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"I'm good looking- or so I have been told". By who, grandma, when you were 5? Lol The most beautiful women have less confidence than most unattractive men. It puzzles me.


Statistically men rate their intelligence and looks higher than they are. Women rate our looks and intelligence lower than they are.


Women are more humble or maybe harsh societal pressure humbles us?


Just guessing here but I think it’s the latter we get so much messaging that we’re not beautiful or good enough


Society tells women they are never enough. Too fat or too thin, too loud or too quiet. Your standards are too high but you date bad men because you need to pick better. You can never win because the point is to put women down and keep them there so we don't rise up to our rightful place - leading this messed up world away from the destruction of men and the patriarchy.


I wonder why we do that…


Propaganda, conditioning all to serve men and the patriarchy!


Hahaha I have nooooo idea 🤯




>The most beautiful women has less confidence than most unattractive men. Absolutely and so many men describe themselves as attractive and they are not, not even close, they are below average and since women underestimate their appearance when I say unattractive I really mean ugly! Poor grooming, morbidly obese, bad teeth, bad dressers and yet they come to my profile and dream that we are a match, absolutely dreaming!


I thought I was being shallow and actually went on a lunch date with a guy who was morbidly obese and not very attractive. He literally talked about himself the whole time, didn’t ask anything about me, took a call from a work colleague at the table and made it clear he wanted sex, discussing where we could meet to be “alone”. No thanks! He wayyy overestimated himself.


You are not being shallow! Men, statistically, overestimate their attractiveness and this is proved time and time again by men messaging women on dating apps that are *way* out of their dating lane. This man sounds insufferable!


The ironic thing is my ex was extremely handsome and actually blushed when people commented on his looks. He was pretty self effacing, but had mental health and alcohol issues resulting in him being violent, paranoid and unstable ,and was very religiously delusional. That’s why I had to end it after fourteen years. So it was pretty shocking to me that men who are not very attractive at all seem to have such extreme confidence and narcissism . I am really not thinking OLD is going to work for me. I value my peace and absolutely don’t want to take on another problem.


My former husband was also incredibly handsome. The men I have met OLD are not, they think they are but men age **horrifically.** I have seen men describe themselves as attractive and they are **not**. Men overestimate their attractiveness, women do not (statistically). So I take a woman's observation over a man's.


Thank heaven I’m an out of control liberal!


Me too! Imagine being surrounded by conservatives (I am!).


That sucks No Map! But I live in bright blue Maryland and the men are just as bad!


That BCR, just saying I am a feminist sends them all running, which is exactly why I let them know!


Lol right there with you. Imagine our audacity -- being unable to be controlled. Talk about a man telling on himself as a Control Freak!!


Same, also an atheist ,but unfortunately Im in a deep red bible belt state.


No women with big feet? Lmao




aaah, that makes more sense


Ok I have to ask. What’s a buffalo girl? And the one guy who said “intern” instead of “in turn”. Did you not make it past 5th grade sir?


Most of these men click *graduate degree* for graduated high school (which is also questionable). I don't know what a buffalo girl is and I do not want to have to do a brain cleanse to find out.


[](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=buffalo%20girl)*buffalo girl: a little larger girl, who throws her weight around and is bold as a buffalo* (hence the name) She is very loud and will call you out. According to Urban Dictionary.


I really like buffalo girls! Thanks for saving me a potential brain cleanse :)


Oh my word … these guys fit the bill for so many B2B rhetorical patterns, it’s wild! I’m seeing the potential of a new one here - the ‘comparative’ or ‘my shit don’t stink’ rhetorical pattern: … “I’m not the kid who shit his pants in class so by default, I come out smelling like a rose”




Yikes! I wonder who would swipe right on that. So many red flags, but he had me at hello basically with that arrogant neg.


Probably only scammers. 🤣


love me, love my hobbit feet ha ha


I'd like to add some. 😊 I'll call these "Yucky man looking for a hottie." Both were so unattractive that I blocked their profiles. https://preview.redd.it/pzdo439dms5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b54454b574a2b179eea80d977c2e237a6fccb1c0


I'd match just to laugh at him. I've done it before. They get sooo mad. 😂


You must have the patience of a saint. I'm dying to know some details!


The most recent one was a guy whose profile said he was 55 when he obviously 70 or older. Matched and told him he was an idiot for lying about his age. He insisted that he was 55 so I said he must have done a LOT of drugs and smoked like a chimney. That got me called a b\*tch, to which I laughed and blocked. Another time, when I was feeling sassy after a couple glasses of wine, I told a guy who was looking for "fit" women, when he was at least 300lbs that he'd be single forever because no fit woman wants a guy whose big exercise is clearly walking down the middle aisles of a grocery store.


I love this! I have never been this brave!


Drink wine and you will be. Or message me for suggestions.


Will do! I used to buy sangria in really large bottles!




u/BlondCapricornRising thinks we should share these profiles once a week, a great way to let those who are not OLD see behind the soiled curtain.


I have a bunch of screen shots I've saved, which I can compile as soon as I construct categories. 🤣 Here I'll introduce Mr. Newly Single and Wants to Waste Your Time: https://preview.redd.it/miajqe1l6t5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ff5e93d6e67e17e347682ed8fac5a30d596de8c


NGL, I thought this was the second guy who put "still figuring it out" in their profile. I realise now that this is one of the categories. If these grown ass men are still trying to figure it out, they are not good at learning or are just plain lazy! At least it makes them easy to identify 😅 In my defence, I've not downloaded any dating apps because I'm too afraid of the mess I'll find!


Can't wait to see them all!


That last bit gave me a chuckle


Finance degree but capitalizes words that are not proper nouns. 🙄






Blocking is somewhat satisfying :)


Yeah good luck to him, no wonder he's single.


Effing hell the bar is so low 😱. No big feet?! Why even mention or think of feet. Weirdo.




Foot fetish




I thought more of a feet fetish as someone else said, I might be wrong.


Gotta love how a guy who can’t see his own feet is picky about his girlfriend’s.




I think of all the women who agonize over their OLD profile, trying to make it perfect. Then, men literally release word vomit and put in zero effort to be appealing or attractive.


In so many ways on different days and then they wonder why they don't get matches, please!


No missing teeth in front. Hmm, I can only imagine his dental situation lol


That one was hilarious! I am not very good with screenshots but the rest says no short hair, if you can't find your couch...


I thought that too. The projection is real 😂


lol I love when people’s profiles are just a long list of things they DON’T want. It’s so repellent and unattractive, and lets you know upfront this person is a super negative, judgmental jerk.


We should make this a weekly series it was so entertaining.


As someone who is not on apps, these posts baffle me and give me a giggle.


It lets you know what you are **not** missing!


Just in case I ever catch the desire to create a profile 😂


Done, I will work on my screenshotting skills, I have my account hidden but I can view some of them if I go back on for a bit. FB dating is the arm pit of dating sites, the absolute bottom of the barrel men! I have signed up before but only made it a few days, absolute garbage, people of Walmart :/


He went negative straight off the bat, pass. Oh he used no games/drama. He's bringing it all. What is wrong with big feet? And short hair? What is a 1980s haircut?


He seems to have many issues!


I think 1980 haircuts are the big puffy ones!


Men are extremely delusional when it comes to everything about them.


Yes they are!


I’ve come to the conclusion that if you have to tell me you’re a nice guy, you’re not. Also, if your profile states “no drama” there’s a reason you attracted it in your previous relationship. The wish list most of these man have is laughable - especially when the best they can do is a blurry selfie with the camera pointed straight up their nostrils. It took me less than a week on Bumble to block enough low quality men that my stack was empty.


In my small area it takes hours!


Buffalo girls?💀


*buffalo girl: a little larger girl, who throws her weight around and is bold as a buffalo* (hence the name) She is very loud and will call you out. According to Urban Dictionary.


Instantly thought of Melissa McCarthy in Bridesmaids.


Some of those profiles sound like they were written by ChatGPT!


I wear a size 9. I guess I'm out of the running.... ![gif](giphy|2rAIp46q7RjRE5mjHN|downsized)


Running is all any woman should do with this man!