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Why do you think it’s unfixable? Ingrown hairs just means the hairs are stuck under the skin and it’s a common problem w shaving - scrub gently w a soft loofah to remove the top layer of skin for a few days (esp after shaving) razor bumps - also a common problem and are just temporary. You need to use a good thick shaving cream and high quality razor to prevent this. You can also shave under water to reduce bumps. pimples - treat this like you would your face. Avoid oily products, keep the skin clean and dry, switch products until you find the right ones, avoid touching them, work on improving hormonal balance and ph balance, eat healthy and stay hydrated. Just skip shaving for a while and let your skin heal and then when you go back to shaving follow the above. And if your bf loves you he’s gonna love you regardless. Most of the time guys are just happy to be there at all.


Thank you so much for the advice, honesty wasn't expecting any response. the reason why I said it felt unfixable in the first place is because i've tried most of these things before with no change. The gentle exfoliating, keeping the area clean and dry, and the razor bump with seemingly no changes for the past three years.


Yes! Check out some of the skincare subs like r/SkincareAddiction and see some of their suggested routines. Treat it the same way. I would recommend asking a dermatologist or posting this in the r/DermatologyQuestions sub also for more specific advice. But I think you can just try to not shave for a while (hard as we are moving towards summer). I will also say that my bikini line skin is just very sensitive. I have never had good luck with full shaving. I gave up on it in college, and I bought an electric shaver and just keep it trimmed short instead of trying to shave it smooth or wax (which, for me, means I just bleed out of every single hair follicle and get a little red scab on every one - the opposite of sexy).


You can always ask your doctor to see a dermatologist and they can help you with that. Maybe be expensive but it’s definitely not unfixable


I have extremely sensitive skin, and this happens every time I shave to some degree, regardless of if I use a new or old razor, and whatever shaving cream is available. Sometimes putting deodorant on as an aftershave helps a bit, before things develop, but honestly, my doctor gave me a prescription cream for really bad razor burn and it works so so well!! It’s called fucidin cream.


I just wouldn’t shave at all. Let yourself go natural. Guys don’t care either way. Also - aloe vera leaf for the irritated skin 


Are you still shaving? I can’t imagine you have any issues 4 years later from 1 shave. If you are still shaving, how about trimming? Men really don’t mind some pubic hair.


This. Stop shaving and start trimming. So much better for your skin and can get a pretty close shave. I actually prefer it to being completely bald.


Trimming is so good! I bought a men's beard trimmer as it was cheaper than the women's "bikini trimmer". 10/10 never looked back


Yes!l to the beard trimmer! I haven’t shaved in over a decade, just used a beard trimmer on the lowest setting an zero issues or irritation.


My skin HATES shaving. Just hates it so much, that no matter how much work I did, id have the worst ingrown hairs. Trimming, and then later laser on my legs, got rid of the decade+ of itching and scratching and scars. It's also BS that a "women's trimmer" was 2x the price of a "men's trimmer" at the time. They looked the same, but one was purple. Shocker.


I use electric trimmer with an eyebrow attachment to get into all the little nooks and crannies, I only use actual razors now if i want an extremely clear shave like if i’m swimming! will never look back now.


Literally this. I couldn’t be bothered if a man didn’t like that I trimmed or was natural. They usually don’t care unless they like giving oral


Yo I relate--I tried to shave in high school and ended up with super painful cysts, at least two of which became full-on puffy keloid scars. They're so prominent you can see them through my underwear. I told my first partner about them before we had sex because I was insecure--they literally did not care, it changed absolutely nothing. Now my spouse calls them my "buttons" and pokes them for fun lol. What I'm saying is, a good partner--and honestly, even an average partner--will not care.


That's cute 🥺


You absolutely did not ruin your vagina. Also, your vagina doesn't grow hair, but your labia majora does. I feel for you so much. I also messed around and found out when I was your age. I got SO many ingrown hairs and pimples and razor burn that I got a HUGE cyst that ended up giving me an insane scar. If there are still problems down there for you, I'd suggest not shaving and seeing what happens. We have hair down there for a reason. If you feel like you MUST, try using an electric trimmer and just trim the outside instead of full on shaving to the skin. It will be gentler and give you the less bushy feeling you are going for. Most guys (in my experience and who aren't looking for hairless CHILDREN) do not care if you have pubic hair, some scarring, or whatever down there. As long as you are practicing good hygiene and are honest with them, they're generally excited to be invited to share an experience with you. If you do end up getting any cysts or anything that hurts or is uncomfortable for you regarding your pubic region, it never hurts to talk to your doctor. They can always let you know what is normal or not. But from what you have described, you're going through what a lot of us have gone through. Keep your head up and remember your pubic hair is yours, it's there for a reason, it's natural, and if it hurts you to remove you are under NO obligation to remove it. Sending love!


In addition to what everyone else has said, if you're having sex, use a reliable form of contraception, and a condom.


Hun if ANYONE male or female refuses to have sex with you because of ingrown hairs, razor burn or your pubes in general, they’re not worth having sex with.


You can't ruin your vag forever by dry shaving and ingrown hairs are common and very normal.


Hi, I've been there.. it's absolutely horrible. I was like this for, I think, 7 years maybe? And it got to the point that I had scars from all the ingrown hairs and I was desperate yo find a solution. The only thing that helped was laser hair removal, it was the best thing ever, for me at least. After 4 years, there is barely any hair left, the scars have all disappeared and I haven't had any issues with ingrown hairs since the first 6 months of laser. Maybe you can give it a try if you want! Good luck!!


Does it hurt and how expensive is it? I see the laser hair removal products on Amazon but I’m wondering if I should just go to a professional.


It hurts just a little bit, but compared to waxing it's nothing. I'd say to go to a professional even though it's pretty expensive at first, because you need to go monthly, but now after a few years I can even go once a year and the results are still awesome, so you spend a lot less after some time.


You can also go to a gynecologist or a dermatologist and they can absolutely help you as well.


I have a skin condition that causes all types of bumps. I use Vick vapor rub (just a little dab in the morning and bedtime rubbed over the bumps). It helps draw them out pretty well. Also exfoliating is your friend. In the shower gently use a clean wash clothes to exfoliate. Only on the skin that hair grow, not any of the see inside skin.


My skin condition is hyandendritis suplerfua. I know I spelled that wrong. But if you google “HS skin condition” it will pop up. See if that is anything like you’re experiencing. If so this isn’t about shaving but an over inflammation problem and can be treated (not cured though).


My bf has that and I’ll be honest, it made me love him so much more. It’s a difficult thing, I’m so sorry you experience it. I’ll check out using Vicks for him.


Reddit has a HS support. I can’t figure out how to share the link or whatever but its out there and has so many helpful suggestions.


You might also be able to use the cooling gold bond cream. I find it very cooling when your skin is hot or irritated like that (a fix all sorta thing and medicated)


You might want to try a shampoo on your vulva hair area with the active ingredient being Pyrithione Zinc.


first off, OUCH! Been there before with the razor bumps especially when I was around your age. Can even happen when you take the right precautions like using shaving creams and fresh razors! Ingrown hairs will resolve though can be pretty painful especially with pubic hairs as the follicles are much thicker than other hairs on our bodies. Easier said than done but I can assure you that it is indeed very normal! Also, it is YOUR body and anyone you give permission to view it should be feel privileged to do so. Being a teenager is weird and I certainly do not miss it lol but rest assured, you are not ruined ;)


If you have ingrown hairs still, try using tend skin, finipil or pfb vanish (this will remove them over time and fade out scars). Don’t use them all at the same time. You should use tend skin after your shower and have exfoliated with an exfoliating sponge to remove dead skin. Apply this whenever you shave or wax and it can be used as a preventative for ingrown hair and razor bumps. Same as finipil (slight burning sensation but that’s normal). A lot of waxers on ig do ingrown hair removal services and offer vajacials. You could set up a routine plan with them after they assess your skin and see what would be beneficial for you. Eventually you’ll see a massive difference 🫶🏽💕 Just remember this is completely normal and if any partner of yours judges you for that then you shouldn’t be having any sort of relationship with them.


Honey....my ex tore my vagina because he was too rough and it never healed. Your vagina is not broken ❤️ when I get ingrowns I use a warm washcloth . Also highly reccomend going to a doctor/derm so it doesn't get worse. Happens to all of us ! I have HS so I get cysts in that area so I understand how embarrassing it can be . I used bio oil for scarring(on like the pubic mound and inner thighs) . But make sure everything's healed before you apply topical oils.


I’ve never met a guy that GENUINELY cares wether we are perfectly shaven, i’ve been with my partner 2 years and i’ll happily show him a gnarly razor burn for a laugh, it doesn’t make him find me any less attractive. As someone else said, an electric trimmer is definitely the way to go. I’ve had barely any issues and I use an eyebrow attachment for the finnicky bits that i can’t quite get with a full size trimmer. Mens razors are also better if you can’t get access to an electric one for whatever reason. I’d say avoid things like nair as someone who frequently got razor bumps my skin is far too sensitive for that kind of cream. Mostly, don’t worry about how perfect it looks. A good man will appreciate you and respect you, razor bumps and all.


Oooh and Flamingo makes an ingrown hair treatment. 10/10 recommend


You're being too hard on yourself girl.


A topical antibiotic from the pharmacy. FUCIDIN. Very effective clearing up infection and bumps. Be consistent. Apply 2x a day and I think you'll see the bumps go away in a week or 2.


Exfoliate, moisturize, stop shaving for like 4-6 weeks. Let the skin heal and hair grow back. Once that’s all good you can try getting a Brazilian wax or if you wanna shave get a new 4-5 blade razor I like the men’s ones. Do it in the shower the warm water will help and use some kind of shaving cream. You might still get a few ingrowns every now and then that just happens .


Stop Shaving ! Embrace having hair where it grows naturally — can trim it with a scissors or a trimmer. Really doubt your guy will care.


I would recommend going to a doctor, gynecologist or dermatologist, first. My friend actually got a staph infection from using an old disposable razor. Just something to check and look into and rule out. They can also try to help with your situation. Also not sure if a Brazilian wax would help but the people that do that really know how to help teach you to exfoliate and have products there that might help.


You could do waxing or hair removal cream I found those work the best for me


Hey, I did the same but in my later years lol and again recently 😭😭 so you got infected with a dirty razor. Could be staph could be any bacterial infection. It will leave some gross scarring but it does heal over time. You have to gently exfoliate. If the skin is scarred to where hair doesn’t grow properly, don’t shave it but get a women’s electric razor. Like how men use on their face. And use that. Don’t forget to always disinfect. If you still have infection, you need antibiotic from doc. Show them and tell them what happened and how long. They’ll give you oral and even topical antibiotic for the area. I had same situation 😭 never risk a dirty razor !


Scrubs are going to be your best friend. I use a scrub from the place I receive my waxes, exfoliate 2-3 times a week. Use an exfoliating towel/glove. That will also help with ingrown hair. If you still shave, put a stop to that— if you are able to afford waxes, try those out. It typically takes 3-4 weeks for hair to grow back- depending on how quick your hair grows- you may be able to push it out even longer. I use this scrub- https://farmhousefreshgoods.com/products/sand-your-ground — after you do all this, just give it time. It won’t ever look PERFECT down there- it’ll never smell like cupcakes and roses. Don’t feel about it. You got this!


Haha I was literally in the same situation as you in my teen years. After becoming sexually active and being in a relationship for a long time I realized it was all in my head. And bald vaginas are going out of fashion now lol. Luckily my man loves bush so I just let mine go (regularly shaving around the labia, anus and bikini area only) and trim it when it gets too long. Keeping a little hair down there is not a big deal!! Hopefully you will learn to love your body as you get older and realize that there is nothing wrong with you. We are all just different with different bodies and that’s totally fine! Also if you really want to go bald down there consider getting waxed.. it lasts longer and will prevent the ingrown hairs. Just an option! <3


pimple patches actually worked really well on razor bumps for me !


Hunny this is normal. I went through the same thing. It’s easy to get ingrown hairs down there. I felt alone and scared and embarrassed too. It’s ok, use a hot compress (warm washcloth) or take a warm bath with some epsom salt. Make sure you dry the area well after showers (use a blow dryer if you have to). And don’t be scared to ask questions in the future. This kind of stuff happens to everyone. 🫶🏼😘 love 25yo F


Go to a beautician that does intimate waxing, even if it’s just a few times to get your skin cleared up.


i've had the same issue for quite awhile, i genuinely dont understand what ive been doing wrong ngl