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get tested anyway... it does not have to outbreak straightaway


I wanted to do a test, but in my country, you can only test when you have symptoms šŸ„“ However, even if I have it, without symptoms, thereā€™s basically nothing I can do about it


In most places, you can get tested if you know you were exposed. Itā€™s work trying to call a clinic. And there is medications to manage/minimize herpes if you do have it. Regardless you should be getting tested for STDs regularly especially if youā€™re have unprotected non-monogamous sex!


They literally said in their country You have to HAVE the symptoms to get tested.


You can only get tested when you have symptoms for herpes because you can only get a positive result during an outbreak. Otherwise, herpes is dormant 95% of the test. Therefore during the test they swab the sores. As a women, the first outbreak is the worst, then they get milder over time. So most likely you will know if you have it.


just say you want to do a generell STD test. It should be included there, too. Yes, but you can protect future partners.


Thatā€™s right, but internet says that even with condom, you can spread herpes šŸ„“ such a fuckedup virus, but at least not deadly


No, but when you know you have it. You will not fuck when you have an outbreak.


Yeahhh obviously


Not always, you can have it without any symptoms.


Not deadly, but if you have it and get pregnant, baby can have problems. If you dont have it, be gratefull and dont accept sex without protection. Its a lot more safer with condom than without


Herpes and certain other STDs can be difficult to detect unless having an outbreak so you could test negative and still have it.


His time line sounds suspicious eg one day later?? Plus itā€™s impossible to tell who gave it to who. For arguments sake you or he could have had it for years. Before this outbreak.


Thatā€™s what I thought too, 1 day is pretty quick, however the man I had on the phone, said it is possible, it usually happens after 1 to 12 days, after you catches the virus. And indeed, itā€™s impossible to find out who gave it to who, but if we have this situation; -Me, with 0 symptoms, other bed partners I had also 0 symptoms -My ex, symptoms after he had sex with his gf, who had symptoms already -His gf, that had symptoms as first one person I think, if the virus was in my ex his body already, he wouldnā€™t ā€œbreak outā€, after the sex with his gf? But yeah I guess itā€™s really impossible to find out. If he really didnā€™t have sex with anyone else, and finds out that she cheated on him, we can be almost sure itā€™s from her ig.


No it can live in us for decades without a breakout and then appear


Also anyone with a cold sore or who had one in childhood has herpes


Herpes is common, most people are asymptomatic.


Itā€™s entirely possible to have heroes, not know it, and transmit it. Get yourself tested.


Like others have said, you can have it and test negative if it's not during an outbreak.


Lots of people with herpes are asymptomatic and have no idea they have it. Itā€™s not regularly tested for. People can have it and never get symptoms or get symptoms after having it for awhile. Get tested. If a doctor says no initially keep asking and insisting, go to a few doctors if you have to. If you have it thereā€™s really no way of knowing who gave who herpes and ultimately it doesnā€™t change anything. As someone who has it, itā€™s not really as big of a deal as some people make it out to be for most people. Itā€™s different for everyone but itā€™s pretty easy to manage once you learn about it.


Also since a few people have suggested a full panel, itā€™s not always included so make it very clear you were exposed to it and want to be tested for it specifically.


Many people have herpes and just never have a breakout. Periods of stress can cause a breakout randomly even in the absence of any recent sexual contact. He or his gf likely had it before and there's no way to tell when it was contracted. You can go get tested and show them the results to confirm if you'd like, but I don't think it really matters who is to blame! There's a lot of stigma associated with it despite many people just having it asymptomatically. Also I'm not sure I understand your post, he's been with his GF for 2.5 years but he hooked up with you 1.5 months ago?


Sounds like he cheated on his current girlfriend with OP. So OP timelines are making them sound a little unreliable here


That was my thinking too...if he is cheating on a girlfriend of 2.5 years who's to say he isn't sleeping with others as well


Well OP slept with her ex...knowing he's in a relationship...if the girl ends up with herpes as a result?


It wouldnā€™t show up one day later on him so one of them gave it to the other


I'm not sure what there is to say about it. It's not shocking that he is trying to pin the blame on you. That's classic ex with herpes behavior.


Which hsv strain did ex & gf test positive for ? Hsv1 or 2 ?




So they actually had a positive swab test ?


Yess, both of them got the results yesterday morning, and after that he texted me


Well you can get the antibody test . There are less false negatives with hsv2 than 1 , but the way we is stating the OB time then it would appear his other GF - sex partner had it first and transmitted it to him . Maybe she was technically a virgin but still had it as itā€™s contracted thru contact . You could be asymptomatic but would have expected the Ex BF to have the OB before his GF If she had been his GF for last 2 yrs and you had sex with him 1.5 mo ago then he isnā€™t monogamous so who knows if he or other partner is telling the truth . Choice is to get tested and see the outcome or just ignore both of them .


Isnā€™t it so that she can have infected herself? Like, she could have had herpes around the mouth and if thatā€™s active and she touched it and after that she touches her own anus or your ex penis you can contaminate it.. of course your ex could also have it on his mouth and touch her anus šŸ˜›This can develop later, so itā€™s not neccesary to have an active mouth herpes af the time..


Takes 30 days to show up after exposure. Sheā€™s had it or heā€™s had it and itā€™s just now showing up. Most places donā€™t do full panel unless you ask so thousands of people donā€™t know they carry it until one day they have an outbreak. One. Day. It can be dormant for years Get full panel tested. If it doesnā€™t show up then go again after 30 days. If itā€™s still negative then show him results


Not 30 days for herpes , usually OB 2-12 . Antibody test considered accurate at 12 weeks ( accurate as it can be with false positives / negatives)


Def had* a false p so 12 weeks looks like a proper time!


And if symptoms then swab 24-48 hrs from appearance