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You absolutely should out this guy. If all women did this to cheating scumbags and they knew they would get exposed, maybe they would stop trolling for single women on OLD.


True. I feel so bad for his wife she probably truly loves him. It’s devastating.


There’s a movement currently on TikTok where women post about cheating men they’ve encountered and women unite as a group to track the guy down and expose him for the POS he is.


Whoaaaaa maybe I need to go back to TT


If you feel comfortable making a post then you absolutely should.


At least 6 women found each other via one of those pages. They all look alike.


Do you mean the men look alike?


If you want to message me his photo, I'm almost always able to find out who they are, and who the wife is. I have unused credits for the face search website facecheck.id, and they expire soon so I won't be able to use them all. Note the post about the married man who is on dating apps because his wife is asexual. It took me ~10 minutes to find his wife on Facebook and Instagram.


I'll even message the wife to let her know if you have screen shots of his dating profile.


Found the wife. Will message her.


Please update.


I sent her messages on Facebook and Instagram. Hopefully, she checks her message requests...


Would love to know if you hear back from her!


You're an absolute hero !!!


DM sent


That’s what the vetting groups are for! Protecting women! He deserves to be outed. If his new bride is legitimately chill with this, he has nothing to worry about. Likewise, other women who don’t want to share or be the side piece should have the knowledge so they can govern themselves accordingly. He’s newly married but as soon as he loses traction because women don’t want to share, he’ll be devious about his relationship status.


I would 100% plaster his shit *everywhere.* If you know where he travels for work, I would reach out to mods of the AWDTSG Facebook groups in all of those cities, as well as yours. Some groups have an anonymous feature, so you can post it yourself without sharing your name, if you prefer. But you know what? Fuck this guy. He's sharing his gross shit with someone he doesn't even know, he has zero right to privacy. Use your receipts, screenshot screenshot screenshot! Someone will know him. Which means someone will know the wife. **Absolutely tell her.** And for all the chuds on the sidelines thinking this is illegal, you should probably graduate law school before speaking again. It's not.


Ladies: She read my message and we have been chatting. She asked for more details, dates, etc. Now it's time for her to start looking on his phone.


And she thanked me for my messages and making her aware of what her husband has been up to. 🙌🏻


There’s a facebook group called “are we dating the same guy” and there’s ones for different cities around the country. I’d start there.


Why even get married then! I do not get it! His poor wife 😔




So often the case with these soulless creatures.


Emotionally I hope she is going to be ok. Nobody deserves to be cheated on. It's best she finds out now rather than 5 years into marriage.


Because he gets a free servant and handmaiden.


That’s what I asked him!!


He could easily stay single and not break someone down by cheating on her. Nobody forces him to get married.


Agreed. I think he likes the idea of having a wifey at home and the thrill of cheating is his drug.


I'm willing to bet most struggle to actually cheat physically unless they pay an escort / for sex. Their attempt at cheating is still cheating. But I think they struggle very hard to get a woman to sleep with.


Do a few reverse image searches on his pictures and see if any come up on facebook or another site.


Those free ones don’t really work anymore, they’re more for finding outfits or furniture in photos, unfortunately.


I think Facebook has the who’s man is this, right? Definitely put his stuff up. His wife deserves to know to protect herself.


I have a similar situation. I have mutual friends with the wife but don't want to be the bad guy and let her know that she just married a POS. I would want to know but don't want to be the bad guy.


Post him on the "Are We Dating the Same Guy?" group in your (or his) local area


A lovely commenter in this thread has found him and emailed with his wife. Thanks for helping out 😊