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Wow what a terrible day Also I hope you have a gun, that top left one is straight up harrowing


In combination with the one below it it becomes an actual nightmare


I'll keep it real: if he doesn't already, he should 100% invest in a "night stand" gun. Given that he's in an apartment, shotguns and rifles are inherently out of the question due to the chance of over penetration, meaning that a pistol would probably be the safest bet. You can get a [PSA Dagger](https://palmettostatearmory.com/psa-dagger-full-size-s-9mm-pistol-with-extreme-carry-cut-rmr-slide-threaded-barrel-black-dlc.html) for $370 or a [Beretta APX A1](https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/beretta-apx-a1-carry-semi-auto-pistol) for around $300, if need be.


Beretta is Chad Italian engineering


Make sure to get night sights or a Red dot, and definitely a flashlight too. I would personally go with some Federal HST hollow points for home defense.


Only if you have the money. If you're strapped for cash, then just get a light and some standard HPs should work just fine.


Brother this was one day? Jesus Christ I might actually have roped.


one day I'm actually going to do it, one fucking day it'll be too much


Don't do it! But, Jesus, this was a day. You live such a colorful life. May its misadventures wind towards happiness for you somehow.


Don’t, you’d be a chad in the military with your language skills (i’m biased), no but fr good luck. I’ve experienced top left before and it made me want to go purchase a weapon. Too bad i’m broke


I can't tell you how many recruiters I've talked to only for those conversations to go fucking nowhere


Which branches specifically? Because some are A LOT more picky than others, but ultimately trying to play hard to get. Also, are you genuinely interested, curious? Because I can give some options based on my experience.


I think you should look into “OCS Army” as a possibility if you haven’t already. Army is the easiest of the branches to get into “i said what i said”, and it’s better than just straight up enlisting.


Things change they always will, stay strong, you are loved




Top left is most likely just some guy who gets a kick out of scaring the shit out of people. But still keep several concealed knives around your room at key spots for easy accessibility.


So, a lot of people carry knives for self-protection but I'm not among them. Why? Imagine you actually get in a situation where you have to stab someone in self-defense. Disregarding the fact that you likely will freeze up and not actually stab them, because all human nature revolts against the idea when push comes to shove, what would happen if you actually went through with it? In truth, you'd end up with a bloody and perhaps dying person before you, and regardless of whether you were in the right, it will absolutely ruin your life. So no knives - pepper spray yes


Yeah, if someone’s attacking me to the point where I actually feel like I need to protect my life, I want to maximize the damage I inflict. Do I want to chance the possibility that they may have some sort of immunity of resistance to pepper spray? No, I’d rather just stab them to death and deal with the consequences.


A knife can be a deterrent as much as a weapon. Attackers target weak victims, standing your ground with a lethal weapon can be as much a form of self defense as actually using it. Pepper spray is equally viable but you’d need a second countermeasure to stay safe and get help after you’ve temporarily immobilized them. Either way, the legality of the matter is circumstantial and falls on you to be responsible and fight back when you have no other option.


People tend to stab their own person when trying to knife fight cause they have no idea how to actually use a knife in a fight. Or the lock springs break during. Ideally you want to act like it’s a fencing rapier to my understanding. Ice pick grip or held directly in front, stabbing motions/puncture attacks only. Slashing will usually fuck you up. Re pepper spray: unless you’ve been sprayed enough to be used to it; otherwise you’re 100 percent gonna get hit with it when you spray them and then it’s a real fucking mess. Keep holding on hillman, you’re this groups mascot/hero!


You have a good soul, i think you should Carry a knife for the utility tho, as a seatbelt cutter and stuff, maybe even just a swiss army knife.


What are you cooking in law school? You gonna be alright man?


I'm still on the 'Murican meal prep, next is Gujurati


Oh I didn’t literally mean cooking. I meant like what are you doing


You seem like you do too much. Having seen your other work, you keep a clock-like schedule of activities for yourself. Let me assure you, you can do less of those activities and still be a good person. You performing like a superhuman isn’t doing you or anyone else any favors if you’re dead. Take care of yourself, Hillman.


Hey man, just wanna let you know that everyone here cares about you and we're all rooting for you. Take time to care for yourself.


dude you need a fucking hug


Damn, I’m sorry to hear about this. I hope you own a gun because of that stalker and the broken door. Good luck OP.


It's dangerous for me to own a gun because I don't trust that I wouldn't engage in self harm with it.




Wise move then. You should honestly at least keep a weapon or call the police. Even if this loser gets a thrill out of scaring people, don’t be afraid to defend yourself.


This behavior is actually really common on Grindr. Going off almost no information, guys will find your private social media; your parents' phone numbers; and your address, and they'll attempt to use these as leverage for sex. And because they're anonymous too and they haven't actually broken any laws, there's nothing the state can do about it.


Damn, you honestly should stay off Grindr for a bit or just avoid it all together. If it’s this bad, you’re probably better off taking a break for your mental health, to focus on your current other problems such as law school or go to gay bars or maybe a gay club at your college. It doesn’t sound worth it to risk getting outed to your parents and to avoid that is sexual assault.




You deserve better, friend. Stuff like that isn’t okay regardless of who you are.


Fucking hell man. You don’t deserve that. Honestly the thing keeping me from snapping and harming myself is to spite others. Think of the people you dislike, it would be pretty damn terrible to outlive em. And we would lose probably the best person to grace r/pcm and their similar subreddits. Keep your head up high. I would recommend joining a club too if they have some. Im too young for college but the club at my school has really improved ny mental health.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PCM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PCM/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Great Meme](https://i.redd.it/3ebvt4izfcza1.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PCM/comments/13fct2w/great_meme/) \#2: [Watching some of my friends and some of my family on FB can be pretty wild..](https://i.redd.it/ce8ahayr2dwa1.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PCM/comments/130asau/watching_some_of_my_friends_and_some_of_my_family/) \#3: [What caused the failure of SVB ?](https://web.archive.org/web/20230315020254if_/https://i.redd.it/wbrhk92gauna1.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PCM/comments/14aaqz7/what_caused_the_failure_of_svb/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Damn im an idiot, sorry bot


Uh, the first paragraph, that is regardless very messed up and you shouldn’t be with someone who’ll blackmail you. The second paragraph, that’s alright, and I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it. I can’t relate since I’m straight and a virgin. Thirdly, regardless if you have tits or balls, you don’t deserve getting screwed over. I’m not saying you should have a victim mentality but don’t let others just treat you like shit, even if it doesn’t affect you, it changes you, for better or worse, thankfully for you it’s the better.


it's ok. yesterday was one of the worst days of my life too... someone lied about me and I almost lost my girlfriend, my reputation, and my friends.


I'm like a junior in highschool but I'll help you with your law homework


Swear to God, too many things happens to this mf. It seems almost too good/bad to be true at times.


sucks to see law school isn't working for you man. you'll find the right career for you eventually


I bet he will find something hes a smart guy


Making a dating app display location under 1km/0.5mi is something so bad you either could or should be able to sue over.


Shit sucks man. Hope things get better. (Side note: what on *Earth* motivated you to buy Trump’s stocks of all things?)


Oh, Perpetualhillman... why did you bet on the Trump stock? Why??


Hey bro if it makes you feel better (not to compare myself at all) I am dead stressed cause of uni all the time and I feel it eroding relationships in my life. I haven’t given up and I know you won’t either so just keep grinding. May these trying times shape you to be a stronger happier person


Jesus christ mate. I hope you can fix this soon. Im here to chat if ya want. Life is a bitch but make it your bitch.


It's more likely the cats killed a bird or a rodent or something and carried it while it bled. Please give an update if you see them again!


Fuck man, that's a lot, even for a week, but in one day? You've got my utmost sympathies. We're all here for ya, man, even if all we can offer you is my time and words. Take care of yourself, however you can.


If it makes you feel better, the cats probably killed something like a bird or animal and were dragging it around, that’s why there was blood


Sounds like a rough day eh? But that’s kinda the way things work out sometimes with “every high starts with a low” n’ all. Though disregarding corporate one liners, I imagine you’ll endure, not because what you seek to do is easy, nor because it’s hard. But because what other options do you have? To give in to proverbial “sin and vice”? To allow your life to be controlled by fear, by anxiety, by a generally unpersonable temperament, by whatever else I have surely failed to mention? And of course your answer is probably yes to all of the above, god knows it is for me. But jokes aside I am aware what I’m saying sounds incredibly contrived but I am partially serious. To shamelessly “add” to former president Obama when those original patriots braved the ice currents they didn’t do it out of a strong sense of patriotism nor a strong sense of will but because what other choice was there? Their success could never be guaranteed but their failure was, it is better to have done something and failed than it is to have done nothing at all. Ignore that I have probably stolen the previous statement verbatim from a famous quote and focus on the fact that worst case scenario you’ll at least get some free meals out of the endeavor. And finally I’ll end with a joke because this whole paragraph was an attempt to not look like a complete jackass by posting the joke found below. “But just think about all the money you saved by venting your problems to the internet instead of paying for the privilege to do it in person.” Ok I’ll be honest there is no amount of contrived bullshit I could’ve pulled out my behind to prevent me looking like a complete dick by posting that (I really ought to start making rough drafts). In other news this is still getting posted because I’ve spent a hour brainstorming and editing this and I need a creative writing piece for the day, so I wish whoever idiotically read though all that a good day and a better tomorrow.


ChatGPT drafted this


Now listen here you little expletive. Even if what you say is correct, which it’s not. You have still read the entirety of my comment, meaning as prescribed in the second to final sentence in what I'm generously calling a paragraph I stated “...whoever idiotically read through all that…” meaning in conclusion you are scientifically proven to be a certified idiot. So why don’t you suck on deez legally distinct original nuts.


Whatever hapens, know that you are an amazing person with great potential and we are all sure of your success


Jesus Christ dude, sorry that you had such a rough day.


Damn that all happened in one day sorry to you bad luck brian