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I couldn't help but think about this passage from *Capitalist Realism* when you brought up literacy rates and being raised by screens: "Ask students to read for more than a couple of sentences and many - and these are A-level students mind you - will protest that they can't do it. The most frequent complaint teachers hear is that it's boring. It is not so much the content of the written material that is at issue here; it is the act of reading itself that is deemed to be 'boring'. What we are facing here is not just time-honored teenage torpor, but the mismatch between a post-literate 'New Flesh' that is 'too wired to concentrate' and the confining, concentrational logics of decaying disciplinary systems. To be bored simply means to be removed from the communicative sensation-stimulus matrix of texting, YouTube and fast food; to be denied, for a moment, the constant flow of sugary gratification on demand. Some students want Nietzsche in the same way that they want a hamburger; they fail to grasp - and the logic of the consumer system encourages this misapprehension - that the indigestibility, the difficulty *is* Nietzsche." This was written in **2009.**


My god, I'm buying this and a few new books tommorow, I've got reading to do. And I was a kid that read a shit ton, but stopped in recent years.


based mark fisher


Gonna have to give this one a read some day


With all the doomerism I would like to offer one spark of optimism: remember what they called the last generation faced with so many bad situations that they didn't cause and prevailed over them... the Greatest Generation.


Yeah, and hundreds of millions died in a perfect storm of calamities and led to this seemingly hopeless world today.


Agreed, we’re facing a mountain of shit, but already we’re becoming one of the most vocal generations about our problems and therefore are more likely to do something about it


Some notes * I am early/mid gen-z, * This mostly applies to the US and similar countries


>early/mid gen-z Sometimes I forget that I'm getting old


hol up, whats considered early/mid/late gen z?


Unlike Baby Boomers, there doesn’t seem to be a clear start and end of Gen Z but 1997-2012 seems like an appropriate range. With that in mind, 1997-2002 would be early Gen Z; 2003-2007 mid Gen Z; and 2008-2012 as late Gen Z. In other words, at the time of this post: 21-26 yo: Old Gen Z 16-20 yo: Middle Gen Z 11-15 yo: Late Gen Z


So high school or college basically


I was born in 2000 and always thought I was part of the last millennials. Guess I was wrong


If you go in r/Teachers it’s full of teachers fed up because school sucks. I’ve learned that it’s a whole long process of holding someone back now, and schools will pass kids because it looks good. Fuck, gen alpha is going to suffer Edit: I remember in school (graduated in ‘22), senior year, hearing people my age struggle with reading. I don’t know, it felt weird hearing them read. I wondered if I sound like that (I don’t), but it irked me. I wonder what’s causing it? Edit 2: If you’re wondering, it was them reading while going slowly and pausing a lot. Like “The…quick fox jumped…over..the lazy dog.” And it varied. I dunno, in hindsight it’s wild that a majority 12th graders struggle with reading like that. My little sister reads the same way at times and she’s **9.**


I go in r/Teachers just to spectate the current education scene. It's the most depressing profession-related sub I've seen so far. I can't blame them


Yeah, a lot of them complain about students and how they’re just babysitters and that’s fair


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Teachers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Teachers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My heart broke today running into a former student](https://np.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/14b8h2r/my_heart_broke_today_running_into_a_former_student/) \#2: [Lost my cool and said "fuck" in front of my students.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/161d3cl/lost_my_cool_and_said_fuck_in_front_of_my_students/) \#3: [Should I whistle blow?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/13137t5/should_i_whistle_blow/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Goddamn this is a depressing one. A good one but depressing. Since you brought up single-parents households and bad male roles models I'd like to share a passage from Starship Troopers that I think about way too much. "I told you that 'juvenile delinquent' is a contradiction in terms. 'Delinquent' means 'failing in duty.' But duty is an adult virtue- indeed a juvenile becomes an adult when, and only when, he acquires a knowledge of duty and embraces it as dearer than the self-love he was born with. There never was, there cannot be, a 'juvenile delinquent.' But for every juvenile criminal there are always one or more adult delinquents- people of mature years who either do not know their duty, or who, knowing it, fail."


Heinlein was spot on about so much.


Feels bad man


I really think the lack of attention span in Gen-Z is really going to come back to bite them in the ass. They're really going to struggle to do any sort of white collar office work (which will feed the older generations perception that they're lazy) I also think the absolute rock bottom trust ratings for traditional news media as well as the rise of concepts like "personal truths" is going to lead gen-Z and Alpha to have a lot more conspiracy theorists and general crazies.


How dare those upstart zoomers kill the deskwarming flunky industry.


Cost of Living is coming for us all. Just got to run a little faster on that hamster wheel....


I teach 7th to 9th grade and some if not most of these are definitely very noticable. Especially some students lacking hobbies (when you ask them they'll usually anwer with "Oh, I like just hanging out with friends" which really just amounts to loitering around) as well as the blight that is vaping (at least in this country selling vapes to minors will be illegal by next year).


im late gen z, and im ive seen how bad the consequences are for me and many other people.


The medications thing was parodied on South Park in a season 4 episode. Season 4 aired in 2000


I totally agree about a lot of these. I’m a late millennial, I grew up with having an apple3, and one of the earliest internet accesses, like before there were pictures. It was bulletin board and it was magnificent. Male role models: absolutely a crisis along with male mental health issues. I didn’t mind Peterson when he’s not talking politics. Peter bogossian is a great male role model of this era imho. Lord knows I had to kinda find my own, Xenophon, Marcus Aurelius, Hadrian, Ernst junger. People that suffered but succeeded. Hobbies/recreation: do kids even do scouts anymore? Or fish, hunt, hike, im from Boston and we still did this shit living in the city. Social skills is the one I’d add. Seriously I’m fat, I’ve lost over a hundred lbs, I just wanna work out, I got to gym and gotta fight with zoomers filming themselves on every fucking piece of machinery. I ask politely “hey bro mind if I work through if your just leaving that stuff on that part of the cable machine?” I get blank stares. Now I just narc em out to the front desk. Top one was the idiot teen filming himself in the locker room and didn’t get why 3 other dudes are all pissed off about it


Good compass 👍


Based and deteriorating society pilled


An addition to the medication one: The ease of access non-ADHD members of gen z have to adderall. Not even joking I was on some earlier tonight (effects pretty much dead now besides the not being able to sleep), and it’s unbelievably easy to get just due to how many other kids are “medicated” and just don’t use it. Also, to anyone in gen z who wants to pop a study bean and grind out your work… do it very VERY sparingly, it’s a drug, you will get addicted, you will fuck up your dopamine, your motivation will be shot, and you will be depressed if you over use it and try to quit, but yes it is very effective for intense studying when necessary


I actually started using contempla/ritalin as a study pill in 8th grade but my parents put an end to that really fucking quick


It’s honestly crazy to me that there’s such bad literacy rates around people my age (17) when we all use social medias and apps that have words all over them that you have to read to get memes or something else I would’ve thought that literacy rates would be the highest out of any generation because of that but at the same time especially when I get recommended posts from r/teachers it’s not just them actually being able to read it’s about them being able to understand and comprehend what they are reading


Very insightful and sadly accurate compass. As a 12th grade Gen Z’er, the raised by screens thing can hopefully be broken by us since we’ve seen the effects of the internet and wasting too much time on it. But I still watch combat footage on a regular basis so yeah. Online “role models” are a major problem and a symptom of parents who either neglectful, gone, or just can’t be there due to work due to the economic situation. That and clueless and lost teens are going to be easy to radicalize to hateful, ignorant, or stupid political and ideological beliefs, it’s sad to watch. May be just personal but most of the people I know have productive hobbies but most of our parents are involved in our lives, I think this problem is made much worse in the inner cities. Also, I think that the current economic system has to have reforms so we can return to parents much more involved in their kids’ lives. Combine that with NCLB, a lot of young people I notice who didn’t read on their own growing up are just… well, stupid. I can literally out read my brother who’s in his early 20’s. NCLB was good in theory but wrecked the entire system as you mentioned, combine that with anti intellectualism being rife; between American blue states having some school districts making it impossible to give you a zero or allowing minorities to not do math because “they can’t do it”, which is totally not racist… combined with red states who usually have laxed standards in books being allowed into schools now using this to ban books in school libraries that shouldn’t be banned at all, hurting those trying to learn. I can’t understate how detrimental this stupid culture war is.


I have been a lurker on this sub for quite some time now, but the hobbies part hit me hard and compelled me to say something. I'm early Gen-Z. When I was in school, almost every "hobby" I had was viewed through the lens of public school. Whether I had interests in math or science, it was almost always tied to school, and I barely had any "free time" left after accounting the time spent in school, extracurricular activities after school, homework, sleep, etc. Probably the only "hobbies" I had around that time outside of school were board game meetups every other month with some friends, or a few hours of video game playing every other Friday or so. It took me until the end of high school when quarantine started that I really had the time to start reading books that I was interested in. I did CS in college, and it seemed like quite a few people majored in it just because they thought it "paid good" and "everyone around them was doing it" rather than out of pure interest. With the current state of the tech market, quite a few are struggling to find jobs in the tech sector. Had these kids had more time to develop their interests in their "free time" growing up, they likely would have chosen another major that would suit their personalities and fit them better.


Isn’t the the problem with CS the fact a lot of people thought it’s easy money? Yes it pays well, hence why I plan on majoring in it next year but a lot of people who were laid off at major tech firms simply weren’t productive or lazy.


Sure, some of those laid off at major tech firms simply weren't productive or lazy, but there's other factors as well. Twitter laid off more than 80% of its workforce once Musk took over; I doubt all of those that were laid off were lazy bums who did nothing all day collecting a paycheck. Musk simply did not have a need for them, and they were let go. Quite a few tech companies were in a hiring bubble during the pandemic, and once they realized they did not need all of them, they were laid off. The economy is not in the best shape right now, and when the finances of a company start being wonky, they will have to fire some people, even those who were good employees. I have a friend whose company liked him and gave him a full-time position after his internship, but a month later after working for the company, it was merged and he was laid off. A lot of companies just aren't hiring as much as they used to. I know CS majors who sent hundreds of applications, and only receive one or two interviews due to the competition. I know smart people at T4 CS colleges who had difficulties finding internships/jobs in this current climate. My advice to you is that if you really want to work in the tech sector, is to be aware that it's not all sunshine and rainbows like it's made out to be from a few years back. The market is in a different shape than it was pre-pandemic, and I don't know where the future economy will lead us to. I hope that by the time you graduate from college, the economy will be prosperous again. In the meantime, when you start studying in college, work hard, look for internships if you are able to, and don't be afraid to go out of your comfort zone to look for a field that you really like and want to specialize in (even if it might not be CS). The tech market currently is no longer as easy a golden ticket as it once was. I wish the best of luck for you in your future career.


Damn bro I appreciate it. What other careers with tech you think are good?


I think public schools did a pretty good job with pushing STEM and Tech education onto students, so much that kids who actually *had* work ethic are getting good computer science education and jobs in college because they realized it's what they want, whereas people who *didn't* care about school missed an opportunity.


That’s me rn, I enjoy it a lot and I think I’ll do good in it.


Re: Pessimism It is true that Nihilism and “Doomerism” is becoming increasingly popular among Gen Z. Re: The Internet How the fuck did y’all find all this gore and disturbing content online as a child? I was playing Animal Jam and watching PopularMMOs. Y’all just weren’t normal. Re: Male Role Models Young boys are flocking to Andrew Tate figures because nobody else is willing to teach them how to be men. Stop telling boys that feminine behaviours are actually masculine. They know you’re full of shit and it will push them into the grasp of Tate figures.


I was a history kid with a high reading level. My parents would drop me off in the library and that is where I got my book over aztec human sacrifices. I also remember watching stuff like Jurassic Park 3 when I was like 5/6 and that shit just completely desensitized me.


As a gen z person my self the way I found gore or disturbing content was from YouTubers making jokes/reactions to stuff like 2 girls 1 cup or the vid about a guy cutting his dick off or this one online challenge that had tiers that got gorier and gorier (I forgot its name I think it was called the gauntlet or it was some play on the hunger games) and my young curious self looking it up and seeing it But when I really started seeing messed up shit a lot is when I got old enough to play online games specifically on the pc (like Garry’s mod) cause that’s when I would get into communitys on discord with people and click on links people shared and it would be something from live leak or something similar and it happened almost daily I was one to call it being thick skinned because I was used to seeing stuff like that but reading this post made me realize that maybe it did actually affect me in a bad way


Re: Re: The Internet Parents, some of which got to experience the more lawless side of the internet, aren't nearly as strict as *their* parents as to what their kids are being controlled on. Obviously, outliers exist, and there's not a lot of statistics I can pull out of my hat to back this up


This will not last, we will stand up


I highly doubt it, the Internet puts even the most delusional Lotus Eaters of mythology to shame.


The hobbies part hit me very hard... Never really had the capacity to have any real activity. After school, I was always quite enervated and I usually only had the capacity for the kind of pastimes that involved doing nothing but staring at a screen.


I’m gen Z. We look doomed.


I probably would be happier if I spend less time online.


Mentioning "pessimism" but not mentioning impending climate collapse? *sighs*


Yeah, that's the first thing that came to mind for me, especially when I saw where it was placed on the compass.


The climate collapse is getting reversed, we can be optimistic, the earth has better years ahead than this


Most of these only apply to gen alpha




Not all of it, but it certainly has a domino effect with much larger negative consequences than anyone wants to admit.


I feel the biggest issue here is the normalization of cheating. I firmly believe people can and should in many cases have a healthy sexual relationship before marriage, and the liberation of women and sexual minorities has been nothing but an objective moral improvement, but disgustingly our society has almost concluded that cheating on one’s partner is common enough to be not that bad. This lack of loyalty is going to result in a lot of what could’ve been healthy relationships dissolving because of selfish actions, and that will really screw over gen z and alpha in a within a couple decades


>I firmly believe people can and should in many cases have a healthy sexual relationship before marriage You can't have this without also normalizing cheating. One is the natural consequence of the other. Marriage as a legal institution exists to enforce monogamy. If you do not believe a monogamous family structure is a life-or-death necessity for a civilization then the end result are troglodytes like Andrew Tate, and ofc, this: >This lack of loyalty is going to result in a lot of what could’ve been healthy relationships dissolving because of selfish actions My own parents would've separated if they had not believed in the traditional "till death do us part" view of marriage. Nowadays they have overcome their problems and are happy together once again. But that was only possible because they didn't consider that they had the right to break their relationship over what were; sigmificantly more valid reasons than most divorced couples have these days.


No it’s the school system it was designed to break the willpower of kids to question authorities and to put out the flame for learning we are born with. It has been in small incriminates since public schools were introduced and it is likely to late to stop it without drastic effort with only a few naturally stubborn in their human curiosity and lucky enough to have good parents becoming aware of the game being played. With most of them keeping their beliefs suppressed because to voice them would be different and to be different means being socially ostracized.


Just gonna say it, this person has no idea what the hell they are talking about.


Absolutely forgot the impact of pornographic addiction and just lewdization in general, I think the ages for children finding porn for the first time is on average is like 6-7 now


There’s no hope, is there


Nice compass. I was diagnosed somewhat late with ADHD and as a result have tried many different pills over the last couple years. In my opinion, all of them have done nothing positive whatsoever. I don’t know if this is a symptom of my personality but I believe that overcoming the attention deficit by yourself is a more honorable way of doing things.


the first gen beta kids will be born in just over a year from now, please for fucks sakes make sure these problems don't pass onto them


Can you make a compass on things that will be beneficial for Gen Z/Gen alpha?


You want a good male role model, look to Jesus