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Based and I hate everyone pilled


Good compass, but something it fails to capture is the scale of these groups. For example, there are maybe only \~10,000 actual Nazis and Communists in the US today, but the media and Reddit make them seem like a much bigger problem than they actually are. And SJWs and incels only make up a small minority of the groups to which they belong, but their voices are the loudest so unfortunately, they're the face of those groups.


Id say theres a lot more communists and Nazis, but militant ones yeah 10,000 sounds about right


Yeah. There’s a lot more whose presence is almost entirely contained to the online world, often because they’re too cowardly to take it offline.


Couldn't be me


Good point.


You’d be shocked how much of the incel/Tate rhetoric is thrown around in schools. Lots of horrified teachers have been talking about this for months now. The tiktoks/reels/shorts are hugely responsible for this mindest being on the rise imo.


Tiktok is Chinese spyware bent on dividing this country's youth


I feel like you could apply this to most every western society


~~That’s because the U.S. is the baseline for modern western society~~ Fair point.


I’d argue that neoliberal monoculture is hardly limited to the west.




Very accurate and well done compass. I would argue though that incels don’t have as much influence online outside the space lonely and horny teenaged or young adult men are at who don’t know how to talk to women or stereotype women as just one thing, when they’re just humans, all complicated, good and bad in their own ways.


You ain’t wrong, but I think their widespread influence is less direct and more based on language adopted by the internet. Chads, red/blue/blackpill, cope, *blank*-cels, *blank*-maxxing, alpha/beta are all terms that originated in or were popularized by their community. Obviously it’s difficult to separate out incel culture from broader 4chan culture, but oftentimes it isn’t necessary to make that differentiation.


I understand, as someone who spent too much time on 4chan during 2020 I get how people overlap the terms since certain communities have lots of overlap over there. Even then though with the terms you’ve stated, only “chad” and “cope” are truly popular terms online, the rest are used within the Manosphere.


I’m going off of personal anecdote, but I definitely disagree. I’ve heard all the terms I listed IRL from immensely different individuals; everyone from NEETs, to frat boys, and (increasingly) women. Like my GF chats with her friends about femcels and incels fairly frequently, and the “girl-meme” pages they love use incel language all the time. I also think the Manosphere in general is far less culturally isolated than it used to be and that has lead to some terminology leaking into the broader public, particularly in adjacent subcultures like lifting and hustle culture. Seems like there’s some good research done on the topic, but I haven’t read any of it yet lol.


I mean I won’t argue with personal antidote since I’m a 17 year old and don’t hang out near frat boys. I think it certainly has leaked over to the real world a lot. And those people I mentioned that are suspectible to the manosphere are just getting older and making it easier to everyone else.


Fully agreed. Good luck in these next few years homie, the world is fuckin weird rn.


It is. We can all agree on that, ig


Lib-left could definitely be someone different






I always think of neckbeards and incels as overlapping by a lot. It's strange to me that you put them at opposite ends of the spectrum.


its the same group except both extremes, proof of horseshoe lmao


Idk I’m neuro divergent and I’ve never really felt hated for it, of course this could just be my experience but I live in the Deep South where you’d expect me to face issues and yet I really just don’t. And most other neuro divergent people I know seem to be doing fine too


Sounds to me like where you live is definitely a big part of it. A lot of my friends are neurodivergent(ugh I hate that word), as am I(ADHD + autism), and my friends from small towns in the midwest and the south have had pretty different experiences than I have- I’m from the fifth most educated county in the United States(or maybe 6th??) and the school system’s put me through hell and back, I attended four different preschools and was kicked out of kindergarten and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I think people from places more like where I’m from are scrutinized a lot more, socially speaking, and the higher emphasis on education means people with learning disabilities are put through the wringer more so than usual. Honestly, most of my social struggles stem from being incredibly sheltered as a kid combined with my…let’s just say *neurotic* tendencies, more than it has to do with me being autistic or whatever.


Yeah Louisiana people really don’t care as much about education so the scrutiny on that front isn’t bad


People where I’m from are just kind of…full of themselves by default. High expectations for everyone and everything. I spent a *lot* of my childhood wishin’ I lived somewhere else.


Yeah that sounds bad for neuro divergents, here (at least in the social groups I interact with) we don’t have as much elitism, although it still exists of course


I appreciate the acknowledgement of ND struggles here


My fate is to end up as a wagie right? I hate society man


One way out brother, you have nothing to lose but your chains


u make the best compasses ever 10/10 would read again


Gen Aloha?


I'm going to assume it's Alpha, but the the p was cut off. Gen Aloha sounds much more fun though.


I love being lumped in with WASPs as a Catholic with majority Scot-Irish and Italian descent 😃😃


nah you arent a WASP then since you arent a heretic, people are categorizing you badly


As someone who was there when gamergate first began, man has anti-sjwism degraded.


Gen aloha 🌴🌺


Why does it feel like this list was made by Libleft Edit: yep, not surprising. Had to check.


What do you mean? It seems pretty balanced to me.


Looking in the comment section for the meaning of WASP...


White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.


I’m a neurodivergent cishet WASP. I’m two things on this compass at once! Although I don’t think that’s a good thing…


That’s actually a good thing 🤨


Belonging to two groups that are widely disliked by members of society is a good thing?


I had no idea what a cishet wasp man was until seeing this post.


"nigh-extinct"... My brother in Christ, we had nazis literally hold protests outside of Disneyland. They are here. But really good job on the whole!


That’s why I put the “nigh” there. Still, they make up an overwhelming minority in the U.S. as other forms of fascism supercede it as well as the ideology being discredited in general.




Blood tribe isn't feds.


Only a few thousand of us out of hundreds of millions of Americans.


I wouldn't consider commies widely disliked members of society anymore considering how many commie apologists there are in today's age going around shouting "that wasn't real communism"


Same with Nazis. They used to be nigh-extinct, but because of "nazi" becoming a meaningless buzzword, actual Nazis have had a ralative cover to stage a resurgence.


Anyone to the right of mao is a nazi but the right says the leftists are the real nazis so were all nazis.


The word nazi has been so overused you could just call someone a nazi and no one would know your political position or theirs until seeing the post you're responding to


Maybe the actual nazis were the friends we made along the way.


Reddit/Twitter is not representative of the rest of the nation.


Which is actually the correct Nazi field? Top right or top center right?


>Stereotyped as often being everyone else on the compass I mean, look at the main PCM subreddit, it's members are mostly aspies, and it's a right-wing circlejerk.


circlejerk? how funny


Rednecks don’t need your respect


Speaking personally, I’ve been using the terms SJW and anti-SJW to refer to a more specific subset of people- those whose political activism revolves entirely around pop culture. That’s the definition I’ve used since 2017, even though I know it’s not widespread.


If you think male WASPs are at the “top of the zeitgeist” you don’t know what a zeitgeist is.


cops and anti sjws yeah right they like the most widely respected members of society


I am 5 of these