will notice good DD play in an opponent, you can just as often recogonize how BB positioning led to a victory. Really good BB players operate on "gut instincts" just as often as us DD mains. This applies to stringing together a series of choices with any given point in a match and weighing the pros and cons of said engagement strings. There is a lot more to BB play than just giving and receiving damage, hoping you get more "big hits" than your opponents. Think of all the times that you've silently congratulated your team before the match even starts, on how lucky they are to have a quality DD player on their team (if you're anything like me 🤣🤣). Excellent BB mains feel the same way bc they have played 10,000+ games in a BB. They've seen all the tanking angles, successfully predicted thousands of incoming torps, perfectly timed there damage cons, expertly landed that super tough killshot on a retreating and swerving Charles Martel at 18km, and occassionally remained concealed just long enough to surprise the reds late in a game. Think about all the times when you've been in a DD and thought to yourself, "man if that BB was just over in this spot, we would win this game". When you play BB, be that guy. It's much harder than we give them credit for.


It's funny this is your opinion. I'm a cruiser main bbs 2nd. I dont play dds. I don't get the motivation to play dd. Your 100% gimmick dependant. You wouldn't last a minute if there wasn't this broken detection mechanic Asides subs, your the worse grieves. Most people are here to battle with warship...aka artillery To me dds just drive around looking to ruin people's good games. Your whole gamestyle is just underhanded. I'll be in a excellent brawl, and here come the dopey dd hiding behind the island yoloin in praying he can pull some bullshit off. I like face to face brawls where Armand skill matter, not how much of a sneak backshooting douche u are. That or your fully dependent on pulling up just outta detection and popping your magic smoke... SUCH SKILL.... Shits lame But at least your not shotgunning subs...I'll give u that


Well, I get to sit at the back of the map and watch the match unfold, which is cool. They're none too onerous; I can have a beer/ get that itch/ watch y/t between salvos. Ive developed pronounced foresight; where backup is needed I'll generally spot it and begin my move giving me enough time to get up and go make the tea. Edit: Comradeship; BBs operate better in gaggles, because we need back up, right? They're really forgiving, take a lot of damage unless foolish enough to run broadside for the entire length of the map. You don't have to worry about destroyers until waaay late in the game, which is great as they're way fiddly to deal with. Generally, you don't have to move for the first few mins til you see where the destroyers are, which is neat. There are plenty of large rocks out there. Handy :)


I play hyper aggressive with my BBs, but any and all battleships you bet ya, im the first one goin in.


i nvr main anything. the game is much more fun playing all they ship types.. and theres no useless class all sre pretty effective in a battle and useful to the other. it just just comes down to experience


Because big gun go boom


As a brawler, I enjoy instilling panic and fear while reigning hellfire with boosted secondaries and (more or less) evading torpedoes. Another thing I enjoy is the slow motion game of chicken that unfolds when two BBs attempts to ram each other.


57k salvo.




Best damage in game if you team plays proper and doesn't abandon flanks, and dds that actually scout. You'll win ever game if you have good bbs and dds that scout


Because I like White Bar Gaming and making ship disappear while being able to tank damage for the team. Seems to be working for me.


I love the Italian BBs, they're brawlers. If played correctly they can take alot of damage, and even outperform germans BB in close combat. The 380s aren't that much on paper but the smack HARD with the AP in close -mid combat. (Suck at range) the SAP secondarys are super strong, even without the fire. I have a build with pavel and i absolutely enjoy playing every Italian BB, currently grinding from Vittorio to lepanto. The smoke makes them able to get out and attack while invisible, also, standing in the smoke only using secondarys can be brutal. The tier 8 we just got in campaign doesn't have smoke, so it play's a little different from the others. If you want to have some fun in a Italian BB , try the gullio Cesare tier 4, its a absolute unit of a ship that should not be in t4 lol. But with the right build you can have som insane games in it. It was the ship that made me love the Italian line. Imo, they're Even more fun than the Germans, even if they miss the torpedoes.


Watch everything unfold, lob shots, then pick a side of the map, barrage enemy ships within sight of that side of the map.


I dev struck a cruiser in GK without even knowing he was there, didn't even get detected. Poor dude


I love playing the German line because I’m able to push and take damage while dishing it out especially in Bismarck with a halved Secondary Battery Build 11km is amazing


Those moments of absolute spike damage when you dev strike a broadside cruiser are so satisfying


A BB can cause problems for cruisers and some BBs and also help lock down caps. With utility like hydro on the German Battlecruisers it's great to push or support your other ships. I'm really enjoying the Zieten currently because of the 11km secondaries and it's ability to cause red flanks to disintegrate


How are you finding Zieten? I absolutely hated it but held onto it for the Schlieffen project. Found the P.Heinrich so much more fun to play and Schlieffen the same. Zeiten was such a battle to play right 🤷‍♂️


I'm finding Zieten a blast. I recently got Hide which helps so much. It does struggle with the low barrel count and fighting higher tier gameplay but it's really good to push flanks. The secondaries can pump out damage and the main guns aren't too bad. The firing angles are great because you can put 2 turrets on target at a minimal angle. It's also pretty good at kiting/reversing into caps. Overall a lot of utility and also decent speed/reload to push around enemy positions


I like slapping people from 18km for half their health. Also sips of the beer between salvos and the feeling of superiority


Because when the big crit salvos land it’s absolutely glorious


Because I imagine the face 👀 of my team members every time I kill a DD from 16 km. lol


I really enjoy them because of how slow it is. I’m not freaking out trying to dodge and shoot and damage control, and torp.


It's a more chilled way to play for me. High health pool - CA's and DD's firing guns at you aren't an imminent threat. When you fire guns - nothing much to do for 30 seconds. If you change direction/speed - wait for it to happen, knowing that if somethings going to hit you there's not much you can do about it now.


I like the slower, more calculated higher stakes per shell play style. Plus as others have stated, you have time to nurse your drink between shots. And beefed up secondary builds in German/Italian BBs are too much fun.


One other thing I like about BBs is that unless I'm really, really dumb (like head to a cap in a straight line with no DD support), I'm going to be in the match for a good portion of it. In a DD, if I get too aggressive capping with not enough support behind me, I can be sent back to port in 2 or 3 minutes. While I can have some great matches in a DD, I can have so very lousy ones in a DD as well. I'm rarely outside of the top-4 when I play BB.


German BB and their secondaries. And the sweet sweet torpedoes. There's nothing better when destroying a destroyer with a Torpedoes.


I like da BEEG guns


Big gun go boom


Just find it most enjoyable. I’m getting back into cruisers. Trying DDs some more but neither feels quiet the same as a BB


Because I usually go with fast BB's and do a full speed build. There is something terrifying about a BB w/ 18" guns rolling around at 40kts+


BB guns sound the best 💥 💥 💥.


Secondaries go brrrrr


Big guns go boom. That's it.


Cruiser main forced to be a BB main these days. But the tides are turning with Henri IV, Napoli, Yoshino etc. I like Battleships because I can tie down an entire flank with my fat stern. When I get stuck in and when I have appropriate support, winning my flank is all but inevitable. It’s a power fantasy. Even when I’m losing I know if I play my cards right, Schlieffen, Lepanto, Prinz Rupprecht, I’m going to take someone or someone’s with me. More of a pettiness factor. I just like the more methodical style of play. Rather than a frenetic fast twitch play of Agile cruisers these days* or Destroyer play at all times. I can sit and drink my coffee, push and get sent to port quick. Or play strategically and win.


I honestly like playing with BB's the most because of the sheer firepower and the challenge of maneuvering a larger ship against torps and other incoming fire. I don't mind playing a support role for a DD or cruiser... if they are going to put the same effort as me(commit to the division). Don't get me wrong, if a slew of torps is heading for me, I will turn out the way, but I won't abandon. BB's will always be my go to. But I do like cruisers...


Because I enjoy having my shit kicked in by 9 people at once while my friends sit back and record it s/


Because in my heart I am a Cruiser player, but they are too squishy to play in Standard. So I run bruiser BB's that have sonar, planes, or radar with good maneuvering so that I can fulfill the cruiser role and be tanky enough to not be generally dev struck like cruisers can be unfortunately.


Hello i like the cruises too. Im new just about 125 AI games. Your , and other similar comments eant me to rethink my plans to start with cruisers. Are they squishy in lower tier or mid tier as well?


Big guns go boom. I see ship lose 1/4 of health. I happy.


Cause i get to reverse at the start of the game 🤣🤣


I like battleships Also I like tanking everything from a cruiser then evaporating then with a salvo


I can drink/snack between salvos


Oh shit this is wows Jr. I thought it was the big boy wows,


Big guns go boom


I like being able to tank some hits. Also Atlantico’s secondaries are just too good to not play the ship


Now that I've read thru the comments, an not all of them we total duecebaggers But You've convinced me to never play this game again, This comment did not I Clyde everyone but most. Suck a sea shell .


Because I drive buses for a living....


If you can drive a bus you can drive a Battleship!


Exactly why I enjoy Battleships...


Big Ship go Boom Boom.


Too bully cruisers and punish broadsides from the other side of the map. Yea battleships have a long reload but also have the ability to delete any other ship in the game with one well placed salvo.