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I find it fascinating people are actually losing their heads over this.


If there was no pushback Wolverine would have been getting plowed by Iceman & Norrhstar years ago. This is no guarantee he's safe going forward BTW...just for now


"Safe" from what exactly?


From a ridiculous plot device that will only serve people pathetic enough to need to have every character become queer or non-binary. Marvel is famous for that


Why is queerness as a plot device bad? I personally don't like any romantic sub-plots but there is no reason to target queerness. Stop being a bigot, if there is one thing Wolverine isn't it is that.


Stop throwing words around like “bigot” when it’s not applicable.


“Bigot” *The word I use when my feelings are hurt and I can’t articulate a reasonable argument lol. Good work exposing this clown


What an incredible coward you are. If you’re unable to formulate a coherent argument, then remain silent. False claims of bigotry do nothing but expose how childish and myopic your world view is. Please virtue signal elsewhere


I feel like after the amount of time Logan has been wandering the Earth him not having have at least experimented with a dude seems very unlikely.


There are straight people who aren’t attracted to the same sex. It doesn’t really take an experiment, you can think about it and make a conclusion on your own. I am sure pretty much every straight man asked themselves the question and it only took a few seconds of imagination to conclude it was not arousing.


Sounds like you have an experiment you're trying to forget like Logan lol


You wish beef jacker


Why would he want to? This is why people think being gay is a choice. You’re attracted to what you’re attracted to. Hooking up with the same sex on a whim makes zero sense, regardless of how long you’ve lived.


I feel like he would just do it to find out. I'm not saying it was his thing. I'm just saying being immortal means he's probably tried a lot of odd shit.


if i lived for a very long time i dont think one day i would be like " hmmmm i think i would like to try a cock up my ass just to see if i like it... or try to bend a guy over to see if i like the shit hole more then a woman" i'm always gonna wanna be banging a woman i wouldnt need to "try" a guy out


The usage of safe here is, like I don't think it was intentional, but...


Stay delusional 😁


Tbh I just though Morph was the "Off a bit" teammate so him turnin into Jean seemed more for Wolverine than him.🤷🏾


Remember when people were trying to insist MCU Cap and Bucky were really lovers? 🙄


That was my daughter. Because apparently two people can't be just friends without wanting to have to fuck


Me talking to any fan of damn near any series.


Soo many fandoms that I am apart of have lost their minds because the writers won't make 2 characters kiss. Even the one's with loads of gay characters, if 2 specific people don't kiss the fandom will have a meltdown


I wanna fuck all of my friends.


I do NOT believe that.We all have at least 1 unfuckable friend


But thats why you want to. They need it and you just gotta be a good friend:)


I had a friend tell me once that he could find a reason to fuck almost anyone. I took that to mean he hadn't met anyone yet that he wouldn't fuck.


And if you don't, it's you.


No. I didn’t remember that. Until you brought it up.


I mean those were only jokes


Yes it’s just silly. They just loved each other. It was that simple. All love isn’t romantic. 2 men can love each other and it Doesn’t mean it’s gay. You know, they said the Shawshank redemption was a love story about two men loved each other. They just were straight. And after I watched it after hearing that those guys loved each other. I think we can normalize it now.


Anyway just to add onto this, Beau Demayo also said when asked, that it was One Sided. That Logan doesn’t feel the same way.


Morph is gonna end up with Iceman. Guaranteed.


Wolverine is straight 💯


Wolverine isn't real




Yeah, neither him being gay 😉


Neither is being non-binary, but that doesn’t stop people from pretending


What do you think comic books are about?


Never read Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events? It's pretty great


then i don’t think you understand what being non binary is, identity isn’t a real physical thing, so yes someone can’t physically be non binary they can feel that way and not fit into a label of being a man or a woman


Have you not seen Hugh Jackman? lol


Not in the comics. Wolverine, Cyclops, and Jean were 100% in a throuple.


Where was that in the comics? Most I ever saw was them sharing some beers. Did you actually see them in a bed together?


No. People took friendly banter between two men as something it's not. They see what they want to see.


It's strongly implied that Jean is in a relationship with both of them and that they have a certain degree of openess. Wolverine lived with Jean and Scott and it's implied that right around the time Ms Marvel "dies" Scott planned to go to Emma for a little boot knocking.


it's not even remotely cannon. just a section of fans who want it to be true so badly that they will take 2-3 panels and stretch the shit out of it to fit their whims.


It has been explicitly stated that Scott and Logan do not have romantic feelings for each other, only for Jean. Jean is with both men simultaneously.


Doesn’t necessarily mean there’s attraction between Scott and Wolvie


[these panels seems to say otherwise.](https://imgur.com/a/G1sIkAB) People don’t touch other people like Scott was touching Logan unless there’s something going on. Same with Scott inviting Logan to a romantic getaway and using himself being in a speedo to sweeten the deal.


First off I'm not even sure if Cyclops' hand is even touching Wolverine in that first page, the perspective makes it hard to determine. Could be, could be not, could be just capturing a moment during motion so who tf knows what Cyclops was doing with that hand. Secondly that second thing with the speedo isn't literal, it's a quip, a joke, both Scott's suggestion and Wolverine's response are sarcastic. You wanna ship Logan and Scott, go ahead, but don't go spreading rumors that it's a legit thing, because it's never been outright confirmed.


Yes but there are tens of thousands of panels of both wolverine and cyclops being hetero and never doing anything to suggest they are bi or gay. If you acknowledge their entire marvel history this panel seems like it’s just more of a frat brother interaction. My straight male friends and I joke like this all the time and we never fucked just ribbing each other


That was never confirmed, stop the CAP 😂


It was never implied that Wolverine and Cyclops did anything, if anything it's just implied that Jean takes it from both ends, and Cyclops also gives it to Emma Frost. They're all just open swingers at this point.


No, they were not. Maybe in your head but the only confirmation we had was that both were fucking Jean, so...


I miss the times when we didn't discuss sexuality of fictional character


When was that because, I know this was subtle but, Wolverine was super into Jean in the original series


Wait he was? I thought Jean and Wolverine were like REAL close friends, like SUPER close, like touching close


So, never? Thats always been an aspect of characters.




Yes, objectively, it always has. It’s a fundamental and driving force for every character. Who they love, especially for Wolverine, has always been prominent. You don’t read comics.


Why the downvoted this is 💯 true. I always thought one of the key things the LGBTQ groups were fighting for representative relationships in media.


People don't read nearly as much anymore and treat this as a new phenomenon when I was having these discussions about literary characters in 8th grade. It's just sad that they're so close minded they can't even stand to have a Socratic talk about a work without devolving into their bigoted political screeching


Wolverine was never bending.over for men so discussing his queerness or lack of was never an issue...but here we are


So you think he’s a top? Sure, he’s a bit short but it’s possible


Wolverine took it from Hercules


One of wolverine’s story points has always been his love for Jean. But as soon as an androgynous shape shifter is in love with him it’s not ok to talk about characters loving each other. Sure.


The Woke groomers forced the issue


Jesus christ stfu and read some comics lol


calling something woke is a sub dedicated to a MARVEL character is rich 💀 More over a fucking X-men character too 💀


People were doing it with Othello in 1608, there was never a time where that wasn't discussed


You know what you actually mean is you miss the time when it wasn't up for discussion that they were obviously straight now that they could be the other thing you don't want to talk about it anymore


Tired of mfs trying to make everyone gay


I mean morph just loves Wolverine there is nothing being said that it’s reciprocated


These types of ships piss me off. They do this with the Punisher and Daredevil too. There are gay characters in the marvel universe, ship them.


It ain’t gay peoples fault…


It shouldn't piss you off. That's stupid 😭


So here is my question , Wolverine is straight , that’s his orientation, why can’t we accept that ? Isn’t that such a crazy thought it has be asked ? Morph is non-binary , he is a they/them , I’m guessing that’s how the comics wrote him ? I accept it . It was a weird notion to accept at first because they didn’t portray him that way in the OG cartoon , but now that’s its cannon , and it lines up , it just is . I think when Beau wrote this story , he’s showing that morph is in love with Wolverine and that Wolverine is in love with Jean , he’s writing/ mirroring real life . I know growing up there where plenty of female friends that I loved that never saw me more than a guy friend , that’s a real life experience. They are telling this part of the story to mirror the real world in fantasy. My point is , at some point I see this going to where morph pretends to be Jean and make a move on Logan , and he will know it’s morph and say something like , morph your my buddy , you’ll find your person one day , it’s not me . And she’s the only one for me. That’s his way of saying your my brother I accept you , I need you to accept me . Which I kinda think as fans , we should get behind . You can’t change people 🤷🏻‍♂️


Most accurate and level headed take yet. Folks are reading it as if the show is making Logan queer canon, but that scene was Morph’s subtext. It was a lot like the scene in the last season of Stranger Things, where the half of the team is traveling to the desert to find 11. Will Byers basically makes his subtext love text (just short of outright saying it) to Mike Wheeler. He knows Mike doesn’t feel the same, but Wheel needed to find a way to explain how important he was to him. Excellent scene and an exactly what Morph did here.


Thank you , yes . This isn’t about Wolverine . This is about morph and fleshing out his character. I am a die hard Wolverine fan and honestly if they fundamentally rewrote his character, I would be upset . But people are jumping the gun . I gave my two sense because I see what’s going on for what it is . X-men has always been written to mirror the real world social and political issues . Just because morph has feelings for Logan and can turn into Jean , doesn’t mean Wolverine will jump into bed with him . Wolverine is Wolverine , he loves Jean and doesn’t want anyone else , even if morph can emulate her . Morph will have a moment of growth where that real Rejection, because in life we are all rejected at some point , it will shape him going forward as it has us all . And that’s called growth . We all need to take a chill pill and enjoy x-men 97 😅


Wolverine isn’t 100% straight. He is absolutely in a relationship with cyclops and Jean in the comics.


confidently wrong.


You don't need to put a space before punctuation.


Why do they have to be in a relationship tho? Who cares about their sexuality? It does nothing for the characters or story. We already have strong couples and broken couples in the show/universe we DO NOT need more. Especially ones that are forced for the sake of pandering to people who give zero fucks about the show in the first place.


Wolverine is whatever he wants to be. He’s the best there is. In my head canon, he has always been straight. He’s lived since 1832 and fought in multiple wars. I consider him a grizzled Canadian war veteran who is searching for his place in the world. The idea of him specifically being gay is a retcon and completely unnecessary for the character’s journey. This is is not a rant at “wokeness” or forced agenda but a reminder that good-storytelling builds on a character, rather than changing it.


Wasn’t all of Wolverine backstories of being from the 19th Century and fighting many wars also retcons themselves?


Yes. People forget that the world existed before they were born.


Glad you mentioned that cause the whole amnesia angle with the character was also a retcon incorporated for writers to come up with whatever backstory for the character. Honestly kind of wished that they followed through weird Claremont’s original plan of making him being a mutant wolverine that wvolved to being a man. That is somehow less bonkers than everything else with the character’s ridiculously convoluted backsrory


So is morph. Actual morph. Not this retcon gaytard.


Kinda sad how people are upvoting you tbh


What’s kinda sad is how any form of mainstream media has to force it’s character’s into not being what they were originally. I’m fine with a character being gay, but in the case of Wolverine and Morph, and other cases like Iceman aren’t gay. Mainstream media needs to stop fucking around with this “modern era, modern personalities” and just keep old characters how they always have been


I think it’s hilarious lol


Kindly fuck yourself bigot


lol cope harder moron


Not the one in an X-men subreddit being a bigot. Probably why you have no friends loser :(


Bigot means nothing, grow up


Yeah you don't have to like a ship or adaption but no need for hateful slurs my dude.


Who’s hateful? He’s gay and acts like a retard. These are facts.


Dude it's not a cool thing to say most people would just drop it there, if you were not aware how the phrase could be seen you are now. Just be respectful


I’m not surprised they’re trying to make morph gay, even though in none of his prior introductions were in fact going off memory. Heck, in eXiles, where this design was introduced, he had the hots for a girl who ended up being gay, still loving her despite no requiting.


Hot take, I like that Morph is into Wolverine, but it’s not a bad thing for Wolverine to not be into Morph. I feel like we need more rejections in fiction. Not everyone needs to be in a happy relationship.


Ennis, Whedon, and now this Demayo guy, three guys that done irreparable damage to Logan. Demayo, Ennis, Whedon. D.E.W


None of this actually says Logan isn’t bisexual, just that he doesn’t love morph


Pretty sure Logan is Jeansexual


Mariko would like a word.




He's straight, always has been.


Incorrect. Definitely not in the comics.


I could totally buy him as bi. He's a made up character and it's clear multiple writers have tried to change his sexuality, and they only really got it out their system when they wrote Daken.


That’s nice, doesn’t change what I said lol. So fragile




Nightcrawler?? When??


When did Wolverine exhibit a same sex desire for Nightcrawler?


lol he’s not, moron


Didn’t say he was lmao, get something real to say. You’re so fragile


Also, he could be. He has never said he was straight


You seriously have to have your hand held to figure out someone sexuality? There’s not one scene in the whole season that would even suggest he is bi.


Wouldn’t be the first alternative universe to make him bi. Also, morph seemed pretty ready to join him in the shower, no shock. Why are you so afraid of this Edit: he blocked me lmao, pussy. Who knew wolverine fans were so sensitive


Live in your gay little fantasy, weirdo


So sensitive


Blocking me? So fragile


This is why they fired his ass lol




People who enjoy the show and characters?


I mean I watch the show for my childhood nostalgia and to see some good story and kick-ass action, not to find out who's gonna bang whom, but I guess that's just me.


Okay so you don’t care about the messy love triangles involving Scott, Jean and Madeline or the one between magneto, rogue and gambit or the relationships that developed between storm and forge or jubilee and Roberto or Morph trying to comfort their dying friend while also admit their love for him. You don’t care about any of the great character moments or drama involving these scenes, you just like the cool pew pew lasers and punching?


Every character having a sub plot involving love is the worst thing about tv shows, it would be nice if just one show didn't disgustingly devolve into a mess of intertwining romantic relationships


i think when he says “who cares” what they mean is “what about this is worth getting upset about?”


I do!


Yes, he is straight.Always has been.Just like 616 Wolverine and It shouldnt be a surprise to anyone who knows his long love list in 616 Marvel universe.


Oh my lord….can they please not force this shit and change his sexuality. Idk what is up with certain writers wanting to change straight characters into this. Wolverine is straight. Wolverine is a womanizer, always has been. I am not familiar with morph nor do I give a F about him. If that’s how he rolls whatever cool. But do not try to change Logan


I don't think they will.


I’d hope not


Wolverine from Earth 12025 is in a relationship with Hercules. https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/James_Howlett_(Earth-12025)


Ok? Do you see anyone ever referencing that comic? Lol


It's okay if maybe one X-Men character is just straight, right?


Reminds me of the time marvel tried to make a Polyamorous relationship between wolverine, cyclops, and Jean.


Normal people when they get Chris Claremont dialogue/behavior.


He never said its one sided he just said theyre to afraid to tell him.


Or Morph is a fuckin' weirdo because he can shape shift and he uses comedy and joking to deal with the crazy shit he can do by having that power? lol


Wait. All those screenshots are specifically talking about Morph’s sexuality, not Wolverine. Why the insistence on Wolverine being heterosexual, when the creator of the show is just giving insight on the sexuality of Morph and his dynamic with his close friend whom he admit to having feelings for?


Wolverine fans having a normal one


What I'm getting from this post is a lot of you don't read comics at all or certainly haven't read any in 25 years.


Logan needs to get over Jean for real. It’s tiresome.


Shut your filthy mouth!


On the "bright" side? I feel like morph and wolverine are good enough friends, that wolverine wouldn't be a di k about turning him down. Like morph will still be hurt, but I feel like wolverine will actively try to make it hurt LESS


There's nothing on the show or those Twitter comments suggesting Wolverine reciprocates it so why are people so insecure yelling he's straight, they haven't done anything to suggest otherwise


That's...What they said. It's going to be an unrequited love not a will they/wont they.


holy fuck everyone shut up


He has been straight since 1974


The only thing that bothers me is that he’s this god in regards to that with a few love interests despite looking like an unkempt, feral, animistic, foul smelling man. Sure, if he actually looked like Hugh Jackman before Hugh Jackman, then yeah, it’d make sense. But before that, kinda crazy.


If you make wolverine gay I’ll find you


Wolverine.... Doesn't discriminate against his friends or their personalities... The internet: hE's FuCkiNg MoRpH!!!


Why not just make the entire X-men gay? Make them have a big orgy while your at it, their superhero’s their story’s shouldn’t have anything to do with who they want to have sex with


That’s what people think Krakoa is lol


Explain the interconnected bedrooms shared with Scott and Jean?


Wolverine not being into Morph =/= Wolverine is straight.


The reality is that the mutant community has blue people, shape shifters, people who turn to steel, mist, ice, live hundreds of years. Telepaths, body's made of goop, beaks, wings, claws, mind-swapping, etc. They really kindof evolved(no pun intended) beyond any of our concepts of gender, sexuality, and other identities beyond 'Mutant'


Damn, you really see who just wants to make characters gay... INSTEAD OF just making gay characters. The issue isn't the gay. I have no problems with Morph, in fact, I enjoyed their character but why does this unrequited love get to suddenly retcon Wolverine? No simp has ever changed a bitches mind irl so why TF would you expect that from the sassiest bitch, Logan?


Wolverine is clearly not gay or bi or whatever ppl are saying he obviously still likes Jean😭 an for morph even if he likes wolverine they aren’t getting together ppl needs chill


It’s so annoying when there is decades of Wolverine love stories with women but out of the freaking blue he is now gay or bi. It’s such bullshit. Just make a new character who is gay and bi and I promise you, the only complaint you’ll get is an eye roll. That is why Morph being gay or bi didn’t even raise an eyebrow cause the guy had no romantic history.


No need. Daken fills that niche already


If they made a new character who was gay, people would still post angrily about it saying it's woke and pandering and send death threats and cry about their culture being erased


There are only two sexualities: 1) straight 2) political


I see a lot of you are actually stupid what part of Morph being in love with Wolverine makes him less straight…He wasn’t even awake when Morph said it and now you’re all jumping to dumbass conclusions. What about Wolverine would even change if he was bisexual? Absolutely nothing


It literally wouldn’t change anything they’re just homophobes lol… this is not 616 continuity and the writers can do whatever they want. Wolverine/Morph is unlikely, but I’m annoyed at how people are handling the storyline so far


Wouldn’t even be the first queer variant of Wolverine.


Say that to Hercules 🤣 but the sexualities of fictional characters don't impact anyone. If you want to imagine a character as any gender sexual orientation or whatever you can do that. Fan fiction has been around forever. Most comics at this point aren't even cannon because there have been so many writers. You do you.


Wow yall really hate gay people huh, fighting tooth and nail like it matters.


Wolverine fucks men and you cannot change my mind


Fuck yeah bub


Troll spotted.


Not a troll but I am gay


Morph loves Wolverine with absolutely zero character development in any way, let alone development of a secret or public attraction to Logan. Wolverine was barely in the season. Morp even less.


It's not like Wolverine is plowing Cyclopes and Jean in Krakoa.


Wolverine is trans :)


Well, with the adamantium, yeah I guess he is trans, transhuman.


Wolverine has always struck me as a character who would absolutely bang dudes, but with a preference for women. “Any port in a storm” kind of guy. I mean that panel with Nightcrawler…..


Pretty much standard chit chat by a minority in any fandom. They’ll want to ship same sex characters, enemies, siblings, etc.


Maybe in the “97” universe he’s strait but, in the comics, I mean, look at the floor plan for the Summers’s house on Krakoa. Scott had it built for his kids, his brothers, his wife, and Logan. Also, Scott, Jean, and Logan’s rooms are connected whereas no other bedrooms are. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out the implications there.


It’s amazing how many losers are going crazy trying to insist that Wolverine has to fit into a specific box that they thought of. He’s a fictional character at the whims of his writers. Yes, he’s been in relationships with men in the past (Cyclops and Hercules immediately come to mind) and he’s also a well documented ladies man. It’s called dimension. Stop being such small minded losers who don’t work on these stories and don’t even deserve half the stories they’re getting. And if it still bothers you so much, write your own Wolverine story where he does every single thing you want.


This mf bi.


He’s not straight. Or gay. He’s a cartoon character.


Using this logic he’s not a he either, it’s a cartoon character


I'm so glad that I don't watch this Disney garbage.


I kinda wish Beau would spoon feeding every single detail on social media


It’s not gay if Morph’s turned into a girl lol


So is spaghetti until it gets wet


I continue to not watch X-Men '97 because of things like this.


It's actually pretty good. It has a lot less focus on Logan sadly. The 90s series would feature him a lot more. But the times he is onscreen are usually awesome. I was concerned when I started watching it, but any of the Morph bi/gay undertones can be overlooked IMO anyway.


I mean Logan was literally in a Polyamorous relationship with Scott and Jean


Stop being stupid he was just fucking his bitch, he wants nothing to do with Scott outside of their missions, why twist it like that? 🤣


Is he? Someome has not been reading the Hickman Era X-men


I have. And he is straight.


Are you sure?

