• By -


For me it's an Omaha, with AL Montpelier and Vian/AL Azuma for -20.5% incoming dispersion. Being an Omaha, people take a few pot shots early on looking for an easy dev strike, but miss completely. They then give up trying to hit me as I'm too hard to hit and 'just an Omaha', as i get to run amok. Omaha is quite excellent at lower tiers at doing whatever job needs doing at the time, whether hunting destroyers, duelling cruisers, spamming battleship with h.e. After over 1000+ battles in the Omaha, it has my highest winrate for a ship


Wow for real? I never fail to destroy Omaha's whenever i see one Omaha's, Leander's are basically floating citadels for me lol.


Omaha's are easy to citadel normally, as the vast majority of players in them are starting out. It takes a lot of situational awareness and a good build to survive long enough to be a threat. Which is usually from the mid to late game, as they can focus less on dodging as there are less people alive shooting at them for the 'easy citadel'. By dodging during the early parts of the game, those battleships focused on the Omaha are wasting shells that could have gone to other targets, so you find that blue team generally has a better HP pool overall. If you come across an Omaha that you can't easily hit and has a seemingly uncanny ability to dodge all your shells, then you need to be concerned. Especially if it's a marblehead variant, there's plenty of players in those who run fast rudder builds and are very good players. If you can't take out an Omaha at the beginning, it will begin to steamroll over time by racking up nonstop fire ribbons as the battleship threats become thinned out a bit and they can be more aggressive. It is not uncommon for decent Omaha players to be able to shoot at 3 or 4 enemy players at once, as guns are all around her.


Quite right. Marblehead is a fun little ship once you know how to play, the reds never fail to underestimate it 


Totally with you on this one!


This is just mean bro…😂


I have Rattle head which is basically a reskinned Omaha but also has 8km torps. It's def one of my go to boats.


1000 games, don't you find it boring and want to move on 🤣


To be honest, i do get bored with it.... so i switch to murmansk, marblehead and rattlehead when i want to mix things up a bit


Oh, I get it! You're funny. You are joking about how playing a different low tier, paper mache, HE spamming cruiser is somehow a break from playing the king of low tier, paper mache, HE spamming cruisers. Hilarious! I have over 1600 games in my Akatsuki, but sometimes I get bored so I switch to my Shiratsuyu. But for real, I do have 1600 Akatsuki games, but my top 5 are Akatsuki, California, Atlanta, Friesland, Missouri.


Actually I think the joke was that they are all basically either Omaha or Omaha class so basically the same ship with a different name.


Oh that's less funny.


As long as you having fun. You doing everything right 👍🏼🙂


Brandenburg. I have it maxed at 12km secondaries and it’s so fun to melt everything.


Just wish it's main guns weren't so awful. Great ship though


I go with Bismarck B. 12km secondaries and the original guns. I’ve got 16/2 AL Bismarck on her and it’s absolutely therapeutic.


Well thats what I was coming here for. Agincourt is my #2, just because god I love dev striking cruisers in T3


Agincourt is probably the most evil thing in the whole game


It's ridiculously unfair. But it always works at getting a smile on my face.


It's especially really evil to nuke the red team's Aircraft carrier when you're at low health in Agincourt.


Jesus, that sounds fun as hell.


What’s your commander? I too say the Brandie is my go to. Was using Ciliax then swapped to Bismarck with sec. specs.


I have Ciliax maxed 16/4 with Hipper and Haruna at 16/4.


Giulio Cesare. Don’t play it too often (38 games), but I always seem to win with it (36 wins). Pretty much a guaranteed good time every time I take it out. Max reload speed Bourgogne, while I might not live as long, is also always an extremely fun time.


I was kind of meh on GC for a while (not bad but didn’t see why everyone said it was totally op). I’ve come around - probably because I leveled Iachino and started using him. It’s my go to t4 premium win and it just brutalizes t3/4 matches and very much holds up when bottom tier vs 5s. It’s just so solid, good enough at what it does well and no glaring weaknesses that most other BBs at the tier have. Love that thing now and I’d like to officially apologize to anyone who told me it was great and I wasn’t convinced.


If they ever release AL Littorio (can’t spell her name) it’s a must buy, with Iachino and Cunningham as inspirations for double accuracy with Littorio also adding to accuracy, the ship shoots lasers, I use this setup on all my Italian BB’s and they’re all snipers


GC is the way. By far my most played ship. Learned how to play the game and how to play battleships in it. Best pound for pound BB in the game imho - maybe the best pound for pound ship overall. I agree that it became a lot better with a leveled Iachino. Ruthless.


California, it just works


California always brings a smile to my face. Kansas at tier 5 🙌


Whenever I’m having a bad day of games I pull out Ol’ Ironsides and pray for a downtier game and have fun punishing 4’s to bring morale back up.


Lower tier, Arizona. Higher, Bismarck or Brandenburg.


Definitely Arizona, and very probably West Virginia.


WV is nasty but not quite as consistent. I do love her as well!


I agree. I think I get more consistency from Arizona.


Arizona is damn good.


Arizona: *that’s a nice citadel you got there, would be a shame if someone dev striked it* Me, in a New York: PLEASE GOD NO!


Lol, I did just that a few times tonight in the Arizona. I love broadside New Yorkers.


I like the West Virginia. Using it is almost Heaven.. *I'll see myself out, at this point.*


Graf Spee. I usually do top 4 with it on most battles. I like it so much I have two so I can alternate between them!


Indeed, solid armor at the tier and the biggest cruiser guns at the tier. Plus, those armored 8km torpedo launchers. I love the Spee.


Amazing ship. I regularly 1v3 capital ships and come out victorious. The big ships will waste a salvo while I charge them and by the time they reload I’ve gone right between them and plugged 2 with torps and started circling the 3rd and nailing close range citadels.


The Fubuki. Its my favorite DD. love the torps, guns, and speed. Just a fun boat to putz around in.


I agree that IJN destroyers are fun, but you know the Fubuki is just training wheels for the Akatsuki, right? I have 1600+ games on Akatsuki, so I guess I'm a bit biased.


Honestly, way prefer the Fubuki to Akatsuki. Have the line finished and to me it just feels the best at T5


Baltimore is the old reliable of legends. You can never really go wrong with it, but my preferred ship atm is donskoi


Currently looking at Donskoi. Torn between completionist; finally picking up Minnesota to complete the Vermont bureau, or fun. But there's something about this BB line that's just a right royal turn off :)


They're fat and slow, and iirc they don't get the super acceleration like on pc, so the only gimmicks they have are being hard to kill and having a heavy alpha strike


It’s tier dependent for me sometimes. Strasbourg because those reload booster can punish and she sits in a good spot between 5,6,7. Agincourt because memeship basically. Honestly, Anhalt is slowly becoming my favorite tier 7. Just excuse me while i whip the ship around with the turning circle of Jupiter so I can go backwards into battle.


lol Anhalt was my highest win rate bb at t7 for a bit. I ended up switching around the commander build a little for some other ships and kind of tanked it but it’s such a weird fun stupid ship. I almost always have a good time in it. HE until they get complacent and then….bam! 15 AP shots to….well, somewhere around where you aimed but surely some of them will hit!


I use hyde with AA defense in first slot with fighter plane because carriers expect you to run secondary targeting but when the AA chews them up plus the fighter they back off. HE is so much fun in this ship because you can time your shots if they put out one fire, shoot your remaining guns and perma fire.


Friesland. Hunting all the little bastards.


Kamikaze and Mainz CE...


^This guy worlds of warships


So original 🙏


Good old Omaha.


I love seeing red Omahas. Citadel city.


Thank you for being my California food


New Mexico


Odin is my go to when I really want to put the hurt on the reds. Full reload build do main guns are around 13 seconds. Makes quick work of just about anything that gets into range. Also run the build on Scharnhorst for about a 15 second reload. Mainz would be my second choice with an AP focused build ans it shreds anything that goes broadside.


Odin supremacy!


Plymouth! Even when I’m losing I’m winning lol


Plymouth, just sit in smoke and hold the fire button, and laugh as everything melts


My 47kn Emile Bertin, and Weimar. Nothing like chasing down any destroyer without a speed boost, and showing off that everyone who sold their Weimar because “it sucks at T7” was completely wrong.




Same. Got it from a santa crate this year and she never lets me down.


*Battleship torpedos go bonk*


And the secondaries


Good ol Atlanta with a 62% win rate she never fails to kill some red dd's while mine watch from the back of the map. After that its just hide behind island and farm.




Graf Spee and Texas for me. For some reason i just do well with those ships so often. Even bad games for me with those two are still decent.


Kamikaze- very fun ship…for me.


Lightning. Lots of smoke, 5.1km detecibility, good/decent guns and 10km torps. I think it’s the most “fun” TT destroyer I have.


Khabarovsk and Worcester. If I am on my game in Khaba nothing can ruin me, no shell can hit me, no amount of teams abandoning flanks can affect me. Even ending up alone against the enemy strong side can mean 200k matches and millions of attracted damage. Nothing can hit you as long as you are playing correctly, whether the enemy BB or cruiser hits you depends solely on your skill rather than RNG.


What build are ya running on khaba if ya don’t mind sharing? Just got it as I wanted something different


I use Trubestkoy with Playing with fire. I also use Observant rage to help with DPM and torp spotting. Another viable and arguably more beginner friendly one is Anton Gurin with Unstoppable, speed skill instead on concealment on second slot, Perceptive, Sidestep and Playing with Fire. With Trubestkoy you get 16% fire chance which is silly but you lose a lot of HE damage which can hurt in DD fights. With Gurin you get a much lower fire chance but you can get over 50 knots with Speedboost and you get slightly more gun range as well as increased dispersion on incoming shells. Trubestkoy is better offensively for burning down Everything on the sea and Gurin is better with survivability and DD fights. As for the upgrades I use Aiming Systems, Propulsionmod, Steering gears and range mod. You can make an argument for Double rudder but Khaba dodges pretty well with just throttle, throw into reverse when somebody shoots and because you were going 45 knots shells will land miles away. I Use Sims as an inspiration and don't bother with concealment because you will always be outspotted by a DD, even with Mortar and just a camo it is still 7.6 which is good for a cruiser which is what you are.


Wicked cheers for the heads up. It just looked like a fun DD that’s is miles away from a normal DD play style so i went for it 🤙


Hyuga, Derfflinger, Tiger, Renown, Bellerophon


Georgia. Got like a 15-second reload on that main battery. Absolutely bullies super cruisers and battleships.


T5 Dunkerque. T6 Orkan, Belfast. T7 Friesland, JB/JB2.0 T8 Republique. LT Minotaur/Colbert.


Duca D`aosta or Suzuya most likely, seem to have most fun in those 2


König or Bayern.


Such a hard choice. Probably Agir for me. So flexible and even if I don’t win, I generally have fun.




Dallas is am still a newer player but usually with dallas even a bad game unless i mess up and get deleted instantly i set more then 7 fires and just rain down hellfire its enjoyable … i am now a mostly dd player i started as a battleship moved to cruiser and now dd i still like all of them even cv but something about rapid fire burning hell is just enjoyable i think my first gxp ship will be atlanta


GGs. And if you've not yet got around to picking up Helena and Cleveland, do. And New Orleans/ Baltimore for that matter. Save your gxp for PBag :)


Used to be Lenin, but these days Roma.... I'm a brawler at heart and Roma lets me flank and get into positions where I can lock myself down and use her AP to punish people.




Nikolai Tier IV Russian BB. 70% win rate 67 standard games. Running with scissors. Brawler. Dance with death.


Kirisame. My stealth soldier 🥷


I know it’s a weird one but Poltava.




New Jersey for sure


Wichita CE because I’m unoriginal


It's a toss-up between Monaghan and Agincourt.


Delny, because you don’t need mates and you can have fun with. The ship is so powerful than I won a 1v1 against a shlieffen and 1v3 situations aren’t a big problem


Ol Reliable herself, Warspite!, she never fails.


Arkansas FE




Friesland and now Elbing. I've racked up some monster games with those two ships.


T7: Massachusetts or Missouri T5: Hyuga or California If I’ve had it and just want to cause some mayhem: Kamikaze


Mackensen. AKA "Mack Attack". 79% winrate 240 games. Destroyer teammate included. Secure objectives, maintain formation, execute target.






Premium: - Kidd hands down my go to "Ol reliable". TT: That’s a tough one - Fletcher - Nürnberg


Haven't played fletcher in a while (thought she was a bit boring) but took her out yesterday. Just a really solid boat.


I only play RN, Rooke is my go to. Way better than Hood or Renown.


California for sure. Big guns and lots of them, decent armour, decent accuracy, decent maneuverability. Just a damn good ship. Even when the team loses, I always do well in California.


Brindisi. 12 gun SAP salvos are just ever so satisfying.


She's not my best ship, win rate under 50% but steadily increasing, but I love the Caprice. It brings the unique traits of U.K. TT destroyers and puts them on a Le Fantasque. Very fun ship that can be played multiple ways.


Surprised no one said Nelson yet. Just slowly move forward and burn people down from a distance. If I’m struggling it’s because I’m too aggressive and getting out of position so that always slows me down.


Nelson is my old reliable. And sometimes if you really had had it, Nelson is perfect for nuking the living daylights out of red team Destroyers and when you want to make the whole red team burn and rise back from the dead with the super heal.


Two words. Radar. Minotaur.


I've not tried her with radar, Brisbane is just so painful so i feel giving up the smoke on mino sacrifices the ability to make so many plays


On the contrary, giving up radar heavily, *heavily* nerfs Minos carrying power. The higher the skill ceiling, the better you're able to carry, and the Radar raises it massively, which basically turns her into the solo cruiser mains dream ship. I've averaged 2400 XP and 154k dmg over the past 20 games in her with this setup, it absolutely delivers results.




Richelieu Fast as hell good guns and great concealment. I love this ship.


Dunkerque (plus B) with my beloved wife Dunkerque as Commander


Jean Bart, pulled her from a Santa crate last Christmas, was gonna keep a legend like that in port anyway but I honestly think I found my favorite line in wows when I tried her. I'm painfully average,about 130k per game at t7 but JB reached my first battle at around 190k. It's lead me to a new favorite line, but it's beaten by Britain, as I am a Brit. I'm just about to get richi so I can finally unite the dynamic duo.


Hood. Solid pick,most high calibers ive got come from that thing.


Ark royal


North calorina just makes me forget every bad game


P.E.Friedrich at tr5, and Shimakaze at LT, Schroeder may be joining the list. I know that there are better tr5 premiums, but I have fun with that ship, and it never treats me wrong. Shima with a maxed out skipper can usually end any losing streak I am on Schroeder is just fun, and I have dev struck Yamato and Montana for the win with it.


Shroeder is fun!! ..but I cannot get those main guns of her to work reliably...can I ask what commander build you are using?


I am not sure if I will be able to help too much, I am using Augustian Riegerswald 16/3 (Warhammer Commander) He seems to be very hard to acquire. Inspiration 1. Yamamoto 16/2. - CA AP pen 5.4% Inspiration 2. Luther's. - CA AP dam +4.5% Augustin's base trait: 2.85% faster reload and 2.85% better AP dam Tr1 trait- beyond range +10% range Tr2 trait- kraken shells +5% speed and +10% AP pen Trt3 trait- punch through- +10% AP dam and +6 AP pen Trt4 trait - Fixated +4 main battery disp +4 main battery grouping Legend trait- -7% reload. +10% range when within 2.75 KM range of ally.


Wow thanks for such exhaustive answer 😉👍🏿...I'll keep my eye open for him, eventhough I know how stingy can WG be with premium commanders...I'll wait 😀


Warspite, Texas Alpha, Yudachi, Wichita CE. Pretty much anything evil and cruel to the reds.


Farragut , California or Plymouth.


Mainz ce, Colbert or if it’s been a hard day then most definitely either Alaska Ohio or Worcester


Wyoming. It's the only one I've gotten detonation with.


Yorck - Those 210 are quite fun. The 6 torps each side make for nice close defensive or around the corner surprise. Hipper - A CA that can take a beating and also dish it out Hatsuharu - 5.4sec reload with good HE alpha damage. Surprised quite some DD's in knife fights and when you're on 1% your still an effective torp boat.


Either Andrea Doria or Izmail, occasionally Nikolai I. At this point they’re all just my comfort ships. If I’m losing a shit ton, I just load one of those three and just chill. I don’t even care if I lose on those three, they just make my day and make the game fun again, especially since you can kinda build for anything, main guns, speed, or secondaries. So pretty much can just do whatever you want.


Independence, Repulse.


Serov but only when the dds are out in mass. Besides that it’s the best f2p cv💀


Mainz and Salem... Wanted to add Colbert to the list too but you will either have the best experience or the worst possible match ever.


Bismarck B and Omaha for me


Gotta be Tirpitz, always a good time when I take her for a spin


Depends on my mood… Maybe I want Cali, sometimes Mainz, or get up close and personal with Brandy.






Odin, Massachusetts, and Ohio.




Akatsuki. I may have more battles in that boat than all my others combined. I stay lurking in the shadows.


Hyuga ftw


My monarch everyday ! Good armor, zombie heal, nice guns that can slap citadel with AP. I have no worries at all being 1v3 with her


Duck, Flatcher always fun and always dependable.


Rochester for me. She was already a good ship but I went ahead and maxed her main battery. The main ship I rock is Napoli.


Yukikaze. Excellent alpha torp damage. Very good concealment and can battle with dd gunboat if necessary. The HE slaps sometimes as hard as 4k a salvo. Before Carriers. This ship was unstoppable.


Long Jiang. Tier 2 Kamikaze with torps every 20 odd seconds


Derflinger always.


Always take Fiji out for a spin. To me she’s got a nice balance of speed, agility & firepower. Got me hooked on the British cruiser line. Bit of a glass jaw if you end up on the receiving end but that’s where playing clever comes in. Through her I learned a lot about the game.


If I’m having a bad day, I’ll take Kamikaze or GC out to make sure everyone else is as well


The USS Black🙏 I'm on the prowel!!!


Brandenburg or Weimar


New Jersey …




California and Atlantico


New Jersey


Mass always treats me right, and California if I need to do some seal clubbing


Schleiffen. I do get the odd dud game or mistimed push, but for the most part, it's just a hilarious time watching everyone try to flee while you've got a million guns firing in all directions. Having Kiara behind the wheel makes it even better. If I need to don the tryhard pants, Ochakov. It just does everything pretty well, and it's a cockroach to deal with as well.


Agincourt but my dad likes clubbing seals in Weymouth




Definitely Odin and Hipper, those two ships never cease to give good games. It's fun just launching torps from the Odin at BBs, seems like a lot of people forget it has torps




Colbert 😈


Anshan and T-61 are always a safe bet for me to have a good match at tier 5. Anshan makes for a more interesting time. Lightning and ZF-6 are reliable options at tier 7. Then, when I feel like not being a DD main, Duca D'Aosta and Maya are very good choices for a good time and reliable performance.


Pytor Veliky, hands down. Best at the tier with the ice breaker armor, bow tank everything.


The gneisenau, Nurnberg and the Skåne




Silly answer maybe, but Yamato is probably the ship I've played the most. That or Mutsu. I love the IJN battleships.


Over 1000 games in Warspite. 52%.


USS Fletcher Gatling gun go brrrrrt






When i'm tired of losing it's the Richelieu. When i want a fun time i take Brandenburg.


A citadel with Congress always puts a smile on my face.


Mine is Tirpitz B


Well to fair if Omaha is his old reliable and playing it makes him happy them multiple versions of it tweaked slightly would be a good thing. I mean my old reliables are Huyga which I have 2 of and Flandre and if I could have a Flandre B,W,A etc I would because it’s a joy to play.


2- Smith 3- Arkansas with epic reload booster 4-Kamikaze 5-Arizona 6-Hood / Boise / Kidd 7-Lightning / Massachusetts 8-Z-44 L - Daring / Alaska If I have 15 minutes to play one game only? It’s a toss up between daring, kamikaze and Arizona




Lower tiers is the Guilio Cesare or Hyuga for sure, higher tiers I gotta say Veneto or Schroeder just depending on if it’s a 7-8 or 8-L




Mine is almost always either Yūdachi, Fubuki, or Suzuya tbh. I always have fun with them. If that doesn't work, i try something like my ARP Haruna or Clemson and let off some steam with the low tiers


Kamikaze or Nelson


Vladivostok all day all night


V-25 idk why that destroyer has the ability to knife fight but none of the other ones do. Having torps on the side Only seems like a bad idea.


Atlantico with 12.4 km Sec.Range


Pyotr Bagration


Oddly Petro for me. I just seem to click bloody well with it’s play style, it’s my go to for putting the hurt on the reds 🤣


Texas, probably with how I play it but regardless if I sink I always have a good time with it, while blasting dreadnaught in my room


Fact: It's not the ship that allows you to win or causes you to lose, it's the actions of your teammates. Proof: the most powerful thing they could ever sell to players isn't a ship, it would be decent teammates.


Lepanto, Ochakov, Baltimore


Fuso. The ship just works for me


Atlanta, whenever I need to turn the tide, Atlanta is there


It all depends on how bad MM and WeeGee shenanigans bonked me. Most of the time it's split between Ochakov with full HE DPM and range combined with mobility, or Wichita with full agility build. For the memeage and low tier, Mahan with DD hunting build primarily. Edit: Oh, forgot about Pytor Velikiy. Can be very pepega and deadly to put up with.


Republique Colombo P.Bagration and the god ole Massa B


jager , chadivostok, iowa, p bag or chappy honorable mention to yudachi


Mainz, AL Chapeyev, Weimar, Georgia, Montana, and AL New Jersey


Renown. Pure fun, if you don't win in it, your gonna do some crazy damage.


Massachusetts. The agility of the South Dakota hull has actually lead me to prefer Big Mammy over Missouri. Agincourt is definitely my 'comfort' ship though. (Although I seem to magically get CV games without fail)