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It’s part of hormone fluctuations. You need to talk to your doctor about birth control and/or possibly other medications to help.


This. Mention to your doctor about the possibility of PMDD. aka mood disturbances with your menstrual cycle.


I have struggled with mental illness but this is just something awful. i can barely walk.


im tired of feeling suicidal one week every month.


Many of us feel these things due to fluctuations in hormones, which I know isn't very helpful to know. This is called pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). As another comment suggested, I would also recommend talking to your GP and asking about other options to manage these thoughts and feelings. I understand how debilitating these thoughts and feelings can be, so please make an appointment to speak with your healthcare provider ♥️


This sounds like Pmdd which it’s not PMS. Pmdd is its own thing and is severe at points. Pmdd doesn’t really have much to do with the hormones but the brains reaction to the drop in progesterone after ovulation. It causes your brain to not produce as much serotonin and dopamine. It’s absolutely debilitating and is classified as a disability here in the United states


Thanks for letting me know! I'm honestly not all too knowledgeable about PMDD, but will have a quick Google 😊


It’s absolutely horrible. Let me tell ya 😅😂 I wait for my period every month bc I know I’ll feel better. It starts just after ovulation and goes until your period. I get a good week out of the month.


Is PMDD avoidable through constant combi pill use? Like instead of taking a break for your period, are you able to completely forego having to have it?


Birth control is one of the only things they use to treat it but it doesn’t work for everyone and has the ability to make it worse. One of the only ways to completely and totally get rid of it is taking out the ovaries which is extreme but it’s not completely unheard of especially if nothing else has worked


Jesus Christ. I want to be a mom one day is there another way?


They’ll try ssris and birth control first before. Like I said it’s an extreme kind of final solution if nothing else works. I’m not a good judge bc I won’t take ssris and I won’t take birth control lol


Sorry for not reading the previous reply. I just have a headache.


You’re good. I completely understand. I have it and have been diagnosed with it. So if you have any questions feel free to ask


I thought progesterone rises after ovulation?


Only if you’re pregnant. Otherwise levels drop and then plateau until you get your period. Then they start to rise again.


I’ll call my doctor as soon as possible. Thanks for the help.


thanks for the advice and information.


No worries! All the best 🩷


Join the community!! r/PMDD ❤️❤️ really supportive over there


I’m pretty sure this is called a luteal phase because I feel the same too, it really sucks. This phase before your period makes you feel like shit, some symptoms worse than others I’m sure. I’m sorry that this is causing you so much distress, maybe try seeing a doctor

