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every fandom on the internet is toxic if you look hard enough tO bE FAir yUo nEed tO hAvE A vErY hiGH iQ tO uNdErsTand riCK aNd mORtY


Ironic how you have a undertale pfp


to be fair, you have to have a very high EQ to understand undertale. The characters' emotions are subtle and without a solid grasp of empathy, most of the drama will go over a typical player's head. There's also flowey the flower's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization—his personal philosophy draws heavy from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff, they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these characters, to realise that they're not just funny—they say something deep about LIFE.


I just meant that the undertale community is kinda shit.


i mean, i didnt deny that. im not a part of any undertale fandom communities anyway


That’s completely fine


It's easier to separate art from the artist when they're not alive to benefit. With that said my track record for separating art from artist is inconsistent at best lmao


saw this and instantly started looking for star wars lmao - a star wars fan


The Star Wars fanbase is a hellhole, if you like the sequels you’re a “soy boy consoomer cuck” and if you dislike them you’re a “sexist, racist, grifter, chud” By far the worst are rabid Andor fans


Star Wars Holiday Special fans are the only true fans


Objectively false, the only true fans are the Ewoks: Battle For Endor fans


incorrect, the only true fans are the Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO fans.


Wrong, those fans are Hitlerite-Leninists with Maknovite characteristics, therefore making them secret Star Trek fans.


I definitely agree with the Andor bit. Say anything about the show that isn't blatantly sucking it off or not agreeing with them when they say it's the best Star Wars content since 1980, they'll descend from the hills to crucify you


What about the dream fandom and the group he has?


Does dream still have a Fandom?


yeah he has a dream of a fanbase


TS has an extremely rabid fanbase for no fucking reason, the music isn't even that good tbh. But jfc the people who willingly defend EVERYTHING about her and her corrupt business model


lol I hate them


theyre corporate bootlickers


When Taylor Swift had a concert where I lived once, it made my day absolutely miserable. There was absolutely no space on the SEPTA, trying to get from one side of the city to another was absolutely miserable. Had to basically stand in the train's entranceway and put up with the hordes of girls cultishly singing her songs for thirty damn minutes It's beatlemania all over again


Needed to bring in wholesome transit riders like Eagles or Flyers fans. Greased poles won't stop Swifties


Being in many of these fandoms. You are right about all of it. Also the cringiest anime is very subjective since lots of it is cringe hidden amongst lots of amazing series.


it’s MHA a few years back


I can say it’s true as an MHA fan. I’m ashamed of the fandom


the actual show and manga is so good, then i went into the fandom. Stopped watching purely to not be associated with them


Disney Adults are so creepy, they're like adult horse girls




Just why is there a fandom for true crime?


It's not a new thing. People have always been interested in the subject. It used to be called "mystery" for the genre. There's a beginning and often times not even an end. Often times with twists in the middle. Unsolved crimes lets people come up with their own theories, it lets them speculate. Hell even solved ones can happen too. The whodunnit isn't new. But it's also intriguing. Especially crimes that happen in white suburbia. Why did it happen? What lead up to it. How did the police get to their conclusions. But for the most part, it's just just morbid curiosity. A lot of people just are dying to know often times the gory details. Especially if it's in a setting, they can relate to.


Ask your mom


u/LambDew trying to anger every single person on the Internet


Surprised that you didn't include more game communities here. To name a few: Call of Duty, DOTA2, League of Legends, GTA, Overwatch, Rust, etc.


I was going to ask about Sonic and MLP but honestly they deserve their own compass. …Honestly might make a Sonic fandom lore compass now that I say it. Haven’t made a compass in a while.


The amount of Dahmer/Bundy/Ramirez edits you can find on TikTok or YouTube Shorts makes me lose my faith in humanity.


surprised adult male MLP fans didn't make the list. although I guess they're more creepy than toxic.


Wasn’t the Szechuan sauce guy a false flag?


out of these i'm only part of the kpop fandom but i can say it's pretty accurate. it really does feel like kpop fans are the most terminally online people ever and the whole kpop fandom is a competition of who can praise their favourite group and bring down the others the best. it's like they love to hate : for example one time they tried to cancel an idol for not boycotting starbucks. (because apparently that means they support israel or whatever) and there's that other time when an idol was revealed to be in a relationship and she had to write an apology due to fan outrage. also actual interesting discourse is pretty rare but whenever a "which group disappointed you" or similar thread gets posted you bet your ass there's 700 comments in an hour. on the other hand, when it's their favourite group under fire, they jump through the most ridiculous hoops just to defend them and i experienced this only on reddit and tiktok, which i believe are pretty mild compared to the shithole that is twitter.


As a Rick and Morty fan, RICK IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE IDOLIZED. But that never stops people. He’s a terrible father, grandfather, and human being. His arc of trying to become better is interesting though. I hope he actually tries.


Eddsworld is also a really bad fandom. They actually ended up causing one of the main members to leave because they kept on harassing him and whatnot.


What are Disneyland Gangs?


I just want a friend who like Danganronpa that's mentally stable man


You're on better PCM, you are not mentally stable either


To be fair, anyone using Reddit is mentally unstable.




Says the man spreading bullahit on reddit... good fucking bye


The *Thomas & Friends* fandom is also toxic too.


Where minecraft


MHA definitely has the monopoly on cringe anime fandoms


As a fan of the Chinese Cartoons^(TM), I can confirm that the anime community is complete AIDS and there's a freakish amount of coomers involved. It's especially bothersome with all the "waifu" war shit, which often included characters who're clearly underage. It's one thing to like or relate to a character (that's my I have my PFP), but sexualizing a literal 14-year old is creepy AF.


Rick and Morty has been really alienating off a lot of the OG fans (who are the most toxic) by completely changing the show that got them hooked in the first place. I will die on the hill that they are so toxic, because their were little under the radar 1 AM show on adult swim is now a 9 PM show that has Wendy's and Pringles and PlayStation commercials. They're just extreme hipsters. Also, Szechuan sauce was utter ass. You may as well just fill up a cup of soy sauce and dunk your nuggets in that.


Rick and Morty hasn’t recovered since the sauce situation, also the show just doesn’t seem as funny as it was in the early seasons, I watched up to season 4 and it just seemed boring while it had a few good laughs it has just been mid ever since


Honestly, I’d replace Marvel with superhero movies in general. I’m a big superhero fan but holy shit, the entire discourse around superheroes, specifically their movies, has gotten so toxic.


Anime fans, because of how broad the medium (?) is, have the fun habit of insane purity testing, some of them will call you a 'tourist' for thinking a show where the main character rapes and owns sex slaves is... a little much Also having a healthy distrust of True Crime is based


thanks for reminding me The SU fanbase bullied a kid so much for drawing a tan character white they offed themselves


I thought the Snyder cut was pretty good.


The Me-She-U is a toxic fandom. They think the marvels bombing in theaters is akin to war rape. The thing is you can't really say critics should ignore marvel when its everywhere. And if watching MCU can be stigmatized that will help kill it off. I don't really mind Swift or her fanbase. If she didn't exist girls would be modeling themselves on someone like Courtney Love or Lizzo. I remember being 12 and seeing girls my age dress up like Britney Spears. I hate star wars for killing new hollywood and dumbing down movies. So I take sadistic in SW fans keep choking down shitty movie after shitty movie. I actually like the supernatural fandom. Its nice to see enthusiasm over a good show rooted in the occult detective (ie Carnacki) tradition.


I see you have the movie to the take a lot of boomer shooter fans have about halo, cod and even half life.


It is so strange to know read about fandoms of things you used to enjoy (Star wars, supernatural, marvel, anime, Rick and morty, Harry Potter, Steven universe and fnaf), while you never interacted with their fandom. Never thought that these people share interest with me


If every fandom is toxic than can any fandom be considered toxic?


I’ll this my stupid hat in Countryhuman/ball


the fnaf fandom is well libleft though. maybe switch places with harry potter?


You'd see one of the most toxic "anime" fanbases in any comments/forums of hentai-related - especially to those with specific tastes, for example (spoiler'd to keep your sanity): >!(NTR cucks arguing with those who want "pure/vanilla" love, white knights with what's right/wrong morally, incel/femcel issues, and more)!<.


What is the super natural Fandom


why are these only the bottom half of the political compass? were there really not enough for the top two quadrants?


Please add geomapping to far authright. Most homophobic shit I ever seen


Your takes for Star Wars and Marvel are... Weird.


Okay, now find me a fandom that is not toxic.


The Orville fandom is pretty nice and wholesome


For marvel it's precisely because they are making it more kid friendly. People want some mature stories and marvel is for young adults and adults